def add_offset(self, da_cosdec, ddec): """ Adds an offset to the star position Parameters: da_cosdec (int, float): offset in Delta_alpha_cos_delta in mas ddec (int, float): offset in Delta_delta in mas """ dadc = test_attr(da_cosdec, float, 'da_cosdec') dd = test_attr(ddec, float, 'ddec') self.offset = SphericalCosLatDifferential(dadc * u.mas, dd * u.mas, 0.0 *
def get_ksi_eta(self, time, star): """ Calculates relative position to star in the orthographic projection. Parameters: time (str, Time): Reference time to calculate the position. It can be a string in the format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.s" or an astropy Time object star (str, SkyCoord): The coordinate of the star in the same reference frame as the ephemeris. It can be a string in the format "hh mm ss.s +dd mm" or an astropy SkyCoord object. Returns: ksi, eta (float): on-sky orthographic projection of the observer relative to a star Ksi is in the North-South direction (North positive) Eta is in the East-West direction (East positive) """ time = test_attr(time, Time, 'time') try: star = SkyCoord(star, unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg)) except: raise ValueError( 'star is not an astropy object or a string in the format "hh mm ss.s +dd mm"' ) itrs = gcrs = itrs.transform_to(GCRS(obstime=time)) rz = rotation_matrix(star.ra, 'z') ry = rotation_matrix(-star.dec, 'y') cp = gcrs.cartesian.transform(rz).transform(ry) return,
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Defines the observer object Parameters: name (str): Name for the Observer. (required) Observer is uniquely defined (name must be different for each observer). code (str): The IAU code for SORA to search for its coordinates in MPC database site (EarthLocation): User provides an EarthLocation object. lon (str, float): The Longitude of the site in degrees. Positive to East. Range (0 to 360) or (-180 to +180) User can provide in degrees (float) or hexadecimal (string) lat (str, float): The Latitude of the site in degrees. Positive North. Range (+90 to -90) User can provide in degrees (float) or hexadecimal (string) height (int, float): The height of the site in meters above see level. Examples: User can provide one of the following to define an observer: - If user will use the MPC name for the site: Observer(code) - If user wants to use a different name from the MPC database: Observer(name, code) - If user wants to use an EarthLocation value: EarthLocation(lon, lat, height) Observer(name, site) - If user wants to give site coordinates directly: Observer(name, lon, lat, height) """ input_tests.check_kwargs( kwargs, allowed_kwargs=['code', 'height', 'lat', 'lon', 'name', 'site']) if 'code' in kwargs: self.code = kwargs['code'] try: name, = search_code_mpc()[self.code] self.__name = kwargs.get('name', name) except: raise ValueError( 'code {} could not be located in MPC database'.format( self.code)) elif all(i in kwargs for i in ['name', 'site']): self.__name = kwargs['name'] = test_attr(kwargs['site'], EarthLocation, 'site') elif all(i in kwargs for i in ['name', 'lon', 'lat', 'height']): self.__name = kwargs['name'] = EarthLocation(kwargs['lon'], kwargs['lat'], kwargs['height']) else: raise ValueError('Input parameters could not be determined') if self.__name in self.__names: raise ValueError( "name {} already defined for another Observer object. " "Please choose a different one.".format(self.__name)) self.__names.append(self.__name)
def altaz(self, time, coord): """ Calculates the Altitude and Azimuth at a reference time for a coordinate Parameters: time (str,Time): Reference time to calculate the sidereal time. coord (str, astropy.SkyCoord): Coordinate of the target ICRS. Returns: altitude (float): object altitude in degrees. azimuth (float): object azimuth in degrees. """ time = test_attr(time, Time, 'time') if type(coord) == str: coord = SkyCoord(coord, unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg)) ephem_altaz = coord.transform_to( AltAz(obstime=time, return ephem_altaz.alt.deg,
def set_magnitude(self, **kwargs): """ Sets the magnitudes of a star. Parameters: (band name)=(float): The star magnitude for given band. The band name can be any string the user wants. Examples: set_magnitude(G=10) set_magnitude(K=15) set_magnitude(newband=6) """ for key in kwargs: mag = test_attr(kwargs[key], float, key) if key in self.mag: warnings.warn( '{0} mag already defined. {0}={1} will be replaced by {0}={2}' .format(key, self.mag[key], mag)) self.mag[key] = mag
def sidereal_time(self, time, mode='local'): """ Calculates the Apparent Sidereal Time at a reference time Parameters: time (str,Time): Reference time to calculate sidereal time. mode (str): local or greenwich If 'local': calculates the sidereal time for the coordinates of this object. If 'greenwich': calculates the Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time. Returns: sidereal_time: An Astropy Longitude object with the Sidereal Time. """ # return local or greenwich sidereal time time = test_attr(time, Time, 'time') time.location = if mode == 'local': return time.sidereal_time('apparent') elif mode == 'greenwich': return time.sidereal_time('apparent', 'greenwich') else: raise ValueError('mode must be "local" or "greenwich"')