Exemple #1
class JukeboxService(JukeboxSignalCallback):

    signalReceiver = None
    keyProcessor = None
    currentKey = None
    currentKeyUpdateTime = None
    letterTrainCounter = -1
    numberTrainCounter = -1
    lastSignalTime = None
    signalLock = None
    def __init__(self):
        super(JukeboxService, self).__init__()
            self.signalReceiver = JukeboxSignalReceiver(self)
            self.keyProcessor = JukeboxKeyProcessor()
            self.lastSignalTime = datetime.datetime.now()
            self.signalLock = threading.Lock()
            err =  str(sys.exc_info()[1])
            LCDScreen.updateStatus("ERR", err)
            logging.error('Error initialising jukebox service %s' % err)

    # Listens to hear key presses, then updates processes them if we have any
    def Run(self):
        logging.info( 'Jukebox Service running')
        self.lastSignalTime = datetime.datetime.now()
        LCDScreen.updateStatus("Sonos Jukebox", "Ready....")
            while 1:
                keyPress =  self.SignalsToKeyUpdater()
                # get any key , then process them !
                if keyPress != None :
                    logging.info( 'Key press waiting to be processed.  Sending to processor')
                    LCDScreen.updateStatus("Sonos Jukebox", "Ready....")
             err =  str(sys.exc_info()[1])
             LCDScreen.updateStatus("ERR", err)
             logging.error('Error processing keys %s' % err)
    # Return the difference between current time and the last signal
    def get_milisecond_difference(self):
        timeSinceLastSignal = datetime.datetime.now() - self.lastSignalTime
        miliSecSinceLastSignal = timeSinceLastSignal.total_seconds() * 1000
        return miliSecSinceLastSignal
    # Call back method from hardware monitor.  This gets the call backs and then
    # Tries to read them as a number of letter counts and number counts..
    # This works out the train start and end.  This update will happen on another thread
    def Signalled(self):
        logging.info( 'Received signal')
        miliSecSinceLastSignal = self.get_milisecond_difference()
        logging.info("Aquiring lock on train counters for incrementing")
#        self.signalLock.acquire()
        # No previous signal, we are just starting to get one.
        if self.letterTrainCounter == self.SIGNAL_NOT_SET:
            logging.info("No previous state - starting letter count = 1")
            self.letterTrainCounter = 0
            self.numberTrainCounter = self.SIGNAL_NOT_SET
        # there has been a pause and we have restarted getting signals. this will be the gap between numbers and letters.
        elif miliSecSinceLastSignal >= self.MIN_GAP_TO_START_NUM_TRAIN and miliSecSinceLastSignal <= self.END_OF_USER_INPUT_GAP:
            logging.info("short pause between this and last input - starting number count = 1")
            self.numberTrainCounter = 1
        # timeout.. either we have read everything or not - nothing else if happening.
        elif miliSecSinceLastSignal < self.END_OF_USER_INPUT_GAP:
            if self.numberTrainCounter == self.SIGNAL_NOT_SET :
                self.letterTrainCounter = self.letterTrainCounter + 1
                logging.info("Incrementing letter count, now %s" % self.letterTrainCounter)
                self.numberTrainCounter = self.numberTrainCounter + 1
                logging.info("Incrementing number count, now %s" % self.numberTrainCounter)
            logging.info("Ignored press %s milisecs since last" % miliSecSinceLastSignal)
        self.lastSignalTime = datetime.datetime.now()
 #       self.signalLock.release()

    #try to read the letter and number count...
    # Compexity is that the counts are updated on another thread.  We need to see if
    # We have left sufficient time for all information to be in.  If we do, read it
    # Then reset the data.
    def SignalsToKeyUpdater(self):
  #      self.signalLock.acquire()
        miliSecSinceLastSignal = self.get_milisecond_difference()
        # Read timed out we have numbers but no letters- ignore data.
        if miliSecSinceLastSignal > self.END_OF_USER_INPUT_GAP and self.letterTrainCounter != self.SIGNAL_NOT_SET and self.numberTrainCounter == self.SIGNAL_NOT_SET:
            logging.info("Aquiring lock on train counters for resetting number and letter counts due to TIMEOUT (%s secs since last press)" % miliSecSinceLastSignal)
            self.letterTrainCounter = self.SIGNAL_NOT_SET
            self.numberTrainCounter = self.SIGNAL_NOT_SET
 #           self.signalLock.release()
            return None
        # Data is ready to return. - we have letter and number counts, and we have left enough time to ensure there are no more ocming.
        elif self.letterTrainCounter != self.SIGNAL_NOT_SET and self.numberTrainCounter != self.SIGNAL_NOT_SET and miliSecSinceLastSignal > self.END_OF_USER_INPUT_GAP:
            logging.info("Signals ready to process !!! - Aquiring lock on train counters for resetting number and letter counts due to them being read")
            si = SignalInterpretor()
            currentKey = si.Interpret(self.letterTrainCounter, self.numberTrainCounter)
            self.letterTrainCounter = self.SIGNAL_NOT_SET
            self.numberTrainCounter = self.SIGNAL_NOT_SET
  #          self.signalLock.release()
            return currentKey
   #         self.signalLock.release()
            return None