class SreSection(StaticSection):
    """Defines the config section for OpenShift SRE"""
    google_service_account_file = FilenameAttribute(
    """File generated from a Google Cloud project (
Exemple #2
class MeetbotSection(StaticSection):
    meeting_log_path = FilenameAttribute('meeting_log_path',
    """Path to meeting logs storage directory

    This should be an absolute path, accessible on a webserver."""
    meeting_log_baseurl = ValidatedAttribute(
        'meeting_log_baseurl', default='http://localhost/~sopel/meetings')
    """Base URL for the meeting logs directory"""
Exemple #3
class BloucobotSection(StaticSection):
    """Configuration file section definition"""

    meeting_log_path = FilenameAttribute("meeting_log_path",
    """Path to meeting logs storage directory

    This should be an absolute path, accessible on a webserver."""

    meeting_log_baseurl = ValidatedAttribute(
        "meeting_log_baseurl", default="http://localhost/~sopel/meetings")
    """Base URL for the meeting logs directory"""
Exemple #4
class RemeSection(StaticSection):
    '''A class containing the configuration parameters for the module.'''
    admin_channels = ListAttribute('admin_channels')
    allowed_channels = ListAttribute('allowed_channels')
    days_before_forgotten = ValidatedAttribute('days_before_forgotten',
    minimum_time_seconds = ValidatedAttribute('minimum_time_seconds',
    minimum_line_number = ValidatedAttribute('minimum_line_number',
    sass_list = ListAttribute('sass_list')
    db_path = FilenameAttribute('db_path')
class ChanlogsSection(StaticSection):
    dir = FilenameAttribute('dir', directory=True, default='~/chanlogs')
    """Path to channel log storage directory"""
    by_day = ValidatedAttribute('by_day', parse=bool, default=True)
    """Split log files by day"""
    privmsg = ValidatedAttribute('privmsg', parse=bool, default=False)
    """Record private messages"""
    microseconds = ValidatedAttribute('microseconds', parse=bool, default=False)
    """Microsecond precision"""
    localtime = ValidatedAttribute('localtime', parse=bool, default=False)
    """Attempt to use preferred timezone instead of UTC"""
    ## TODO: Allow configuration of templates, perhaps the user would like to use
    ##       parsers that support only specific formats.
    message_template = ValidatedAttribute('message_template', default=None)
    action_template = ValidatedAttribute('action_template', default=None)
    join_template = ValidatedAttribute('join_template', default=None)
    part_template = ValidatedAttribute('part_template', default=None)
    quit_template = ValidatedAttribute('quit_template', default=None)
    nick_template = ValidatedAttribute('nick_template', default=None)
Exemple #6
class ChanlogsSection(StaticSection):
    '''A data class containing all the module parameter definitions.'''
    dir = FilenameAttribute('dir', directory=True, default='~/chanlogs')
    """Path to channel log storage directory"""
    by_day = ValidatedAttribute('by_day', parse=bool, default=True)
    """Split log files by day"""
    privmsg = ValidatedAttribute('privmsg', parse=bool, default=True)
    """Record private messages"""
    microseconds = ValidatedAttribute('microseconds', parse=bool, default=False)
    """Microsecond precision"""
    localtime = ValidatedAttribute('localtime', parse=bool, default=False)
    """Attempt to use preferred timezone instead of UTC"""
    message_template = ValidatedAttribute('message_template', default=None)
    action_template = ValidatedAttribute('action_template', default=None)
    mode_template = ValidatedAttribute('mode_template', default=None)
    kick_template = ValidatedAttribute('kick_template', default=None)
    join_template = ValidatedAttribute('join_template', default=None)
    part_template = ValidatedAttribute('part_template', default=None)
    quit_template = ValidatedAttribute('quit_template', default=None)
    nick_template = ValidatedAttribute('nick_template', default=None)
Exemple #7
class Chanlogs2Section(StaticSection):
    backend = ValidatedAttribute('backend', default='file')
    privmsg = ValidatedAttribute('privmsg', parse=bool, default=False)

    pg_connection = ValidatedAttribute('pg_connection', default='host=localhost port=5432 dbname=chanlogs')

    # The following config options are only valid if the backend is 'file'
    logdir = FilenameAttribute('logdir', directory=True, default='~/chanlogs')
    by_day = ValidatedAttribute('by_day', parse=bool, default=True)
    allow_toggle = ValidatedAttribute('allow_toggle', parse=bool, default=False)

    privmsg_template = ValidatedAttribute('privmsg_template', default=None)
    action_template = ValidatedAttribute('action_template', default=None)
    notice_template = ValidatedAttribute('notice_template', default=None)
    join_template = ValidatedAttribute('join_template', default=None)
    part_template = ValidatedAttribute('part_template', default=None)
    kick_template = ValidatedAttribute('kick_template', default=None)
    quit_template = ValidatedAttribute('quit_template', default=None)
    nick_template = ValidatedAttribute('nick_template', default=None)
    mode_template = ValidatedAttribute('mode_template', default=None)
    topic_template = ValidatedAttribute('topic_template', default=None)
Exemple #8
class CoreSection(StaticSection):
    """The config section used for configuring the bot itself."""
    admins = ListAttribute('admins')
    """The list of people (other than the owner) who can administer the bot"""

    admin_accounts = ListAttribute('admin_accounts')
    """The list of accounts (other than the owner's) who can administer the bot.

    This should not be set for networks that do not support IRCv3 account

    auth_method = ChoiceAttribute(
        'auth_method', choices=['nickserv', 'authserv', 'sasl', 'server'])
    """The method to use to authenticate with the server.

    Can be ``nickserv``, ``authserv``, ``sasl``, or ``server``."""

    auth_password = ValidatedAttribute('auth_password')
    """The password to use to authenticate with the server."""

    auth_target = ValidatedAttribute('auth_target')
    """The user to use for nickserv authentication, or the SASL mechanism.

    May not apply, depending on ``auth_method``. Defaults to NickServ for
    nickserv auth, and PLAIN for SASL auth."""

    auth_username = ValidatedAttribute('auth_username')
    """The username/account to use to authenticate with the server.

    May not apply, depending on ``auth_method``."""

    bind_host = ValidatedAttribute('bind_host')
    """Bind the connection to a specific IP"""

    ca_certs = FilenameAttribute('ca_certs', default=_find_certs())
    """The path of the CA certs pem file"""

    channels = ListAttribute('channels')
    """List of channels for the bot to join when it connects"""

    db_filename = ValidatedAttribute('db_filename')
    """The filename for Sopel's database."""

    default_time_format = ValidatedAttribute('default_time_format',
                                             default='%Y-%m-%d - %T%Z')
    """The default format to use for time in messages."""

    default_timezone = ValidatedAttribute('default_timezone')
    """The default timezone to use for time in messages."""

    enable = ListAttribute('enable')
    """A whitelist of the only modules you want to enable."""

    exclude = ListAttribute('exclude')
    """A list of modules which should not be loaded."""

    extra = ListAttribute('extra')
    """A list of other directories you'd like to include modules from."""

    help_prefix = ValidatedAttribute('help_prefix', default='.')
    """The prefix to use in help"""
    def homedir(self):
        """The directory in which various files are stored at runtime.

        By default, this is the same directory as the config. It can not be
        changed at runtime.
        return self._parent.homedir

    host = ValidatedAttribute('host', default='')
    """The server to connect to."""

    host_blocks = ListAttribute('host_blocks')
    """A list of hostmasks which Sopel should ignore.

    Regular expression syntax is used"""

    log_raw = ValidatedAttribute('log_raw', bool, default=True)
    """Whether a log of raw lines as sent and recieved should be kept."""

    logdir = FilenameAttribute('logdir', directory=True, default='logs')
    """Directory in which to place logs."""

    logging_channel = ValidatedAttribute('logging_channel', Identifier)
    """The channel to send logging messages to."""

    logging_level = ChoiceAttribute(
        'logging_level', ['CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG'],
    """The lowest severity of logs to display."""

    modes = ValidatedAttribute('modes', default='B')
    """User modes to be set on connection."""

    name = ValidatedAttribute('name', default='Sopel:')
    """The "real name" of your bot for WHOIS responses."""

    nick = ValidatedAttribute('nick', Identifier, default=Identifier('Sopel'))
    """The nickname for the bot"""

    nick_blocks = ListAttribute('nick_blocks')
    """A list of nicks which Sopel should ignore.

    Regular expression syntax is used."""

    not_configured = ValidatedAttribute('not_configured', bool, default=False)
    """For package maintainers. Not used in normal configurations.

    This allows software packages to install a default config file, with this
    set to true, so that the bot will not run until it has been properly

    owner = ValidatedAttribute('owner', default=NO_DEFAULT)
    """The IRC name of the owner of the bot."""

    owner_account = ValidatedAttribute('owner_account')
    """The services account name of the owner of the bot.

    This should only be set on networks which support IRCv3 account

    pid_dir = FilenameAttribute('pid_dir', directory=True, default='.')
    """The directory in which to put the file Sopel uses to track its process ID.

    You probably do not need to change this unless you're managing Sopel with
    systemd or similar."""

    port = ValidatedAttribute('port', int, default=6667)
    """The port to connect on."""

    prefix = ValidatedAttribute('prefix', default='\.')
    """The prefix to add to the beginning of commands.

    It is a regular expression (so the default, ``\.``, means commands start
    with a period), though using capturing groups will create problems."""

    throttle_join = ValidatedAttribute('throttle_join', int)
    """Slow down the initial join of channels to prevent getting kicked.

    Sopel will only join this many channels at a time, sleeping for a second
    between each batch. This is unnecessary on most networks."""

    timeout = ValidatedAttribute('timeout', int, default=120)
    """The amount of time acceptable between pings before timing out."""

    use_ssl = ValidatedAttribute('use_ssl', bool, default=False)
    """Whether to use a SSL secured connection."""

    user = ValidatedAttribute('user', default='sopel')
    """The "user" for your bot (the part before the @ in the hostname)."""

    verify_ssl = ValidatedAttribute('verify_ssl', bool, default=True)
    """Whether to require a trusted SSL certificate for SSL connections."""
Exemple #9
class GeoipSection(StaticSection):
    GeoIP_db_path = FilenameAttribute('GeoIP_db_path', directory=True)
    """Path of the directory containing the GeoIP db files."""
Exemple #10
class PollSection(StaticSection):
    dbname = FilenameAttribute('dbname', default="./poll.db")
Exemple #11
class CoreSection(StaticSection):
    """The config section used for configuring the bot itself.

    .. important::

        All **Required** values must be specified, or Sopel will fail to start.

    .. note::

        You can use the command ``sopel configure`` to generate a config file
        with the minimal required options.


    admins = ListAttribute('admins')
    """The list of people (other than the owner) who can administer the bot.


    .. code-block:: ini

        admin =

    admin_accounts = ListAttribute('admin_accounts')
    """The list of admin accounts other than the owner's.

    Each account is allowed to administer the bot and can perform commands
    that are restricted to admins.


    .. code-block:: ini

        admin_accounts =

    .. important::

        This should not be set for networks that do not support IRCv3 account
        capabilities. In that case, use :attr:`admins` instead.


    alias_nicks = ListAttribute('alias_nicks')
    """List of alternate names users may call the bot.

    These aliases are used along with the bot's nick for ``$nick`` and
    ``$nickname`` regex substitutions.

    For example, a bot named "William" (its :attr:`nick`) could have these

    .. code-block:: ini

        alias_nicks =

    This would then allow both "William: Hi!" and "Bill: Hi!" to work with

    auth_method = ChoiceAttribute('auth_method', choices=[
        'nickserv', 'authserv', 'Q', 'sasl', 'server', 'userserv'])
    """Simple method to authenticate with the server.

    Can be one of ``nickserv``, ``authserv``, ``Q``, ``sasl``, ``server``, or

    This allows only a single authentication method; to use both a server-based
    authentication method *and* a nick-based authentication method, see
    :attr:`server_auth_method` and :attr:`nick_auth_method`.

    For more information about these methods, see :ref:`Authentication`.

    .. note::
        If this is specified, :attr:`nick_auth_method` will be ignored, and this
        value will override :attr:`server_auth_method`.

    auth_password = SecretAttribute('auth_password')
    """The password to use to authenticate with the :attr:`auth_method`.

    See :ref:`Authentication`.

    auth_target = ValidatedAttribute('auth_target')
    """Target for authentication.

        * ``NickServ`` if using the ``nickserv`` :attr:`auth_method`
        * ``PLAIN`` if using the ``sasl`` :attr:`auth_method`

    The nickname of the NickServ service, or the name of the desired SASL
    mechanism, if :attr:`auth_method` is set to one of these methods. This value
    is otherwise ignored.

    See :ref:`Authentication`.

    auth_username = ValidatedAttribute('auth_username')
    """The user/account name to use when authenticating.

    May not apply, depending on :attr:`auth_method`. See :ref:`Authentication`.

    auto_url_schemes = ListAttribute(
    """List of URL schemes that will trigger URL callbacks.

    :default: ``['http', 'https', 'ftp']``

    Used by the URL callbacks feature to call plugins when links are posted in
    chat; see the :func:`sopel.plugin.url` decorator.

    The default value allows ``http``, ``https``, and ``ftp``. It is equivalent
    to this configuration example:

    .. code-block:: ini

        auto_url_schemes =


    bind_host = ValidatedAttribute('bind_host')
    """Bind the connection to a specific IP.

    :default: ```` (all interfaces)

    This is equivalent to the default value:

    .. code-block:: ini

        bind_host =


    ca_certs = FilenameAttribute('ca_certs', default=_find_certs())
    """The path to the CA certs ``.pem`` file.


    .. code-block:: ini

        ca_certs = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

    If not specified, Sopel will try to find the certificate trust store
    itself from a set of known locations.

    If the given value is not an absolute path, it will be interpreted relative
    to the directory containing the config file with which Sopel was started.

    channels = ListAttribute('channels')
    """List of channels for the bot to join when it connects.

    If a channel key needs to be provided, separate it from the channel name
    with a space:

    .. code-block:: ini

        channels =
            "#private password"

    .. important::

        If you edit the config file manually, make sure to wrap each line
        starting with a ``#`` in double quotes, as shown in the example above.
        An unquoted ``#`` denotes a comment, which will be ignored by Sopel's
        configuration parser.


    commands_on_connect = ListAttribute('commands_on_connect')
    """A list of commands to send upon successful connection to the IRC server.

    Each line is a message that will be sent to the server once connected,
    in the order they are defined:

    .. code-block:: ini

        commands_on_connect =
            PRIVMSG [email protected] :AUTH my_username MyPassword,@#$%!
            PRIVMSG MyOwner :I'm here!

    ``$nickname`` can be used in a command as a placeholder, and will be
    replaced with the bot's :attr:`nick`. For example, if the bot's nick is
    ``Sopel``, ``MODE $nickname +Xxw`` will be expanded to ``MODE Sopel +Xxw``.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    db_driver = ValidatedAttribute('db_driver')
    """The driver to use for connecting to the database.

    This is optional, but can be specified if user wants to use a different
    driver than the default for the chosen :attr:`db_type`.

    .. seealso::

        Refer to :ref:`SQLAlchemy's documentation <engines_toplevel>` for more


    db_filename = ValidatedAttribute('db_filename')
    """The filename for Sopel's database.

    Used only for SQLite. Ignored for all other :attr:`db_type` values.

    db_host = ValidatedAttribute('db_host')
    """The host for Sopel's database.

    Ignored when using SQLite.

    db_name = ValidatedAttribute('db_name')
    """The name of Sopel's database.

    Ignored when using SQLite.

    db_pass = SecretAttribute('db_pass')
    """The password for Sopel's database.

    Ignored when using SQLite.

    db_port = ValidatedAttribute('db_port')
    """The port for Sopel's database.

    Ignored when using SQLite.

    db_type = ChoiceAttribute('db_type', choices=[
        'sqlite', 'mysql', 'postgres', 'mssql', 'oracle', 'firebird', 'sybase'], default='sqlite')
    """The type of database Sopel should connect to.

    :default: ``sqlite`` (part of Python's standard library)

    The full list of values Sopel recognizes is:

    * ``firebird``
    * ``mssql``
    * ``mysql``
    * ``oracle``
    * ``postgres``
    * ``sqlite``
    * ``sybase``

    Here are the additional PyPI packages you may need to install to use one of
    the most commonly requested alternatives:

      ``pip install mysql-python`` (Python 2)

      ``pip install mysqlclient`` (Python 3)

      ``pip install psycopg2``

      ``pip install pymssql``

    This is equivalent to the default value:

    .. code-block:: ini

        db_type = sqlite

    .. seealso::

        Refer to :ref:`SQLAlchemy's documentation <dialect_toplevel>` for more
        information about the different dialects it supports.

    .. note::

        Plugins originally written for Sopel 6.x and older *might* not work
        correctly with ``db_type``\\s other than ``sqlite``.


    db_user = ValidatedAttribute('db_user')
    """The user for Sopel's database.

    Ignored when using SQLite.

    default_time_format = ValidatedAttribute('default_time_format',
                                             default='%Y-%m-%d - %T%Z')
    """The default format to use for time in messages.

    :default: ``%Y-%m-%d - %T%Z``

    Used when plugins format times with :func:``.

    This is equivalent to the default value:

    .. code-block:: ini

        default_time_format = %Y-%m-%d - %T%Z

    .. seealso::

        Time format reference is available in the documentation for Python's
        :func:`time.strftime` function.


    default_timezone = ValidatedAttribute('default_timezone', default='UTC')
    """The default timezone to use for time in messages.

    :default: ``UTC``

    .. highlight:: ini

    Used when plugins format times with :func:``.

    For example, to make Sopel fall back on British time::

        default_timezone = Europe/London

    And this is equivalent to the default value::

        default_timezone = UTC


    enable = ListAttribute('enable')
    """A list of the only plugins you want to enable.

    .. highlight:: ini

    If set, Sopel will *only* load the plugins named here. All other available
    plugins will be ignored::

        enable =

    In that case, only the ``url``, ``xkcd``, and ``help`` plugins will be
    enabled and loaded by Sopel.

    To load *all* available plugins, clear this setting by removing it, or
    by making it empty::

        enable =

    To disable only a few plugins, see :attr:`exclude`.

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Plugins` chapter for an overview of all plugin-related


    exclude = ListAttribute('exclude')
    """A list of plugins which should not be loaded.

    .. highlight:: ini

    If set, Sopel will load all available plugins *except* those named here::

        exclude =

    In that case, ``url``, ``calc``, and ``meetbot`` will be excluded, and they
    won't be loaded by Sopel.

    A plugin named both here and in :attr:`enable` **will not** be loaded;
    :attr:`exclude` takes priority.

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Plugins` chapter for an overview of all plugin-related


    extra = ListAttribute('extra')
    """A list of other directories in which to search for plugin files.


    .. code-block:: ini

        extra =

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Plugins` chapter for an overview of all plugin-related


    flood_burst_lines = ValidatedAttribute('flood_burst_lines', int, default=4)
    """How many messages can be sent in burst mode.

    :default: ``4``

    This is equivalent to the default value:

    .. code-block:: ini

        flood_burst_lines = 4

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Flood Prevention` chapter to learn what each flood-related
        setting does.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    flood_empty_wait = ValidatedAttribute('flood_empty_wait', float, default=0.7)
    """How long to wait between sending messages when not in burst mode, in seconds.

    :default: ``0.7``

    This is equivalent to the default value:

    .. code-block:: ini

        flood_empty_wait = 0.7

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Flood Prevention` chapter to learn what each flood-related
        setting does.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    flood_max_wait = ValidatedAttribute('flood_max_wait', float, default=2)
    """How much time to wait at most when flood protection kicks in.

    :default: ``2``

    This is equivalent to the default value:

    .. code-block:: ini

        flood_max_wait = 2

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Flood Prevention` chapter to learn what each flood-related
        setting does.

    .. versionadded:: 7.1

    flood_penalty_ratio = ValidatedAttribute('flood_penalty_ratio',
    """Ratio of the message length used to compute the added wait penalty.

    :default: ``1.4``

    Messages longer than :attr:`flood_text_length` will get an added
    wait penalty (in seconds) that will be computed like this::

        overflow = max(0, (len(text) - flood_text_length))
        rate = flood_text_length * flood_penalty_ratio
        penalty = overflow / rate

    .. note::

        If the penalty ratio is 0, this penalty will be disabled.

    This is equivalent to the default value:

    .. code-block:: ini

        flood_penalty_ratio = 1.4

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Flood Prevention` chapter to learn what each flood-related
        setting does.

    .. versionadded:: 7.1

    flood_refill_rate = ValidatedAttribute('flood_refill_rate', int, default=1)
    """How quickly burst mode recovers, in messages per second.

    :default: ``1``

    This is equivalent to the default value:

    .. code-block:: ini

        flood_refill_rate = 1

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Flood Prevention` chapter to learn what each flood-related
        setting does.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    flood_text_length = ValidatedAttribute('flood_text_length', int, default=50)
    """Length of text at which an extra wait penalty is added.

    :default: ``50``

    Messages longer than this (in bytes) get an added wait penalty if the
    flood protection limit is reached.

    This is equivalent to the default value:

    .. code-block:: ini

        flood_text_length = 50

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Flood Prevention` chapter to learn what each flood-related
        setting does.

    .. versionadded:: 7.1

    help_prefix = ValidatedAttribute('help_prefix',
    """The prefix to use in help output.

    :default: ``.``

    This is equivalent to the default value:

    .. code-block:: ini

        help_prefix = .

    If :attr:`prefix` is changed from the default, this setting **must** be
    updated to reflect the prefix your bot will actually respond to, or the
    built-in ``help`` functionality will provide incorrect example usage.

    def homedir(self):
        """The directory in which various files are stored at runtime.

        By default, this is the same directory as the config file. It cannot be
        changed at runtime.
        return self._parent.homedir

    host = ValidatedAttribute('host', default='')
    """The IRC server to connect to.

    :default: ````


    .. code-block:: ini

        host =


    host_blocks = ListAttribute('host_blocks')
    """A list of hostnames which Sopel should ignore.

    Messages from any user whose connection hostname matches one of these
    values will be ignored. :ref:`Regular expression syntax <re-syntax>`
    is supported, so remember to escape special characters:

    .. code-block:: ini

        host_blocks =

    .. seealso::

        The :attr:`nick_blocks` list can be used to block users by their nick.

    .. note::

        We are working on a better block system; see `issue #1355`__ for more
        information and update.

    .. __:


    log_raw = ValidatedAttribute('log_raw', bool, default=False)
    """Whether a log of raw lines as sent and received should be kept.

    :default: ``no``

    To enable this logging:

    .. code-block:: ini

        log_raw = yes

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Raw Logs` chapter.


    logdir = FilenameAttribute('logdir', directory=True, default='logs')
    """Directory in which to place logs.

    :default: ``logs``

    If the given value is not an absolute path, it will be interpreted relative
    to the directory containing the config file with which Sopel was started.

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Logging` chapter.


    logging_channel = ValidatedAttribute('logging_channel', Identifier)
    """The channel to send logging messages to.

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Log to a Channel` chapter.


    logging_channel_datefmt = ValidatedAttribute('logging_channel_datefmt')
    """The format string to use for timestamps in IRC channel logs.

    If not specified, this falls back to using :attr:`logging_datefmt`.

    .. seealso::

        Time format reference is available in the documentation for Python's
        :func:`time.strftime` function.

        For more information about logging, see :ref:`Log to a Channel`.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    logging_channel_format = ValidatedAttribute('logging_channel_format')
    """The logging format string to use in IRC channel logs.

    If not specified, this falls back to using :attr:`logging_format`.

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Log to a Channel` chapter.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    logging_channel_level = ChoiceAttribute('logging_channel_level',
                                            ['CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING',
                                             'INFO', 'DEBUG'],
    """The lowest severity of logs to display in IRC channel logs.

    If not specified, this falls back to using :attr:`logging_level`.

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Log to a Channel` chapter.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    logging_datefmt = ValidatedAttribute('logging_datefmt')
    """The format string to use for timestamps in logs.

    If not set, the ``datefmt`` argument is not provided, and :mod:`logging`
    will use the Python default.

    .. seealso::

        Time format reference is available in the documentation for Python's
        :func:`time.strftime` function.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    logging_format = ValidatedAttribute(
        default='[%(asctime)s] %(name)-20s %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s')
    """The logging format string to use for logs.

    :default: ``[%(asctime)s] %(name)-20s %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s``

    The default log line format will output the timestamp, the package that
    generated the log line, the log level of the line, and (finally) the actual
    message. For example::

        [2019-10-21 12:47:44,272] sopel.irc            INFO     - Connected.

    This is equivalent to the default value:

    .. code-block:: ini

       logging_format = [%(asctime)s] %(name)-20s %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s

    .. seealso::

        Python's logging format documentation: :ref:`logrecord-attributes`

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    logging_level = ChoiceAttribute('logging_level',
                                    ['CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO',
    """The lowest severity of logs to display.

    :default: ``INFO``

    Valid values sorted by increasing verbosity:

    * ``CRITICAL``
    * ``ERROR``
    * ``WARNING``
    * ``INFO``
    * ``DEBUG``

    For example to log only at WARNING level and above:

    .. code-block:: ini

        logging_level = WARNING


    modes = ValidatedAttribute('modes', default='B')
    """User modes to be set on connection.

    :default: ``B``

    Include only the mode letters; this value is automatically prefixed with
    ``+`` before Sopel sends the MODE command to IRC.

    name = ValidatedAttribute('name', default='Sopel:')
    """The "real name" of your bot for ``WHOIS`` responses.

    :default: ``Sopel:``

    nick = ValidatedAttribute('nick', Identifier, default=Identifier('Sopel'))
    """The nickname for the bot.

    :default: ``Sopel``


    .. code-block:: ini

        nick = Sopel


    nick_auth_method = ChoiceAttribute('nick_auth_method', choices=[
        'nickserv', 'authserv', 'Q', 'userserv'])
    """The nick authentication method.

    Can be one of ``nickserv``, ``authserv``, ``Q``, or ``userserv``.

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Authentication` chapter for more details.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    nick_auth_password = SecretAttribute('nick_auth_password')
    """The password to use to authenticate the bot's nick.

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Authentication` chapter for more details.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    nick_auth_target = ValidatedAttribute('nick_auth_target')
    """The target user for nick authentication.

    :default: ``NickServ`` for ``nickserv`` authentication; ``UserServ`` for
              ``userserv`` authentication

    May not apply, depending on the chosen :attr:`nick_auth_method`.

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Authentication` chapter for more details.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    nick_auth_username = ValidatedAttribute('nick_auth_username')
    """The username/account to use for nick authentication.

    :default: the value of :attr:`nick`

    May not apply, depending on the chosen :attr:`nick_auth_method`.

    .. seealso::

        The :ref:`Authentication` chapter for more details.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    nick_blocks = ListAttribute('nick_blocks')
    """A list of nicks which Sopel should ignore.

    Messages from any user whose nickname matches one of these values will be
    ignored. :ref:`Regular expression syntax <re-syntax>` is supported, so
    remember to escape special characters:

    .. code-block:: ini

        nick_blocks =

    .. seealso::

        The :attr:`host_blocks` list can be used to block users by their host.

    .. note::

        We are working on a better block system; see `issue #1355`__ for more
        information and update.

    .. __:


    not_configured = ValidatedAttribute('not_configured', bool, default=False)
    """For package maintainers. Not used in normal configurations.

    :default: ``False``

    This allows software packages to install a default config file, with this
    option set to ``True``, so that commands to start, stop, or restart the bot
    won't work until the bot has been properly configured.

    owner = ValidatedAttribute('owner', default=NO_DEFAULT)
    """The IRC name of the owner of the bot.

    **Required** even if :attr:`owner_account` is set.

    owner_account = ValidatedAttribute('owner_account')
    """The services account name of the owner of the bot.

    This should only be set on networks which support IRCv3 account

    pid_dir = FilenameAttribute('pid_dir', directory=True, default='.')
    """The directory in which to put the file Sopel uses to track its process ID.

    :default: ``.``

    If the given value is not an absolute path, it will be interpreted relative
    to the directory containing the config file with which Sopel was started.

    You probably do not need to change this unless you're managing Sopel with
    ``systemd`` or similar.

    port = ValidatedAttribute('port', int, default=6667)
    """The port to connect on.

    :default: ``6667`` normally; ``6697`` if :attr:`use_ssl` is ``True``

    .. highlight:: ini


        port = 6667

    And usually when SSL is enabled::

        port = 6697
        use_ssl = yes


    prefix = ValidatedAttribute('prefix', default=COMMAND_DEFAULT_PREFIX)
    """The prefix to add to the beginning of commands as a regular expression.

    :default: ``\\.``

    .. highlight:: ini


        prefix = \\.

    With the default value, users will invoke commands like this:

    .. code-block:: irc

        <nick> .help

    Since it's a regular expression, you can use multiple prefixes::

        prefix = \\.|\\?

    .. important::

        As the prefix is a regular expression, don't forget to escape it when
        necessary. It is not recommended to use capturing groups, as it
        **will** create problems with argument parsing for commands.

    .. note::

        Remember to change the :attr:`help_prefix` value accordingly::

            prefix = \\?
            help_prefix = ?

        In that example, users will invoke commands like this:

        .. code-block:: irc

            <nick> ?help xkcd
            <Sopel> ?xkcd - Finds an xkcd comic strip
            <Sopel> Takes one of 3 inputs:


    reply_errors = ValidatedAttribute('reply_errors', bool, default=True)
    """Whether to reply to the sender of a message that triggered an error.

    :default: ``True``

    If ``True``, Sopel will send information about the triggered exception to
    the sender of the message that caused the error.

    If ``False``, Sopel will only log the error and will appear to fail
    silently from the triggering IRC user's perspective.

    server_auth_method = ChoiceAttribute('server_auth_method',
                                         choices=['sasl', 'server'])
    """The server authentication method.

    Can be ``sasl`` or ``server``.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    server_auth_password = SecretAttribute('server_auth_password')
    """The password to use to authenticate with the server.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    server_auth_sasl_mech = ValidatedAttribute('server_auth_sasl_mech')
    """The SASL mechanism.

    :default: ``PLAIN``

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    server_auth_username = ValidatedAttribute('server_auth_username')
    """The username/account to use to authenticate with the server.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    throttle_join = ValidatedAttribute('throttle_join', int, default=0)
    """Slow down the initial join of channels to prevent getting kicked.

    :default: ``0``

    Sopel will only join this many channels at a time, sleeping for a second
    between each batch to avoid getting kicked for joining too quickly. This is
    unnecessary on most networks.

    If not set, or set to 0, Sopel won't slow down the initial join.

    In this example, Sopel will try to join 4 channels at a time:

    .. code-block:: ini

        throttle_join = 4

    .. seealso::

        :attr:`throttle_wait` controls Sopel's waiting time between joining
        batches of channels.


    throttle_wait = ValidatedAttribute('throttle_wait', int, default=1)
    """Time in seconds Sopel waits between joining batches of channels.

    :default: ``1``

    In this example:

    .. code-block:: ini

        throttle_wait = 5
        throttle_join = 2

    Sopel will join 2 channels every 5s.

    If :attr:`throttle_join` is ``0``, this setting has no effect.

    .. seealso::

        :attr:`throttle_join` controls channel batch size.


    timeout = ValidatedAttribute('timeout', int, default=120)
    """The number of seconds acceptable since the last message before timing out.

    :default: ``120``

    You can change the timeout like this:

    .. code-block:: ini

        # increase to 200 seconds
        timeout = 200


    timeout_ping_interval = ValidatedAttribute('timeout_ping_interval',
    """The number of seconds before sending a PING command to the server.

    :default: (auto)

    The default value is made to send at least 2 PINGs before the bot thinks
    there is a timeout, given that :attr:`timeout` is 120s by default:

    * t+54s: first PING
    * t+108s: second PING
    * t+120s: if no response, then a timeout is detected

    This makes the timeout detection more lenient and forgiving, by allowing a
    12s window for the server to send something that will prevent a timeout.

    You can change the PING interval like this:

    .. code-block:: ini

        # timeout up to 250s
        timeout = 250
        # PING every 80s (about 3 times every 240s + 10s window)
        timeout_ping_interval = 80

    .. note::

        Internally, the default value is 0 and the value used will be
        automatically calculated as 45% of the :attr:`timeout`::

            ping_interval = timeout * 0.45

        So for a timeout of 120s it's a PING every 54s. For a timeout of 250s
        it's a PING every 112.5s.


    use_ssl = ValidatedAttribute('use_ssl', bool, default=False)
    """Whether to use a SSL/TLS encrypted connection.

    :default: ``False``

    Example with SSL on:

    .. code-block:: ini

        use_ssl = yes


    user = ValidatedAttribute('user', default='sopel')
    """The "user" for your bot (the part before the ``@`` in the hostname).

    :default: ``sopel``


    .. code-block:: ini

        user = sopel


    verify_ssl = ValidatedAttribute('verify_ssl', bool, default=True)
    """Whether to require a trusted certificate for encrypted connections.
Exemple #12
class SPN2Section(StaticSection):
    access = ValidatedAttribute('access', str)
    secret = ValidatedAttribute('secret', str)
    logfile = FilenameAttribute('logfile')
Exemple #13
class CoreSection(StaticSection):
    """The config section used for configuring the bot itself.

    .. important::
        All **Required** values must be specified, or Sopel will fail to start.

    admins = ListAttribute('admins')
    """The list of people (other than the owner) who can administer the bot."""

    admin_accounts = ListAttribute('admin_accounts')
    """The list of admin accounts other than the owner's.

    Each account is allowed to administer the bot and can perform commands
    that are restricted to admins.

    .. important::
        This should not be set for networks that do not support IRCv3 account

    alias_nicks = ListAttribute('alias_nicks')
    """List of alternate names users may call the bot.

    These aliases are used along with the bot's nick for ``$nick`` and
    ``$nickname`` regex substitutions.

    For example, a bot named "William" (its :attr:`nick`) could have aliases
    "Bill", "Will", and "Liam". This would then allow both "William: Hi!" and
    "Bill: Hi!" to work with :func:`~sopel.module.nickname_commands`.

    auth_method = ChoiceAttribute(
        choices=['nickserv', 'authserv', 'Q', 'sasl', 'server', 'userserv'])
    """Simple method to authenticate with the server.

    Can be one of ``nickserv``, ``authserv``, ``Q``, ``sasl``, ``server``, or

    This allows only a single authentication method; to use both a server-based
    authentication method *and* a nick-based authentication method, see
    :attr:`server_auth_method` and :attr:`nick_auth_method`.

    For more information about these methods, see :ref:`Authentication`.

    .. note::
        If this is specified, :attr:`nick_auth_method` will be ignored, and this
        value will override :attr:`server_auth_method`.

    auth_password = ValidatedAttribute('auth_password')
    """The password to use to authenticate with the :attr:`auth_method`.

    See :ref:`Authentication`.

    auth_target = ValidatedAttribute('auth_target')
    """Target for authentication.

        * ``NickServ`` if using the ``nickserv`` :attr:`auth_method`
        * ``PLAIN`` if using the ``sasl`` :attr:`auth_method`

    The nickname of the NickServ service, or the name of the desired SASL
    mechanism, if :attr:`auth_method` is set to one of these methods. This value
    is otherwise ignored.

    See :ref:`Authentication`.

    auth_username = ValidatedAttribute('auth_username')
    """The user/account name to use when authenticating.

    May not apply, depending on :attr:`auth_method`. See :ref:`Authentication`.

    auto_url_schemes = ListAttribute('auto_url_schemes',
                                     default=['http', 'https', 'ftp'])
    """List of URL schemes that will trigger URL callbacks.

    :default: ``['http', 'https', 'ftp']``

    Used by the URL callbacks feature to call plugins when links are posted in
    chat; see the :func:`sopel.module.url` decorator.

    The default value allows ``http``, ``https``, and ``ftp``.

    bind_host = ValidatedAttribute('bind_host')
    """Bind the connection to a specific IP.

    :default: ```` (all interfaces)

    ca_certs = FilenameAttribute('ca_certs', default=_find_certs())
    """The path to the CA certs ``.pem`` file.

    If not specified, Sopel will try to find the certificate trust store itself.

    channels = ListAttribute('channels')
    """List of channels for the bot to join when it connects."""

    commands_on_connect = ListAttribute('commands_on_connect')
    """A list of commands to send upon successful connection to the IRC server.

    Each line is a message that will be sent to the server once connected.

        commands_on_connect =
            PRIVMSG [email protected] :AUTH my_username MyPassword,@#$%!
            PRIVMSG MyOwner :I'm here!

    ``$nickname`` can be used in a command as a placeholder, and will be
    replaced with the bot's :attr:`nick`. For example, if the bot's nick is
    ``Sopel``, ``MODE $nickname +Xxw`` will be expanded to ``MODE Sopel +Xxw``.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    db_driver = ValidatedAttribute('db_driver')
    """The driver to use for connecting to the database.

    This is optional, but can be specified if user wants to use a different
    driver than the default for the chosen :attr:`db_type`.

    .. seealso::

        Refer to :ref:`SQLAlchemy's documentation <engines_toplevel>` for more


    db_filename = ValidatedAttribute('db_filename')
    """The filename for Sopel's database.

    Used only for SQLite. Ignored for all other :attr:`db_type` values.

    db_host = ValidatedAttribute('db_host')
    """The host for Sopel's database.

    Ignored when using SQLite.

    db_name = ValidatedAttribute('db_name')
    """The name of Sopel's database.

    Ignored when using SQLite.

    db_pass = ValidatedAttribute('db_pass')
    """The password for Sopel's database.

    Ignored when using SQLite.

    db_port = ValidatedAttribute('db_port')
    """The port for Sopel's database.

    Ignored when using SQLite.

    db_type = ChoiceAttribute('db_type',
                                  'sqlite', 'mysql', 'postgres', 'mssql',
                                  'oracle', 'firebird', 'sybase'
    """The type of database Sopel should connect to.

    :default: ``sqlite`` (part of Python's standard library)

    The full list of values Sopel recognizes is:

    * ``firebird``
    * ``mssql``
    * ``mysql``
    * ``oracle``
    * ``postgres``
    * ``sqlite``
    * ``sybase``

    Here are the additional PyPI packages you may need to install to use one of
    the most commonly requested alternatives:

      ``pip install mysql-python`` (Python 2)

      ``pip install mysqlclient`` (Python 3)

      ``pip install psycopg2``

      ``pip install pymssql``

    .. seealso::

        Refer to :ref:`SQLAlchemy's documentation <dialect_toplevel>` for more
        information about the different dialects it supports.


    db_user = ValidatedAttribute('db_user')
    """The user for Sopel's database.

    Ignored when using SQLite.

    default_time_format = ValidatedAttribute('default_time_format',
                                             default='%Y-%m-%d - %T%Z')
    """The default format to use for time in messages.

    :default: ``%Y-%m-%d - %T%Z``

    Used when plugins format times with :func:``.

    .. seealso::

        Time format reference is available in the documentation for Python's
        :func:`time.strftime` function.


    default_timezone = ValidatedAttribute('default_timezone', default='UTC')
    """The default timezone to use for time in messages.

    :default: ``UTC``

    Used when plugins format times with :func:``.

    enable = ListAttribute('enable')
    """A list of the only plugins you want to enable.

    If set, Sopel will *only* load the plugins named here. All other available
    plugins will be ignored.

    To load *all* available plugins, clear this setting.

    To disable only a few plugins, see :attr:`exclude`.

    See :ref:`Plugins` for an overview of all plugin-related settings.

    exclude = ListAttribute('exclude')
    """A list of plugins which should not be loaded.

    If set, Sopel will load all available plugins *except* those named here.

    A plugin named both here and in :attr:`enable` **will not** be loaded;
    :attr:`exclude` takes priority.

    See :ref:`Plugins` for an overview of all plugin-related settings.

    extra = ListAttribute('extra')
    """A list of other directories in which to search for plugin files.

    See :ref:`Plugins` for an overview of all plugin-related settings.

    flood_burst_lines = ValidatedAttribute('flood_burst_lines', int, default=4)
    """How many messages can be sent in burst mode.

    :default: ``4``

    See :ref:`Flood Prevention` to learn what each flood-related setting does.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    flood_empty_wait = ValidatedAttribute('flood_empty_wait',
    """How long to wait between sending messages when not in burst mode, in seconds.

    :default: ``0.7``

    See :ref:`Flood Prevention` to learn what each flood-related setting does.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    flood_refill_rate = ValidatedAttribute('flood_refill_rate', int, default=1)
    """How quickly burst mode recovers, in messages per second.

    :default: ``1``

    See :ref:`Flood Prevention` to learn what each flood-related setting does.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    help_prefix = ValidatedAttribute('help_prefix', default='.')
    """The prefix to use in help output.

    :default: ``.``

    If :attr:`prefix` is changed from the default, this setting **must** be
    updated to reflect the prefix your bot will actually respond to, or the
    built-in ``help`` functionality will provide incorrect example usage.
    def homedir(self):
        """The directory in which various files are stored at runtime.

        By default, this is the same directory as the config file. It cannot be
        changed at runtime.
        return self._parent.homedir

    host = ValidatedAttribute('host', default='')
    """The IRC server to connect to.

    :default: ````


    host_blocks = ListAttribute('host_blocks')
    """A list of hostnames which Sopel should ignore.

    Messages from any user whose connection hostname matches one of these values
    will be ignored. :ref:`Regular expression syntax <re-syntax>` is supported.

    Also see the :attr:`nick_blocks` list.

    log_raw = ValidatedAttribute('log_raw', bool, default=False)
    """Whether a log of raw lines as sent and received should be kept.

    See :ref:`Raw Logs`.

    logdir = FilenameAttribute('logdir', directory=True, default='logs')
    """Directory in which to place logs.

    See :ref:`Logging`.

    logging_channel = ValidatedAttribute('logging_channel', Identifier)
    """The channel to send logging messages to.

    See :ref:`Log to a Channel`.

    logging_channel_datefmt = ValidatedAttribute('logging_channel_datefmt')
    """The format string to use for timestamps in IRC channel logs.

    If not specified, this falls back to using :attr:`logging_datefmt`.

    See :ref:`Log to a Channel`.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0
    .. seealso::

        Time format reference is available in the documentation for Python's
        :func:`time.strftime` function.


    logging_channel_format = ValidatedAttribute('logging_channel_format')
    """The logging format string to use in IRC channel logs.

    If not specified, this falls back to using :attr:`logging_format`.

    See :ref:`Log to a Channel`.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    logging_channel_level = ChoiceAttribute(
    """The lowest severity of logs to display in IRC channel logs.

    If not specified, this falls back to using :attr:`logging_level`.

    See :ref:`Log to a Channel`.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    logging_datefmt = ValidatedAttribute('logging_datefmt')
    """The format string to use for timestamps in logs.

    If not set, the ``datefmt`` argument is not provided, and :mod:`logging`
    will use the Python default.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0
    .. seealso::

        Time format reference is available in the documentation for Python's
        :func:`time.strftime` function.


    logging_format = ValidatedAttribute(
        default='[%(asctime)s] %(name)-20s %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s')
    """The logging format string to use for logs.

    :default: ``[%(asctime)s] %(name)-20s %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s``

    The default log line format will output the timestamp, the package that
    generated the log line, the log level of the line, and (finally) the actual
    message. For example::

        [2019-10-21 12:47:44,272] sopel.irc            INFO     - Connected.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0
    .. seealso::
        Python's logging format documentation: :ref:`logrecord-attributes`

    logging_level = ChoiceAttribute(
        'logging_level', ['CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG'],
    """The lowest severity of logs to display.

    :default: ``INFO``

    Valid values sorted by increasing verbosity:

    * ``CRITICAL``
    * ``ERROR``
    * ``WARNING``
    * ``INFO``
    * ``DEBUG``

    modes = ValidatedAttribute('modes', default='B')
    """User modes to be set on connection.

    :default: ``B``

    Include only the mode letters; this value is automatically prefixed with
    ``+`` before Sopel sends the MODE command to IRC.

    name = ValidatedAttribute('name', default='Sopel:')
    """The "real name" of your bot for ``WHOIS`` responses.

    :default: ``Sopel:``

    nick = ValidatedAttribute('nick', Identifier, default=Identifier('Sopel'))
    """The nickname for the bot.

    :default: ``Sopel``


    nick_auth_method = ChoiceAttribute(
        'nick_auth_method', choices=['nickserv', 'authserv', 'Q', 'userserv'])
    """The nick authentication method.

    Can be one of ``nickserv``, ``authserv``, ``Q``, or ``userserv``.

    See :ref:`Authentication` for more details.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    nick_auth_password = ValidatedAttribute('nick_auth_password')
    """The password to use to authenticate the bot's nick.

    See :ref:`Authentication` for more details.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    nick_auth_target = ValidatedAttribute('nick_auth_target')
    """The target user for nick authentication.

    :default: ``NickServ`` for ``nickserv`` authentication; ``UserServ`` for
              ``userserv`` authentication

    May not apply, depending on the chosen :attr:`nick_auth_method`. See
    :ref:`Authentication` for more details.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    nick_auth_username = ValidatedAttribute('nick_auth_username')
    """The username/account to use for nick authentication.

    :default: the value of :attr:`nick`

    May not apply, depending on the chosen :attr:`nick_auth_method`. See
    :ref:`Authentication` for more details.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    nick_blocks = ListAttribute('nick_blocks')
    """A list of nicks which Sopel should ignore.

    Messages from any user whose nickname matches one of these values will be
    ignored. :ref:`Regular expression syntax <re-syntax>` is supported.

    Also see the :attr:`host_blocks` list.

    not_configured = ValidatedAttribute('not_configured', bool, default=False)
    """For package maintainers. Not used in normal configurations.

    :default: ``False``

    This allows software packages to install a default config file, with this
    option set to ``True``, so that the bot will not run until it has been
    properly configured.

    owner = ValidatedAttribute('owner', default=NO_DEFAULT)
    """The IRC name of the owner of the bot.

    **Required** even if :attr:`owner_account` is set.

    owner_account = ValidatedAttribute('owner_account')
    """The services account name of the owner of the bot.

    This should only be set on networks which support IRCv3 account

    pid_dir = FilenameAttribute('pid_dir', directory=True, default='.')
    """The directory in which to put the file Sopel uses to track its process ID.

    :default: ``.``

    If the given value is not an absolute path, it will be interpreted relative
    to the directory containing the config file with which Sopel was started.

    You probably do not need to change this unless you're managing Sopel with
    ``systemd`` or similar.

    port = ValidatedAttribute('port', int, default=6667)
    """The port to connect on.

    :default: ``6667`` normally; ``6697`` if :attr:`use_ssl` is ``True``


    prefix = ValidatedAttribute('prefix', default='\\.')
    """The prefix to add to the beginning of commands.

    :default: ``\\.``


    It is a regular expression (so the default, ``\\.``, means commands start
    with a period), though using capturing groups will create problems.

    reply_errors = ValidatedAttribute('reply_errors', bool, default=True)
    """Whether to reply to the sender of a message that triggered an error.

    :default: ``True``

    If ``True``, Sopel will send information about the triggered exception to
    the sender of the message that caused the error.

    If ``False``, Sopel will only log the error and will appear to fail silently
    from the triggering IRC user's perspective.

    server_auth_method = ChoiceAttribute('server_auth_method',
                                         choices=['sasl', 'server'])
    """The server authentication method.

    Can be ``sasl`` or ``server``.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    server_auth_password = ValidatedAttribute('server_auth_password')
    """The password to use to authenticate with the server.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    server_auth_sasl_mech = ValidatedAttribute('server_auth_sasl_mech')
    """The SASL mechanism.

    :default: ``PLAIN``

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    server_auth_username = ValidatedAttribute('server_auth_username')
    """The username/account to use to authenticate with the server.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    throttle_join = ValidatedAttribute('throttle_join', int, default=0)
    """Slow down the initial join of channels to prevent getting kicked.

    :default: ``0``

    Sopel will only join this many channels at a time, sleeping for a second
    between each batch to avoid getting kicked for joining too quickly. This is
    unnecessary on most networks.

    If not set, or set to 0, Sopel won't slow down the initial join.

    .. seealso::

        :attr:`throttle_wait` controls Sopel's waiting time between joining
        batches of channels.


    throttle_wait = ValidatedAttribute('throttle_wait', int, default=1)
    """Time in seconds Sopel waits between joining batches of channels.

    :default: ``1``

    For example, with ``throttle_join = 2`` and ``throttle_wait = 5`` it will
    wait 5s every 2 channels it joins.

    If :attr:`throttle_join` is ``0``, this setting has no effect.

    .. seealso::

        :attr:`throttle_join` controls channel batch size.


    timeout = ValidatedAttribute('timeout', int, default=120)
    """The number of seconds acceptable between pings before timing out.

    :default: ``120``

    use_ssl = ValidatedAttribute('use_ssl', bool, default=False)
    """Whether to use a SSL/TLS encrypted connection.

    :default: ``False``

    user = ValidatedAttribute('user', default='sopel')
    """The "user" for your bot (the part before the ``@`` in the hostname).

    :default: ``sopel``


    verify_ssl = ValidatedAttribute('verify_ssl', bool, default=True)
    """Whether to require a trusted certificate for encrypted connections.
Exemple #14
class CoreSection(StaticSection):
    """The config section used for configuring the bot itself."""

    admins = ListAttribute('admins')
    """The list of people (other than the owner) who can administer the bot."""

    admin_accounts = ListAttribute('admin_accounts')
    """The list of admin accounts other than the owner's.

    Each account is allowed to administer the bot and can perform commands
    that are restricted to admins.

    This should not be set for networks that do not support IRCv3 account

    alias_nicks = ListAttribute('alias_nicks')
    """List of alternate names for regex substitutions.

    These aliases are used as the bot's nick for ``$nick`` and ``$nickname``
    regex substitutions.

    auth_method = ChoiceAttribute(
        choices=['nickserv', 'authserv', 'Q', 'sasl', 'server', 'userserv'])
    """Simple method to authenticate with the server.

    Can be ``nickserv``, ``authserv``, ``Q``, ``sasl``, or ``server`` or

    This allows only a single authentication method; to use both a server-based
    authentication method as well as a nick-based authentication method, see
    ``server_auth_method`` and ``nick_auth_method``.

    If this is specified, ``nick_auth_method`` will be ignored, and it takes
    precedence over ``server_auth_method``.

    auth_password = ValidatedAttribute('auth_password')
    """The password to use to authenticate with the server."""

    auth_target = ValidatedAttribute('auth_target')
    """The user to use for nickserv authentication, or the SASL mechanism.

    May not apply, depending on ``auth_method``. Defaults to NickServ for
    nickserv auth, and PLAIN for SASL auth.

    auth_username = ValidatedAttribute('auth_username')
    """The username/account to use to authenticate with the server.

    May not apply, depending on ``auth_method``.

    auto_url_schemes = ListAttribute('auto_url_schemes',
                                     default=['http', 'https', 'ftp'])
    """List of URL schemes that will trigger URL callbacks.

    Used by the URL callbacks feature; see :func:`sopel.module.url` decorator
    for plugins.

    The default value allows ``http``, ``https``, and ``ftp``.

    bind_host = ValidatedAttribute('bind_host')
    """Bind the connection to a specific IP."""

    ca_certs = FilenameAttribute('ca_certs', default=_find_certs())
    """The path of the CA certs pem file."""

    channels = ListAttribute('channels')
    """List of channels for the bot to join when it connects."""

    db_type = ChoiceAttribute('db_type',
                                  'sqlite', 'mysql', 'postgres', 'mssql',
                                  'oracle', 'firebird', 'sybase'
    """The type of database to use for Sopel's database.

    mysql - pip install mysql-python (Python 2) or pip install mysqlclient (Python 3)
    postgres - pip install psycopg2
    mssql - pip install pymssql

    See for a full list of

    db_filename = ValidatedAttribute('db_filename')
    """The filename for Sopel's database. (SQLite only)"""

    db_driver = ValidatedAttribute('db_driver')
    """The driver for Sopel's database.

    This is optional, but can be specified if user wants to use a different

    .. seealso::

    db_user = ValidatedAttribute('db_user')
    """The user for Sopel's database."""

    db_pass = ValidatedAttribute('db_pass')
    """The password for Sopel's database."""

    db_host = ValidatedAttribute('db_host')
    """The host for Sopel's database."""

    db_port = ValidatedAttribute('db_port')
    """The port for Sopel's database."""

    db_name = ValidatedAttribute('db_name')
    """The name of Sopel's database."""

    default_time_format = ValidatedAttribute('default_time_format',
                                             default='%Y-%m-%d - %T%Z')
    """The default format to use for time in messages."""

    default_timezone = ValidatedAttribute('default_timezone', default='UTC')
    """The default timezone to use for time in messages."""

    enable = ListAttribute('enable')
    """A whitelist of the only modules you want to enable."""

    exclude = ListAttribute('exclude')
    """A list of modules which should not be loaded."""

    extra = ListAttribute('extra')
    """A list of other directories you'd like to include modules from."""

    help_prefix = ValidatedAttribute('help_prefix', default='.')
    """The prefix to use in help output."""
    def homedir(self):
        """The directory in which various files are stored at runtime.

        By default, this is the same directory as the config. It can not be
        changed at runtime.
        return self._parent.homedir

    host = ValidatedAttribute('host', default='')
    """The server to connect to."""

    host_blocks = ListAttribute('host_blocks')
    """A list of hostmasks which Sopel should ignore.

    Regular expression syntax is used.

    log_raw = ValidatedAttribute('log_raw', bool, default=False)
    """Whether a log of raw lines as sent and received should be kept."""

    logdir = FilenameAttribute('logdir', directory=True, default='logs')
    """Directory in which to place logs."""

    logging_channel = ValidatedAttribute('logging_channel', Identifier)
    """The channel to send logging messages to."""

    logging_channel_datefmt = ValidatedAttribute('logging_channel_datefmt')
    """The logging format string to use for timestamps in IRC channel logs.

    If not specified, this falls back to using ``logging_datefmt``.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    logging_channel_format = ValidatedAttribute('logging_channel_format')
    """The logging format string to use in IRC channel logs.

    If not specified, this falls back to using ``logging_format``.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    logging_channel_level = ChoiceAttribute(
    """The lowest severity of logs to display in IRC channel logs.

    If not specified, this falls back to using ``logging_level``.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    logging_datefmt = ValidatedAttribute('logging_datefmt')
    """The logging format string to use for timestamps in logs.

    If not specified, the datefmt is not provided, and logging will use
    the Python default.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    logging_format = ValidatedAttribute('logging_format')
    """The logging format string to use for logs.

    If not specified, the format is not provided, and logging will use
    the Python default.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    logging_level = ChoiceAttribute(
        'logging_level', ['CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG'],
    """The lowest severity of logs to display.

    If not specified, this defaults to ``WARNING``.

    modes = ValidatedAttribute('modes', default='B')
    """User modes to be set on connection."""

    name = ValidatedAttribute('name', default='Sopel:')
    """The "real name" of your bot for ``WHOIS`` responses."""

    nick = ValidatedAttribute('nick', Identifier, default=Identifier('Sopel'))
    """The nickname for the bot."""

    nick_auth_method = ChoiceAttribute(
        'nick_auth_method', choices=['nickserv', 'authserv', 'Q', 'userserv'])
    """The nick authentication method.

    Can be ``nickserv``, ``authserv``, ``Q``, or ``userserv``.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    nick_auth_password = ValidatedAttribute('nick_auth_password')
    """The password to use to authenticate the bot's nick.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    nick_auth_target = ValidatedAttribute('nick_auth_target')
    """The target user for nick authentication.

    May not apply, depending on ``nick_auth_method``.

    Defaults to ``NickServ`` for ``nickserv``, and ``UserServ`` for

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    nick_auth_username = ValidatedAttribute('nick_auth_username')
    """The username/account to use for nick authentication.

    May not apply, depending on ``nick_auth_method``.

    Defaults to the value of ``nick``.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    nick_blocks = ListAttribute('nick_blocks')
    """A list of nicks which Sopel should ignore.

    Regular expression syntax is used.

    not_configured = ValidatedAttribute('not_configured', bool, default=False)
    """For package maintainers. Not used in normal configurations.

    This allows software packages to install a default config file, with this
    set to true, so that the bot will not run until it has been properly

    owner = ValidatedAttribute('owner', default=NO_DEFAULT)
    """The IRC name of the owner of the bot."""

    owner_account = ValidatedAttribute('owner_account')
    """The services account name of the owner of the bot.

    This should only be set on networks which support IRCv3 account

    pid_dir = FilenameAttribute('pid_dir', directory=True, default='.')
    """The directory in which to put the file Sopel uses to track its process ID.

    You probably do not need to change this unless you're managing Sopel with
    ``systemd`` or similar.

    port = ValidatedAttribute('port', int, default=6667)
    """The port to connect on."""

    prefix = ValidatedAttribute('prefix', default='\\.')
    """The prefix to add to the beginning of commands.

    It is a regular expression (so the default, ``\\.``, means commands start
    with a period), though using capturing groups will create problems.

    reply_errors = ValidatedAttribute('reply_errors', bool, default=True)
    """Whether to message the sender of a message that triggered an error with the exception."""

    server_auth_method = ChoiceAttribute('server_auth_method',
                                         choices=['sasl', 'server'])
    """The server authentication method.

    Can be ``sasl`` or ``server``.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    server_auth_password = ValidatedAttribute('server_auth_password')
    """The password to use to authenticate with the server.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    server_auth_sasl_mech = ValidatedAttribute('server_auth_sasl_mech')
    """The SASL mechanism.

    Defaults to PLAIN.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    server_auth_username = ValidatedAttribute('server_auth_username')
    """The username/account to use to authenticate with the server.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    throttle_join = ValidatedAttribute('throttle_join', int)
    """Slow down the initial join of channels to prevent getting kicked.

    Sopel will only join this many channels at a time, sleeping for a second
    between each batch. This is unnecessary on most networks.

    timeout = ValidatedAttribute('timeout', int, default=120)
    """The amount of time acceptable between pings before timing out."""

    use_ssl = ValidatedAttribute('use_ssl', bool, default=False)
    """Whether to use a SSL secured connection."""

    user = ValidatedAttribute('user', default='sopel')
    """The "user" for your bot (the part before the @ in the hostname)."""

    verify_ssl = ValidatedAttribute('verify_ssl', bool, default=True)
    """Whether to require a trusted SSL certificate for SSL connections."""

    flood_burst_lines = ValidatedAttribute('flood_burst_lines', int, default=4)
    """How many messages can be sent in burst mode.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    flood_empty_wait = ValidatedAttribute('flood_empty_wait',
    """How long to wait between sending messages when not in burst mode, in seconds.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0

    flood_refill_rate = ValidatedAttribute('flood_refill_rate', int, default=1)
    """How quickly burst mode recovers, in messages per second.
Exemple #15
class QuoteSection(StaticSection):
    dbname = FilenameAttribute('dbname', default="./quotes.db")