def main(argv): otbDir = op.abspath(argv[1]) targetModule = argv[2] targetGroup = "TBD" if targetModule.count('/') == 1: pos = targetModule.find('/') targetGroup = targetModule[0:pos] targetModule = targetModule[pos+1:] if targetModule == "": print "Wrong module name, check input argument : "+argv[2] if targetGroup == "": print "Wrong group name, check input argument : "+argv[2] print "Target module: "+targetGroup+"/"+targetModule srcFiles = [] for item in argv[3:]: src = item if not src.startswith("Modules/"): src = "Modules/"+src if op.isfile(op.join(otbDir,src)): srcFiles.append(src.strip('./')) else: print "Input source file not found, will be skipped : "+src # First, analyse current OTB tree, retrieve : # - module list # - group vs module association modulesRoot = op.join(otbDir,"Modules") [depList, optDepList, testDepList] = sourceAPI.parseOTBModuleCmake(modulesRoot) #fullDepList = manifestParser.buildFullDep(depList) #oldCleanDepList = sourceAPI.cleanDepList(depList,fullDepList) [groups,moduleList,sourceList,testList] = sourceAPI.parseModuleRoot(modulesRoot) # DEBUG #manifestParser.printDepList(depList) #print str(moduleList) # Second, operate the move if targetModule in moduleList: targetGroup = manifestParser.getGroup(targetModule,groups) else: if targetGroup == 'TBD': print "Error : group name must be specified for new modules (use group/module syntax)" return 1 destinationPrefix = op.join(targetGroup,targetModule) for srcFile in srcFiles: cleanFile = srcFile.strip('./') words = cleanFile.split('/') srcMod = words[2] srcGrp = words[1] targetFile = cleanFile.replace(srcGrp+'/'+srcMod,destinationPrefix,1) targetPath = op.join(otbDir,op.dirname(targetFile)) if not op.isdir(targetPath): os.makedirs(targetPath) shutil.move(op.join(otbDir,cleanFile),targetPath) # Compute new modules dependencies [newGroups,newModuleList,newSourceList,newTestList] = sourceAPI.parseModuleRoot(modulesRoot) newDepList = sourceAPI.buildModularDep(otbDir,newModuleList,newSourceList) newTestDepList = sourceAPI.buildModularDep(otbDir,newTestList,newSourceList) # compute full dependencies newFullDepList = manifestParser.buildFullDep(newDepList) # detect cyclic dependencies cyclicDependentModules = [] for mod in newFullDepList.keys(): if mod in newFullDepList[mod]: if not mod in cyclicDependentModules: cyclicDependentModules.append(mod) if len(cyclicDependentModules) > 0: print "Check for cyclic dependency : Failed" for m in cyclicDependentModules: cycle = sourceAPI.getCyclicDep(m,newDepList) print "Cycle for module "+m+": "+str(cycle) if len(cycle) > 0: a = m for c in cycle: b = c print a+" -> "+b+": " for dep in newDepList[a][b]: print "\t"+dep["from"]+" -> "+dep["to"] a = c #manifestParser.printDepList(newDepList,cyclicDependentModules) return 1 else: print "Check for cyclic dependency : Passed" # fix srcList and test declaration os.chdir(otbDir) for srcFile in srcFiles: cleanFile = srcFile.strip('./') words = cleanFile.split('/') srcMod = words[2] srcGrp = words[1] srcSub = words[3] targetFile = cleanFile.replace(srcGrp+"/"+srcMod,destinationPrefix,1) # call hg rename -A call(["hg","rename","-A",cleanFile,targetFile]) # - for input files in 'src' : adapt OTBModule_SRC if srcSub == "src" and len(words) == 5: # remove entry in previous module removed = [op.basename(srcFile)] added = [] cmakelistPath = op.join(modulesRoot,srcGrp,srcMod,srcSub,"CMakeLists.txt") # Check that there are some source file remaining in src dir source_files = filter(os.path.isfile, glob.glob(op.join(modulesRoot,srcGrp,srcMod,srcSub)+'/*.c*')) if len(source_files) >0 : sourceAPI.updateSourceList(cmakelistPath,"OTB"+srcMod+"_SRC",added,removed) else: # There are no more sources here, the whole src module can be removed print "Removing "+srcSub+" dir in "+srcGrp+"/"+srcMod+", since it does not contain source files anymore" call(["hg","remove",op.join(modulesRoot,srcGrp,srcMod,srcSub)+"/*"]) # add entry in target module removed = [] added = [op.basename(srcFile)] cmakelistPath = op.join(modulesRoot,destinationPrefix,srcSub,"CMakeLists.txt") if not op.exists(cmakelistPath): sourceAPI.initializeSrcCMakeLists(cmakelistPath,targetModule) call(["hg","add",cmakelistPath.replace(otbDir,".")]) sourceAPI.updateSourceList(cmakelistPath,"OTB"+targetModule+"_SRC",added,removed) # -for input files in 'app' if srcSub == "app" and len(words) == 5: cmakelistPath = op.join(modulesRoot,srcGrp,srcMod,srcSub,"CMakeLists.txt") nextCmakelistPath = op.join(modulesRoot,destinationPrefix,srcSub,"CMakeLists.txt") if not op.exists(nextCmakelistPath): sourceAPI.initializeAppCMakeLists(nextCmakelistPath,targetModule) call(["hg","add",nextCmakelistPath.replace(otbDir,".")]) # move the 'otb_create_application' bloc appName = sourceAPI.moveAppBloc(cmakelistPath,nextCmakelistPath,op.basename(srcFile)) source_files = filter(os.path.isfile, glob.glob(op.join(modulesRoot,srcGrp,srcMod,srcSub)+'/*.c*')) if len(source_files) == 0 : # There are no more sources here, the whole src module can be removed print "Removing "+srcSub+" dir in "+srcGrp+"/"+srcMod+", since it does not contain source files anymore" call(["hg","remove",op.join(modulesRoot,srcGrp,srcMod,srcSub)+"/*"]) # move tests testCmakelistPath = op.join(modulesRoot,srcGrp,srcMod,"test","CMakeLists.txt") nextTestCmakelistPath = op.join(modulesRoot,destinationPrefix,"test","CMakeLists.txt") appTestBlocs = {} if op.exists(testCmakelistPath): appTestBlocs = sourceAPI.extractAppTestBlocs(testCmakelistPath,appName) if len(appTestBlocs) > 0: if not op.exists(nextTestCmakelistPath): if not op.exists(op.dirname(nextTestCmakelistPath)): os.makedirs(op.dirname(nextTestCmakelistPath)) fd = open(nextTestCmakelistPath,'w') fd.write("otb_module_test()\n") fd.write("\n") fd.close() call(["hg","add",nextTestCmakelistPath.replace(otbDir,".")]) fd = open(nextTestCmakelistPath,'a') fd.write("#----------- "+appName+" TESTS ----------------\n") for tname in appTestBlocs: fd.writelines(appTestBlocs[tname]) fd.write("\n") fd.close() if srcSub == "test" and len(words) == 5: # analyse test res = createTestManifest.parseTestCxx(op.join(otbDir,targetFile)) if res["hasMain"]: print "Test with main ("+targetFile+") : not handled for now" else: # remove entry in previous module source list removed = [op.basename(srcFile)] added = [] oldCmakelistPath = op.join(modulesRoot,op.join(srcGrp,op.join(srcMod,"test/CMakeLists.txt"))) oldTestDriverPath = op.join(modulesRoot,op.join(srcGrp,op.join(srcMod,"test/otb"+srcMod+"TestDriver.cxx"))) sourceAPI.updateSourceList(oldCmakelistPath,"OTB"+srcMod+"Tests",added,removed) # add entry in target module source list removed = [] added = [op.basename(srcFile)] cmakelistPath = op.join(modulesRoot,op.join(destinationPrefix,"test/CMakeLists.txt")) testDriverPath = op.join(modulesRoot,op.join(destinationPrefix,"test/otb"+targetModule+"TestDriver.cxx")) if not op.exists(cmakelistPath): # there was no test before : initialize CMakeLists.txt sourceAPI.initializeTestCMakeLists(cmakelistPath,targetModule) call(["hg","add",cmakelistPath.replace(otbDir,".")]) if not op.exists(testDriverPath): # there was no test before : initialize test driver sourceAPI.initializeTestDriver(testDriverPath) call(["hg","add",testDriverPath.replace(otbDir,".")]) sourceAPI.updateSourceList(cmakelistPath,"OTB"+targetModule+"Tests",added,removed) # - move test declaration testCode = dispatchTests.findTestFromExe(oldCmakelistPath,"otb"+srcMod+"TestDriver","",res["testFunctions"],'otb_') # get set_test_properties() testProp = dispatchTests.findTestProperties(oldCmakelistPath,testCode.keys()) print "Found "+str(len(testCode))+" tests to move" sourceAPI.moveTestCode(oldCmakelistPath,cmakelistPath,testCode,testProp) for mod in newModuleList: curGroup = manifestParser.getGroup(mod,newGroups) # fix the otb-module.cmake cmake_module_path = op.join(modulesRoot,op.join(curGroup,op.join(mod,"otb-module.cmake"))) cmakel_module_path = op.join(modulesRoot,op.join(curGroup,op.join(mod,"CMakeLists.txt"))) if (not op.exists(cmake_module_path)) and (mod == targetModule): # initialize new otb-module.cmake if new module sourceAPI.initializeOTBModuleCmake(cmake_module_path,mod) with_lib = False if op.exists(op.join(curGroup,op.join(mod,"src"))): with_lib = True sourceAPI.initializeOTBModuleCMakeLists(cmakel_module_path,mod,with_lib) call(["hg","add",cmakel_module_path.replace(otbDir,".")]) call(["hg","add",cmake_module_path.replace(otbDir,".")]) # - fix the target_link_libraries src_dir = op.join(modulesRoot,curGroup,mod,"src") sub_src_CMakeList = op.join(modulesRoot,op.join(curGroup,op.join(mod,"src/CMakeLists.txt"))) # Update the module dependencies print "Updating module dependencies ..." count = updateModuleDependencies.update(otbDir) print str(count)+" modules were updated" # Update the module test driver print "Updating test drivers ..." count = updateTestDrivers.update(otbDir) print str(count)+" files updated" # Update the group declaration in doxygen print "Updating doxygen group declaration ..." updateDoxyGroup.update(otbDir) # TODO : hg commit by the user print "\nTo commit those changes, run: hg commit -m \"ENH: Automatic move of files to module "+targetGroup+"/"+targetModule+"\"\n" print "It is advised to run script beforehand.\n"
def update(otbDir,dry_run = False,verbose = False): modulesRoot = op.join(otbDir,"Modules") # Modules in this list will only be updated with additional # dependencies, nod dependencies will be removed blacklist_for_removal = ["CommandLine", "TestKernel", "ApplicationEngine", "OSSIMAdapters"] # Parse otb-module.cmake to get declared dependencies [depList, optDepList, testDepList] = sourceAPI.parseOTBModuleCmake(modulesRoot) # Parse source code to get all elements [groups,moduleList,sourceList,testList] = sourceAPI.parseModuleRoot(modulesRoot) actualDepList = sourceAPI.buildModularDep(otbDir,moduleList,sourceList) actualTestDepList = sourceAPI.buildModularDep(otbDir,testList,sourceList) changes_required = 0 no_changes_required = 0 for module in moduleList.keys(): # Find group group = "" for grp in groups.keys(): if module in groups[grp]: group = grp if len(group) == 0: print bcolors.FAIL+ "Error: module "+module+" not found in any group"+bcolor.ENDC continue fancy_module = bcolors.UNDERLINE + group+"/"+module+ bcolors.ENDC # Do not process third parties if module in groups['ThirdParty']: if verbose: print fancy_module +" - Ignoring third party module" else: current_deps = set([]) if module in depList.keys(): current_deps = set(depList[module].keys()) current_actualdeps = set(actualDepList[module].keys()) to_add = current_actualdeps - current_deps to_remove = current_deps - current_actualdeps # Handling optional dependencies current_opt_deps = set([]) if module in optDepList.keys(): for opt in optDepList[module].keys(): if opt in to_add: if verbose: print fancy_module +" - Ignoring optional dependency: "+opt to_add.remove(opt) current_opt_deps = set(optDepList[module].keys()) opt_to_remove = current_opt_deps - current_actualdeps # Handling test dependencies current_test_deps = set([]) if module in testDepList.keys(): current_test_deps = set(testDepList[module].keys()) current_actual_test_deps = set(actualTestDepList[module].keys()) # Do not self link if module in current_actual_test_deps: current_actual_test_deps.remove(module) for dep in current_actualdeps: if dep in current_actual_test_deps: current_actual_test_deps.remove(dep) test_deps_to_add = current_actual_test_deps - current_test_deps test_deps_to_remove = current_test_deps - current_actual_test_deps if group == "Applications": if verbose: print fancy_module+" - Module in Applications group, TestKernel and CommandLine modules will not be removed from tests dependencies" if "TestKernel" in test_deps_to_remove : test_deps_to_remove.remove("TestKernel") if "CommandLine" in test_deps_to_remove : test_deps_to_remove.remove("CommandLine") if module in blacklist_for_removal: if verbose: print fancy_module+" - Module is black-listed, only additions will be made to dependencies" to_remove.clear() opt_to_remove.clear() test_deps_to_remove.clear() if len(to_add) == 0 and len(to_remove) == 0 and len(opt_to_remove) == 0 and len(test_deps_to_add) == 0 and len(test_deps_to_remove) == 0: if verbose: print fancy_module+ bcolors.OKGREEN + " - No changes required"+ bcolors.ENDC no_changes_required+=1 else: changes_required+=1 if len(to_add) > 0: print fancy_module+bcolors.OKBLUE +" - Additional dependencies required: "+str(list(to_add))+ bcolors.ENDC if verbose: for dep_to_add in to_add: for dep_include in actualDepList[module][dep_to_add]: print fancy_module+" - needs "+dep_to_add+" because "+dep_include["from"]+" includes "+dep_include["to"] if len(to_remove) > 0: print fancy_module+bcolors.OKRED + " - Dependencies to remove: "+str(list(to_remove))+ bcolors.ENDC if len(opt_to_remove) > 0: print fancy_module+bcolors.OKRED + " - Optional dependencies to remove: "+str(list(opt_to_remove))+ bcolors.ENDC if len(test_deps_to_add): print fancy_module+bcolors.OKBLUE+" - Additional test dependencies required: "+str(list(test_deps_to_add))+ bcolors.ENDC if verbose: for dep_to_add in test_deps_to_add: for dep_include in actualTestDepList[module][dep_to_add]: print fancy_module+" - needs "+dep_to_add+" because "+dep_include["from"]+" includes "+dep_include["to"] if len(test_deps_to_remove): print fancy_module+bcolors.OKRED + " - Test dependencies to remove: "+str(list(test_deps_to_remove))+ bcolors.ENDC final_dep = (current_deps | to_add) - to_remove final_opt_dep = current_opt_deps - opt_to_remove final_test_dep = (current_test_deps | test_deps_to_add) - test_deps_to_remove if not dry_run: cmake_mod_file_path=op.join(otbDir,"Modules",group,module,"otb-module.cmake") print fancy_module+" - Patching file "+cmake_mod_file_path sourceAPI.updateModuleDependencies(cmake_mod_file_path,sorted(final_dep),sorted(final_opt_dep), sorted(final_test_dep)) if len(to_add)>0: sub_src_CMakeList = op.join(modulesRoot,op.join(otbDir,"Modules",group,module,"src/CMakeLists.txt")) if op.isfile(sub_src_CMakeList): print fancy_module+" - Patching file "+sub_src_CMakeList sourceAPI.setTargetLinkLibs(sub_src_CMakeList,"OTB"+module,sorted(to_add)) if not dry_run and module not in ['SWIG'] and module not in groups["ThirdParty"] and sourceAPI.UpdateLibraryExport(group,module,otbDir): print fancy_module+" - Patching main CMakeLists.txt to fix library export" return changes_required
def main(argv): otbDir = op.abspath(argv[1]) targetModule = argv[2] targetGroup = "TBD" if targetModule.count('/') == 1: pos = targetModule.find('/') targetGroup = targetModule[0:pos] targetModule = targetModule[pos + 1:] if targetModule == "": print "Wrong module name, check input argument : " + argv[2] if targetGroup == "": print "Wrong group name, check input argument : " + argv[2] print "Target module: " + targetGroup + "/" + targetModule srcFiles = [] for item in argv[3:]: src = item if not src.startswith("Modules/"): src = "Modules/" + src if op.isfile(op.join(otbDir, src)): srcFiles.append(src.strip('./')) else: print "Input source file not found, will be skipped : " + src # First, analyse current OTB tree, retrieve : # - module list # - group vs module association modulesRoot = op.join(otbDir, "Modules") [depList, optDepList, testDepList] = sourceAPI.parseOTBModuleCmake(modulesRoot) #fullDepList = manifestParser.buildFullDep(depList) #oldCleanDepList = sourceAPI.cleanDepList(depList,fullDepList) [groups, moduleList, sourceList, testList] = sourceAPI.parseModuleRoot(modulesRoot) # DEBUG #manifestParser.printDepList(depList) #print str(moduleList) # Second, operate the move if targetModule in moduleList: targetGroup = manifestParser.getGroup(targetModule, groups) else: if targetGroup == 'TBD': print "Error : group name must be specified for new modules (use group/module syntax)" return 1 destinationPrefix = op.join(targetGroup, targetModule) for srcFile in srcFiles: cleanFile = srcFile.strip('./') words = cleanFile.split('/') srcMod = words[2] srcGrp = words[1] targetFile = cleanFile.replace(srcGrp + '/' + srcMod, destinationPrefix, 1) targetPath = op.join(otbDir, op.dirname(targetFile)) if not op.isdir(targetPath): os.makedirs(targetPath) shutil.move(op.join(otbDir, cleanFile), targetPath) # Compute new modules dependencies [newGroups, newModuleList, newSourceList, newTestList] = sourceAPI.parseModuleRoot(modulesRoot) newDepList = sourceAPI.buildModularDep(otbDir, newModuleList, newSourceList) newTestDepList = sourceAPI.buildModularDep(otbDir, newTestList, newSourceList) # compute full dependencies newFullDepList = manifestParser.buildFullDep(newDepList) # detect cyclic dependencies cyclicDependentModules = [] for mod in newFullDepList.keys(): if mod in newFullDepList[mod]: if not mod in cyclicDependentModules: cyclicDependentModules.append(mod) if len(cyclicDependentModules) > 0: print "Check for cyclic dependency : Failed" for m in cyclicDependentModules: cycle = sourceAPI.getCyclicDep(m, newDepList) print "Cycle for module " + m + ": " + str(cycle) if len(cycle) > 0: a = m for c in cycle: b = c print a + " -> " + b + ": " for dep in newDepList[a][b]: print "\t" + dep["from"] + " -> " + dep["to"] a = c #manifestParser.printDepList(newDepList,cyclicDependentModules) return 1 else: print "Check for cyclic dependency : Passed" # fix srcList and test declaration os.chdir(otbDir) for srcFile in srcFiles: cleanFile = srcFile.strip('./') words = cleanFile.split('/') srcMod = words[2] srcGrp = words[1] srcSub = words[3] targetFile = cleanFile.replace(srcGrp + "/" + srcMod, destinationPrefix, 1) # call hg rename -A call(["hg", "rename", "-A", cleanFile, targetFile]) # - for input files in 'src' : adapt OTBModule_SRC if srcSub == "src" and len(words) == 5: # remove entry in previous module removed = [op.basename(srcFile)] added = [] cmakelistPath = op.join(modulesRoot, srcGrp, srcMod, srcSub, "CMakeLists.txt") # Check that there are some source file remaining in src dir source_files = filter( os.path.isfile, glob.glob( op.join(modulesRoot, srcGrp, srcMod, srcSub) + '/*.c*')) if len(source_files) > 0: sourceAPI.updateSourceList(cmakelistPath, "OTB" + srcMod + "_SRC", added, removed) else: # There are no more sources here, the whole src module can be removed print "Removing " + srcSub + " dir in " + srcGrp + "/" + srcMod + ", since it does not contain source files anymore" call([ "hg", "remove", op.join(modulesRoot, srcGrp, srcMod, srcSub) + "/*" ]) # add entry in target module removed = [] added = [op.basename(srcFile)] cmakelistPath = op.join(modulesRoot, destinationPrefix, srcSub, "CMakeLists.txt") if not op.exists(cmakelistPath): sourceAPI.initializeSrcCMakeLists(cmakelistPath, targetModule) call(["hg", "add", cmakelistPath.replace(otbDir, ".")]) sourceAPI.updateSourceList(cmakelistPath, "OTB" + targetModule + "_SRC", added, removed) # -for input files in 'app' if srcSub == "app" and len(words) == 5: cmakelistPath = op.join(modulesRoot, srcGrp, srcMod, srcSub, "CMakeLists.txt") nextCmakelistPath = op.join(modulesRoot, destinationPrefix, srcSub, "CMakeLists.txt") if not op.exists(nextCmakelistPath): sourceAPI.initializeAppCMakeLists(nextCmakelistPath, targetModule) call(["hg", "add", nextCmakelistPath.replace(otbDir, ".")]) # move the 'otb_create_application' bloc appName = sourceAPI.moveAppBloc(cmakelistPath, nextCmakelistPath, op.basename(srcFile)) source_files = filter( os.path.isfile, glob.glob( op.join(modulesRoot, srcGrp, srcMod, srcSub) + '/*.c*')) if len(source_files) == 0: # There are no more sources here, the whole src module can be removed print "Removing " + srcSub + " dir in " + srcGrp + "/" + srcMod + ", since it does not contain source files anymore" call([ "hg", "remove", op.join(modulesRoot, srcGrp, srcMod, srcSub) + "/*" ]) # move tests testCmakelistPath = op.join(modulesRoot, srcGrp, srcMod, "test", "CMakeLists.txt") nextTestCmakelistPath = op.join(modulesRoot, destinationPrefix, "test", "CMakeLists.txt") appTestBlocs = {} if op.exists(testCmakelistPath): appTestBlocs = sourceAPI.extractAppTestBlocs( testCmakelistPath, appName) if len(appTestBlocs) > 0: if not op.exists(nextTestCmakelistPath): if not op.exists(op.dirname(nextTestCmakelistPath)): os.makedirs(op.dirname(nextTestCmakelistPath)) fd = open(nextTestCmakelistPath, 'w') fd.write("otb_module_test()\n") fd.write("\n") fd.close() call([ "hg", "add", nextTestCmakelistPath.replace(otbDir, ".") ]) fd = open(nextTestCmakelistPath, 'a') fd.write("#----------- " + appName + " TESTS ----------------\n") for tname in appTestBlocs: fd.writelines(appTestBlocs[tname]) fd.write("\n") fd.close() if srcSub == "test" and len(words) == 5: # analyse test res = createTestManifest.parseTestCxx(op.join(otbDir, targetFile)) if res["hasMain"]: print "Test with main (" + targetFile + ") : not handled for now" else: # remove entry in previous module source list removed = [op.basename(srcFile)] added = [] oldCmakelistPath = op.join( modulesRoot, op.join(srcGrp, op.join(srcMod, "test/CMakeLists.txt"))) oldTestDriverPath = op.join( modulesRoot, op.join( srcGrp, op.join(srcMod, "test/otb" + srcMod + "TestDriver.cxx"))) sourceAPI.updateSourceList(oldCmakelistPath, "OTB" + srcMod + "Tests", added, removed) # add entry in target module source list removed = [] added = [op.basename(srcFile)] cmakelistPath = op.join( modulesRoot, op.join(destinationPrefix, "test/CMakeLists.txt")) testDriverPath = op.join( modulesRoot, op.join(destinationPrefix, "test/otb" + targetModule + "TestDriver.cxx")) if not op.exists(cmakelistPath): # there was no test before : initialize CMakeLists.txt sourceAPI.initializeTestCMakeLists(cmakelistPath, targetModule) call(["hg", "add", cmakelistPath.replace(otbDir, ".")]) if not op.exists(testDriverPath): # there was no test before : initialize test driver sourceAPI.initializeTestDriver(testDriverPath) call(["hg", "add", testDriverPath.replace(otbDir, ".")]) sourceAPI.updateSourceList(cmakelistPath, "OTB" + targetModule + "Tests", added, removed) # - move test declaration testCode = dispatchTests.findTestFromExe( oldCmakelistPath, "otb" + srcMod + "TestDriver", "", res["testFunctions"], 'otb_') # get set_test_properties() testProp = dispatchTests.findTestProperties( oldCmakelistPath, testCode.keys()) print "Found " + str(len(testCode)) + " tests to move" sourceAPI.moveTestCode(oldCmakelistPath, cmakelistPath, testCode, testProp) for mod in newModuleList: curGroup = manifestParser.getGroup(mod, newGroups) # fix the otb-module.cmake cmake_module_path = op.join( modulesRoot, op.join(curGroup, op.join(mod, "otb-module.cmake"))) cmakel_module_path = op.join( modulesRoot, op.join(curGroup, op.join(mod, "CMakeLists.txt"))) if (not op.exists(cmake_module_path)) and (mod == targetModule): # initialize new otb-module.cmake if new module sourceAPI.initializeOTBModuleCmake(cmake_module_path, mod) with_lib = False if op.exists(op.join(curGroup, op.join(mod, "src"))): with_lib = True sourceAPI.initializeOTBModuleCMakeLists(cmakel_module_path, mod, with_lib) call(["hg", "add", cmakel_module_path.replace(otbDir, ".")]) call(["hg", "add", cmake_module_path.replace(otbDir, ".")]) # - fix the target_link_libraries src_dir = op.join(modulesRoot, curGroup, mod, "src") sub_src_CMakeList = op.join( modulesRoot, op.join(curGroup, op.join(mod, "src/CMakeLists.txt"))) # Update the module dependencies print "Updating module dependencies ..." count = updateModuleDependencies.update(otbDir) print str(count) + " modules were updated" # Update the module test driver print "Updating test drivers ..." count = updateTestDrivers.update(otbDir) print str(count) + " files updated" # Update the group declaration in doxygen print "Updating doxygen group declaration ..." updateDoxyGroup.update(otbDir) # TODO : hg commit by the user print "\nTo commit those changes, run: hg commit -m \"ENH: Automatic move of files to module " + targetGroup + "/" + targetModule + "\"\n" print "It is advised to run script beforehand.\n"