def correlation_random(rec0=0, rec1=1, verbose=0, plot=0, save=0): """ cct,cct_proc,t,ccf,ccf_proc,f = correlation_random(rec0=0,rec1=1,verbose=0,plot=0,save=1) Compute and plot correlation function based on random source summation. INPUT: ------ rec0, rec1: indeces of the receivers used in the correlation. plot: plot when 1. verbose: give screen output when 1. save: store individual correlations to OUTPUT/correlations_individual OUTPUT: ------- cct, t: Time-domain correlation function and time axis [N^2 s / m^4],[s]. ccf, f: Frequency-domain correlation function and frequency axis [N^2 s^2 / m^4],[1/s]. Last updated: 19 May 2016. """ #============================================================================== #- Initialisation. #============================================================================== #- Start time. t1 = time.time() #- Input parameters. p = parameters.Parameters() #- Spatial grid. x_line = np.arange(p.xmin, p.xmax, p.dx) y_line = np.arange(p.ymin, p.ymax, p.dy) x, y = np.meshgrid(x_line, y_line) #- Compute number of samples as power of 2. n = 2.0**np.round(np.log2((p.Twindow) / p.dt)) #- Frequency axis. df = 1.0 / (n * p.dt) f = np.arange(0.0, 1.0 / p.dt, df) omega = 2.0 * np.pi * f #- Compute time axis t = np.arange(-0.5 * n * p.dt, 0.5 * n * p.dt, p.dt) #- Compute instrument response and natural source spectrum. S, indeces = s.space_distribution() instrument, natural = s.frequency_distribution(f) #- Issue some information if wanted. if verbose == 1: print 'number of samples: ' + str(n) print 'maximum time: ' + str(np.max(t)) + ' s' print 'maximum frequency: ' + str(np.max(f)) + ' Hz' #- Warnings. if (p.fmax > 1.0 / p.dt): print 'WARNING: maximum bandpass frequency cannot be represented with this time step!' if (p.fmin < 1.0 / (n * p.dt)): print 'WARNING: minimum bandpass frequency cannot be represented with this window length!' #============================================================================== #- March through source locations and compute raw frequency-domain noise traces. #============================================================================== #- Set a specific random seed to make simulation repeatable, e.g. for different receiver pair. np.random.seed(p.seed) #- Initialise frequency-domain wavefields. u1 = np.zeros([n, p.Nwindows], dtype=complex) u2 = np.zeros([n, p.Nwindows], dtype=complex) G1 = np.zeros([n, p.Nwindows], dtype=complex) G2 = np.zeros([n, p.Nwindows], dtype=complex) #- Regularise zero-frequency to avoid singularity in Green function. omega[0] = 0.01 * 2.0 * np.pi * df #- March through source indices. for k in indeces: #- Green function for a specific source point. G1[:, 0] = g.green_input(p.x[rec0], p.y[rec0], x[k], y[k], omega, p.dx, p.dy, p.rho, p.v, p.Q) G2[:, 0] = g.green_input(p.x[rec1], p.y[rec1], x[k], y[k], omega, p.dx, p.dy, p.rho, p.v, p.Q) #- Apply instrument response and source spectrum G1[:, 0] = G1[:, 0] * instrument * np.sqrt(natural) G2[:, 0] = G2[:, 0] * instrument * np.sqrt(natural) #- Copy this Green function to all time intervals. for i in range(p.Nwindows): G1[:, i] = G1[:, 0] G2[:, i] = G2[:, 0] #- Random phase matrix, frequency steps times time windows. phi = 2.0 * np.pi * (np.random.rand(n, p.Nwindows) - 0.5) ff = np.exp(1j * phi) #- Matrix of random frequency-domain wavefields. u1 += S[k] * ff * G1 u2 += S[k] * ff * G2 #- March through time windows to add earthquakes. for win in range(p.Nwindows): neq = len(p.eq_t[win]) for i in range(neq): G1 = g.green_input(p.x[rec0], p.y[rec0], p.eq_x[win][i], p.eq_y[win][i], omega, p.dx, p.dy, p.rho, p.v, p.Q) G2 = g.green_input(p.x[rec1], p.y[rec1], p.eq_x[win][i], p.eq_y[win][i], omega, p.dx, p.dy, p.rho, p.v, p.Q) G1 = G1 * instrument * np.sqrt(natural) G2 = G2 * instrument * np.sqrt(natural) u1[:, win] += p.eq_m[win][i] * G1 * np.exp( -1j * omega * p.eq_t[win][i]) u2[:, win] += p.eq_m[win][i] * G2 * np.exp( -1j * omega * p.eq_t[win][i]) #============================================================================== #- Processing. #============================================================================== #- Apply single-station processing. u1_proc, u2_proc = proc.processing_single_station(u1, u2, f, verbose) #- Compute correlation function, raw and processed. ccf = u1 * np.conj(u2) ccf_proc = u1_proc * np.conj(u2_proc) #- Apply correlation processing. ccf_proc = proc.processing_correlation(ccf_proc, f, verbose) #============================================================================== #- Apply the standard bandpass. #============================================================================== bandpass = np.zeros(np.shape(f)) Nminmax = np.round((p.bp_fmin) / df) Nminmin = np.round((p.bp_fmin - p.bp_width) / df) Nmaxmin = np.round((p.bp_fmax) / df) Nmaxmax = np.round((p.bp_fmax + p.bp_width) / df) bandpass[Nminmin:Nminmax] = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, Nminmax - Nminmin) bandpass[Nmaxmin:Nmaxmax] = np.linspace(1.0, 0.0, Nmaxmax - Nmaxmin) bandpass[Nminmax:Nmaxmin] = 1.0 for i in range(p.Nwindows): ccf[:, i] = bandpass * ccf[:, i] ccf_proc[:, i] = bandpass * ccf_proc[:, i] #============================================================================== #- Time-domain correlation function. #============================================================================== #- Some care has to be taken here with the inverse FFT convention of numpy. cct = np.zeros([n, p.Nwindows], dtype=float) cct_proc = np.zeros([n, p.Nwindows], dtype=float) dummy = np.real(np.fft.ifft(ccf, axis=0) / p.dt) cct[0.5 * n:n, :] = dummy[0:0.5 * n, :] cct[0:0.5 * n, :] = dummy[0.5 * n:n, :] dummy = np.real(np.fft.ifft(ccf_proc, axis=0) / p.dt) cct_proc[0.5 * n:n, :] = dummy[0:0.5 * n, :] cct_proc[0:0.5 * n, :] = dummy[0.5 * n:n, :] #============================================================================== #- Save results if wanted. #============================================================================== if save == 1: #- Store frequency and time axes. fid = open('OUTPUT/correlations_individual/f', 'w'), f) fid.close() fid = open('OUTPUT/correlations_individual/t', 'w'), t) fid.close() #- Store raw and processed correlations in the frequency domain. fn = 'OUTPUT/correlations_individual/ccf_' + str(rec0) + '_' + str( rec1) fid = open(fn, 'w'), ccf) fid.close() fn = 'OUTPUT/correlations_individual/ccf_proc_' + str( rec0) + '_' + str(rec1) fid = open(fn, 'w'), ccf_proc) fid.close() #============================================================================== #- Plot results if wanted. #============================================================================== if plot == 1: #- Noise traces for first window. plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.plot(t, np.real(np.fft.ifft(u1[:, 0])) / p.dt, 'k') plt.ylabel('u1(t) [N/m^2]') plt.title('recordings for first time window') plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.plot(t, np.real(np.fft.ifft(u2[:, 0])) / p.dt, 'k') plt.ylabel('u2(t) [N/m^2]') plt.xlabel('t [s]') #- Spectrum of the pressure wavefield for first window. plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.plot(f, np.abs(np.sqrt(bandpass) * u1[:, 0]), 'k', linewidth=2) plt.plot(f, np.real(np.sqrt(bandpass) * u1[:, 0]), 'b', linewidth=1) plt.plot(f, np.imag(np.sqrt(bandpass) * u1[:, 0]), 'r', linewidth=1) plt.ylabel('u1(f) [Ns/m^2]') plt.title( 'raw and processed spectra for first window (abs=black, real=blue, imag=red)' ) plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.plot(f, np.abs(np.sqrt(bandpass) * u1_proc[:, 0]), 'k', linewidth=2) plt.plot(f, np.real(np.sqrt(bandpass) * u1_proc[:, 0]), 'b', linewidth=1) plt.plot(f, np.imag(np.sqrt(bandpass) * u1_proc[:, 0]), 'r', linewidth=1) plt.ylabel('u1_proc(f) [?]') plt.xlabel('f [Hz]') #- Raw time- and frequency-domain correlation for first window. plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.semilogy(f, np.abs(ccf[:, 0]), 'k', linewidth=2) plt.title('raw frequency-domain correlation for first window') plt.ylabel('correlation [N^2 s^2 / m^4]') plt.xlabel('f [Hz]') plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.plot(t, np.real(cct[:, 0]), 'k') plt.title('raw time-domain correlation for first window') plt.ylabel('correlation [N^2 s / m^4]') plt.xlabel('t [s]') #- Processed time- and frequency-domain correlation for first window. plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.semilogy(f, np.abs(ccf_proc[:, 0]), 'k', linewidth=2) plt.title('processed frequency-domain correlation for first window') plt.ylabel('correlation [N^2 s^2 / m^4]*unit(T)') plt.xlabel('f [Hz]') plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.plot(t, np.real(cct_proc[:, 0])) plt.title('processed time-domain correlation for first window') plt.ylabel('correlation [N^2 s / m^4]*unit(T)') plt.xlabel('t [s]') #- Raw and processed ensemble correlations. plt.plot(t, np.sum(cct, 1) / np.max(cct), 'k') plt.plot(t, np.sum(cct_proc, 1) / np.max(cct_proc), 'r') plt.title( 'ensemble time-domain correlation (black=raw, red=processed)') plt.ylabel('correlation [N^2 s / m^4]*unit(T)') plt.xlabel('t [s]') #- End time. t2 = time.time() if verbose == 1: print 'elapsed time: ' + str(t2 - t1) + ' s' #============================================================================== #- Output. #============================================================================== return cct, cct_proc, t, ccf, ccf_proc, f
def correlation_function(rec0=0, rec1=1, effective=0, plot=0): """ cct, t, ccf, f = correlation_function(rec0=0,rec1=1,effective=0,plot=0) Compute time- and frequency-domain correlation functions. INPUT: ------ rec0, rec1: indeces of the receivers used in the correlation. plot: When plot=1, the source distribution, and the time- and frequency domain correlation functions are plotted. effective: When effective==1, effective correlations are computed using the propagation correctors stored in OUTPUT/correctors. The source power-spectral density is then interpreted as the effective one. OUTPUT: ------- cct, t: Time-domain correlation function and time axis [N^2 s / m^4],[s]. ccf, f: Frequency-domain correlation function and frequency axis [N^2 s^2 / m^4],[1/s]. Last updated: 27 May 2016. """ #============================================================================== #- Initialisation. #============================================================================== p = parameters.Parameters() x_line = np.arange(p.xmin, p.xmax, p.dx) y_line = np.arange(p.ymin, p.ymax, p.dy) x, y = np.meshgrid(x_line, y_line) f = np.arange(p.fmin - p.fwidth, p.fmax + p.fwidth, p.df) omega = 2.0 * np.pi * f t = np.arange(p.tmin, p.tmax, p.dt) #- Frequency- and space distribution of the source. --------------------------- S, indices = s.space_distribution(plot) instrument, natural = s.frequency_distribution(f) filt = natural * instrument * instrument #- Read propagation corrector if needed. -------------------------------------- if (effective == 1): gf = gpc.get_propagation_corrector(rec0, rec1, plot=0) else: gf = np.ones(len(f), dtype=complex) #============================================================================== #- Compute inter-station correlation function. #============================================================================== cct = np.zeros(np.shape(t), dtype=float) ccf = np.zeros(np.shape(f), dtype=complex) for idf in range(len(omega)): P = g.conjG1_times_G2(p.x[rec0], p.y[rec0], p.x[rec1], p.y[rec1], x, y, omega[idf], p.dx, p.dy, p.rho, p.v, p.Q) ccf[idf] = gf[idf] * np.conj(np.sum(P * S)) cct = cct + np.real(filt[idf] * ccf[idf] * np.exp(1j * omega[idf] * t)) cct = cct * p.dx * p.dy * p.df #============================================================================== #- Plot result. #============================================================================== if (plot == 1): #- Frequency domain. plt.semilogy(f, np.abs(ccf), 'k') plt.semilogy(f, np.real(ccf), 'b') plt.title( 'frequency-domain correlation function (black=abs, blue=real)') plt.xlabel('frequency [Hz]') plt.ylabel('correlation [N^2 s^2/m^4]') #- Time domain. tt = np.sqrt((p.x[rec0] - p.x[rec1])**2 + (p.y[rec0] - p.y[rec1])**2) / p.v cct_max = np.max(np.abs(cct)) plt.plot(t, cct, 'k', linewidth=2.0) plt.plot([tt, tt], [-1.1 * cct_max, 1.1 * cct_max], '--', color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), linewidth=1.5) plt.plot([-tt, -tt], [-1.1 * cct_max, 1.1 * cct_max], '--', color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), linewidth=1.5) plt.ylim((-1.1 * cct_max, 1.1 * cct_max)) plt.title('correlation function') plt.xlabel('time [s]') plt.ylabel('correlation [N^2 s/m^4]') #============================================================================== #- Return. #============================================================================== return cct, t, ccf, f
def snapshot(rec=0, t=1.0, minvalplot=0.0, maxvalplot=0.0, plot=False, save=False, verbose=False, dir_precomputed='OUTPUT/'): """ snapshot(rec=0,t=1.0, minvalplot=0.0, maxvalplot=0.0, plot=False, save=False, verbose=False, dir_precomputed='OUTPUT/') Compute and plot correlation wavefield for a specific time t. This requires that the frequency-domain wavefield has been precomputed using the precompute function below. INPUT: ------ rec: index of receiver. t: time in s. minvalplot: minimum of colour scale, ignored when 0. maxvalplot: maximum of colour scale, ignored when 0. plot: plot when True. save: save as pdf when True. verbose: give screen output when True. dir_precomputed: directory where precomputed correlation field is located. OUTPUT: ------- C: 2D time-domain correlation wavefield [N^2 s / m^4]. x,y: 2D axes [m]. Last updated: 18 July 2019. """ #============================================================================== #- Initialisation. #============================================================================== p = parameters.Parameters() #- Spatial grid. x_line = np.arange(p.xmin, p.xmax, p.dx) y_line = np.arange(p.ymin, p.ymax, p.dy) x, y = np.meshgrid(x_line, y_line) #- Frequency line. f = np.arange(p.fmin - p.fwidth, p.fmax + p.fwidth, p.df) omega = 2.0 * np.pi * f #- Power-spectral density. S, indeces = s.space_distribution() instrument, natural = s.frequency_distribution(f) filt = natural * instrument * instrument C = np.zeros(np.shape(x)) #============================================================================== #- Load forward interferometric wavefields in the frequency domain. #============================================================================== fn = dir_precomputed + 'cf_' + str(rec) + '.npy' Cfull = np.load(fn) #============================================================================== #- Compute correlation field for a specific time. #============================================================================== for idx in range(len(x_line)): for idy in range(len(y_line)): C[idy, idx] = np.real( np.sum(Cfull[idy, idx, :] * np.exp(1j * omega * t))) * p.df #============================================================================== #- Plot. #============================================================================== if (plot or save): plt.rcParams[""] = "serif" plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 10}) if (minvalplot == 0.0 and maxvalplot == 0.0): maxvalplot = 0.8 * np.max(np.abs(C)) minvalplot = -maxvalplot #- Plot interferometric wavefield. ---------------------------------------- #plt.pcolor(x/1000.0,y/1000.0,C,cmap='RdBu',vmin=minvalplot,vmax=maxvalplot) plt.pcolor(x / 1000.0, y / 1000.0, np.abs(C), cmap='Greys', vmin=0.0, vmax=maxvalplot) #- Plot receiver positions. ----------------------------------------------- for k in range(p.Nreceivers): plt.plot(p.x[k] / 1000.0, p.y[k] / 1000.0, 'ko', markersize='5') plt.text(p.x[k] / 1000.0 + 4.0 * p.dx / 1000.0, p.y[k] / 1000.0 + 4.0 * p.dx / 1000.0, str(k)) plt.plot(p.x[rec] / 1000.0, p.y[rec] / 1000.0, 'kx') plt.text(p.x[rec] / 1000.0 + 4.0 * p.dx / 1000.0, p.y[rec] / 1000.0 + 4.0 * p.dx / 1000.0, str(rec)) #- Embellish the plot. ---------------------------------------------------- plt.colorbar() plt.axis('image') plt.title('correlation field, t=' + str(t) + ' s') plt.xlim((p.xmin / 1000.0, p.xmax / 1000.0)) plt.ylim((p.ymin / 1000.0, p.ymax / 1000.0)) plt.xlabel('x [km]') plt.ylabel('y [km]') if plot: if save: fn = 'OUTPUT/' + str(t) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(fn, format='pdf') plt.clf() #============================================================================== #- Return. #============================================================================== return C, x, y
def structure_kernel(cct, t, rec0=0, rec1=1, measurement='cctime', dir_forward='OUTPUT/', effective=0, plot=0): """ x,y,K_kappa = structure_kernel(cct, t, rec0=0, rec1=1, measurement='cctime', dir_forward='OUTPUT/', effective=0, plot=0): Compute structure kernel K_kappa for a frequency-independent source power-spectral density. INPUT: ------ cct, t: Time-domain correlation function and time axis as obtained from rec0, rec1: Indeces of the receivers used in the correlation. measurement: Type of measurement used to compute the adjoint source. See for options. dir_forward: Location of the forward interferometric fields from rec0 and rec1. Must exist. plot: When plot=1, plot structure kernel. effective: When effective==1, effective correlations are computed using the propagation correctors stored in OUTPUT/correctors. The source power-spectral density is then interpreted as the effective one. OUTPUT: ------- x,y: Space coordinates. K: Structure kernel [unit of measurement * 1/N]. Last updated: 11 July 2016. """ #============================================================================== #- Initialisation. #============================================================================== p = parameters.Parameters() x_line = np.arange(p.xmin, p.xmax, p.dx) y_line = np.arange(p.ymin, p.ymax, p.dy) x, y = np.meshgrid(x_line, y_line) f = np.arange(p.fmin - p.fwidth, p.fmax + p.fwidth, p.df) df = f[1] - f[0] omega = 2.0 * np.pi * f K_kappa = np.zeros(np.shape(x)) C1 = np.zeros((len(y_line), len(x_line), len(omega)), dtype=complex) C2 = np.zeros((len(y_line), len(x_line), len(omega)), dtype=complex) nx = len(x_line) ny = len(y_line) kappa = p.rho * (p.v**2) #- Frequency- and space distribution of the source. --------------------------- S, indeces = s.space_distribution(plot=0) instrument, natural = s.frequency_distribution(f) filt = natural * instrument * instrument #- Compute the adjoint source. ------------------------------------------------ a = adsrc.adsrc(cct, t, measurement, plot) #- Compute number of grid points corresponding to the minimum wavelength. ----- L = int(np.ceil(p.v / (p.fmax * p.dx))) #- Read propagation corrector if needed. -------------------------------------- if (effective == 1): gf = gpc.get_propagation_corrector(rec0, rec1, plot=0) else: gf = np.ones(len(f), dtype=complex) #============================================================================== #- Load forward interferometric wavefields. #============================================================================== fn = dir_forward + '/cf_' + str(rec0) fid = open(fn, 'r') C1 = np.load(fid) fid.close() fn = dir_forward + '/cf_' + str(rec1) fid = open(fn, 'r') C2 = np.load(fid) fid.close() #============================================================================== #- Loop over frequencies. #============================================================================== for k in range(len(omega)): w = omega[k] #- Adjoint fields. -------------------------------------------------------- G1 = -w**2 * g.green_input(x, y, p.x[rec0], p.y[rec0], w, p.dx, p.dy, p.rho, p.v, p.Q) * gf[k] G2 = -w**2 * g.green_input(x, y, p.x[rec1], p.y[rec1], w, p.dx, p.dy, p.rho, p.v, p.Q) * gf[k] #- Multiplication with adjoint fields. ------------------------------------ K_kappa = K_kappa - 2.0 * np.real(G2 * C1[:, :, k] * np.conj(a[k]) + G1 * C2[:, :, k] * a[k]) K_kappa = K_kappa / kappa #============================================================================== #- Smooth over minimum wavelength. #============================================================================== for k in range(L): K_kappa[1:ny - 2, :] = (K_kappa[1:ny - 2, :] + K_kappa[0:ny - 3, :] + K_kappa[2:ny - 1, :]) / 3.0 for k in range(L): K_kappa[:, 1:nx - 2] = (K_kappa[:, 1:nx - 2] + K_kappa[:, 0:nx - 3] + K_kappa[:, 2:nx - 1]) / 3.0 #============================================================================== #- Visualise if wanted. #============================================================================== if plot == 1: cmap = plt.get_cmap('RdBu') plt.pcolormesh(x, y, K_kappa, cmap=cmap, shading='interp') plt.clim(-np.max(np.abs(K_kappa)) * 0.25, np.max(np.abs(K_kappa)) * 0.25) plt.axis('image') plt.colorbar() plt.title('Structure (kappa) kernel [unit of measurement / m^2]') plt.xlabel('x [km]') plt.ylabel('y [km]') plt.plot(p.x[rec0], p.y[rec0], 'ro') plt.plot(p.x[rec1], p.y[rec1], 'ro') return x, y, K_kappa
def snapshot(rec=0,t=1.0, mg_level=5, mg_tol=0.05, minvalplot=0.0, maxvalplot=0.0, plot=0, save=0, verbose=0, precomputed=0, dir_precomputed='OUTPUT/'): """ snapshot(rec=0,t=1.0, mg_level=5, mg_tol=0.05, minvalplot=0.0, maxvalplot=0.0, plot=0, save=0, verbose=0, precomputed=0, dir_precomputed='OUTPUT/') Compute and plot correlation wavefield. INPUT: ------ rec: index of receiver. t: time in s. mg_level: level for multi-grid solver. mg_tol: tolerance for multi-grid solver. minvalplot: minimum of colour scale, ignored when 0. maxvalplot: maximum of colour scale, ignored when 0. plot: plot when 1. save: save as png when 1. verbose: give screen output when 1. precomputed: set to 1 if precomputed frequency-domain correlation field available (see precompute() below). dir_precomputed: directory where precomputed correlation field is located. OUTPUT: ------- C: 2D time-domain correlation wavefield [N^2 s / m^4]. x,y: 2D axes [m]. Last updated: 27 May 2016. """ #============================================================================== #- Initialisation. #============================================================================== p=parameters.Parameters() #- Spatial grid. x_line=np.arange(p.xmin,p.xmax,p.dx) y_line=np.arange(p.ymin,p.ymax,p.dy) x,y=np.meshgrid(x_line,y_line) #- Frequency line. f=np.arange(p.fmin-p.fwidth,p.fmax+p.fwidth,p.df) omega=2.0*np.pi*f #- Power-spectral density. S,indeces=s.space_distribution() instrument,natural=s.frequency_distribution(f) filt=natural*instrument*instrument C=np.zeros(np.shape(x)) #============================================================================== #- Load forward interferometric wavefields. #============================================================================== if precomputed==1: fn=dir_precomputed+'/cf_'+str(rec) fid=open(fn,'r') Cfull=np.load(fid) fid.close() for idx in range(len(x_line)): for idy in range(len(y_line)): C[idy,idx]=np.real(np.sum(Cfull[idy,idx,:]*np.exp(1j*omega*t)))*p.df #============================================================================== #- Compute correlation field for a specific time. #============================================================================== else: #- First multi-grid stage. ------------------------------------------------ if (verbose==1): print 'First multi-grid stage' #- March through the spatial grid. for idx in range(0,len(x_line),mg_level): if (verbose==1): print str(100*float(idx)/float(len(x_line)))+' %' for idy in range(0,len(y_line),mg_level): C_proto=np.zeros(len(omega),dtype=complex) #- March through all sources. for k in indeces: C_proto+=g.conjG1_times_G2(x[idy,idx],y[idy,idx],p.x[rec],p.y[rec],x[k],y[k],omega,p.dx,p.dy,p.rho,p.v,p.Q)*S[k] C_proto=np.conj(C_proto) #- Transform to time domain. C[idy,idx]=np.real(np.sum(filt*C_proto*np.exp(1j*omega*t))) #- Second multi-grid stage. ----------------------------------------------- if (verbose==1): print 'Second multi-grid stage' c_max=np.max(np.abs(C)) #- March through the spatial grid. for idx in range(mg_level,len(x_line)-mg_level): if (verbose==1): print str(100*float(idx)/float(len(x_line)))+' %' for idy in range(mg_level,len(y_line)-mg_level): if (np.max(np.abs(C[(idy-mg_level):(idy+mg_level),(idx-mg_level):(idx+mg_level)]))>mg_tol*c_max): C_proto=np.zeros(len(omega),dtype=complex) #- March through all sources. for k in indeces: C_proto+=g.conjG1_times_G2(x[idy,idx],y[idy,idx],p.x[rec],p.y[rec],x[k],y[k],omega,p.dx,p.dy,p.rho,p.v,p.Q)*S[k] C_proto=np.conj(C_proto) #- Transform to time domain. C[idy,idx]=np.real(np.sum(filt*C_proto*np.exp(1j*omega*t))) #- Normalisation. C=C*p.dx*p.dy*p.df #============================================================================== #- Plot. #============================================================================== if (plot==1 or save==1): if (minvalplot==0.0 and maxvalplot==0.0): maxvalplot=0.8*np.max(np.abs(C)) minvalplot=-maxvalplot font = {'size' : 14,} #- Plot interferometric wavefield. ---------------------------------------- plt.pcolor(x,y,C,cmap='RdBu',vmin=minvalplot,vmax=maxvalplot) #- Plot receiver positions. ----------------------------------------------- for k in range(p.Nreceivers): plt.plot(p.x[k],p.y[k],'kx') plt.text(p.x[k]+3.0*p.dx,p.y[k]+3.0*p.dx,str(k),fontdict=font) plt.plot(p.x[rec],p.y[rec],'ro') plt.text(p.x[rec]+3.0*p.dx,p.y[rec]+3.0*p.dx,str(rec),fontdict=font) #- Embellish the plot. ---------------------------------------------------- plt.colorbar() plt.axis('image') plt.title('correlation field, t='+str(t)+' s') plt.xlim((p.xmin,p.xmax)) plt.ylim((p.ymin,p.ymax)) plt.xlabel('x [m]') plt.ylabel('y [m]') if (plot==1): if (save==1): fn='OUTPUT/'+str(t)+'.png' plt.savefig(fn) plt.clf() #============================================================================== #- Return. #============================================================================== return C, x, y
def precompute(rec=0, verbose=False, mode='individual'): """ precompute(rec=0,verbose=False,mode='individual') Compute correlation wavefield in the frequency domain and store for in /OUTPUT for re-use in snapshot kernel computation. INPUT: ------ rec: index of reference receiver. verbose: give screen output when True. mode: 'individual' sums over individual sources. This is very efficient when there are only a few sources. This mode requires that the indeces array returned by source.space_distribution is not empty. 'random' performs a randomised, down-sampled integration over a quasi-continuous distribution of sources. This is more efficient for widely distributed and rather smooth sources. 'combined' is the sum of 'individual' and 'random'. This is efficient when a few point sources are super-imposed on a quasi-continuous distribution. OUTPUT: ------- Frequency-domain interferometric wavefield stored in /OUTPUT. Last updated: 18 July 2019. """ #============================================================================== #- Initialisation. #============================================================================== p = parameters.Parameters() #- Spatial grid. x_line = np.arange(p.xmin, p.xmax, p.dx) y_line = np.arange(p.ymin, p.ymax, p.dy) x, y = np.meshgrid(x_line, y_line) nx = len(x_line) ny = len(y_line) #- Frequency line. f = np.arange(p.fmin - p.fwidth, p.fmax + p.fwidth, p.df) omega = 2.0 * np.pi * f #- Power-spectral density. S, indeces = s.space_distribution() instrument, natural = s.frequency_distribution(f) filt = natural * instrument * instrument C = np.zeros((len(y_line), len(x_line), len(omega)), dtype=complex) #============================================================================== #- Compute correlation field by summing over individual sources. #============================================================================== if (mode == 'individual'): #- March through the spatial grid. ---------------------------------------- for idx in range(nx): if verbose: print(str(100 * float(idx) / float(len(x_line))) + ' %') for idy in range(ny): #- March through all sources. for k in indeces: C[idy, idx, :] += S[k] * filt * g.conjG1_times_G2( x[idy, idx], y[idy, idx], p.x[rec], p.y[rec], x[k], y[k], omega, p.dx, p.dy, p.rho, p.v, p.Q) #- Normalisation. C = np.conj(C) * p.dx * p.dy #============================================================================== #- Compute correlation field by random integration over all sources #============================================================================== downsampling_factor = 5.0 n_samples = np.floor(float(nx * ny) / downsampling_factor) if (mode == 'random'): #- March through frequencies. --------------------------------------------- for idf in range(0, len(f), 3): if verbose: print('f=', f[idf], ' Hz') if (filt[idf] > 0.05 * np.max(filt)): #- March through downsampled spatial grid. ------------------------ t0 = time.time() for idx in range(0, nx, 3): for idy in range(0, ny, 3): samples_x = np.random.randint(0, nx, n_samples) samples_y = np.random.randint(0, ny, n_samples) G1 = g.green_input(x[samples_y, samples_x], y[samples_y, samples_x], x_line[idx], y_line[idy], omega[idf], p.dx, p.dy, p.rho, p.v, p.Q) G2 = g.green_input(x[samples_y, samples_x], y[samples_y, samples_x], p.x[rec], p.y[rec], omega[idf], p.dx, p.dy, p.rho, p.v, p.Q) C[idy, idx, idf] = downsampling_factor * filt[idf] * np.sum( S[samples_y, samples_x] * G1 * np.conj(G2)) t1 = time.time() if verbose: print('time per frequency: ', t1 - t0, 's') #- Normalisation. --------------------------------------------------------- C = C * p.dx * p.dy #- Spatial interpolation. ------------------------------------------------- for idx in range(0, nx - 3, 3): C[:, idx + 1, :] = 0.67 * C[:, idx, :] + 0.33 * C[:, idx + 3, :] C[:, idx + 2, :] = 0.33 * C[:, idx, :] + 0.67 * C[:, idx + 3, :] for idy in range(0, ny - 3, 3): C[idy + 1, :, :] = 0.67 * C[idy, :, :] + 0.33 * C[idy + 3, :, :] C[idy + 2, :, :] = 0.33 * C[idy, :, :] + 0.67 * C[idy + 3, :, :] #- Frequency interpolation. ----------------------------------------------- for idf in range(0, len(f) - 3, 3): C[:, :, idf + 1] = 0.67 * C[:, :, idf] + 0.33 * C[:, :, idf + 3] C[:, :, idf + 2] = 0.33 * C[:, :, idf] + 0.67 * C[:, :, idf + 3] #============================================================================== #- Compute correlation field by random integration over all sources + individual sources #============================================================================== downsampling_factor = 5.0 n_samples = np.floor(float(nx * ny) / downsampling_factor) if (mode == 'combined'): #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- March through frequencies for random sampling. ------------------------- for idf in range(0, len(f), 3): if verbose: print('f=', f[idf], ' Hz') if (filt[idf] > 0.05 * np.max(filt)): #- March through downsampled spatial grid. ------------------------ t0 = time.time() for idx in range(0, nx, 3): for idy in range(0, ny, 3): samples_x = np.random.randint(0, nx, n_samples) samples_y = np.random.randint(0, ny, n_samples) G1 = g.green_input(x[samples_y, samples_x], y[samples_y, samples_x], x_line[idx], y_line[idy], omega[idf], p.dx, p.dy, p.rho, p.v, p.Q) G2 = g.green_input(x[samples_y, samples_x], y[samples_y, samples_x], p.x[rec], p.y[rec], omega[idf], p.dx, p.dy, p.rho, p.v, p.Q) C[idy, idx, idf] = downsampling_factor * filt[idf] * np.sum( S[samples_y, samples_x] * G1 * np.conj(G2)) t1 = time.time() if verbose: print('time per frequency: ', t1 - t0, 's') #- Spatial interpolation. ------------------------------------------------- for idx in range(0, nx - 3, 3): C[:, idx + 1, :] = 0.67 * C[:, idx, :] + 0.33 * C[:, idx + 3, :] C[:, idx + 2, :] = 0.33 * C[:, idx, :] + 0.67 * C[:, idx + 3, :] for idy in range(0, ny - 3, 3): C[idy + 1, :, :] = 0.67 * C[idy, :, :] + 0.33 * C[idy + 3, :, :] C[idy + 2, :, :] = 0.33 * C[idy, :, :] + 0.67 * C[idy + 3, :, :] #- Frequency interpolation. ----------------------------------------------- for idf in range(0, len(f) - 3, 3): C[:, :, idf + 1] = 0.67 * C[:, :, idf] + 0.33 * C[:, :, idf + 3] C[:, :, idf + 2] = 0.33 * C[:, :, idf] + 0.67 * C[:, :, idf + 3] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- March through the spatial grid for individual sources. ----------------- for idx in range(nx): if verbose: print(str(100 * float(idx) / float(len(x_line))) + ' %') for idy in range(ny): #- March through all sources. for k in indeces: C[idy, idx, :] += S[k] * filt * np.conj( g.conjG1_times_G2(x[idy, idx], y[idy, idx], p.x[rec], p.y[rec], x[k], y[k], omega, p.dx, p.dy, p.rho, p.v, p.Q)) #- Normalisation. --------------------------------------------------------- C = C * p.dx * p.dy #============================================================================== #- Save interferometric wavefield. #============================================================================== fn = 'OUTPUT/cf_' + str(rec), C)
def movie(time_axis, minvalplot=0.0, maxvalplot=0.0, verbose=0): """ movie(time_axis, mg_level=5, mg_tol=0.05, minvalplot=0.0, maxvalplot=0.0, verbose=0) Compute correlation wavefield and save png figures to /OUTPUT. INPUT: ------ time_axis: array containing time values in s for which figures will be saved. minvalplot: minimum of colour scale, ignored when 0. maxvalplot: maximum of colour scale, ignored when 0. verbose: give screen output when 1. OUTPUT: ------- Snapshots of the interferometric wavefield saved as png files to /OUTPUT Last updated: 5 May 2016. """ #============================================================================== #- Initialisation. #============================================================================== p=parameters.Parameters() #- Spatial grid. x_line=np.arange(p.xmin,p.xmax,p.dx) y_line=np.arange(p.ymin,p.ymax,p.dy) x,y=np.meshgrid(x_line,y_line) #- Frequency line. f=np.arange(p.fmin-p.fwidth,p.fmax+p.fwidth,p.df) omega=2.0*np.pi*f #- Power-spectral density. S,indeces=s.space_distribution() instrument,natural=s.frequency_distribution(f) filt=natural*instrument*instrument #- Check if the indeces are actually available. If not, interrupt. if len(indeces)==0: print 'Correlation field cannot be computed because source index array is empty.' return #============================================================================== #- Compute correlation field for specific times and store. #============================================================================== C=np.zeros((len(y_line),len(x_line),len(time_axis))) #- March through the spatial grid. -------------------------------------------- for idx in range(len(x_line)): if (verbose==1): print str(100*float(idx)/float(len(x_line)))+' %' for idy in range(len(y_line)): C_proto=np.zeros(len(omega),dtype=complex) #- March through all sources. for k in indeces: C_proto+=g.conjG1_times_G2(x[idy,idx],y[idy,idx],p.x[1],p.y[1],x[k],y[k],omega,p.dx,p.dy,p.rho,p.v,p.Q)*S[k] C_proto=np.conj(C_proto) #- Transform to time domain. for t in range(len(time_axis)): C[idy,idx,t]=np.real(np.sum(filt*C_proto*np.exp(1j*omega*time_axis[t]))) #- Normalisation. C=C*p.dx*p.dy*p.df #============================================================================== #- Save images. #============================================================================== for t in range(len(time_axis)): if (minvalplot==0.0 and maxvalplot==0.0): maxvalplot=0.8*np.max(np.abs(C[:,:,t])) minvalplot=-maxvalplot plt.pcolor(x,y,C[:,:,t],cmap='RdBu',vmin=minvalplot,vmax=maxvalplot) font = {'family' : 'sansserif', 'color' : 'darkred', 'weight' : 'normal', 'size' : 14,} plt.plot(p.x[0],p.y[0],'ko') plt.plot(p.x[1],p.y[1],'ko') plt.text(0.9*p.x[0],p.y[0],'1',fontdict=font) plt.text(1.1*p.x[1],p.y[1],'2',fontdict=font) plt.colorbar() plt.axis('image') plt.title('correlation field, t='+str(time_axis[t])+' s') plt.xlabel('x [m]') plt.ylabel('y [m]') fn='OUTPUT/'+str(time_axis[t])+'.png' plt.savefig(fn) plt.clf()
def precompute(rec=0,verbose=0,mode='individual'): """ precompute(verbose=0) Compute correlation wavefield in the frequency domain and store for in /OUTPUT for re-use in kernel computation. INPUT: ------ rec: index of reference receiver. verbose: give screen output when 1. mode: 'individual' sums over individual sources. This is very efficient when there are only a few sources. This mode requires that the indeces array returned by source.space_distribution is not empty. 'random' performs a randomised, down-sampled integration over a quasi-continuous distribution of sources. This is more efficient for widely distributed and rather smooth sources. 'combined' is the sum of 'individual' and 'random'. This is efficient when a few point sources are super-imposed on a quasi-continuous distribution. OUTPUT: ------- Frequency-domain interferometric wavefield stored in /OUTPUT. Last updated: 13 July 2016. """ #============================================================================== #- Initialisation. #============================================================================== p=parameters.Parameters() #- Spatial grid. x_line=np.arange(p.xmin,p.xmax,p.dx) y_line=np.arange(p.ymin,p.ymax,p.dy) x,y=np.meshgrid(x_line,y_line) nx=len(x_line) ny=len(y_line) #- Frequency line. f=np.arange(p.fmin-p.fwidth,p.fmax+p.fwidth,p.df) omega=2.0*np.pi*f #- Power-spectral density. S,indeces=s.space_distribution() instrument,natural=s.frequency_distribution(f) filt=natural*instrument*instrument C=np.zeros((len(y_line),len(x_line),len(omega)),dtype=complex) #============================================================================== #- Compute correlation field by summing over individual sources. #============================================================================== if (mode=='individual'): #- March through the spatial grid. ---------------------------------------- for idx in range(nx): if (verbose==1): print str(100*float(idx)/float(len(x_line)))+' %' for idy in range(ny): #- March through all sources. for k in indeces: C[idy,idx,:]+=S[k]*filt*g.conjG1_times_G2(x[idy,idx],y[idy,idx],p.x[rec],p.y[rec],x[k],y[k],omega,p.dx,p.dy,p.rho,p.v,p.Q) #- Normalisation. C=np.conj(C)*p.dx*p.dy #============================================================================== #- Compute correlation field by random integration over all sources #============================================================================== downsampling_factor=5.0 n_samples=np.floor(float(nx*ny)/downsampling_factor) if (mode=='random'): #- March through frequencies. --------------------------------------------- for idf in range(0,len(f),3): if verbose==1: print 'f=', f[idf], ' Hz' if (filt[idf]>0.05*np.max(filt)): #- March through downsampled spatial grid. ------------------------ t0=time.time() for idx in range(0,nx,3): for idy in range(0,ny,3): samples_x=np.random.randint(0,nx,n_samples) samples_y=np.random.randint(0,ny,n_samples) G1=g.green_input(x[samples_y,samples_x],y[samples_y,samples_x],x_line[idx],y_line[idy],omega[idf],p.dx,p.dy,p.rho,p.v,p.Q) G2=g.green_input(x[samples_y,samples_x],y[samples_y,samples_x],p.x[rec], p.y[rec], omega[idf],p.dx,p.dy,p.rho,p.v,p.Q) C[idy,idx,idf]=downsampling_factor*filt[idf]*np.sum(S[samples_y,samples_x]*G1*np.conj(G2)) t1=time.time() if verbose==1: print 'time per frequency: ', t1-t0, 's' #- Normalisation. --------------------------------------------------------- C=C*p.dx*p.dy #- Spatial interpolation. ------------------------------------------------- for idx in range(0,nx-3,3): C[:,idx+1,:]=0.67*C[:,idx,:]+0.33*C[:,idx+3,:] C[:,idx+2,:]=0.33*C[:,idx,:]+0.67*C[:,idx+3,:] for idy in range(0,ny-3,3): C[idy+1,:,:]=0.67*C[idy,:,:]+0.33*C[idy+3,:,:] C[idy+2,:,:]=0.33*C[idy,:,:]+0.67*C[idy+3,:,:] #- Frequency interpolation. ----------------------------------------------- for idf in range(0,len(f)-3,3): C[:,:,idf+1]=0.67*C[:,:,idf]+0.33*C[:,:,idf+3] C[:,:,idf+2]=0.33*C[:,:,idf]+0.67*C[:,:,idf+3] #============================================================================== #- Compute correlation field by random integration over all sources + individual sources #============================================================================== downsampling_factor=5.0 n_samples=np.floor(float(nx*ny)/downsampling_factor) if (mode=='combined'): #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- March through frequencies for random sampling. ------------------------- for idf in range(0,len(f),3): if verbose==1: print 'f=', f[idf], ' Hz' if (filt[idf]>0.05*np.max(filt)): #- March through downsampled spatial grid. ------------------------ t0=time.time() for idx in range(0,nx,3): for idy in range(0,ny,3): samples_x=np.random.randint(0,nx,n_samples) samples_y=np.random.randint(0,ny,n_samples) G1=g.green_input(x[samples_y,samples_x],y[samples_y,samples_x],x_line[idx],y_line[idy],omega[idf],p.dx,p.dy,p.rho,p.v,p.Q) G2=g.green_input(x[samples_y,samples_x],y[samples_y,samples_x],p.x[rec], p.y[rec], omega[idf],p.dx,p.dy,p.rho,p.v,p.Q) C[idy,idx,idf]=downsampling_factor*filt[idf]*np.sum(S[samples_y,samples_x]*G1*np.conj(G2)) t1=time.time() if verbose==1: print 'time per frequency: ', t1-t0, 's' #- Spatial interpolation. ------------------------------------------------- for idx in range(0,nx-3,3): C[:,idx+1,:]=0.67*C[:,idx,:]+0.33*C[:,idx+3,:] C[:,idx+2,:]=0.33*C[:,idx,:]+0.67*C[:,idx+3,:] for idy in range(0,ny-3,3): C[idy+1,:,:]=0.67*C[idy,:,:]+0.33*C[idy+3,:,:] C[idy+2,:,:]=0.33*C[idy,:,:]+0.67*C[idy+3,:,:] #- Frequency interpolation. ----------------------------------------------- for idf in range(0,len(f)-3,3): C[:,:,idf+1]=0.67*C[:,:,idf]+0.33*C[:,:,idf+3] C[:,:,idf+2]=0.33*C[:,:,idf]+0.67*C[:,:,idf+3] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- March through the spatial grid for individual sources. ----------------- for idx in range(nx): if (verbose==1): print str(100*float(idx)/float(len(x_line)))+' %' for idy in range(ny): #- March through all sources. for k in indeces: C[idy,idx,:]+=S[k]*filt*np.conj(g.conjG1_times_G2(x[idy,idx],y[idy,idx],p.x[rec],p.y[rec],x[k],y[k],omega,p.dx,p.dy,p.rho,p.v,p.Q)) #- Normalisation. --------------------------------------------------------- C=C*p.dx*p.dy #============================================================================== #- Save interferometric wavefield. #============================================================================== fn='OUTPUT/cf_'+str(rec) fid=open(fn,'w'),C) fid.close()
def correlation_random(rec0=0,rec1=1,verbose=0,plot=0,save=0): """ cct,cct_proc,t,ccf,ccf_proc,f = correlation_random(rec0=0,rec1=1,verbose=0,plot=0,save=1) Compute and plot correlation function based on random source summation. INPUT: ------ rec0, rec1: indeces of the receivers used in the correlation. plot: plot when 1. verbose: give screen output when 1. save: store individual correlations to OUTPUT/correlations_individual OUTPUT: ------- cct, t: Time-domain correlation function and time axis [N^2 s / m^4],[s]. ccf, f: Frequency-domain correlation function and frequency axis [N^2 s^2 / m^4],[1/s]. Last updated: 19 May 2016. """ #============================================================================== #- Initialisation. #============================================================================== #- Start time. t1=time.time() #- Input parameters. p=parameters.Parameters() #- Spatial grid. x_line=np.arange(p.xmin,p.xmax,p.dx) y_line=np.arange(p.ymin,p.ymax,p.dy) x,y=np.meshgrid(x_line,y_line) #- Compute number of samples as power of 2. n=2.0**np.round(np.log2((p.Twindow)/p.dt)) #- Frequency axis. df=1.0/(n*p.dt) f=np.arange(0.0,1.0/p.dt,df) omega=2.0*np.pi*f #- Compute time axis t=np.arange(-0.5*n*p.dt,0.5*n*p.dt,p.dt) #- Compute instrument response and natural source spectrum. S,indeces=s.space_distribution() instrument,natural=s.frequency_distribution(f) #- Issue some information if wanted. if verbose==1: print 'number of samples: '+str(n) print 'maximum time: '+str(np.max(t))+' s' print 'maximum frequency: '+str(np.max(f))+' Hz' #- Warnings. if (p.fmax>1.0/p.dt): print 'WARNING: maximum bandpass frequency cannot be represented with this time step!' if (p.fmin<1.0/(n*p.dt)): print 'WARNING: minimum bandpass frequency cannot be represented with this window length!' #============================================================================== #- March through source locations and compute raw frequency-domain noise traces. #============================================================================== #- Set a specific random seed to make simulation repeatable, e.g. for different receiver pair. np.random.seed(p.seed) #- Initialise frequency-domain wavefields. u1=np.zeros([n,p.Nwindows],dtype=complex) u2=np.zeros([n,p.Nwindows],dtype=complex) G1=np.zeros([n,p.Nwindows],dtype=complex) G2=np.zeros([n,p.Nwindows],dtype=complex) #- Regularise zero-frequency to avoid singularity in Green function. omega[0]=0.01*2.0*np.pi*df #- March through source indices. for k in indeces: #- Green function for a specific source point. G1[:,0]=g.green_input(p.x[rec0],p.y[rec0],x[k],y[k],omega,p.dx,p.dy,p.rho,p.v,p.Q) G2[:,0]=g.green_input(p.x[rec1],p.y[rec1],x[k],y[k],omega,p.dx,p.dy,p.rho,p.v,p.Q) #- Apply instrument response and source spectrum G1[:,0]=G1[:,0]*instrument*np.sqrt(natural) G2[:,0]=G2[:,0]*instrument*np.sqrt(natural) #- Copy this Green function to all time intervals. for i in range(p.Nwindows): G1[:,i]=G1[:,0] G2[:,i]=G2[:,0] #- Random phase matrix, frequency steps times time windows. phi=2.0*np.pi*(np.random.rand(n,p.Nwindows)-0.5) ff=np.exp(1j*phi) #- Matrix of random frequency-domain wavefields. u1+=S[k]*ff*G1 u2+=S[k]*ff*G2 #- March through time windows to add earthquakes. for win in range(p.Nwindows): neq=len(p.eq_t[win]) for i in range(neq): G1=g.green_input(p.x[rec0],p.y[rec0],p.eq_x[win][i],p.eq_y[win][i],omega,p.dx,p.dy,p.rho,p.v,p.Q) G2=g.green_input(p.x[rec1],p.y[rec1],p.eq_x[win][i],p.eq_y[win][i],omega,p.dx,p.dy,p.rho,p.v,p.Q) G1=G1*instrument*np.sqrt(natural) G2=G2*instrument*np.sqrt(natural) u1[:,win]+=p.eq_m[win][i]*G1*np.exp(-1j*omega*p.eq_t[win][i]) u2[:,win]+=p.eq_m[win][i]*G2*np.exp(-1j*omega*p.eq_t[win][i]) #============================================================================== #- Processing. #============================================================================== #- Apply single-station processing. u1_proc,u2_proc=proc.processing_single_station(u1,u2,f,verbose) #- Compute correlation function, raw and processed. ccf=u1*np.conj(u2) ccf_proc=u1_proc*np.conj(u2_proc) #- Apply correlation processing. ccf_proc=proc.processing_correlation(ccf_proc,f,verbose) #============================================================================== #- Apply the standard bandpass. #============================================================================== bandpass=np.zeros(np.shape(f)) Nminmax=np.round((p.bp_fmin)/df) Nminmin=np.round((p.bp_fmin-p.bp_width)/df) Nmaxmin=np.round((p.bp_fmax)/df) Nmaxmax=np.round((p.bp_fmax+p.bp_width)/df) bandpass[Nminmin:Nminmax]=np.linspace(0.0,1.0,Nminmax-Nminmin) bandpass[Nmaxmin:Nmaxmax]=np.linspace(1.0,0.0,Nmaxmax-Nmaxmin) bandpass[Nminmax:Nmaxmin]=1.0 for i in range(p.Nwindows): ccf[:,i]=bandpass*ccf[:,i] ccf_proc[:,i]=bandpass*ccf_proc[:,i] #============================================================================== #- Time-domain correlation function. #============================================================================== #- Some care has to be taken here with the inverse FFT convention of numpy. cct=np.zeros([n,p.Nwindows],dtype=float) cct_proc=np.zeros([n,p.Nwindows],dtype=float) dummy=np.real(np.fft.ifft(ccf,axis=0)/p.dt) cct[0.5*n:n,:]=dummy[0:0.5*n,:] cct[0:0.5*n,:]=dummy[0.5*n:n,:] dummy=np.real(np.fft.ifft(ccf_proc,axis=0)/p.dt) cct_proc[0.5*n:n,:]=dummy[0:0.5*n,:] cct_proc[0:0.5*n,:]=dummy[0.5*n:n,:] #============================================================================== #- Save results if wanted. #============================================================================== if save==1: #- Store frequency and time axes. fid=open('OUTPUT/correlations_individual/f','w'),f) fid.close() fid=open('OUTPUT/correlations_individual/t','w'),t) fid.close() #- Store raw and processed correlations in the frequency domain. fn='OUTPUT/correlations_individual/ccf_'+str(rec0)+'_'+str(rec1) fid=open(fn,'w'),ccf) fid.close() fn='OUTPUT/correlations_individual/ccf_proc_'+str(rec0)+'_'+str(rec1) fid=open(fn,'w'),ccf_proc) fid.close() #============================================================================== #- Plot results if wanted. #============================================================================== if plot==1: #- Noise traces for first window. plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(t,np.real(np.fft.ifft(u1[:,0]))/p.dt,'k') plt.ylabel('u1(t) [N/m^2]') plt.title('recordings for first time window') plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(t,np.real(np.fft.ifft(u2[:,0]))/p.dt,'k') plt.ylabel('u2(t) [N/m^2]') plt.xlabel('t [s]') #- Spectrum of the pressure wavefield for first window. plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(f,np.abs(np.sqrt(bandpass)*u1[:,0]),'k',linewidth=2) plt.plot(f,np.real(np.sqrt(bandpass)*u1[:,0]),'b',linewidth=1) plt.plot(f,np.imag(np.sqrt(bandpass)*u1[:,0]),'r',linewidth=1) plt.ylabel('u1(f) [Ns/m^2]') plt.title('raw and processed spectra for first window (abs=black, real=blue, imag=red)') plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(f,np.abs(np.sqrt(bandpass)*u1_proc[:,0]),'k',linewidth=2) plt.plot(f,np.real(np.sqrt(bandpass)*u1_proc[:,0]),'b',linewidth=1) plt.plot(f,np.imag(np.sqrt(bandpass)*u1_proc[:,0]),'r',linewidth=1) plt.ylabel('u1_proc(f) [?]') plt.xlabel('f [Hz]') #- Raw time- and frequency-domain correlation for first window. plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.semilogy(f,np.abs(ccf[:,0]),'k',linewidth=2) plt.title('raw frequency-domain correlation for first window') plt.ylabel('correlation [N^2 s^2 / m^4]') plt.xlabel('f [Hz]') plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(t,np.real(cct[:,0]),'k') plt.title('raw time-domain correlation for first window') plt.ylabel('correlation [N^2 s / m^4]') plt.xlabel('t [s]') #- Processed time- and frequency-domain correlation for first window. plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.semilogy(f,np.abs(ccf_proc[:,0]),'k',linewidth=2) plt.title('processed frequency-domain correlation for first window') plt.ylabel('correlation [N^2 s^2 / m^4]*unit(T)') plt.xlabel('f [Hz]') plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(t,np.real(cct_proc[:,0])) plt.title('processed time-domain correlation for first window') plt.ylabel('correlation [N^2 s / m^4]*unit(T)') plt.xlabel('t [s]') #- Raw and processed ensemble correlations. plt.plot(t,np.sum(cct,1)/np.max(cct),'k') plt.plot(t,np.sum(cct_proc,1)/np.max(cct_proc),'r') plt.title('ensemble time-domain correlation (black=raw, red=processed)') plt.ylabel('correlation [N^2 s / m^4]*unit(T)') plt.xlabel('t [s]') #- End time. t2=time.time() if verbose==1: print 'elapsed time: '+str(t2-t1)+' s' #============================================================================== #- Output. #============================================================================== return cct,cct_proc,t,ccf,ccf_proc,f
def correlation_function(rec0=0,rec1=1,effective=0,plot=0): """ cct, t, ccf, f = correlation_function(rec0=0,rec1=1,effective=0,plot=0) Compute time- and frequency-domain correlation functions. INPUT: ------ rec0, rec1: indeces of the receivers used in the correlation. plot: When plot=1, the source distribution, and the time- and frequency domain correlation functions are plotted. effective: When effective==1, effective correlations are computed using the propagation correctors stored in OUTPUT/correctors. The source power-spectral density is then interpreted as the effective one. OUTPUT: ------- cct, t: Time-domain correlation function and time axis [N^2 s / m^4],[s]. ccf, f: Frequency-domain correlation function and frequency axis [N^2 s^2 / m^4],[1/s]. Last updated: 27 May 2016. """ #============================================================================== #- Initialisation. #============================================================================== p=parameters.Parameters() x_line=np.arange(p.xmin,p.xmax,p.dx) y_line=np.arange(p.ymin,p.ymax,p.dy) x,y=np.meshgrid(x_line,y_line) f=np.arange(p.fmin-p.fwidth,p.fmax+p.fwidth,p.df) omega=2.0*np.pi*f t=np.arange(p.tmin,p.tmax,p.dt) #- Frequency- and space distribution of the source. --------------------------- S,indices=s.space_distribution(plot) instrument,natural=s.frequency_distribution(f) filt=natural*instrument*instrument #- Read propagation corrector if needed. -------------------------------------- if (effective==1): gf=gpc.get_propagation_corrector(rec0,rec1,plot=0) else: gf=np.ones(len(f),dtype=complex) #============================================================================== #- Compute inter-station correlation function. #============================================================================== cct=np.zeros(np.shape(t),dtype=float) ccf=np.zeros(np.shape(f),dtype=complex) for idf in range(len(omega)): P=g.conjG1_times_G2(p.x[rec0],p.y[rec0],p.x[rec1],p.y[rec1],x,y,omega[idf],p.dx,p.dy,p.rho,p.v,p.Q) ccf[idf]=gf[idf]*np.conj(np.sum(P*S)) cct=cct+np.real(filt[idf]*ccf[idf]*np.exp(1j*omega[idf]*t)) cct=cct*p.dx*p.dy*p.df #============================================================================== #- Plot result. #============================================================================== if (plot==1): #- Frequency domain. plt.semilogy(f,np.abs(ccf),'k') plt.semilogy(f,np.real(ccf),'b') plt.title('frequency-domain correlation function (black=abs, blue=real)') plt.xlabel('frequency [Hz]') plt.ylabel('correlation [N^2 s^2/m^4]') #- Time domain. tt=np.sqrt((p.x[rec0]-p.x[rec1])**2+(p.y[rec0]-p.y[rec1])**2)/p.v cct_max=np.max(np.abs(cct)) plt.plot(t,cct,'k',linewidth=2.0) plt.plot([tt,tt],[-1.1*cct_max,1.1*cct_max],'--',color=(0.5,0.5,0.5),linewidth=1.5) plt.plot([-tt,-tt],[-1.1*cct_max,1.1*cct_max],'--',color=(0.5,0.5,0.5),linewidth=1.5) plt.ylim((-1.1*cct_max,1.1*cct_max)) plt.title('correlation function') plt.xlabel('time [s]') plt.ylabel('correlation [N^2 s/m^4]') #============================================================================== #- Return. #============================================================================== return cct, t, ccf, f
def precompute(rec=0, verbose=0): """ precompute(verbose=0) Compute correlation wavefield in the frequency domain and store for in /OUTPUT for re-use in kernel computation. INPUT: ------ rec: index of reference receiver. verbose: give screen output when 1. OUTPUT: ------- Frequency-domain interferometric wavefield stored in /OUTPUT. Last updated: 16 May 2016. """ #============================================================================== #- Initialisation. #============================================================================== p = parameters.Parameters() #- Spatial grid. x_line = np.arange(p.xmin, p.xmax, p.dx) y_line = np.arange(p.ymin, p.ymax, p.dy) x, y = np.meshgrid(x_line, y_line) #- Frequency line. f = np.arange(p.fmin - p.fwidth, p.fmax + p.fwidth, p.df) omega = 2.0 * np.pi * f #- Power-spectral density. S, indeces = s.space_distribution() instrument, natural = s.frequency_distribution(f) filt = natural * instrument * instrument #- Check if the indeces are actually available. If not, interrupt. if len(indeces) == 0: print 'Correlation field cannot be computed because source index array is empty.' return C = np.zeros((len(y_line), len(x_line), len(omega)), dtype=complex) #============================================================================== #- Compute correlation field for all frequencies and store. #============================================================================== #- March through the spatial grid. -------------------------------------------- for idx in range(len(x_line)): if (verbose == 1): print str(100 * float(idx) / float(len(x_line))) + ' %' t1 = time.time() for idy in range(len(y_line)): #- March through all sources. for k in indeces: C[idy, idx, :] += S[k] * filt * g.conjG1_times_G2( x[idy, idx], y[idy, idx], p.x[rec], p.y[rec], x[k], y[k], omega, p.dx, p.dy, p.rho, p.v, p.Q) C[idy, idx, :] = np.conj(C[idy, idx, :]) t2 = time.time() print t2 - t1 #- Normalisation. C = C * p.dx * p.dy #============================================================================== #- Save interferometric wavefield. #============================================================================== fn = 'OUTPUT/cf_' + str(rec) fid = open(fn, 'w'), C) fid.close()
def correlation_function(rec0=0, rec1=1, effective=False, plot=False, save=False): """ cct, t, ccf, f = correlation_function(rec0=0,rec1=1,effective=False,plot=False,save=False) Compute time- and frequency-domain correlation functions. INPUT: ------ rec0, rec1: indeces of the receivers used in the correlation. plot: When plot=True, the source distribution, and the time- and frequency domain correlation functions are plotted. save: Save pdf figures to OUTPUT when True. effective: When effective==True, effective correlations are computed using the propagation correctors stored in OUTPUT/correctors. The source power-spectral density is then interpreted as the effective one. OUTPUT: ------- cct, t: Time-domain correlation function and time axis [N^2 s / m^4],[s]. ccf, f: Frequency-domain correlation function and frequency axis [N^2 s^2 / m^4],[1/s]. Last updated: 16 July 2019. """ #============================================================================== #- Initialisation. #============================================================================== p = parameters.Parameters() x_line = np.arange(p.xmin, p.xmax, p.dx) y_line = np.arange(p.ymin, p.ymax, p.dy) x, y = np.meshgrid(x_line, y_line) f = np.arange(p.fmin - p.fwidth, p.fmax + p.fwidth, p.df) omega = 2.0 * np.pi * f t = np.arange(p.tmin, p.tmax, p.dt) #- Frequency- and space distribution of the source. --------------------------- S, indices = s.space_distribution(plot=plot, save=save) instrument, natural = s.frequency_distribution(f) filt = natural * instrument * instrument #- Read propagation corrector if needed. -------------------------------------- if effective: gf = gpc.get_propagation_corrector(rec0, rec1, plot=False) else: gf = np.ones(len(f), dtype=complex) #============================================================================== #- Compute inter-station correlation function. #============================================================================== cct = np.zeros(np.shape(t), dtype=float) ccf = np.zeros(np.shape(f), dtype=complex) for idf in range(len(omega)): P = g.conjG1_times_G2(p.x[rec0], p.y[rec0], p.x[rec1], p.y[rec1], x, y, omega[idf], p.dx, p.dy, p.rho, p.v, p.Q) ccf[idf] = gf[idf] * np.conj(np.sum(P * S)) cct = cct + np.real(filt[idf] * ccf[idf] * np.exp(1j * omega[idf] * t)) cct = cct * p.dx * p.dy * p.df #============================================================================== #- Plot result. #============================================================================== if (plot or save): plt.rcParams[""] = "serif" plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 10}) #- Frequency domain. plt.semilogy(f, np.abs(ccf), 'k') plt.semilogy(f, np.real(ccf), 'b') plt.title( 'frequency-domain correlation function (black=abs, blue=real)') plt.xlabel('frequency [Hz]') plt.ylabel(r'correlation [N$^2$ s$^2$/m$^4$]') if plot: else: fn = 'OUTPUT/correlations_computed/c_frequency_domain_' + str( rec0) + '-' + str(rec1) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(fn, format='pdf') plt.clf() #- Time domain. tt = np.sqrt((p.x[rec0] - p.x[rec1])**2 + (p.y[rec0] - p.y[rec1])**2) / p.v cct_max = np.max(np.abs(cct)) plt.plot(t, cct, 'k', linewidth=2.0) plt.plot([tt, tt], [-1.1 * cct_max, 1.1 * cct_max], '--', color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), linewidth=1.5) plt.plot([-tt, -tt], [-1.1 * cct_max, 1.1 * cct_max], '--', color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), linewidth=1.5) plt.ylim((-1.1 * cct_max, 1.1 * cct_max)) plt.title('correlation function') plt.xlabel('time [s]') plt.ylabel(r'correlation [N$^2$ s/m$^4$]') if plot: else: fn = 'OUTPUT/correlations_computed/c_time_domain_' + str( rec0) + '-' + str(rec1) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(fn, format='pdf') plt.clf() #============================================================================== #- Save results if wanted. #============================================================================== if save == 1: #- Store frequency and time axes. fn = 'OUTPUT/correlations_computed/t', t) fn = 'OUTPUT/correlations_computed/t', t) #- Store computed correlations in the time and frequency domain. fn = 'OUTPUT/correlations_computed/cct_' + str(rec0) + '-' + str(rec1), cct) fn = 'OUTPUT/correlations_computed/ccf_' + str(rec0) + '-' + str(rec1), ccf) #============================================================================== #- Return. #============================================================================== return cct, t, ccf, f
def structure_kernel(cct, t, rec0=0, rec1=1, measurement='cctime', dir_forward='OUTPUT/', effective=0, plot=0): """ x,y,K_kappa = structure_kernel(cct, t, rec0=0, rec1=1, measurement='cctime', dir_forward='OUTPUT/', effective=0, plot=0): Compute structure kernel K_kappa for a frequency-independent source power-spectral density. INPUT: ------ cct, t: Time-domain correlation function and time axis as obtained from rec0, rec1: Indeces of the receivers used in the correlation. measurement: Type of measurement used to compute the adjoint source. See for options. dir_forward: Location of the forward interferometric fields from rec0 and rec1. Must exist. plot: When plot=1, plot structure kernel. effective: When effective==1, effective correlations are computed using the propagation correctors stored in OUTPUT/correctors. The source power-spectral density is then interpreted as the effective one. OUTPUT: ------- x,y: Space coordinates. K: Structure kernel [unit of measurement * 1/N]. Last updated: 11 July 2016. """ #============================================================================== #- Initialisation. #============================================================================== p=parameters.Parameters() x_line=np.arange(p.xmin,p.xmax,p.dx) y_line=np.arange(p.ymin,p.ymax,p.dy) x,y=np.meshgrid(x_line,y_line) f=np.arange(p.fmin-p.fwidth,p.fmax+p.fwidth,p.df) df=f[1]-f[0] omega=2.0*np.pi*f K_kappa=np.zeros(np.shape(x)) C1=np.zeros((len(y_line),len(x_line),len(omega)),dtype=complex) C2=np.zeros((len(y_line),len(x_line),len(omega)),dtype=complex) nx=len(x_line) ny=len(y_line) kappa=p.rho*(p.v**2) #- Frequency- and space distribution of the source. --------------------------- S,indeces=s.space_distribution(plot=0) instrument,natural=s.frequency_distribution(f) filt=natural*instrument*instrument #- Compute the adjoint source. ------------------------------------------------ a=adsrc.adsrc(cct, t, measurement, plot) #- Compute number of grid points corresponding to the minimum wavelength. ----- L=int(np.ceil(p.v/(p.fmax*p.dx))) #- Read propagation corrector if needed. -------------------------------------- if (effective==1): gf=gpc.get_propagation_corrector(rec0,rec1,plot=0) else: gf=np.ones(len(f),dtype=complex) #============================================================================== #- Load forward interferometric wavefields. #============================================================================== fn=dir_forward+'/cf_'+str(rec0) fid=open(fn,'r') C1=np.load(fid) fid.close() fn=dir_forward+'/cf_'+str(rec1) fid=open(fn,'r') C2=np.load(fid) fid.close() #============================================================================== #- Loop over frequencies. #============================================================================== for k in range(len(omega)): w=omega[k] #- Adjoint fields. -------------------------------------------------------- G1=-w**2*g.green_input(x,y,p.x[rec0],p.y[rec0],w,p.dx,p.dy,p.rho,p.v,p.Q)*gf[k] G2=-w**2*g.green_input(x,y,p.x[rec1],p.y[rec1],w,p.dx,p.dy,p.rho,p.v,p.Q)*gf[k] #- Multiplication with adjoint fields. ------------------------------------ K_kappa=K_kappa-2.0*np.real(G2*C1[:,:,k]*np.conj(a[k])+G1*C2[:,:,k]*a[k]) K_kappa=K_kappa/kappa #============================================================================== #- Smooth over minimum wavelength. #============================================================================== for k in range(L): K_kappa[1:ny-2,:]=(K_kappa[1:ny-2,:]+K_kappa[0:ny-3,:]+K_kappa[2:ny-1,:])/3.0 for k in range(L): K_kappa[:,1:nx-2]=(K_kappa[:,1:nx-2]+K_kappa[:,0:nx-3]+K_kappa[:,2:nx-1])/3.0 #============================================================================== #- Visualise if wanted. #============================================================================== if plot==1: cmap = plt.get_cmap('RdBu') plt.pcolormesh(x,y,K_kappa,cmap=cmap,shading='interp') plt.clim(-np.max(np.abs(K_kappa))*0.25,np.max(np.abs(K_kappa))*0.25) plt.axis('image') plt.colorbar() plt.title('Structure (kappa) kernel [unit of measurement / N]') plt.xlabel('x [km]') plt.ylabel('y [km]') plt.plot(p.x[rec0],p.y[rec0],'ro') plt.plot(p.x[rec1],p.y[rec1],'ro') return x,y,K_kappa