Exemple #1
    def execute(self, context):
        edit_driver = self.driver
        if edit_driver is not None:
            fcurve = edit_driver.fcurve
            d = fcurve.driver
            var = d.variables.get(self.varname)
            if var is None:
                return {'CANCELLED'}


            gui = edit_driver.driver_gui(context.scene)
            if gui is not None:
                if self.varname == gui.varname:
                    gui.varname = d.variables[0].name if len(
                        d.variables) else ""
                    gui.var_index = 0 if len(d.variables) else -1

            channels, args = get_driver_settings(fcurve)
            if self.varname not in channels:
                return {'FINISHED'}
            # remove the channel if one exists for it.
            channel = gui.channels.get(self.varname)
            if channel is not None:
                index = gui.channels.find(channel.name)


            d.expression = driver_expr(d.expression, channels, args)
            edit_driver.set_edit_driver_gui(context.scene)  # REFACTO

        return {'FINISHED'}
Exemple #2
    def execute(self, context):
        edit_driver = self.driver
        if edit_driver is not None:
            fcurve = edit_driver.fcurve
            d = fcurve.driver
            var = d.variables.get(self.varname)
            if var is None:
                return {'CANCELLED'}


            gui = edit_driver.driver_gui(context.scene)
            if gui is not None:
                if self.varname == gui.varname:
                    gui.varname = d.variables[0].name if len(d.variables) else ""
                    gui.var_index = 0 if len(d.variables) else -1

            channels, args = get_driver_settings(fcurve)
            if self.varname not in channels:
                return {'FINISHED'}
            # remove the channel if one exists for it.
            channel = gui.channels.get(self.varname)
            if channel is not None:
                index = gui.channels.find(channel.name)


            d.expression = driver_expr(d.expression, channels, args)
            edit_driver.set_edit_driver_gui(context.scene) # REFACTO

        return {'FINISHED'}
Exemple #3
def main(self, context, edit_driver, speaker, action, channel_list):
    if context is None or not len(channel_list):
        return False

    space = context.space_data
    search = True
    if action is not None:
        channel = action["channel_name"]
    driver = edit_driver.fcurve

    if driver:
        all_channels, args = get_driver_settings(driver)
        speaker_channels = [
            ch for ch in all_channels if ch.startswith(channel)

        diff = set(all_channels) - set(speaker_channels)
        driver = driver.driver
        s = driver.expression
        d = s.find("SoundDrive")
        if d > -1:
            m = s.find(")", d) + 1
            fmt = s.replace(s[d:m], "%s")
            fmt = "%s"

        # remove vars
        for ch in set(speaker_channels) - set(channel_list):
            var = driver.variables.get(ch)
            if var:

        extravars = ""
        if self.amplify != 1.0:
            extravars += ",amplify=%0.4f" % self.amplify
        if self.threshold != 0.0:
            extravars += ",threshold=%0.4f" % self.threshold
        if self.op != 'avg':
            extravars += ",op='%s'" % self.op
        channels = diff | set(channel_list)
        channels_list = list(sorted(channels))
        ctxt = str(channels_list).replace("'", "").replace(" ", "")
        new_expr = 'SoundDrive(%s%s)' % (ctxt, extravars)
        new_expr = new_expr.replace("[,", "[")
        if len(new_expr) < 256:
            driver.expression = fmt % new_expr
            for channel in channel_list:
                var = driver.variables.get(channel)
                if var is None:
                    var = driver.variables.new()
                var.type = "SINGLE_PROP"
                var.name = channel
                target = var.targets[0]
                target.id_type = "SPEAKER"
                target.id = speaker.id_data
                target.data_path = '["%s"]' % channel
def main(self, context, edit_driver, speaker, action, channel_list):
    if context is None or not len(channel_list):
        return False

    space = context.space_data
    search = True
    if action  is not None:
        channel = action["channel_name"]
    driver = edit_driver.fcurve

    if driver:
        all_channels, args = get_driver_settings(driver)
        speaker_channels = [ch for ch in all_channels if

        diff = set(all_channels) - set(speaker_channels)
        driver = driver.driver
        s = driver.expression
        d = s.find("SoundDrive")
        if d > -1:
            m = s.find(")", d) + 1
            fmt = s.replace(s[d:m], "%s")
            fmt = "%s"

        # remove vars
        for ch in set(speaker_channels) - set(channel_list):
            var = driver.variables.get(ch)
            if var:

        extravars = ""
        if self.amplify != 1.0:
            extravars += ",amplify=%0.4f" % self.amplify
        if self.threshold != 0.0:
            extravars += ",threshold=%0.4f" % self.threshold
        if self.op != 'avg':
            extravars += ",op='%s'" % self.op
        channels = diff | set(channel_list)
        channels_list = list(sorted(channels))
        #channels_list = channels_list.sort()
        ctxt = str(channels_list).replace("'", "").replace(" ", "")
        new_expr = 'SoundDrive(%s%s)' % (ctxt, extravars)
        new_expr = new_expr.replace("[,", "[")
        if len(new_expr) < 256:
            driver.expression = fmt % new_expr
            for channel in channel_list:
                var = driver.variables.get(channel)
                if var is None:
                    var = driver.variables.new()
                var.type = "SINGLE_PROP"
                var.name = channel
                target = var.targets[0]
                target.id_type = "SPEAKER"
                target.id = speaker.id_data
                target.data_path = '["%s"]' % channel
    def execute(self, context):
        scene = context.scene
        sp = scene.speaker

        scene_objects_set = set(scene.objects)
        obj = context.active_object
        # copy cursor location

        cursor_loc = scene.cursor_location.copy()
        # snap the cursor to the selected

        channels = self.rows * self.cols

        # bpy.context for testing. Use context from Op, Panel method.

        originals = context.selected_objects.copy()
        # has the selected objects in it.
        c = {}

        c["scene"] = scene
        c["screen"] = context.screen
        c["area"] = context.area
        c["region"] = context.region
        c["active_object"] = None
        c["edit_object"] = None
        c["window"] = context.window
        # c["selected_bases"] = context.selected_bases.copy()
        # c["selected_editable_objects"] = context.selected_editable_objects.copy()
        # c["selected_bases"] = []
        c["selected_objects"] = originals
        dimensions = bbdim(selected_bbox(context))
        # Location of original unit
        location = scene.cursor_location.copy()

        st_handle = bpy.data.objects.new("ST_handle", None)
        st_handle["channels"] = channels

        st_handle.matrix_world.translation = location
        st_handle["ST_Vis"] = 0
        handles = []
        new_objects = set(originals)
        vis = []
        # make duplicates
        for i in range(channels):
            handle = bpy.data.objects.new("ch[%04d]" % i, None)

            handle["ST_Vis"] = i  # the channel to drive with.
            handle.parent = st_handle
            # make the handle the objects parent if no parent else

            if i:
                scene_objects_set = set(scene.objects)
                bpy.ops.object.duplicate(c, 'INVOKE_DEFAULT', linked=False)
                new_objects = set(scene.objects) - scene_objects_set
            vis.append((i, handle, new_objects))
        for i, handle, new_objects in vis:
            for o in new_objects:
                print(o, o.parent)
                if not o.parent or o.parent in handles:
                    o.parent = handle
                if not i or not o.animation_data:
                    continue  # drivers ok for ch0

                # get the drivers of o
                # have speaker as a var target
                # have CH0 as a variable
                drivers = o.animation_data.drivers
                drivers = [d for d in drivers for v in d.driver.variables for t in v.targets if t.id == sp]
                for d in drivers:
                    all_channels, args = get_driver_settings(d)
                    driver = d.driver
                    expr = driver.expression
                    for ch in all_channels:
                        if len(ch) == 3 and ch.endswith("0"):
                            newch = ch.replace("0", str(i))
                            expr = expr.replace(ch, newch)
                            var = driver.variables.get(ch)
                            var.name = newch
                            var.targets[0].data_path = var.targets[0].data_path.replace(ch, newch)
                    driver.expression = driver_expr(expr,

        # distribute

        # Properties
        rows = self.rows
        cols = self.cols

        offset = Vector(self.offset)
        offset.x = dimensions.x * offset.x
        offset.y = dimensions.y * offset.y
        offset.z = dimensions.z * offset.z

        # deselect all
        self.handle = st_handle is not None
        self.handle_name = st_handle.name
        context.scene.objects.active = st_handle
        st_handle.select = True
        st_handle["VIS"] = 'GRID'

        # make an rna and make a grid
        vis_RNA = {
                   "name": self.handle_name,
                   "rows": self.rows,
                   "cols": self.cols,
                   "channels": channels,
                   "offset": {
                              "x": self.offset[0],
                              "y": self.offset[1],
                              "z": self.offset[2]
                   "dimensions": {
                              "x": dimensions[0],
                              "y": dimensions[1],
                              "z": dimensions[2],

        st_handle['_RNA_UI'] = {}
        st_handle['_RNA_UI']["VIS"] = vis_RNA

        # make a new edit item in the grids collection

        grid = context.scene.visualisers.grids.add()
        grid.name = st_handle.name
        grid.rows = self.rows
        grid.cols = self.cols
        grid.offset = self.offset

        return {'FINISHED'}
Exemple #6
    def execute(self, context):
        scene = context.scene
        sp = scene.speaker

        scene_objects_set = set(scene.objects)
        obj = context.active_object
        #copy cursor location

        cursor_loc = scene.cursor_location.copy()
        # snap the cursor to the selected

        channels = self.rows * self.cols

        # bpy.context for testing. Use context from Op, Panel method.

        originals = context.selected_objects.copy()
        # has the selected objects in it.
        c = {}

        c["scene"] = scene
        c["screen"] = context.screen
        c["area"] = context.area
        c["region"] = context.region
        c["active_object"] = None
        c["edit_object"] = None
        c["window"] = context.window
        #c["selected_bases"] = context.selected_bases.copy()
        #c["selected_editable_objects"] = context.selected_editable_objects.copy()

        #c["selected_bases"] = []
        c["selected_objects"] = originals
        dimensions = bbdim(selected_bbox(context))
        print("DIM", dimensions)
        # Location of original unit
        location = scene.cursor_location.copy()

        #scene.cursor_location = location

        st_handle = bpy.data.objects.new("ST_handle", None)
        st_handle["channels"] = channels

        st_handle.matrix_world.translation = location
        st_handle["ST_Vis"] = 0
        handles = []
        new_objects = set(originals)
        vis = []
        # make duplicates
        for i in range(channels):
            handle = bpy.data.objects.new("ch[%04d]" % i, None)

            handle["ST_Vis"] = i  #the channel to drive with.
            handle.parent = st_handle
            # make the handle the objects parent if no parent else

            if i:
                scene_objects_set = set(scene.objects)
                bpy.ops.object.duplicate(c, 'INVOKE_DEFAULT', linked=False)
                #print("CONTEXT", c)
                new_objects = set(scene.objects) - scene_objects_set
            vis.append((i, handle, new_objects))
        for i, handle, new_objects in vis:
            for o in new_objects:
                print(o, o.parent)
                #o = scene.objects.get(name)
                if not o.parent or o.parent in handles:
                    o.parent = handle
                if not i or not o.animation_data:
                    continue  # drivers ok for ch0

                # get the drivers of o
                # have speaker as a var target
                # have CH0 as a variable
                print("HERE", o)
                drivers = o.animation_data.drivers
                drivers = [
                    d for d in drivers for v in d.driver.variables
                    for t in v.targets if t.id == sp
                for d in drivers:

                    all_channels, args = get_driver_settings(d)
                    print(i, d.id_data, all_channels, args)
                    driver = d.driver
                    expr = driver.expression
                    for ch in all_channels:
                        if len(ch) == 3 and ch.endswith("0"):
                            print("CH", ch)
                            newch = ch.replace("0", str(i))
                            expr = expr.replace(ch, newch)
                            var = driver.variables.get(ch)
                            var.name = newch
                            var.targets[0].data_path = var.targets[
                                0].data_path.replace(ch, newch)
                    driver.expression = driver_expr(expr, all_channels, args)


        # Properties
        rows = self.rows
        cols = self.cols

        offset = Vector(self.offset)
        offset.x = dimensions.x * offset.x
        offset.y = dimensions.y * offset.y
        offset.z = dimensions.z * offset.z
        print(offset, self.offset)

        # deselect all
        self.handle = st_handle is not None
        self.handle_name = st_handle.name
        context.scene.objects.active = st_handle
        st_handle.select = True
        st_handle["VIS"] = 'GRID'

        # make an rna and make a grid
        vis_RNA = {
            "name": self.handle_name,
            "rows": self.rows,
            "cols": self.cols,
            "channels": channels,
            "offset": {
                "x": self.offset[0],
                "y": self.offset[1],
                "z": self.offset[2]
            "dimensions": {
                "x": dimensions[0],
                "y": dimensions[1],
                "z": dimensions[2],
        st_handle['_RNA_UI'] = {}
        st_handle['_RNA_UI']["VIS"] = vis_RNA

        #make a new edit item in the grids collection

        grid = context.scene.visualisers.grids.add()
        grid.name = st_handle.name
        grid.rows = self.rows
        grid.cols = self.cols
        #grid.channels = channels
        grid.offset = self.offset

        return {'FINISHED'}
    def execute(self, context):
        scene = context.scene
        obj = context.active_object
        #copy cursor location

        cursor_loc = scene.cursor_location.copy()
        # snap the cursor to the selected

        channels = self.rows * self.cols

        # bpy.context for testing. Use context from Op, Panel method.

        object_list = context.selected_objects.copy()

        dimensions = bbdim(selected_bbox(context))

        # Location of original unit
        location = scene.cursor_location.copy()

        #scene.cursor_location = location

        for i, obj in enumerate(object_list):
            obj.select = True
            obj['ST_Vis_idx'] = i  # add the object to selected objects
        mt = context.active_object
        mt.matrix_world.translation = location
        mt["ST_Vis"] = 0

        #obj.parent = mt # set it as the parent.

        handles = [mt]

        # make duplicates
        for i in range(1,channels):
            mt = context.object
            mt["ST_Vis"] = i  #the channel to drive with.


        # Properties
        rows = self.rows
        cols = self.cols

        offset = Vector(self.offset)
        offset.x =  obj.dimensions.x * offset.x
        offset.y =  obj.dimensions.y * offset.y
        offset.z =  obj.dimensions.z * offset.z

        for i in range(min(channels, rows * cols)):
            handle = handles[i]

            row = i // cols
            col = i % cols
            v = Vector((row, col, 0))

        # XXX Fix for group / objects to find dimensions.
        #ok the unit object(s)/group can have multiple drivers with inputs
        from multiple speakers.  Need to strip out all the driver vars that
        match 0  

        for obj in object_list:
            o_i = obj['ST_Vis_idx']
            if obj.animation_data is None:
            drivers = obj.animation_data.drivers

            for idx, fcurve in enumerate(drivers):
                all_channels, args = get_driver_settings(fcurve)

                objects = [(h["ST_Vis"], o) for h in handles if h["ST_Vis"] for o in scene.objects if hasparent(o,h) and o['ST_Vis_idx'] == o_i]
                for i, o in objects:
                    if not o.animation_data:
                    d = o.animation_data.drivers[idx]
                    expr = d.driver.expression
                    vars = [v for v in d.driver.variables if v.name in all_channels]
                    channel_list = []
                    for var in vars:
                        if not var.targets[0].id:
                        spk = var.targets[0].id
                        if type(spk) is not bpy.types.Speaker:
                        name = var.name.replace("0",str(i))
                        expr = expr.replace(var.name, name)
                        #change the var name
                        #name = "%s%d" % (channel_name,)
                        var.name = name
                        var.targets[0].data_path = '["%s"]' % name
                        # could replace since not using leading zeros

                    if not len(channel_list):
                    d.driver.expression = driver_expr(expr,

        loc = Vector((0,0,0))

        for handle in handles:
            #loc += handle.location
            handle.select = True

        mt = context.active_object
        mt.name = "ST_handle"
        mt["channels"] = channels

        #mt.location = loc / float(channels)
        #mt.location.z += 2 * dimensions.z
        self.handle = mt is not None
        self.handle_name = mt.name
        #resize = [self.scale for i in range(3)]

        mt.location = scene.cursor_location
        # deselect all
        context.scene.objects.active = mt
        mt.select = True
        mt["VIS"] = 'GRID'
        # make an rna and make a grid 
        vis_RNA = {
                   "rows": self.rows,
                   "cols" : self.cols,
                   "channels": channels,
                   "offset": {
                   "dimensions": {

        mt['_RNA_UI'] = {}
        mt['_RNA_UI']["VIS"] = vis_RNA

        #make a new edit item in the grids collection

        grid = context.scene.visualisers.grids.add()
        grid.name = self.handle_name
        grid.rows = self.rows
        grid.cols = self.cols
        #grid.channels = channels
        grid.offset = self.offset

        return {'FINISHED'}