Exemple #1
    def _get_user_uuid_from_pure(self, key_name: str, key_value: str):
        """ Given the user's external id it return the relative user uuid  """

        # If the uuid is not found in the first x items then it will continue with the next page
        page = 1
        page_size = 10
        next_page = True

        while next_page:

            params = {
                'page': page,
                'pageSize': page_size,
                'q': f'"{key_value}"'
            response = get_pure_metadata('persons', '', params)

            if response.status_code >= 300:
                self.report.add(response.content, self.report_files)
                return False

            record_json = json.loads(response.content)

            total_items = record_json['count']

            for item in record_json['items']:

                if item[key_name] == key_value:
                    first_name = item['name']['firstName']
                    lastName = item['name']['lastName']
                    uuid = item['uuid']

                        f'Name:    {first_name} {lastName}\nUuid:    {uuid}',

                    if len(uuid) != 36:
                            '\n- Warning! Incorrect user_uuid length -\n',
                        return False
                    return uuid

            # Checks if there is a 'next' page to be processed
            next_page = get_next_page(record_json)

            page += 1

        self.report.add(f'Uuid NOT FOUND - End task\n', self.report_files)
        return False
def get_pure_record_metadata_by_uuid(uuid: str):
    """ Method used to get from Pure record's metadata """

    response = get_pure_metadata('research-outputs', uuid)

    report = f'\tPure get metadata     - {response}'
    if response.status_code == 404:
        report += f' - Metadata not found in Pure for record {uuid}'
    elif response.status_code >= 300:
        report += f' - Error: {response.content}'
        report += f'                       - {uuid}'

    # Check response
    if response.status_code >= 300:
        report = f'Get Pure metadata      - {response.content}\n'
        reports.add(report['console', 'records'])
        return False

    return json.loads(response.content)
Exemple #3
    def _get_pure_group_metadata(self, externalId: str):
        """ Get organisationalUnit name and uuid """

        # PURE REQUEST
        response = get_pure_metadata('organisational-units',
                                     f'{externalId}/research-outputs', {
                                         'page': 1,
                                         'pageSize': 100

        report = f'\tNew group info @ ExtId:     {add_spaces(externalId)} @ '

        # Check response
        if response.status_code >= 300:
            report += 'Not in pure - END TASK\n'
            self.report.add(report, self.report_files)
            self.report.add(response.content, self.report_files)
            return False

        # Load json
        data = json.loads(response.content)
        data = data['items'][0]['organisationalUnits']

        for organisationalUnit in data:
            if organisationalUnit['externalId'] == externalId:

                organisationalUnit_data = {}
                organisationalUnit_data['externalId'] = externalId
                organisationalUnit_data['uuid'] = organisationalUnit['uuid']
                organisationalUnit_data['name'] = organisationalUnit['names'][

                report += f"{organisationalUnit_data['uuid']} @ {organisationalUnit_data['name']}"
                self.report.add(report, self.report_files)

                return organisationalUnit_data['name']
        return False
Exemple #4
    def get_pure_by_page(self, page_begin: int, page_end: int, page_size: int):
        """ Gets records from Pure 'research-outputs' endpoint by page and submit them to RDM. """

        for page in range(page_begin, page_end):
            self.global_counters = initialize_counters()

            # Report intro
            self.report.add_template(['console'], ['general', 'title'], ['PAGES'])
            self.report.add_template(['console'], ['pages', 'page_and_size'], [page, page_size])

            # Pure get request
            response = get_pure_metadata('research-outputs', '', {'page': page, 'pageSize': page_size})

            # Load json response
            resp_json = json.loads(response.content)

            # Creates data to push to RDM
            for item in resp_json['items']:
                self.report.add('')          # adds new line in the console
                self.rdm_add_record.create_invenio_data(self.global_counters, item)

            self.report_summary(page, page_size)
    def _changes_by_date(self, changes_date: str):
        """ Gets from Pure all changes that took place in a certain date """

        reference = changes_date
        page = 1

        while reference:
            # Get from pure all changes of a certain date
            response = get_pure_metadata('changes', reference, {})

            if response.status_code >= 300:
                self.report.add(response.content, self.report_files)
                return False

            # Check if there are records in the response from pure
            json_response = self._records_to_process(response, page,

            # If there are no records to process
            if not json_response:
                return True

            # Used to check if there are doubled tasks (e.g. update uuid and delete same uuid)
            self.duplicated_uuid = []


            # Iterates over all records that need to be deleted

            # Create / Add / Update

            # Gets the reference code of the next page
            reference = get_next_page(json_response).split('/')[-1]

            page += 1
    def _get_orcid(self, person_uuid: str, name: str):
        """ Gets from pure a person orcid """
        # Pure request
        response = get_pure_metadata('persons', person_uuid, {}, False)

        message = f'\tPure get orcid @ {response} @'

        # Error
        if response.status_code >= 300:
            self.report.add(f'{message} Error: {response.content}')
            return False

        # Load json
        resp_json = json.loads(response.content)

        # Read orcid
        if 'orcid' in resp_json:
            orcid = resp_json['orcid']
            self.report.add(f'{message} {orcid} @ {person_uuid} @ {name}')
            return orcid

        # Not found
        self.report.add(f'{message} Orcid not found @ {person_uuid} @ {name}')
        return False
Exemple #7
    def run_owners(self, identifier: str):
        """ Gets from pure all the records related to a certain user (based on orcid or externalId),
            afterwards it modifies/create RDM records accordingly. """

        identifier_value = '0000-0002-4154-6945'  # TEMPORARY
        if identifier == 'externalId':  # TEMPORARY
            # identifier_value = '3261'                 # TEMPORARY
            identifier_value = '30'  # TEMPORARY

        self.report.add(f'\n{identifier}: {identifier_value}\n')

        # Gets the ID and IP of the logged in user
        self.user_id = self._get_user_id_from_rdm()
        # If the user was not found in RDM then there is no owner to add to the record.
        if not self.user_id:

        # Get from pure user_uuid
        self.user_uuid = self._get_user_uuid_from_pure(identifier,
        if not self.user_uuid:
            return False

        # Add user to user_ids_match.txt
        if identifier == 'externalId':

        next_page = True
        page = 1
        self.local_counters = {'create': 0, 'in_record': 0, 'to_update': 0}

        while next_page:

            # Pure request
            params = {'sort': 'modified', 'page': page, 'pageSize': 100}
            response = get_pure_metadata('persons',
            if response.status_code >= 300:
                return False

            # Initial response proceses and json load
            pure_json = self._process_response(response, page)
            # In case the user has no records
            if not pure_json:
                return True

            # Checks if there is a 'next' page to be processed
            next_page = get_next_page(pure_json)

            # Iterates over all items in the page
            for item in pure_json['items']:

                uuid = item['uuid']
                title = shorten_file_name(item['title'])

                self.report.add(f"\n\tRecord uuid  @ {uuid} @ {title}")

                # Get from RDM the recid
                recid = self.general_functions.get_recid(
                    uuid, self.global_counters)

                # Record NOT in RDM, create it
                if recid == False:

                # Gets record metadata from RDM and checks if the user is already a record owner

            page += 1
