Exemple #1
def sound(path, volume = None, pan = None, frequency = None, play = True, loop = False, stream = False):
 Play a sound.
  path - The path to the file.
  volume - The volume of the resulting sound from 0.0 to 1.0.
  pan - The pan of the resulting sound from -1.0 to 1.0.
  frequency - The frequency to play the resulting sound at.
  play - If True, the sound will begin playing immediately.
  loop - If True, play the sound repeatedly.
  stream - If True, retrieve the sound from the internet.
 if volume == None:
  volume = application.config.get('sound', 'volume')
 if pan == None:
  pan = application.config.get('sound', 'pan')
 if frequency == None:
  frequency = application.config.get('sound', 'frequency')
 if stream:
  logger.debug('Playing stream: %s.', path)
  sound = URLStream(path)
  m = sound_re.match(path)
  if m:
   max = m.groupdict()['max']
   path = path.replace('*%s' % max, str(int(random() * int(max) + 1)))
  logger.debug('Playing sound: %s.', path)
  sound = FileStream(file = path)
 sound.set_looping = loop
 if play:
  Thread(target = sound.play_blocking, args = [True]).start()
 return sound