Exemple #1
class Validator(object):
    def __init__(self, workspace=None):
        Initialize the Validator.
        A workspace may be provided for an easy parameter configuration,
        such as location and extension of descriptors, verbosity level, etc.
        :param workspace: SONATA workspace object
        self._workspace = workspace
        self._syntax = True
        self._integrity = True
        self._topology = True

        # create "virtual" workspace if not provided (don't actually create
        # file structure)
        if not self._workspace:
            self._workspace = Workspace('.', log_level='info')

        # load configurations from workspace
        self._dext = self._workspace.default_descriptor_extension
        self._dpath = '.'
        self._log_level = self._workspace.log_level

        # configure logs

        # descriptors storage
        self._storage = DescriptorStorage()

        # syntax validation
        self._schema_validator = SchemaValidator(self._workspace)

        # reset event logger

    def errors(self):
        return evtlog.errors

    def error_count(self):
        Provides the number of errors given during validation.
        return len(self.errors)

    def warnings(self):
        return evtlog.warnings

    def warning_count(self):
        Provides the number of warnings given during validation.
        return len(self.warnings)

    def configure(self,
        Configure parameters for validation. It is recommended to call this
        function before performing a validation.
        :param syntax: specifies whether to validate syntax
        :param integrity: specifies whether to validate integrity
        :param topology: specifies whether to validate network topology
        :param dpath: directory to search for function descriptors (VNFDs)
        :param dext: extension of descriptor files (default: 'yml')
        :param debug: increase verbosity level of logger
        # assign parameters
        if syntax is not None:
            self._syntax = syntax
        if integrity is not None:
            self._integrity = integrity
        if topology is not None:
            self._topology = topology
        if dext is not None:
            self._dext = dext
        if dpath is not None:
            self._dpath = dpath
        if debug:

    def _assert_configuration(self):
        Ensures that the current configuration is compatible with the
        validation to perform. If issues are found the application is
        interrupted with the appropriate error.
        This is an internal function which must be invoked only by:
            - 'validate_package'
            - 'validate_project'
            - 'validate_service'
            - 'validate_function'
        # ensure this function is called by specific functions
        caller = inspect.stack()[1][3]
        if caller != 'validate_function' and caller != 'validate_service' and \
           caller != 'validate_project' and caller != 'validate_package':
            log.error("Cannot assert a correct configuration. Validation "
                      "scope couldn't be determined. Aborting")

        # general rules - apply to all validations
        if self._integrity and not self._syntax:
            log.error("Cannot validate integrity without validating syntax "
                      "first. Aborting.")

        if self._topology and not self._integrity:
            log.error("Cannot validate topology without validating integrity "
                      "first. Aborting.")

        if not self._syntax:
            log.error("Nothing to validate. Aborting.")

        if caller == 'validate_package':

        elif caller == 'validate_project':

        elif caller == 'validate_service':
            # check SERVICE validation parameters
            if (self._integrity or self._topology) and not \
               (self._dpath and self._dext):
                log.critical("Invalid validation parameters. To validate the "
                             "integrity or topology of a service both "
                             "'--dpath' and '--dext' parameters must be "

        elif caller == 'validate_function':

    def validate_package(self, package):
        Validate a SONATA package.
        By default, it performs the following validations: syntax, integrity
        and network topology.
        :param package: SONATA package filename
        :return: True if all validations were successful, False otherwise

        log.info("Validating package '{0}'".format(os.path.abspath(package)))

        # check if package is packed in the correct format
        if not zipfile.is_zipfile(package):

            evtlog.log("Invalid SONATA package '{}'".format(package),

        package_dir = '.' + str(time.time())
        with closing(zipfile.ZipFile(package, 'r')) as pkg:
            # extract package contents

            # set folder for deletion when program exits
            atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, package_dir)

        # validate package file structure
        if not self._validate_package_struct(package_dir):
            evtlog.log("Invalid SONATA package structure '{}'".format(package),

        pd_filename = os.path.join(package_dir, 'META-INF', 'MANIFEST.MF')
        package = self._storage.create_package(pd_filename)

        if self._syntax and not self._validate_package_syntax(package):

        if self._integrity and \
                not self._validate_package_integrity(package, package_dir):

        return True

    def validate_project(self, project):
        Validate a SONATA project.
        By default, it performs the following validations: syntax, integrity
        and network topology.
        :param project: SONATA project
        :return: True if all validations were successful, False otherwise

        log.info("Validating project '{0}'".format(project.project_root))
        log.info("... syntax: {0}, integrity: {1}, topology: {2}".format(
            self._syntax, self._integrity, self._topology))

        # retrieve project configuration
        self._dpath = project.vnfd_root
        self._dext = project.descriptor_extension

        # load all project descriptors present at source directory
        log.debug("Loading project service")
        nsd_file = Validator._load_project_service_file(project)

        return self.validate_service(nsd_file)

    def validate_service(self, nsd_file):
        Validate a SONATA service.
        By default, it performs the following validations: syntax, integrity
        and network topology.
        :param nsd_file: service descriptor filename
        :return: True if all validations were successful, False otherwise

        log.info("Validating service '{0}'".format(nsd_file))
        log.info("... syntax: {0}, integrity: {1}, topology: {2}".format(
            self._syntax, self._integrity, self._topology))

        service = self._storage.create_service(nsd_file)
        if not service:
                "Failed to read the service descriptor of file '{}'".format(
                    nsd_file), 'evt_service_invalid_descriptor')

        # validate service syntax
        if self._syntax and not self._validate_service_syntax(service):

        if self._integrity and not self._validate_service_integrity(service):

        if self._topology and not self._validate_service_topology(service):

        return True

    def validate_function(self, vnfd_path):
        Validate one or multiple SONATA functions (VNFs).
        By default, it performs the following validations: syntax, integrity
        and network topology.
        :param vnfd_path: function descriptor (VNFD) filename or
                          a directory to search for VNFDs
        :return: True if all validations were successful, False otherwise

        # validate multiple VNFs
        if os.path.isdir(vnfd_path):
            log.info("Validating functions in path '{0}'".format(vnfd_path))

            vnfd_files = list_files(vnfd_path, self._dext)
            for vnfd_file in vnfd_files:
                if not self.validate_function(vnfd_file):
            return True

        log.info("Validating function '{0}'".format(vnfd_path))
        log.info("... syntax: {0}, integrity: {1}, topology: {2}".format(
            self._syntax, self._integrity, self._topology))

        function = self._storage.create_function(vnfd_path)
        if not function:
            evtlog.log("Couldn't store VNF of file '{0}'".format(vnfd_path),

        if self._syntax and not self._validate_function_syntax(function):

        if self._integrity and not self._validate_function_integrity(function):

        if self._topology and not self._validate_function_topology(function):

        return True

    def _validate_package_struct(self, package_dir):
        Validate the file structure of a SONATA package.
        :param package_dir: directory of extracted package
        :return: True if successful, False otherwise
        # validate directory 'META-INF'
        meta_dir = os.path.join(package_dir, 'META-INF')
        if not os.path.isdir(meta_dir):
            log.error("A directory named 'META-INF' must exist, "
                      "located at the root of the package")

        if len(os.listdir(meta_dir)) > 1:
            log.error("The 'META-INF' directory must only contain the file "

        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(meta_dir, 'MANIFEST.MF')):
            log.error("A file named 'MANIFEST.MF' must exist in directory "

        # validate directory 'service_descriptors'
        services_dir = os.path.join(package_dir, 'service_descriptors')
        if os.path.isdir(services_dir):
            if len(os.listdir(services_dir)) == 0:
                log.error("The 'service_descriptors' directory must contain at"
                          " least one service descriptor file")

        # validate directory 'function_descriptors'
        functions_dir = os.path.join(package_dir, 'function_descriptors')
        if os.path.isdir(functions_dir):
            if len(os.listdir(functions_dir)) == 0:
                log.error("The 'function_descriptors' directory must contain "
                          "at least one function descriptor file")

        return True

    def _validate_package_syntax(self, package):
        Validate the syntax of the package descriptor of a SONATA
        package against its schema.
        :param package: package object to validate
        :return: True if syntax is correct, None otherwise
        log.info("Validating syntax of package descriptor '{0}'".format(
        if not self._schema_validator.validate(
                package.content, SchemaValidator.SCHEMA_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTOR):
                "Invalid syntax in MANIFEST of package: '{0}'".format(
                    package.id), 'evt_pd_stx_invalid')
        return True

    def _validate_service_syntax(self, service):
        Validate a the syntax of a service (NS) against its schema.
        :param service: service to validate
        :return: True if syntax is correct, None otherwise
        log.info("Validating syntax of service '{0}'".format(service.id))
        if not self._schema_validator.validate(
                service.content, SchemaValidator.SCHEMA_SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR):
            evtlog.log("Invalid syntax in service: '{0}'".format(service.id),
        return True

    def _validate_function_syntax(self, function):
        Validate the syntax of a function (VNF) against its schema.
        :param function: function to validate
        :return: True if syntax is correct, None otherwise
        log.info("Validating syntax of function '{0}'".format(function.id))
        if not self._schema_validator.validate(
                function.content, SchemaValidator.SCHEMA_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTOR):
            evtlog.log("Invalid syntax in function '{0}'".format(function.id),
        return True

    def _validate_package_integrity(self, package, root_dir):
        Validate the integrity of a package.
        It will validate the entry service of the package as well as its
        referenced functions.
        :param package: package object
        :return: True if syntax is correct, None otherwise
        log.info("Validating integrity of package '{0}'".format(package.id))

        # load referenced service descriptor files
        for f in package.descriptors:
            filename = os.path.join(root_dir, strip_root(f))
            log.debug("Verifying file '{0}'".format(f))
            if not os.path.isfile(filename):
                    "Referenced descriptor file '{0}' is not "
                    "packaged.".format(f), 'evt_pd_itg_invalid_reference')

            gen_md5 = generate_hash(filename)
            manif_md5 = package.md5(strip_root(f))
            if manif_md5 and gen_md5 != manif_md5:
                    "MD5 hash of file '{0}' is not equal to the "
                    "defined in package descriptor:\nGen MD5:\t{1}\n"
                    "MANIF MD5:\t{2}".format(f, gen_md5, manif_md5),

        # configure dpath for function referencing
        self.configure(dpath=os.path.join(root_dir, 'function_descriptors'))

        # finally, validate the package entry service file
        entry_service_file = os.path.join(
            root_dir, strip_root(package.entry_service_file))

        return self.validate_service(entry_service_file)

    def _validate_service_integrity(self, service):
        Validate the integrity of a service (NS).
        It checks for inconsistencies in the identifiers of connection
        points, virtual links, etc.
        :param service: service to validate
        :return: True if integrity is correct
        :param service:
        log.info("Validating integrity of service '{0}'".format(service.id))

        # get referenced function descriptors (VNFDs)
        if not self._load_service_functions(service):
            evtlog.log("Failed to read service function descriptors",

        # validate service function descriptors (VNFDs)
        for fid, function in service.functions.items():
            if not self.validate_function(function.filename):
                    "Failed to validate function descriptor '{0}'".format(
                        function.filename), 'evt_nsd_itg_function_invalid')

        # load service interfaces
        if not service.load_interfaces():
                "Couldn't load the connection points of service id='{0}'".
                format(service.id), 'evt_nsd_itg_badsection_cpoints')

        # load service links
        if not service.load_virtual_links():
                "Couldn't load virtual links of service id='{0}'".format(
                    service.id), 'evt_nsd_itg_badsection_vlinks')

        undeclared = service.find_undeclared_interfaces()
        if undeclared:
                "Virtual links section has undeclared connection "
                "points: {0}".format(undeclared),

        # check for unused interfaces
        unused_ifaces = service.find_unused_interfaces()
        if unused_ifaces:
                "Service has unused connection points: {0}".format(
                    unused_ifaces), 'evt_nsd_itg_unused_cpoint')

        # verify integrity between vnf_ids and links
        for lid, link in service.links.items():
            for iface in link.interfaces:
                if iface not in service.interfaces:
                    iface_tokens = iface.split(':')
                    if len(iface_tokens) != 2:
                            "Connection point '{0}' in virtual link "
                            "'{1}' is not defined".format(iface, lid),
                    vnf_id = iface_tokens[0]
                    function = service.mapped_function(vnf_id)
                    if not function:
                            "Function (VNF) of vnf_id='{0}' declared "
                            "in connection point '{0}' in virtual link "
                            "'{1}' is not defined".format(vnf_id, iface, lid),

        return True

    def _validate_function_integrity(self, function):
        Validate the integrity of a function (VNF).
        It checks for inconsistencies in the identifiers of connection
        points, virtual deployment units (VDUs), ...
        :param function: function to validate
        :return: True if integrity is correct
        log.info("Validating integrity of function descriptor '{0}'".format(

        # load function interfaces
        if not function.load_interfaces():
                "Couldn't load the interfaces of function id='{0}'".format(
                    function.id), 'evt_vnfd_itg_badsection_cpoints')

        # load units
        if not function.load_units():
                "Couldn't load the units of function id='{0}'".format(
                    function.id), 'evt_vnfd_itg_badsection_vdus')

        # load interfaces of units
        if not function.load_unit_interfaces():
                "Couldn't load unit interfaces of function id='{0}'".format(
                    function.id), 'evt_vnfd_itg_vdu_badsection_cpoints')

        # load function links
        if not function.load_virtual_links():
                "Couldn't load the links of function id='{0}'".format(
                    function.id), 'evt_vnfd_itg_badsection_vlinks')

        # check for undeclared interfaces
        undeclared = function.find_undeclared_interfaces()
        if undeclared:
                "Virtual links section has undeclared connection "
                "points: {0}".format(undeclared),

        # check for unused interfaces
        unused_ifaces = function.find_unused_interfaces()
        if unused_ifaces:
                "Function has unused connection points: {0}".format(
                    unused_ifaces), 'evt_vnfd_itg_unused_cpoint')

        # verify integrity between unit interfaces and units
        for lid, link in function.links.items():
            for iface in link.interfaces:
                iface_tokens = iface.split(':')
                if len(iface_tokens) > 1:
                    if iface_tokens[0] not in function.units.keys():
                            "Invalid interface id='{0}' of link id='{1}'"
                            ": Unit id='{2}' is not defined".format(
                                iface, lid, iface_tokens[0]),
        return True

    def _validate_service_topology(self, service):
        Validate the network topology of a service.
        log.info("Validating topology of service '{0}'".format(service.id))

        # build service topology graph with VNF interfaces
        service.graph = service.build_topology_graph(level=1, bridges=False)
        if not service.graph:
                "Couldn't build topology graph of service '{0}'".format(
                    service.id), 'evt_nsd_top_topgraph_failed')

        log.debug("Built topology graph of service '{0}': {1}".format(
            service.id, service.graph.edges()))

        # write service graphs with different levels and options

        if nx.is_connected(service.graph):
            log.debug("Topology graph of service '{0}' is connected".format(
                "Topology graph of service '{0}' is disconnected".format(
                    service.id), 'evt_nsd_top_topgraph_disconnected')

        # load forwarding paths
        if not service.load_forwarding_paths():
                "Couldn't load service forwarding paths. "
                "Aborting validation.", 'evt_nsd_top_badsection_fwgraph')

        # analyse forwarding paths
        for fpid, fw_path in service.fw_paths.items():
            log.debug("Building forwarding path id='{0}'".format(fpid))

            # check if number of connection points is odd
            if len(fw_path) % 2 != 0:
                    "The forwarding path id='{0}' has an odd number "
                    "of connection points".format(fpid),

            trace = service.trace_path(fw_path)
            if 'BREAK' in trace:
                    "The forwarding path id='{0}' is invalid for the "
                    "specified topology. {1} breakpoint(s) "
                    "found the path: {2}".format(fpid, trace.count('BREAK'),
                # skip further analysis on this path

            log.debug("Forwarding path id='{0}': {1}".format(fpid, trace))

            # path is valid in specified topology, let's check for cycles
            fpg = nx.Graph()
            cycles = Validator._find_graph_cycles(fpg, fpg.nodes()[0])
            if cycles and len(cycles) > 0:
                    "Found cycles forwarding path id={0}: {1}".format(
                        fpid, cycles), 'evt_nsd_top_fwpath_cycles')

        return True

    def _validate_function_topology(self, function):
        Validate the network topology of a function.
        It builds the topology graph of the function, including VDU
        :param function: function to validate
        :return: True if topology doesn't present issues
        log.info("Validating topology of function '{0}'".format(function.id))

        # build function topology graph
        function.graph = function.build_topology_graph(bridges=True)
        if not function.graph:
                "Couldn't build topology graph of function '{0}'".format(
                    function.id), 'evt_vnfd_top_topgraph_failed')

        log.debug("Built topology graph of function '{0}': {1}".format(
            function.id, function.graph.edges()))

        # check for path cycles
        #cycles = Validator._find_graph_cycles(function.graph,
        #                                      function.graph.nodes()[0])
        #if cycles and len(cycles) > 0:
        #    log.warning("Found cycles in network graph of function "
        #                "'{0}':\n{0}".format(function.id, cycles))

        return True

    def _load_service_functions(self, service):
        Loads and stores functions (VNFs) referenced in the specified service
        :param service: service
        :return: True if successful, None otherwise

        log.debug("Loading functions of the service.")

        # get VNFD file list from provided dpath
        vnfd_files = list_files(self._dpath, self._dext)
        log.debug("Found {0} descriptors in dpath='{2}': {1}".format(
            len(vnfd_files), vnfd_files, self._dpath))

        # load all VNFDs
        path_vnfs = read_descriptor_files(vnfd_files)

        # check for errors
        if 'network_functions' not in service.content:
            log.error("Service doesn't have any functions. "
                      "Missing 'network_functions' section.")

        functions = service.content['network_functions']
        if functions and not path_vnfs:
            log.error("Service references VNFs but none could be found in "
                      "'{0}'. Please specify another '--dpath'".format(

        # store function descriptors referenced in the service
        for function in functions:
            fid = build_descriptor_id(function['vnf_vendor'],
            if fid not in path_vnfs.keys():
                log.error("Referenced function descriptor id='{0}' couldn't "
                          "be loaded".format(fid))

            vnf_id = function['vnf_id']
            new_func = self._storage.create_function(path_vnfs[fid])
            service.associate_function(new_func, vnf_id)

        return True

    def _load_project_service_file(project):
        Load descriptors from a SONATA SDK project.
        :param project: SDK project
        :return: True if successful, False otherwise

        # load project service descriptor (NSD)
        nsd_files = project.get_ns_descriptor()
        if not nsd_files:
                "Couldn't find a service descriptor in project '[0}'".format(
                    project.project_root), 'evt_project_service_invalid')
            return False

        if len(nsd_files) > 1:
                "Found multiple service descriptors in project "
                "'{0}': {1}".format(project.project_root, nsd_files),
            return False

        return nsd_files[0]

    def _find_graph_cycles(graph, node, prev_node=None, backtrace=None):

        if not backtrace:
            backtrace = []

        # get node's neighbors
        neighbors = graph.neighbors(node)

        # remove previous node from neighbors
        if prev_node:

        # ensure node has neighbors
        if not len(neighbors) > 0:
            return None

        # check is this node was already visited
        if node in backtrace:
            cycle = backtrace[backtrace.index(node):]
            return cycle

        # mark this node as visited and trace it

        # iterate through neighbor nodes
        for neighbor in neighbors:
            return Validator._find_graph_cycles(graph,
        return backtrace

    def write_service_graphs(self, service):
        graphsdir = 'graphs'
        except OSError as exc:
            if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(graphsdir):

        g = service.build_topology_graph(level=3, bridges=False)

        for lvl in range(0, 4):
            g = service.build_topology_graph(level=lvl, bridges=False)
                             "{0}-lvl{1}.graphml".format(service.id, lvl)))
            g = service.build_topology_graph(level=lvl, bridges=True)
                             "{0}-lvl{1}-br.graphml".format(service.id, lvl)))
Exemple #2
class Validator(object):

    def __init__(self, workspace=None):
        Initialize the Validator.
        A workspace may be provided for an easy parameter configuration,
        such as location and extension of descriptors, verbosity level, etc.
        :param workspace: SONATA workspace object
        self._workspace = workspace
        self._syntax = True
        self._integrity = True
        self._topology = True

        # create "virtual" workspace if not provided (don't actually create
        # file structure)
        if not self._workspace:
            self._workspace = Workspace('.', log_level='info')

        # load configurations from workspace
        self._dext = self._workspace.default_descriptor_extension
        self._dpath = '.'
        self._log_level = self._workspace.log_level

        # configure logs

        # descriptors storage
        self._storage = DescriptorStorage()

        # syntax validation
        self._schema_validator = SchemaValidator(self._workspace)

        # wrapper to count number of errors and warnings
        log.error = CountCalls(log.error)
        log.warning = CountCalls(log.warning)

    def error_count(self):
        Provides the number of errors given during validation.
        return log.error.counter

    def warning_count(self):
        Provides the number of warnings given during validation.
        return log.warning.counter

    def configure(self, syntax=None, integrity=None, topology=None,
                  dpath=None, dext=None, debug=False):
        Configure parameters for validation. It is recommended to call this
        function before performing a validation.
        :param syntax: specifies whether to validate syntax
        :param integrity: specifies whether to validate integrity
        :param topology: specifies whether to validate network topology
        :param dpath: directory to search for function descriptors (VNFDs)
        :param dext: extension of descriptor files (default: 'yml')
        :param debug: increase verbosity level of logger
        # assign parameters
        if syntax is not None:
            self._syntax = syntax
        if integrity is not None:
            self._integrity = integrity
        if topology is not None:
            self._topology = topology
        if dext is not None:
            self._dext = dext
        if dpath is not None:
            self._dpath = dpath
        if debug:

    def _assert_configuration(self):
        Ensures that the current configuration is compatible with the
        validation to perform. If issues are found the application is
        interrupted with the appropriate error.
        This is an internal function which must be invoked only by:
            - 'validate_package'
            - 'validate_project'
            - 'validate_service'
            - 'validate_function'
        # ensure this function is called by specific functions
        caller = inspect.stack()[1][3]
        if caller != 'validate_function' and caller != 'validate_service' and \
           caller != 'validate_project' and caller != 'validate_package':
            log.error("Cannot assert a correct configuration. Validation "
                      "scope couldn't be determined. Aborting")

        # general rules - apply to all validations
        if self._integrity and not self._syntax:
            log.error("Cannot validate integrity without validating syntax "
                      "first. Aborting.")

        if self._topology and not self._integrity:
            log.error("Cannot validate topology without validating integrity "
                      "first. Aborting.")

        if not self._syntax:
            log.error("Nothing to validate. Aborting.")

        if caller == 'validate_package':

        elif caller == 'validate_project':

        elif caller == 'validate_service':
            # check SERVICE validation parameters
            if (self._integrity or self._topology) and not \
               (self._dpath and self._dext):
                log.critical("Invalid validation parameters. To validate the "
                             "integrity or topology of a service both "
                             "'--dpath' and '--dext' parameters must be "

        elif caller == 'validate_function':

    def validate_package(self, package):
        Validate a SONATA package.
        By default, it performs the following validations: syntax, integrity
        and network topology.
        :param package: SONATA package filename
        :return: True if all validations were successful, False otherwise

        log.info("Validating package '{0}'".format(os.path.abspath(package)))

        # check if package is packed in the correct format
        if not zipfile.is_zipfile(package):
            log.error("Invalid SONATA package '{}'".format(package))

        package_dir = '.' + str(time.time())
        with closing(zipfile.ZipFile(package, 'r')) as pkg:
            # extract package contents

            # set folder for deletion when program exits
            atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, package_dir)

        # validate package file structure
        if not self._validate_package_struct(package_dir):

        pd_filename = os.path.join(package_dir, 'META-INF', 'MANIFEST.MF')
        package = self._storage.create_package(pd_filename)

        if self._syntax and not self._validate_package_syntax(package):

        if self._integrity and \
                not self._validate_package_integrity(package, package_dir):

        return True

    def validate_project(self, project):
        Validate a SONATA project.
        By default, it performs the following validations: syntax, integrity
        and network topology.
        :param project: SONATA project
        :return: True if all validations were successful, False otherwise

        log.info("Validating project '{0}'".format(project.project_root))
        log.info("... syntax: {0}, integrity: {1}, topology: {2}"
                 .format(self._syntax, self._integrity, self._topology))

        # retrieve project configuration
        self._dpath = project.vnfd_root
        self._dext = project.descriptor_extension

        # load all project descriptors present at source directory
        log.debug("Loading project service")
        nsd_file = Validator._load_project_service_file(project)

        return self.validate_service(nsd_file)

    def validate_service(self, nsd_file):
        Validate a SONATA service.
        By default, it performs the following validations: syntax, integrity
        and network topology.
        :param nsd_file: service descriptor filename
        :return: True if all validations were successful, False otherwise

        log.info("Validating service '{0}'".format(nsd_file))
        log.info("... syntax: {0}, integrity: {1}, topology: {2}"
                 .format(self._syntax, self._integrity, self._topology))

        service = self._storage.create_service(nsd_file)
        if not service:
            log.error("Failed to read the service descriptor of file '{}'"

        # validate service syntax
        if self._syntax and not self._validate_service_syntax(service):

        if self._integrity and not self._validate_service_integrity(service):

        if self._topology and not self._validate_service_topology(service):

        return True

    def validate_function(self, vnfd_path):
        Validate one or multiple SONATA functions (VNFs).
        By default, it performs the following validations: syntax, integrity
        and network topology.
        :param vnfd_path: function descriptor (VNFD) filename or
                          a directory to search for VNFDs
        :return: True if all validations were successful, False otherwise

        # validate multiple VNFs
        if os.path.isdir(vnfd_path):
            log.info("Validating functions in path '{0}'".format(vnfd_path))

            vnfd_files = list_files(vnfd_path, self._dext)
            for vnfd_file in vnfd_files:
                if not self.validate_function(vnfd_file):
            return True

        log.info("Validating function '{0}'".format(vnfd_path))
        log.info("... syntax: {0}, integrity: {1}, topology: {2}"
                 .format(self._syntax, self._integrity, self._topology))

        function = self._storage.create_function(vnfd_path)
        if not function:
            log.critical("Couldn't store VNF of file '{0}'".format(vnfd_path))

        if self._syntax and not self._validate_function_syntax(function):

        if self._integrity and not self._validate_function_integrity(function):

        if self._topology and not self._validate_function_topology(function):

        return True

    def _validate_package_struct(self, package_dir):
        Validate the file structure of a SONATA package.
        :param package_dir: directory of extracted package
        :return: True if successful, False otherwise
        # validate directory 'META-INF'
        meta_dir = os.path.join(package_dir, 'META-INF')
        if not os.path.isdir(meta_dir):
            log.error("A directory named 'META-INF' must exist, "
                      "located at the root of the package")

        if len(os.listdir(meta_dir)) > 1:
            log.error("The 'META-INF' directory must only contain the file "

        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(meta_dir, 'MANIFEST.MF')):
            log.error("A file named 'MANIFEST.MF' must exist in directory "

        # validate directory 'service_descriptors'
        services_dir = os.path.join(package_dir, 'service_descriptors')
        if os.path.isdir(services_dir):
            if len(os.listdir(services_dir)) == 0:
                log.error("The 'service_descriptors' directory must contain at"
                          " least one service descriptor file")

        # validate directory 'function_descriptors'
        functions_dir = os.path.join(package_dir, 'function_descriptors')
        if os.path.isdir(functions_dir):
            if len(os.listdir(functions_dir)) == 0:
                log.error("The 'function_descriptors' directory must contain "
                          "at least one function descriptor file")

        return True

    def _validate_package_syntax(self, package):
        Validate the syntax of the package descriptor of a SONATA
        package against its schema.
        :param package: package object to validate
        :return: True if syntax is correct, None otherwise
        log.info("Validating syntax of package descriptor '{0}'"
        if not self._schema_validator.validate(
              package.content, SchemaValidator.SCHEMA_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTOR):
            log.error("Invalid syntax in MANIFEST of package: '{0}'"
        return True

    def _validate_service_syntax(self, service):
        Validate a the syntax of a service (NS) against its schema.
        :param service: service to validate
        :return: True if syntax is correct, None otherwise
        log.info("Validating syntax of service '{0}'".format(service.id))
        if not self._schema_validator.validate(
              service.content, SchemaValidator.SCHEMA_SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR):
            log.error("Invalid syntax in service: '{0}'".format(service.id))
        return True

    def _validate_function_syntax(self, function):
        Validate the syntax of a function (VNF) against its schema.
        :param function: function to validate
        :return: True if syntax is correct, None otherwise
        log.info("Validating syntax of function '{0}'".format(function.id))
        if not self._schema_validator.validate(
              function.content, SchemaValidator.SCHEMA_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTOR):
            log.error("Invalid syntax in function '{0}'".format(function.id))
        return True

    def _validate_package_integrity(self, package, root_dir):
        Validate the integrity of a package.
        It will validate the entry service of the package as well as its
        referenced functions.
        :param package: package object
        :return: True if syntax is correct, None otherwise
        log.info("Validating integrity of package '{0}'".format(package.id))

        # load referenced service descriptor files
        for f in package.descriptors:
            filename = os.path.join(root_dir, strip_root(f))
            log.debug("Verifying file '{0}'".format(f))
            if not os.path.isfile(filename):
                log.error("Referenced descriptor file '{0}' is not "

            gen_md5 = generate_hash(filename)
            manif_md5 = package.md5(strip_root(f))
            if manif_md5 and gen_md5 != manif_md5:
                log.warning("MD5 hash of file '{0}' is not equal to the "
                          "defined in package descriptor:\nGen MD5:\t{1}\n"
                          "MANIF MD5:\t{2}"
                          .format(f, gen_md5, manif_md5))

        # configure dpath for function referencing
        self.configure(dpath=os.path.join(root_dir, 'function_descriptors'))

        # finally, validate the package entry service file
        entry_service_file = os.path.join(
            root_dir, strip_root(package.entry_service_file))

        return self.validate_service(entry_service_file)

    def _validate_service_integrity(self, service):
        Validate the integrity of a service (NS).
        It checks for inconsistencies in the identifiers of connection
        points, virtual links, etc.
        :param service: service to validate
        :return: True if integrity is correct
        :param service:
        log.info("Validating integrity of service '{0}'".format(service.id))

        # get referenced function descriptors (VNFDs)
        if not self._load_service_functions(service):
            log.error("Failed to read service function descriptors")

        # load service interfaces
        if not service.load_interfaces():
            log.error("Couldn't load the interfaces of service id='{0}'"

        # load service links
        if not service.load_links():
            log.error("Couldn't load the links of service id='{0}'"

        # verify integrity between vnf_ids and links
        for lid, link in service.links.items():
            for iface in link.iface_pair:
                if iface not in service.interfaces:
                    iface_tokens = iface.split(':')
                    if len(iface_tokens) != 2:
                        log.error("Connection point '{0}' in virtual link "
                                  "'{1}' is not defined"
                                  .format(iface, lid))
                    vnf_id = iface_tokens[0]
                    function = service.mapped_function(vnf_id)
                    if not function:
                        log.error("Function (VNF) of vnf_id='{0}' declared "
                                  "in connection point '{0}' in virtual link "
                                  "'{1}' is not defined"
                                  .format(vnf_id, iface, lid))

        # validate service function descriptors (VNFDs)
        for fid, function in service.functions.items():
            if not self.validate_function(function.filename):

        return True

    def _validate_function_integrity(self, function):
        Validate the integrity of a function (VNF).
        It checks for inconsistencies in the identifiers of connection
        points, virtual deployment units (VDUs), ...
        :param function: function to validate
        :return: True if integrity is correct
        log.info("Validating integrity of function descriptor '{0}'"

        # load function interfaces
        if not function.load_interfaces():
            log.error("Couldn't load the interfaces of function id='{0}'"

        # load units
        if not function.load_units():
            log.error("Couldn't load the units of function id='{0}'"

        # load interfaces of units
        if not function.load_unit_interfaces():
            log.error("Couldn't load unit interfaces of function id='{0}'"

        # load function links
        if not function.load_links():
            log.error("Couldn't load the links of function id='{0}'"

        # verify integrity between unit interfaces and units
        for lid, link in function.links.items():
            for iface in link.iface_pair:
                iface_tokens = iface.split(':')
                if len(iface_tokens) > 1:
                    if iface_tokens[0] not in function.units.keys():
                        log.error("Invalid interface id='{0}' of link id='{1}'"
                                  ": Unit id='{2}' is not defined"
                                  .format(iface, lid, iface_tokens[0]))
        return True

    def _validate_service_topology(self, service):
        Validate the network topology of a service.
        log.info("Validating topology of service '{0}'".format(service.id))

        # build service topology graph
        service.build_topology_graph(deep=False, interfaces=True,

        log.debug("Built topology graph of service '{0}': {1}"
                  .format(service.id, service.graph.edges()))

        if nx.is_connected(service.graph):
            log.debug("Topology graph of service '{0}' is connected"
            log.warning("Topology graph of service '{0}' is disconnected"

        # load forwarding paths
        if not service.load_forwarding_paths():
            log.error("Couldn't load service forwarding paths")

        # analyse forwarding paths
        for fpid, fw_path in service.fw_paths.items():
            trace = service.trace_path(fw_path)
            if 'BREAK' in trace:
                log.warning("The forwarding path id='{0}' is invalid for the "
                            "specified topology. {1} breakpoints were "
                            "found in the path: {2}"
                            .format(fpid, trace.count('BREAK'), trace))
                # skip further analysis on this path

            # path is valid in specified topology, let's check for cycles
            fpg = nx.Graph()
            cycles = Validator._find_graph_cycles(fpg, fpg.nodes()[0])
            if cycles and len(cycles) > 0:
                log.warning("Found cycles forwarding path id={0}: {1}"
                            .format(fpid, cycles))

        # TODO: find a more coherent method to do this
        nx.write_graphml(service.graph, "{0}.graphml".format(service.id))
        return True

    def _validate_function_topology(self, function):
        Validate the network topology of a function.
        It builds the topology graph of the function, including VDU
        :param function: function to validate
        :return: True if topology doesn't present issues
        log.info("Validating topology of function '{0}'"

        # build function topology graph

        log.debug("Built topology graph of function '{0}': {1}"
                  .format(function.id, function.graph.edges()))

        # check for path cycles
        cycles = Validator._find_graph_cycles(function.graph,
        if cycles and len(cycles) > 0:
            log.warning("Found cycles in network graph of function "
                        "'{0}':\n{0}".format(function.id, cycles))

        return True

    def _load_service_functions(self, service):
        Loads and stores functions (VNFs) referenced in the specified service
        :param service: service
        :return: True if successful, None otherwise

        log.debug("Loading functions of the service.")

        # get VNFD file list from provided dpath
        vnfd_files = list_files(self._dpath, self._dext)
        log.debug("Found {0} descriptors in dpath='{2}': {1}"
                  .format(len(vnfd_files), vnfd_files, self._dpath))

        # load all VNFDs
        path_vnfs = read_descriptor_files(vnfd_files)

        # check for errors
        if 'network_functions' not in service.content:
            log.error("Service doesn't have any functions. "
                      "Missing 'network_functions' section.")

        functions = service.content['network_functions']
        if functions and not path_vnfs:
            log.error("Service references VNFs but none could be found in "
                      "'{0}'. Please specify another '--dpath'"

        # store function descriptors referenced in the service
        for function in functions:
            fid = build_descriptor_id(function['vnf_vendor'],
            if fid not in path_vnfs.keys():
                log.error("Referenced function descriptor id='{0}' couldn't "
                          "be found in path '{1}'".format(fid, self._dpath))

            vnf_id = function['vnf_id']
            new_func = self._storage.create_function(path_vnfs[fid])
            service.associate_function(new_func, vnf_id)

        return True

    def _load_project_service_file(project):
        Load descriptors from a SONATA SDK project.
        :param project: SDK project
        :return: True if successful, False otherwise

        # load project service descriptor (NSD)
        nsd_files = project.get_ns_descriptor()
        if not nsd_files:
            log.critical("Couldn't find a service descriptor in project '[0}'"
            return False

        if len(nsd_files) > 1:
            log.critical("Found multiple service descriptors in project "
                         "'{0}': {1}"
                         .format(project.project_root, nsd_files))
            return False

        return nsd_files[0]

    def _find_graph_cycles(graph, node, prev_node=None, backtrace=None):

        if not backtrace:
            backtrace = []

        # get node's neighbors
        neighbors = graph.neighbors(node)

        # remove previous node from neighbors
        if prev_node:

        # ensure node has neighbors
        if not len(neighbors) > 0:
            return None

        # check is this node was already visited
        if node in backtrace:
            cycle = backtrace[backtrace.index(node):]
            return cycle

        # mark this node as visited and trace it

        # iterate through neighbor nodes
        for neighbor in neighbors:
            return Validator._find_graph_cycles(graph,
        return backtrace
class Packager(object):

    def __init__(self, workspace, project, dst_path=None, generate_pd=True,

        # Assign parameters
        self._version = version
        self._package_descriptor = None
        self._workspace = workspace
        self._project = project

        # Create a schema validator
        self._schema_validator = SchemaValidator(workspace)

        self._catalogueClients = []

        # Read catalogue servers from workspace
        # configfile and create clients
        for cat in workspace.catalogue_servers:

        # Keep track of VNF packaging referenced in NS
        self._ns_vnf_registry = {}

        self._dst_path = dst_path

        # Specifies THE service template of this package
        self._entry_service_template = None

        # Keep a list of repositories and
        # catalogue servers that this package depend on.
        # This will be included in the Package Resolver Section
        self._package_resolvers = []

        # Keep a list of external artifact
        # dependencies that this package depends up on
        # This will be included in the Artifact Dependencies Section
        self._artifact_dependencies = []

        # States if this package is self-contained,
        # i.e. if contains all its relevant artifacts
        self._sealed = True

        # Clear and create package specific folder
        if generate_pd:
            self.package_descriptor = self._project

    def init_package_skeleton(self, dst_path):
        Validate and initialize the destination folder
        for the creation of the package artifacts.
        :param dst_path: The directory of the package components
        if not dst_path:
            self._dst_path = os.path.join(self._project.project_root, "target")

        elif os.path.isdir(dst_path):  # dir exists?

            if len(os.listdir(dst_path)) > 0:  # dir not empty?
                log.error("Destination directory '{}' is not empty"

                sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Destination directory '{}' "
                                 "is not empty\n"

            self._dst_path = os.path.abspath(dst_path)

            self._dst_path = os.path.abspath(dst_path)

        if os.path.exists(self._dst_path):
            os.makedirs(self._dst_path, exist_ok=False)

    def package_descriptor(self):
        return self._package_descriptor

    def package_descriptor(self, project):
        Create and set the full package descriptor as a dictionary.
        It process the file by each individual section.
        :param project: The project object
        log.info('Create Package Content Section')
        package_content = self.package_pcs()

        log.info('Create Package Resolver Section')
        package_resolver = self.package_prs()

        log.info('Create Package Dependencies Section')
        package_dependencies = self.package_pds()

        log.info('Create Artifact Dependencies Section')
        artifact_dependencies = self.package_ads()

        # The general section must be created last,
        # some fields depend on prior processing
        log.info('Create General Description section')
        general_description = self.package_gds(project.project_config)

        # Compile all sections in package descriptor
        self._package_descriptor = general_description

        # Create the manifest folder and file
        meta_inf = os.path.join(self._dst_path, "META-INF")
        os.makedirs(meta_inf, exist_ok=True)
        with open(os.path.join(meta_inf, "MANIFEST.MF"), "w") as manifest:

        # Validate PD
        log.debug("Validating Package Descriptor")
        if not self._schema_validator.validate(

            log.debug("Failed to validate Package Descriptor. "
                      "Aborting package creation.")
            self._package_descriptor = None

    def package_gds(self, prj_descriptor):
        Compile information for the General Description Section.
        This section is exclusively filled by the project descriptor
        file located on the root of every project.
        :param prj_descriptor: The file to gather all needed information.
        # List of mandatory fields to be included in the GDS
        gds_fields = ['vendor', 'name', 'version', 'maintainer', 'description']
        gds = dict()
        gds['descriptor_version'] = self._version
        gds['schema'] = self._schema_validator.get_remote_schema(

        gds['sealed'] = self._sealed
        gds['entry_service_template'] = self._entry_service_template

        errors = []
        for field in gds_fields:
            if field not in prj_descriptor.keys():
                gds[field] = prj_descriptor[field]

        if errors:
            print('Please define {} on {}'
                  .format(', '.join(errors), Project.__descriptor_name__),
            return False

        return gds

    def package_pcs(self):
        Compile information for the Package Content Section.
        This section contains all the artifacts that are
        contained and shipped by the package.
        pcs = []

        # Load and add service descriptor
        nsd = self.generate_nsd()
        if not nsd or len(nsd) == 0:
            log.error("Failed to package service descriptor")
            return False
        pcs += nsd

        # Load and add the function descriptors
        vnfds = self.generate_vnfds()
        if not vnfds or len(vnfds) == 0:
            log.error("Failed to package function descriptors")
            return False
        pcs += vnfds

        return dict(package_content=pcs)

    def package_prs(self):
        Compile information for the Package Resolver Section.
        This section contains information about catalogues
        and repositories needed to resolve the dependencies
        specified in this package descriptor.
        if len(self._package_resolvers) == 0:
            log.debug("There are no required Package Resolvers. "
                      "This section will not be included.")
            return dict()

        return dict(package_resolvers=self._package_resolvers)

    def package_pds(self):
        Compile information for the Package Dependencies
        Section. This section specifies additional packages
        that this package depends up on.
        log.debug("There are no required Package Dependencies. "
                  "This section will not be included.")
        return dict()

    def package_ads(self):
        Compile information for the Artifact Dependencies
        Section. This section contains components that are
        not included in the package but are referenced in
        its descriptors. For instance, it includes the url
        of vm_images used by network functions.
        if len(self._artifact_dependencies) == 0:
            log.debug("There are no required Artifact Dependencies. "
                      "This section will not be included.")
            return dict()

        return dict(artifact_dependencies=self._artifact_dependencies)

    def generate_nsd(self):
        Compile information for the service descriptor section.
        base_path = os.path.join(self._project.project_root, 'sources', 'nsd')
        if not os.path.isdir(base_path):
            log.error("Missing NS directory '{}'".format(base_path))

        # Ensure that only one NS descriptor exists
        nsd_list = [file for file in os.listdir(base_path)
                    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base_path, file)) and

        check = len(nsd_list)

        if check == 0:
            log.error("Missing NS Descriptor file.")
        elif check > 1:
            log.error("Only one NS Descriptor file is allowed.")
            nsd_filename = nsd_list[0]
            with open(os.path.join(base_path, nsd_filename), 'r') as _file:
                nsd = yaml.load(_file)

        # Validate NSD
        log.debug("Validating Service Descriptor NSD='{}'"

        if not self._schema_validator.validate(
                nsd, SchemaValidator.SCHEMA_SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR):

            log.error("Failed to validate Service Descriptor '{}'. "
                      "Aborting package creation".format(nsd_filename))

        # Cycle through VNFs and register their IDs for later dependency check
        if 'network_functions' in nsd:
            vnf_list = \
                [vnf for vnf in nsd['network_functions'] if vnf['vnf_name']]

            for vnf in vnf_list:

        # Create SD location
        nsd = os.path.join(base_path, nsd_filename)
        sd_path = os.path.join(self._dst_path, "service_descriptors")
        os.makedirs(sd_path, exist_ok=True)

        # Copy service descriptor file
        sd = os.path.join(sd_path, nsd_filename)
        self.copy_descriptor_file(nsd, sd)

        # Generate NSD package content entry
        pce = []
        pce_sd = dict()
        pce_sd["content-type"] = "application/sonata.service_descriptors"
        pce_sd["name"] = "/service_descriptors/{}".format(nsd_filename)
        pce_sd["md5"] = generate_hash(nsd)

        # Specify the NSD as THE entry service template of package descriptor
        self._entry_service_template = pce_sd['name']

        return pce

    def generate_vnfds(self):
        Compile information for the function descriptors.
        This function
        # Add VNFs from project source
        log.info("Packaging VNF descriptors from project source...")
        pcs = self.generate_project_source_vnfds(os.path.join(
            self._project.project_root, 'sources', 'vnf'))

        # Verify that all VNFs from NSD were packaged
        unpack_vnfs = self.get_unpackaged_ns_vnfs()
        if len(unpack_vnfs) > 0:
            # Load function descriptors (VNFDs) from external sources
            log.info("Solving dependencies for VNF descriptors...")
            if not self.load_external_vnfds(unpack_vnfs):
                log.error("Unable to solve all dependencies "
                          "required by the service descriptor.")

            log.info("Packaging VNF descriptors from external source...")
            pcs_ext = self.generate_external_vnfds(os.path.join(

            if not pcs_ext or len(pcs_ext) == 0:

            pcs += pcs_ext

            # Verify again if all VNFs were correctly packaged
            unpack_vnfs = self.get_unpackaged_ns_vnfs()
            if len(unpack_vnfs) > 0:
                log.error("Unable to validate all VNFs "
                          "required by the service descriptor.")

        return pcs

    def load_external_vnfds(self, vnf_id_list):
        This method is responsible to load all VNFs, required
        by the NS, that are not part of project source.
        VNFs can be loaded from the Workspace catalog or/and
        from the catalogue servers.

        :param vnf_id_list: List of VNF ID to solve
        :return: True for success, False for failure
        log.debug("Loading the following VNF descriptors: {}"

        # Iterate through the VNFs required by the NS
        for vnf_id in vnf_id_list:

            log.debug("Probing workspace catalogue for VNF id='{}'..."

            # >> First, check if this VNF is in the workspace catalogue
            catalogue_path = os.path.join(

            if os.path.isdir(catalogue_path):
                # Exists! Save catalogue path of this vnf for later packaging
                log.debug("Found VNF id='{}' in workspace catalogue '{}'"
                          .format(vnf_id, catalogue_path))

            log.debug("VNF id='{}' is not present in workspace catalogue. "
                      "Contacting catalogue servers...".format(vnf_id))

            # If not in WS catalogue, get the VNF from the catalogue servers
            vnfd = self.load_vnf_from_catalogue_server(vnf_id)

            if not vnfd:
                log.warning("VNF id='{}' is not present in catalogue servers."
                return False

            # Create dir to hold the retrieved VNF in workspace catalogue
            log.debug("VNF id='{}' retrieved from the catalogue servers. "
                      "Loading to workspace cache.".format(vnf_id))

            vnfd_f = open(os.path.join(catalogue_path,
                                       vnfd['name'] +
                                       "." +

            yaml.dump(vnfd, vnfd_f, default_flow_style=False)

        return True

    def generate_project_source_vnfds(self, base_path):
        Compile information for the list of VNFs
        This function iterates over the different VNF entries
        :param base_path: base dir location of VNF descriptors
        vnf_folders = filter(
            lambda file: os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_path, file)),

        pcs = []
        for vnf in vnf_folders:
            pc_entries = self.generate_vnfd_entry(
                os.path.join(base_path, vnf), vnf)

            if not pc_entries or len(pc_entries) == 0:
            for pce in iter(pc_entries):

        return pcs

    def generate_external_vnfds(self, base_path, vnf_ids):
        vnf_folders = filter(
            lambda file: os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_path, file)) and
            file in vnf_ids, os.listdir(base_path))

        pcs = []
        for vnf in vnf_folders:
            pc_entries = self.generate_vnfd_entry(os.path.join(
                base_path, vnf), vnf)

            if not pc_entries or len(pc_entries) == 0:
            for pce in iter(pc_entries):

        return pcs

    def generate_vnfd_entry(self, base_path, vnf):
        Compile information for a specific VNF.
        The VNF descriptor is validated and added to the
        package.VDU image files, referenced in the VNF
        descriptor, are added to the package.

        :param base_path: The path where the VNF file is located
        :param vnf: The VNF reference path
        :return: The package content entries.

        # Locate VNFD
        vnfd_list = [file for file in os.listdir(base_path)
                     if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base_path, file)) and

        # Validate number of Yaml files
        check = len(vnfd_list)
        if check == 0:
            log.warning("Missing VNF descriptor file in path '{}'. "
                        "A descriptor with '{}' extension should be "
                        "in this path"

        elif check > 1:
            log.warning("Multiple YAML descriptors found in '{}'. "
                        "Ignoring path.".format(os.path.basename(base_path)))

            with open(os.path.join(base_path, vnfd_list[0]), 'r') as _file:
                vnfd = yaml.load(_file)

        vnfd_path = os.path.join(os.path.basename(base_path), vnfd_list[0])

        # Validate VNFD
        log.debug("Validating VNF descriptor file='{}'".format(vnfd_path))
        if not self._schema_validator.validate(
                vnfd, SchemaValidator.SCHEMA_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTOR):

            log.exception("Failed to validate VNF descriptor '{}'"

        # Check if this VNF exists in the ns_vnf registry.
        # If does not, cancel its packaging
        if not self.check_in_ns_vnf(get_vnf_id(vnfd)):
            log.warning("VNF id='{}' file='{}' is not referenced in the "
                        "service descriptor. It will be excluded from "
                        "the package"
                        .format(get_vnf_id(vnfd), vnfd_path))

        pce = []
        # Create fd location
        fd_path = os.path.join(self._dst_path, "function_descriptors")
        os.makedirs(fd_path, exist_ok=True)

        # Copy the descriptor file
        fd = os.path.join(fd_path, vnfd_list[0])
        self.copy_descriptor_file(os.path.join(base_path, vnfd_list[0]), fd)

        # Generate VNFD Entry
        pce_fd = dict()
        pce_fd["content-type"] = "application/sonata.function_descriptor"
        pce_fd["name"] = "/function_descriptors/{}".format(vnfd_list[0])
        pce_fd["md5"] = generate_hash(fd)

        if 'virtual_deployment_units' in vnfd:
            vdu_list = [vdu for vdu in vnfd['virtual_deployment_units']
                        if vdu['vm_image']]

            for vdu in vdu_list:

                # vm_image can be a local File, a local Dir,
                # a URL or a reference to docker image
                vdu_image_path = vdu['vm_image']

                if validators.url(vdu_image_path):  # Check if is URL/URI.
                        # Check if the image URL exists with a short Timeout
                        requests.head(vdu_image_path, timeout=1)

                    except (requests.Timeout, requests.ConnectionError):
                        log.warning("Failed to verify the "
                                    "existence of vm_image '{}'"

                    # Add image URL to artifact dependencies
                        name=vnfd['name'] + '-' + vdu['id'] + '-vm_image',
                    # TODO: remote url must provide md5? This is dummy!


                else:  # Check for URL local (e.g. file:///...)
                    ptokens = pathlib.Path(vdu_image_path).parts
                    if ptokens[0] == 'file:':  # URL to local file
                        bd = os.path.join(base_path, ptokens[1])

                    else:  # regular filename/path
                        bd = os.path.join(base_path, vdu['vm_image'])

                if os.path.exists(bd):  # local File or local Dir

                    if os.path.isfile(bd):
                            base_path, vnf, vdu, vdu['vm_image'],
                            dir_p='', dir_o=''))

                    elif os.path.isdir(bd):
                        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(bd):
                            dir_o = root[len(bd):]
                            dir_p = dir_o.replace(os.path.sep, "/")
                            for f in files:
                                if dir_o.startswith(os.path.sep):
                                    dir_o = dir_o[1:]
                                    root, vnf, vdu, f,
                                    dir_p=dir_p, dir_o=dir_o))

                elif vdu['vm_image_format'] == 'docker':
                    log.debug("Referenced vm_image is docker '{}'"

        return pce

    def copy_descriptor_file(src_descriptor, dst_descriptor):
        Copy a descriptor file. Instead of just copying the file,
        it parses and reads the content of the source file, then it creates
        a new file and writes in it the digested content.
        :param src_descriptor:
        :param dst_descriptor:
        with open(src_descriptor, "r") as vnfd_file:
            vnf_content = yaml.load(vnfd_file)

        with open(dst_descriptor, "w") as vnfd_file:
            vnfd_file.write(yaml.dump(vnf_content, default_flow_style=False))

    def __pce_img_gen__(self, bd, vnf, vdu, f, dir_p='', dir_o=''):
        pce = dict()
        img_format = 'raw' \
            if not vdu['vm_image_format'] \
            else vdu['vm_image_format']

        pce["content-type"] = "application/sonata.{}_files".format(img_format)
        pce["name"] = "/{}_files/{}{}/{}".format(img_format, vnf, dir_p, f)
        pce["md5"] = self.__pce_img_gen_fc__(img_format, vnf, f, bd, dir_o)

        return pce

    def __pce_img_gen_fc__(self, img_format, vnf, f, root, dir_o=''):
        fd_path = os.path.join("{}_files".format(img_format), vnf, dir_o)
        fd_path = os.path.join(self._dst_path, fd_path)
        os.makedirs(fd_path, exist_ok=True)
        fd = os.path.join(fd_path, f)
        shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(root, f), fd)
        return generate_hash(fd)

    def generate_package(self, name):
        Generate the final package version.
        :param name: The name of the final version of the package,
        the project name will be used if no name provided

        # Validate all needed information
        if not self._package_descriptor:
            log.critical("Missing package descriptor. "
                         "Failed to generate package.")

        if not name:
            name = self._package_descriptor['vendor'] + "." + \
                self._package_descriptor['name'] + "." + \

        # Generate package file
        zip_name = os.path.join(self._dst_path, name + '.son')
        with closing(zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name, 'w')) as pck:
            for base, dirs, files in os.walk(self._dst_path):
                for file_name in files:
                    full_path = os.path.join(base, file_name)
                    relative_path = \
                        full_path[len(self._dst_path) + len(os.sep):]

                    if not full_path == zip_name:
                        pck.write(full_path, relative_path)

        package_md5 = generate_hash(zip_name)
        log.info("Package generated successfully.\nFile: {}\nMD5: {}\n"
                 .format(os.path.abspath(zip_name), package_md5))

    def register_ns_vnf(self, vnf_id):
        Add a vnf to the NS VNF registry.
        :param vnf_id:
        :return: True for successful registry.
                 False if the VNF already exists in the registry.
        if vnf_id in self._ns_vnf_registry:
            return False

        self._ns_vnf_registry[vnf_id] = False
        return True

    def check_in_ns_vnf(self, vnf_id):
        """Marks a VNF as packaged in the SD VNF registry."""
        if vnf_id not in self._ns_vnf_registry:
            return False

        self._ns_vnf_registry[vnf_id] = True
        return True

    def get_unpackaged_ns_vnfs(self):
        Obtain the a list of VNFs that were referenced
        by NS but weren't packaged.
        u_vnfs = []
        for vnf in self._ns_vnf_registry:
            if not self._ns_vnf_registry[vnf]:

        return u_vnfs

    def _add_package_resolver(self, name, username='******',

        log.debug("Adding package resolver entry '{}'".format(name))

        # Check if already included
        for pr_entry in self._package_resolvers:
            if pr_entry['name'] == name:
                log.debug("Package resolver entry '{}' "
                          "was previously added. Ignoring."

        pr_entry = {'name': name,
                    'credentials': {
                        'username': username,
                        'password': password


    def _add_artifact_dependency(self, name, url, md5, username='******',

        log.debug("Adding artifact dependency entry '{}'".format(name))

        # Check if already included
        for ad_entry in self._artifact_dependencies:
            if ad_entry['name'] == name:
                log.debug("Artifact dependency entry '{}' "
                          "was previously added. Ignoring."

        ad_entry = {'name': name,
                    'url': url,
                    'md5': md5,
                    'credentials': {
                        'username': username,
                        'password': password

        # Set package sealed to false as it will not be self-contained
        self._sealed = False

    def load_vnf_from_catalogue_server(self, vnf_id):

        # Check if there are catalogue clients available
        if not len(self._catalogueClients) > 0:
            log.warning("No catalogue servers available! "
                        "Please check the workspace configuration.")

        # For now, perform sequential requests.
        # In the future, this should be parallel
        # the first to arrive, the first to be consumed!
        for client in self._catalogueClients:

            log.debug("Contacting catalogue server '{}'..."
            # Check if catalogue server is alive!
            if not client.alive():
                log.warning("Catalogue server '{}' is not available."

            vnfd = client.get_vnf(vnf_id)
            if not vnfd:

            # Mark this catalogue server as a dependency

            return vnfd

Exemple #4
class Packager(object):
    def __init__(self,

        # Assign parameters
        self._version = version
        self._package_descriptor = None
        self._workspace = workspace
        self._project = project

        # Create a schema validator
        self._schema_validator = SchemaValidator(workspace)

        self._catalogueClients = []

        # Read catalogue servers from workspace
        # configfile and create clients
        for cat in workspace.catalogue_servers:

        # Keep track of VNF packaging referenced in NS
        self._ns_vnf_registry = {}

        self._dst_path = dst_path

        # Specifies THE service template of this package
        self._entry_service_template = None

        # Keep a list of repositories and
        # catalogue servers that this package depend on.
        # This will be included in the Package Resolver Section
        self._package_resolvers = []

        # Keep a list of external artifact
        # dependencies that this package depends up on
        # This will be included in the Artifact Dependencies Section
        self._artifact_dependencies = []

        # States if this package is self-contained,
        # i.e. if contains all its relevant artifacts
        self._sealed = True

        # Clear and create package specific folder
        if generate_pd:
            self.package_descriptor = self._project

    def init_package_skeleton(self, dst_path):
        Validate and initialize the destination folder
        for the creation of the package artifacts.
        :param dst_path: The directory of the package components
        if not dst_path:
            self._dst_path = os.path.join(self._project.project_root, "target")

        elif os.path.isdir(dst_path):  # dir exists?

            if len(os.listdir(dst_path)) > 0:  # dir not empty?
                log.error("Destination directory '{}' is not empty".format(

                sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Destination directory '{}' "
                                 "is not empty\n".format(

            self._dst_path = os.path.abspath(dst_path)

            self._dst_path = os.path.abspath(dst_path)

        if os.path.exists(self._dst_path):
            os.makedirs(self._dst_path, exist_ok=False)

    def package_descriptor(self):
        return self._package_descriptor

    def package_descriptor(self, project):
        Create and set the full package descriptor as a dictionary.
        It process the file by each individual section.
        :param project: The project object
        log.info('Create Package Content Section')
        package_content = self.package_pcs()

        log.info('Create Package Resolver Section')
        package_resolver = self.package_prs()

        log.info('Create Package Dependencies Section')
        package_dependencies = self.package_pds()

        log.info('Create Artifact Dependencies Section')
        artifact_dependencies = self.package_ads()

        # The general section must be created last,
        # some fields depend on prior processing
        log.info('Create General Description section')
        general_description = self.package_gds(project.project_config)

        # Compile all sections in package descriptor
        self._package_descriptor = general_description

        # Create the manifest folder and file
        meta_inf = os.path.join(self._dst_path, "META-INF")
        os.makedirs(meta_inf, exist_ok=True)
        with open(os.path.join(meta_inf, "MANIFEST.MF"), "w") as manifest:
                yaml.dump(self.package_descriptor, default_flow_style=False))

        # Validate PD
        log.debug("Validating Package Descriptor")
        if not self._schema_validator.validate(

            log.debug("Failed to validate Package Descriptor. "
                      "Aborting package creation.")
            self._package_descriptor = None

    def package_gds(self, prj_descriptor):
        Compile information for the General Description Section.
        This section is exclusively filled by the project descriptor
        file located on the root of every project.
        :param prj_descriptor: The file to gather all needed information.
        # List of mandatory fields to be included in the GDS
        gds_fields = ['vendor', 'name', 'version', 'maintainer', 'description']
        gds = dict()
        gds['descriptor_version'] = self._version
        gds['schema'] = self._schema_validator.get_remote_schema(

        gds['sealed'] = self._sealed
        gds['entry_service_template'] = self._entry_service_template

        errors = []
        for field in gds_fields:
            if field not in prj_descriptor.keys():
                gds[field] = prj_descriptor[field]

        if errors:
            print('Please define {} on {}'.format(', '.join(errors),
            return False

        return gds

    def package_pcs(self):
        Compile information for the Package Content Section.
        This section contains all the artifacts that are
        contained and shipped by the package.
        pcs = []

        # Load and add service descriptor
        nsd = self.generate_nsd()
        if not nsd or len(nsd) == 0:
            log.error("Failed to package service descriptor")
            return False
        pcs += nsd

        # Load and add the function descriptors
        vnfds = self.generate_vnfds()
        if not vnfds or len(vnfds) == 0:
            log.error("Failed to package function descriptors")
            return False
        pcs += vnfds

        return dict(package_content=pcs)

    def package_prs(self):
        Compile information for the Package Resolver Section.
        This section contains information about catalogues
        and repositories needed to resolve the dependencies
        specified in this package descriptor.
        if len(self._package_resolvers) == 0:
            log.debug("There are no required Package Resolvers. "
                      "This section will not be included.")
            return dict()

        return dict(package_resolvers=self._package_resolvers)

    def package_pds(self):
        Compile information for the Package Dependencies
        Section. This section specifies additional packages
        that this package depends up on.
        log.debug("There are no required Package Dependencies. "
                  "This section will not be included.")
        return dict()

    def package_ads(self):
        Compile information for the Artifact Dependencies
        Section. This section contains components that are
        not included in the package but are referenced in
        its descriptors. For instance, it includes the url
        of vm_images used by network functions.
        if len(self._artifact_dependencies) == 0:
            log.debug("There are no required Artifact Dependencies. "
                      "This section will not be included.")
            return dict()

        return dict(artifact_dependencies=self._artifact_dependencies)

    def generate_nsd(self):
        Compile information for the service descriptor section.
        base_path = os.path.join(self._project.project_root, 'sources', 'nsd')
        if not os.path.isdir(base_path):
            log.error("Missing NS directory '{}'".format(base_path))

        # Ensure that only one NS descriptor exists
        nsd_list = [
            file for file in os.listdir(base_path)
            if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base_path, file))
            and file.endswith(self._workspace.descriptor_extension)

        check = len(nsd_list)

        if check == 0:
            log.error("Missing NS Descriptor file.")
        elif check > 1:
            log.error("Only one NS Descriptor file is allowed.")
            nsd_filename = nsd_list[0]
            with open(os.path.join(base_path, nsd_filename), 'r') as _file:
                nsd = yaml.load(_file)

        # Validate NSD
            "Validating Service Descriptor NSD='{}'".format(nsd_filename))

        if not self._schema_validator.validate(
                nsd, SchemaValidator.SCHEMA_SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR):

            log.error("Failed to validate Service Descriptor '{}'. "
                      "Aborting package creation".format(nsd_filename))

        # Cycle through VNFs and register their IDs for later dependency check
        if 'network_functions' in nsd:
            vnf_list = \
                [vnf for vnf in nsd['network_functions'] if vnf['vnf_name']]

            for vnf in vnf_list:
                    get_vnf_id_full(vnf['vnf_vendor'], vnf['vnf_name'],

        # Create SD location
        nsd = os.path.join(base_path, nsd_filename)
        sd_path = os.path.join(self._dst_path, "service_descriptors")
        os.makedirs(sd_path, exist_ok=True)

        # Copy service descriptor file
        sd = os.path.join(sd_path, nsd_filename)
        self.copy_descriptor_file(nsd, sd)

        # Generate NSD package content entry
        pce = []
        pce_sd = dict()
        pce_sd["content-type"] = "application/sonata.service_descriptors"
        pce_sd["name"] = "/service_descriptors/{}".format(nsd_filename)
        pce_sd["md5"] = generate_hash(nsd)

        # Specify the NSD as THE entry service template of package descriptor
        self._entry_service_template = pce_sd['name']

        return pce

    def generate_vnfds(self):
        Compile information for the function descriptors.
        This function
        # Add VNFs from project source
        log.info("Packaging VNF descriptors from project source...")
        pcs = self.generate_project_source_vnfds(
            os.path.join(self._project.project_root, 'sources', 'vnf'))

        # Verify that all VNFs from NSD were packaged
        unpack_vnfs = self.get_unpackaged_ns_vnfs()
        if len(unpack_vnfs) > 0:
            # Load function descriptors (VNFDs) from external sources
            log.info("Solving dependencies for VNF descriptors...")
            if not self.load_external_vnfds(unpack_vnfs):
                log.error("Unable to solve all dependencies "
                          "required by the service descriptor.")

            log.info("Packaging VNF descriptors from external source...")
            pcs_ext = self.generate_external_vnfds(
                    self._workspace.ws_root, self._workspace.dirs[
                        Workspace.CONFIG_STR_CATALOGUE_VNF_DIR]), unpack_vnfs)

            if not pcs_ext or len(pcs_ext) == 0:

            pcs += pcs_ext

            # Verify again if all VNFs were correctly packaged
            unpack_vnfs = self.get_unpackaged_ns_vnfs()
            if len(unpack_vnfs) > 0:
                log.error("Unable to validate all VNFs "
                          "required by the service descriptor.")

        return pcs

    def load_external_vnfds(self, vnf_id_list):
        This method is responsible to load all VNFs, required
        by the NS, that are not part of project source.
        VNFs can be loaded from the Workspace catalog or/and
        from the catalogue servers.

        :param vnf_id_list: List of VNF ID to solve
        :return: True for success, False for failure
            "Loading the following VNF descriptors: {}".format(vnf_id_list))

        # Iterate through the VNFs required by the NS
        for vnf_id in vnf_id_list:

            log.debug("Probing workspace catalogue for VNF id='{}'...".format(

            # >> First, check if this VNF is in the workspace catalogue
            catalogue_path = os.path.join(

            if os.path.isdir(catalogue_path):
                # Exists! Save catalogue path of this vnf for later packaging
                    "Found VNF id='{}' in workspace catalogue '{}'".format(
                        vnf_id, catalogue_path))

            log.debug("VNF id='{}' is not present in workspace catalogue. "
                      "Contacting catalogue servers...".format(vnf_id))

            # If not in WS catalogue, get the VNF from the catalogue servers
            vnfd = self.load_vnf_from_catalogue_server(vnf_id)

            if not vnfd:
                    "VNF id='{}' is not present in catalogue servers.".format(
                return False

            # Create dir to hold the retrieved VNF in workspace catalogue
            log.debug("VNF id='{}' retrieved from the catalogue servers. "
                      "Loading to workspace cache.".format(vnf_id))

            vnfd_f = open(
                    vnfd['name'] + "." + self._workspace.descriptor_extension),

            yaml.dump(vnfd, vnfd_f, default_flow_style=False)

        return True

    def generate_project_source_vnfds(self, base_path):
        Compile information for the list of VNFs
        This function iterates over the different VNF entries
        :param base_path: base dir location of VNF descriptors
        vnf_folders = filter(
            lambda file: os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_path, file)),

        pcs = []
        for vnf in vnf_folders:
            pc_entries = self.generate_vnfd_entry(os.path.join(base_path, vnf),

            if not pc_entries or len(pc_entries) == 0:
            for pce in iter(pc_entries):

        return pcs

    def generate_external_vnfds(self, base_path, vnf_ids):
        vnf_folders = filter(
            lambda file: os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_path, file)) and file
            in vnf_ids, os.listdir(base_path))

        pcs = []
        for vnf in vnf_folders:
            pc_entries = self.generate_vnfd_entry(os.path.join(base_path, vnf),

            if not pc_entries or len(pc_entries) == 0:
            for pce in iter(pc_entries):

        return pcs

    def generate_vnfd_entry(self, base_path, vnf):
        Compile information for a specific VNF.
        The VNF descriptor is validated and added to the
        package.VDU image files, referenced in the VNF
        descriptor, are added to the package.

        :param base_path: The path where the VNF file is located
        :param vnf: The VNF reference path
        :return: The package content entries.

        # Locate VNFD
        vnfd_list = [
            file for file in os.listdir(base_path)
            if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base_path, file))
            and file.endswith(self._workspace.descriptor_extension)

        # Validate number of Yaml files
        check = len(vnfd_list)
        if check == 0:
            log.warning("Missing VNF descriptor file in path '{}'. "
                        "A descriptor with '{}' extension should be "
                        "in this path".format(
                            base_path, self._workspace.descriptor_extension))

        elif check > 1:
            log.warning("Multiple YAML descriptors found in '{}'. "
                        "Ignoring path.".format(os.path.basename(base_path)))

            with open(os.path.join(base_path, vnfd_list[0]), 'r') as _file:
                vnfd = yaml.load(_file)

        vnfd_path = os.path.join(os.path.basename(base_path), vnfd_list[0])

        # Validate VNFD
        log.debug("Validating VNF descriptor file='{}'".format(vnfd_path))
        if not self._schema_validator.validate(
                vnfd, SchemaValidator.SCHEMA_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTOR):

                "Failed to validate VNF descriptor '{}'".format(vnfd_path))

        # Check if this VNF exists in the ns_vnf registry.
        # If does not, cancel its packaging
        if not self.check_in_ns_vnf(get_vnf_id(vnfd)):
            log.warning("VNF id='{}' file='{}' is not referenced in the "
                        "service descriptor. It will be excluded from "
                        "the package".format(get_vnf_id(vnfd), vnfd_path))

        pce = []
        # Create fd location
        fd_path = os.path.join(self._dst_path, "function_descriptors")
        os.makedirs(fd_path, exist_ok=True)

        # Copy the descriptor file
        fd = os.path.join(fd_path, vnfd_list[0])
        self.copy_descriptor_file(os.path.join(base_path, vnfd_list[0]), fd)

        # Generate VNFD Entry
        pce_fd = dict()
        pce_fd["content-type"] = "application/sonata.function_descriptor"
        pce_fd["name"] = "/function_descriptors/{}".format(vnfd_list[0])
        pce_fd["md5"] = generate_hash(fd)

        if 'virtual_deployment_units' in vnfd:
            vdu_list = [
                vdu for vdu in vnfd['virtual_deployment_units']
                if vdu['vm_image']

            for vdu in vdu_list:

                # vm_image can be a local File, a local Dir,
                # a URL or a reference to docker image
                vdu_image_path = vdu['vm_image']

                if validators.url(vdu_image_path):  # Check if is URL/URI.
                        # Check if the image URL exists with a short Timeout
                        requests.head(vdu_image_path, timeout=1)

                    except (requests.Timeout, requests.ConnectionError):
                        log.warning("Failed to verify the "
                                    "existence of vm_image '{}'".format(

                    # Add image URL to artifact dependencies
                        name=vnfd['name'] + '-' + vdu['id'] + '-vm_image',
                    # TODO: remote url must provide md5? This is dummy!


                else:  # Check for URL local (e.g. file:///...)
                    ptokens = pathlib.Path(vdu_image_path).parts
                    if ptokens[0] == 'file:':  # URL to local file
                        bd = os.path.join(base_path, ptokens[1])

                    else:  # regular filename/path
                        bd = os.path.join(base_path, vdu['vm_image'])

                if os.path.exists(bd):  # local File or local Dir

                    if os.path.isfile(bd):

                    elif os.path.isdir(bd):
                        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(bd):
                            dir_o = root[len(bd):]
                            dir_p = dir_o.replace(os.path.sep, "/")
                            for f in files:
                                if dir_o.startswith(os.path.sep):
                                    dir_o = dir_o[1:]

                elif vdu['vm_image_format'] == 'docker':
                    log.debug("Referenced vm_image is docker '{}'".format(

        return pce

    def copy_descriptor_file(src_descriptor, dst_descriptor):
        Copy a descriptor file. Instead of just copying the file,
        it parses and reads the content of the source file, then it creates
        a new file and writes in it the digested content.
        :param src_descriptor:
        :param dst_descriptor:
        with open(src_descriptor, "r") as vnfd_file:
            vnf_content = yaml.load(vnfd_file)

        with open(dst_descriptor, "w") as vnfd_file:
            vnfd_file.write(yaml.dump(vnf_content, default_flow_style=False))

    def __pce_img_gen__(self, bd, vnf, vdu, f, dir_p='', dir_o=''):
        pce = dict()
        img_format = 'raw' \
            if not vdu['vm_image_format'] \
            else vdu['vm_image_format']

        pce["content-type"] = "application/sonata.{}_files".format(img_format)
        pce["name"] = "/{}_files/{}{}/{}".format(img_format, vnf, dir_p, f)
        pce["md5"] = self.__pce_img_gen_fc__(img_format, vnf, f, bd, dir_o)

        return pce

    def __pce_img_gen_fc__(self, img_format, vnf, f, root, dir_o=''):
        fd_path = os.path.join("{}_files".format(img_format), vnf, dir_o)
        fd_path = os.path.join(self._dst_path, fd_path)
        os.makedirs(fd_path, exist_ok=True)
        fd = os.path.join(fd_path, f)
        shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(root, f), fd)
        return generate_hash(fd)

    def generate_package(self, name):
        Generate the final package version.
        :param name: The name of the final version of the package,
        the project name will be used if no name provided

        # Validate all needed information
        if not self._package_descriptor:
            log.critical("Missing package descriptor. "
                         "Failed to generate package.")

        if not name:
            name = self._package_descriptor['vendor'] + "." + \
                self._package_descriptor['name'] + "." + \

        # Generate package file
        zip_name = os.path.join(self._dst_path, name + '.son')
        with closing(zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name, 'w')) as pck:
            for base, dirs, files in os.walk(self._dst_path):
                for file_name in files:
                    full_path = os.path.join(base, file_name)
                    relative_path = \
                        full_path[len(self._dst_path) + len(os.sep):]

                    if not full_path == zip_name:
                        pck.write(full_path, relative_path)

        package_md5 = generate_hash(zip_name)
        log.info("Package generated successfully.\nFile: {}\nMD5: {}\n".format(
            os.path.abspath(zip_name), package_md5))

    def register_ns_vnf(self, vnf_id):
        Add a vnf to the NS VNF registry.
        :param vnf_id:
        :return: True for successful registry.
                 False if the VNF already exists in the registry.
        if vnf_id in self._ns_vnf_registry:
            return False

        self._ns_vnf_registry[vnf_id] = False
        return True

    def check_in_ns_vnf(self, vnf_id):
        """Marks a VNF as packaged in the SD VNF registry."""
        if vnf_id not in self._ns_vnf_registry:
            return False

        self._ns_vnf_registry[vnf_id] = True
        return True

    def get_unpackaged_ns_vnfs(self):
        Obtain the a list of VNFs that were referenced
        by NS but weren't packaged.
        u_vnfs = []
        for vnf in self._ns_vnf_registry:
            if not self._ns_vnf_registry[vnf]:

        return u_vnfs

    def _add_package_resolver(self,

        log.debug("Adding package resolver entry '{}'".format(name))

        # Check if already included
        for pr_entry in self._package_resolvers:
            if pr_entry['name'] == name:
                log.debug("Package resolver entry '{}' "
                          "was previously added. Ignoring.".format(name))

        pr_entry = {
            'name': name,
            'credentials': {
                'username': username,
                'password': password


    def _add_artifact_dependency(self,

        log.debug("Adding artifact dependency entry '{}'".format(name))

        # Check if already included
        for ad_entry in self._artifact_dependencies:
            if ad_entry['name'] == name:
                log.debug("Artifact dependency entry '{}' "
                          "was previously added. Ignoring.".format(name))

        ad_entry = {
            'name': name,
            'url': url,
            'md5': md5,
            'credentials': {
                'username': username,
                'password': password

        # Set package sealed to false as it will not be self-contained
        self._sealed = False

    def load_vnf_from_catalogue_server(self, vnf_id):

        # Check if there are catalogue clients available
        if not len(self._catalogueClients) > 0:
            log.warning("No catalogue servers available! "
                        "Please check the workspace configuration.")

        # For now, perform sequential requests.
        # In the future, this should be parallel
        # the first to arrive, the first to be consumed!
        for client in self._catalogueClients:

            log.debug("Contacting catalogue server '{}'...".format(
            # Check if catalogue server is alive!
            if not client.alive():
                log.warning("Catalogue server '{}' is not available.".format(

            vnfd = client.get_vnf(vnf_id)
            if not vnfd:

            # Mark this catalogue server as a dependency

            return vnfd
