class ProbesModule(DWhoModuleBase): MODULE_NAME = 'probes' LOCK = RWLock() def safe_init(self, options): self.results = {} self.lock_timeout = self.config['general']['lock_timeout'] def _set_result(self, obj): self.results[obj.get_uid()] = obj def _get_result(self, uid): r = {'error': None, 'result': None} while True: if uid not in self.results: time.sleep(0.1) continue res = self.results.pop(uid) if res.has_error(): r['error'] = res.get_errors() LOG.error("failed on call: %r. (errors: %r)", res.get_uid(), r['error']) else: r['result'] = res.get_result()"successful on call: %r", res.get_uid()) LOG.debug("result on call: %r", r['result']) return r def _push_epts_sync(self, endpoint, method, params, args=None): if endpoint not in EPTS_SYNC: raise HttpReqError(404, "unable to find endpoint: %r" % endpoint) elif EPTS_SYNC[endpoint].type != 'probe': raise HttpReqError( 400, "invalid endpoint type, correct type: %r" % EPTS_SYNC[endpoint].type) ept_sync = EPTS_SYNC[endpoint] uid = "%s:%s" % (, uuid.uuid4()) ept_sync.qput( CovenantEPTObject(, uid, endpoint, method, params, args, self._set_result)) return uid PROBES_QSCHEMA = xys.load(""" endpoint: !!str target*: !!str """) def probes(self, request): params = request.query_params() if not isinstance(params, dict): raise HttpReqError(400, "invalid arguments type") if not xys.validate(params, self.PROBES_QSCHEMA): raise HttpReqError(415, "invalid arguments for command") if not self.LOCK.acquire_read(self.lock_timeout): raise HttpReqError( 503, "unable to take LOCK for reading after %s seconds" % self.lock_timeout) try: uid = self._push_epts_sync(params['endpoint'], 'probes', params) res = self._get_result(uid) if res['error']: raise HttpReqError( 500, "failed to get results. (errors: %r)" % res['error']) return HttpResponse(data=res['result']) except HttpReqError: raise except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) finally: gc.collect() self.LOCK.release()
class JobModule(DWhoModuleBase): MODULE_NAME = 'job' LOCK = RWLock() # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init def safe_init(self, options): self.objs = {} self.lock_timeout = self.config['general']['lock_timeout'] @staticmethod def _get_ept_sync(endpoint): if endpoint not in EPTS_SYNC: raise HttpReqErrJson(404, "unable to find endpoint: %r" % endpoint) return EPTS_SYNC[endpoint] @staticmethod def _get_uid(endpoint, xid): return "%s:%s" % (endpoint, xid) def _get_obj(self, endpoint, xid): uid = self._get_uid(endpoint, xid) if uid not in self.objs: raise HttpReqErrJson(404, "unable to find object with uid: %r" % uid) return self.objs[uid] def _clear_obj(self, endpoint, xid): uid = self._get_uid(endpoint, xid) if uid in self.objs: del self.objs[uid] def _push_epts_sync(self, endpoint, xid, method, request): ept_sync = self._get_ept_sync(endpoint) uid = self._get_uid(endpoint, xid) if uid in self.objs: raise HttpReqErrJson(415, "uid already exists: %r" % uid) obj = AutonEPTObject(, uid, endpoint, method, request) self.objs[uid] = obj ept_sync.qput(obj) return obj @staticmethod def _build_result(obj): r = { 'code': 200, 'uid': obj.get_uid(), 'status': obj.get_status(), 'return_code': obj.get_return_code(), 'started_at': obj.get_started_at(), 'stream': obj.get_last_result(), 'ended_at': obj.get_ended_at() } if obj.has_error(): r['code'] = 400 r['errors'] = obj.get_errors() return r RUN_QSCHEMA = xys.load(""" endpoint: !!str id: !!str """) RUN_PSCHEMA = xys.load(""" env*: !~~regex? (0,64) job.envname: !!str envfiles*: !~~seqlen(0,64) [ !!str ] args*: !~~seqlen(0,64) [ !!str ] argfiles*: !~~seqlen(0,64) - arg: !!str content: !!str filename: !!str """) def job_run(self, request): params = request.query_params() or {} payload = request.payload_params() or {} if not isinstance(params, dict): raise HttpReqErrJson(400, "invalid arguments type") if not xys.validate(params, self.RUN_QSCHEMA): raise HttpReqErrJson(415, "invalid arguments for command") if not isinstance(payload, dict): raise HttpReqErrJson(400, "invalid arguments type") if not xys.validate(payload, self.RUN_PSCHEMA): raise HttpReqErrJson(415, "invalid arguments for command") if not self.LOCK.acquire_write(self.lock_timeout): raise HttpReqErrJson( 503, "unable to take LOCK for writing after %s seconds" % self.lock_timeout) try: obj = self._push_epts_sync(params['endpoint'], params['id'], 'run', copy.copy(request)) return self._build_result(obj) except HttpReqErrJson: raise except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise HttpReqErrJson(503, repr(e)) finally: self.LOCK.release() STATUS_QSCHEMA = xys.load(""" endpoint: !!str id: !!str """) def job_status(self, request): params = request.query_params() if not isinstance(params, dict): raise HttpReqErrJson(400, "invalid arguments type") if not xys.validate(params, self.STATUS_QSCHEMA): raise HttpReqErrJson(415, "invalid arguments for command") obj = self._get_obj(params['endpoint'], params['id']) if not self.LOCK.acquire_read(self.lock_timeout): raise HttpReqErrJson( 503, "unable to take LOCK for reading after %s seconds" % self.lock_timeout) try: return self._build_result(obj) except HttpReqErrJson: raise except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise HttpReqErrJson(503, repr(e)) finally: if obj.get_status() == STATUS_COMPLETE: self._clear_obj(params['endpoint'], params['id']) self.LOCK.release()
class PDNSModule(DWhoModuleBase): MODULE_NAME = 'pdns' LOCK = RWLock() def __init__(self): DWhoModuleBase.__init__(self) self._helpers = None def init(self, config): DWhoModuleBase.init(self, config) self._helpers = NSAProxyPDNSApiHelpers(self.config) return self # pylint: disable-msg=attribute-defined-outside-init def safe_init(self, options): self.results = {} self.lock_timeout = self.config['general']['lock_timeout'] self.api_uri = list( urisup.uri_help_split(self.config['general']['pdns']['api_uri'])) self.api_key = None if self.config['general']['pdns'].get('credentials'): cred = helpers.load_yaml_file( self.config['general']['pdns']['credentials']) if not cred: raise ValueError("unable to read credentials") if 'pdns' not in cred or not cred['pdns'].get('api_key'): raise ValueError("unable to find pdn api key") self.api_key = cred['pdns']['api_key'] @staticmethod def _add_record(content): return {'content': content, 'disabled': False, 'set-prt': False} def _add_rrset(self, zone, domain_name, xtype, content, ttl=DEFAULT_TTL): if 'rrsets' not in zone: zone['rrsets'] = [] for rrset in zone['rrsets']: if rrset['type'] != xtype: continue if rrset['name'].rstrip('.') != domain_name: continue rrset['records'] = [self._add_record(content)] return zone['rrsets'].append({ 'name': "%s." % domain_name, 'type': xtype, 'ttl': ttl, 'changetype': 'REPLACE', 'records': [self._add_record(content)] }) @staticmethod def _replace_vars(key, xvars): if '%(' in key and ')s' in key: return key % xvars return key def _append_rrsets(self, zone, domain_name, rrsets): r = False if not isinstance(rrsets, list): return r if 'rrsets' not in zone: zone['rrsets'] = [] for x in rrsets: rrset = deepcopy(x) names = rrset['name'] if not isinstance(names, list): names = [names] for name in names: if name == '@': rrset['name'] = "%s." % domain_name elif name == '*': rrset['name'] = "*.%s." % domain_name elif name[-1] == '.': rrset['name'] = "%s." % name.rstrip('.') else: rrset['name'] = "%s.%s." % (name.rstrip('.'), domain_name) xvars = {'name': name, 'domain_name': domain_name} rrset['name'] = self._replace_vars(rrset['name'], xvars) rrset['ttl'] = int(rrset.get('ttl', DEFAULT_TTL)) rrset['changetype'] = 'REPLACE' if rrset.get('records'): for record in rrset['records']: record['content'] = self._replace_vars( record.get('content') or '', xvars) record['disabled'] = bool( record.get('disabled') or False) if rrset.get('comments'): for comment in rrset['comments']: comment['content'] = self._replace_vars( comment.get('content') or '', xvars) comment['account'] = self._replace_vars( comment.get('account') or '', xvars) zone['rrsets'].append(deepcopy(rrset)) r = True return r def _fetch_zone(self, request, params, path=None): res = self._do_request('get', path or request.get_path(), params, None, request.get_headers()) if not res.text: return None return res.json() def _check_api_key(self, request): api_key = request.headers.get('x-api-key') or self.api_key if not api_key: raise HttpReqErrJson("missing api key") request.headers['x-api-key'] = api_key def _do_request(self, method, path, params, payload, headers): uri = list(self.api_uri) uri[2] = path or None h = {} for k, v in headers.iteritems(): if k.lower() != 'content-length': h[k.lower()] = v return getattr(requests, method.lower())(urisup.uri_help_unsplit(uri), params=params, json=payload, headers=h) def _do_response(self, request, params=None, args=None, method=None): r = self._do_request(method or request.get_method(), request.get_path(), params, args, request.get_headers()) if not r.text: return HttpResponseJson(r.status_code) try: ret = r.json() except Exception: ret = {"message": r.text} return HttpResponseJson(r.status_code, ret) def _set_result(self, obj): self.results[obj.get_uid()] = obj def _get_results(self, uids): r = {'expected': len(uids), 'successful': [], 'failed': []} while r['expected'] > 0: for uid in uids: if uid not in self.results: time.sleep(0.5) continue res = self.results.pop(uid) if res.has_error(): r['failed'].append(res) r['expected'] -= 1 LOG.warning("failed on call: %r. (errors: %r)", res.get_uid(), res.get_errors()) else: r['successful'].append(res) r['expected'] -= 1"successful on call: %r. (result: %r)", res.get_uid(), res.get_result()) return r def _refresh_apis(self, zone): for rrset in zone['rrsets']: rrset['changetype'] = 'REPLACE' return self._push_apis_sync('change_rrsets', {'id': zone['id']}, args=zone) def _push_apis_sync(self, endpoint, params, args=None, zone=None): r = [] xid = "%s" % uuid.uuid4() for api_sync in itervalues(APIS_SYNC): uid = "%s:%s" % (, xid) api_sync.qput( NSAProxyApiObject(, uid, endpoint, zone, params, args, self._set_result)) r.append(uid) return r ENDPOINT_GET_QSCHEMA = xys.load(""" server_id: !!str endpoint: !!str id*: !!str command*: !~~enum(check,export) """) def api_endpoint_get(self, request): params = request.query_params() self._check_api_key(request) if not isinstance(params, dict): raise HttpReqErrJson(400, "invalid arguments type") if not xys.validate(params, self.ENDPOINT_GET_QSCHEMA): raise HttpReqErrJson(415, "invalid arguments for command") if not self.LOCK.acquire_read(self.lock_timeout): raise HttpReqErrJson( 503, "unable to take LOCK for reading after %s seconds" % self.lock_timeout) try: return self._do_response(request, params) except HttpReqErrJson as e: raise except Exception as e: LOG.exception("%r", e) finally: self.LOCK.release() ENDPOINT_PUT_QSCHEMA = xys.load(""" server_id: !!str endpoint: !!str id: !!str command*: !~~enum(axfr-retrieve,notify,rectify) domain*: !!str """) def api_endpoint_put(self, request): params = request.query_params() self._check_api_key(request) if not isinstance(params, dict): raise HttpReqErrJson(400, "invalid arguments type") if not xys.validate(params, self.ENDPOINT_PUT_QSCHEMA): raise HttpReqErrJson(415, "invalid arguments for command") if not self.LOCK.acquire_read(self.lock_timeout): raise HttpReqErrJson( 503, "unable to take LOCK for reading after %s seconds" % self.lock_timeout) try: return self._do_response(request, params) except HttpReqErrJson as e: raise except Exception as e: LOG.exception("%r", e) finally: self.LOCK.release() ENDPOINT_POST_QSCHEMA = xys.load(""" server_id?: !!str endpoint?: !!str """) ENDPOINT_POST_PSCHEMA = xys.load(""" nameservers?: [ !~~callback(pdns.domain) ] masters?: [ !~~callback(pdns.ipaddr) ] kind?: !~~ienum(native,master,primary,slave,secondary) name?: !~~callback(pdns.domain) account?: !!str soa_edit_api?: !~~enum(DEFAULT,INCREASE,INCEPTION-INCREMENT,EPOCH,INCEPTION-EPOCH) """) def api_endpoint_post(self, request): params = request.query_params() args = request.payload_params() self._check_api_key(request) if not isinstance(params, dict): raise HttpReqErrJson( 400, "invalid arguments type for query parameters") if not xys.validate(params, self.ENDPOINT_POST_QSCHEMA): raise HttpReqErrJson( 415, "invalid arguments for command for query parameters") if not isinstance(args, dict): raise HttpReqErrJson( 400, "invalid arguments type for payload parameters") if not xys.validate(args, self.ENDPOINT_POST_PSCHEMA): raise HttpReqErrJson( 415, "invalid arguments for command payload parameters") if not self.LOCK.acquire_write(self.lock_timeout): raise HttpReqErrJson( 503, "unable to take LOCK for writing after %s seconds" % self.lock_timeout) try: if params.get('endpoint') != 'zones': raise HttpReqErrJson(400, "invalid request") has_rrsets = False domain_name = args['name'].rstrip('.') if self.config['dns'].get('domains'): for domain in (domain_name, 'default'): if not self.config['dns']['domains'].get(domain): continue rrsets = deepcopy( self.config['dns']['domains'][domain]['rrsets']) has_rrsets = self._append_rrsets(args, domain_name, rrsets) uids = self._push_apis_sync('create_hosted_zone', params, args) if not uids: raise HttpReqErrJson(500, "unable to retrieve uids") res = self._get_results(uids) if res['failed']: raise HttpReqErrJson( 409, "failed to synchronize on dns provider. (errors: %r)" % res['failed']) for ret in res['successful']: res = ret.get_result() if not res or 'nameservers' not in res: continue if 'nameservers' not in args: args['nameservers'] = [] for nameserver in res['nameservers']: args['nameservers'].append("%s." % nameserver.rstrip('.')) soa_content = self._helpers.build_soa_content( domain_name, args.get('nameservers')) if soa_content: has_rrsets = True self._add_rrset(args, domain_name, 'SOA', soa_content) r = self._do_response(request, None, args) if not r \ or (not args.get('nameservers') \ and not has_rrsets): return r data = r.get_data() if data: data = json.loads(data) if data and 'id' in data: self._refresh_apis(data) return r except HttpReqErrJson as e: raise except Exception as e: LOG.exception("%r", e) finally: self.LOCK.release() ENDPOINT_PATCH_QSCHEMA = xys.load(""" server_id: !!str endpoint: !!str id: !!str """) ENDPOINT_PATCH_PSCHEMA = xys.load(""" nameservers?: [ !~~callback(pdns.domain) ] masters?: [ !~~callback(pdns.ipaddr) ] kind?: !~~ienum(native,primary,secondary,master,slave) name?: !~~callback(pdns.domain) soa_edit_api?: !~~enum(INCEPTION-INCREMENT,EPOCH,INCEPTION-EPOCH) rrsets?: !~~seqlen(0,9999) - comments?: - content: !!str - account: !!str - records: - content*: !!str disabled: !~~isBool set-prt?: !~~isBool changetype: !~~enum(DELETE,REPLACE) type: !~~enum(A,AAAA,ALIAS,CAA,CNAME,RCNAME,MX,NS,PTR,SOA,SPF,SRV,TXT) name: !!str ttl?: !~~uint """) def api_endpoint_patch(self, request): params = request.query_params() args = request.payload_params() self._check_api_key(request) if not isinstance(params, dict): raise HttpReqErrJson( 400, "invalid arguments type for query parameters") if not xys.validate(params, self.ENDPOINT_PATCH_QSCHEMA): raise HttpReqErrJson( 415, "invalid arguments for command for query parameters") if not isinstance(args, dict): raise HttpReqErrJson( 400, "invalid arguments type for payload parameters") if not xys.validate(args, self.ENDPOINT_PATCH_PSCHEMA): raise HttpReqErrJson( 415, "invalid arguments for command payload parameters") if not self.LOCK.acquire_write(self.lock_timeout): raise HttpReqErrJson( 503, "unable to take LOCK for writing after %s seconds" % self.lock_timeout) try: if params.get('endpoint') != 'zones': raise HttpReqErrJson(400, "invalid request") if not args.get('rrsets'): return self._do_response(request, None, args) zone = self._fetch_zone(request, params) uids = self._push_apis_sync('change_rrsets', params, args, zone) if not uids: raise HttpReqErrJson(500, "unable to retrieve uids") res = self._get_results(uids) if res['failed']: raise HttpReqErrJson( 409, "failed to synchronize on dns provider. (errors: %r)" % res['failed']) return self._do_response(request, None, args) except HttpReqErrJson as e: raise except Exception as e: LOG.exception("%r", e) finally: self.LOCK.release() ENDPOINT_DELETE_QSCHEMA = xys.load(""" server_id: !!str endpoint: !!str id: !!str """) def api_endpoint_delete(self, request): params = request.query_params() self._check_api_key(request) if not isinstance(params, dict): raise HttpReqErrJson( 400, "invalid arguments type for query parameters") if not xys.validate(params, self.ENDPOINT_DELETE_QSCHEMA): raise HttpReqErrJson( 415, "invalid arguments for command for query parameters") if not self.LOCK.acquire_write(self.lock_timeout): raise HttpReqErrJson( 503, "unable to take LOCK for writing after %s seconds" % self.lock_timeout) try: if params.get('endpoint') != 'zones': raise HttpReqErrJson(400, "invalid request") uids = self._push_apis_sync('delete_hosted_zone', params) if not uids: raise HttpReqErrJson(500, "unable to retrieve uids") res = self._get_results(uids) if res['failed']: raise HttpReqErrJson( 409, "failed to synchronize on dns provider. (errors: %r)" % res['failed']) return self._do_response(request) except HttpReqErrJson: raise except Exception as e: LOG.exception("%r", e) finally: self.LOCK.release() ENDPOINT_VALIDATE_QSCHEMA = xys.load(""" server_id: !!str endpoint: !!str id: !~~callback(pdns.domain) """) def api_endpoint_validate(self, request): params = request.query_params() self._check_api_key(request) if not isinstance(params, dict): raise HttpReqErrJson( 400, "invalid arguments type for query parameters") if not xys.validate(params, self.ENDPOINT_VALIDATE_QSCHEMA): raise HttpReqErrJson( 415, "invalid arguments for command for query parameters") if not self.LOCK.acquire_read(self.lock_timeout): raise HttpReqErrJson( 503, "unable to take LOCK for reading after %s seconds" % self.lock_timeout) try: domain = params.pop('id').lower() r = self._do_response(request, method='GET') if not r: raise HttpReqErrJson(500, "unable to fetch domains list") data = r.get_data() if not data: raise HttpReqErrJson(500, "unable to fetch domains list") data = json.loads(data) if not isinstance(data, list): raise HttpReqErrJson(500, "unable to fetch domains list") if not data: return True for x in data: if x['name'] == domain: raise HttpReqErrJson(409, "domain %r already exists" % domain) return True except HttpReqErrJson as e: raise except Exception as e: LOG.exception("%r", e) finally: self.LOCK.release()