Exemple #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.exprTreeEmbedder = ExpressionTreeEmbedder()
 def __init__(self):
     self.exprTreeEmbedder = ExpressionTreeEmbedder()
Exemple #3
class ConditionalAnomalyCalculator:
    def __init__(self):
        self.exprTreeEmbedder = ExpressionTreeEmbedder()

    def conditionalAnomaly(self, contextsForFunction):

        for context in contextsForFunction.itervalues():

            termDocMatrix = self.exprTreeEmbedder.embed(
                context, context.symbol)
            if termDocMatrix == None:
            # Results are written into the context object
            # That's not really good.
            self.calculateDeviationVector(context, termDocMatrix)

    def calculateDeviationVector(self, context, termDocMatrix):

        originLocation = context.origin.location
        matrix = termDocMatrix.matrix.tocsc()
        originDocIndex = termDocMatrix.doc2Index[originLocation]
        originFunctionVector = matrix[:, originDocIndex]
        xd = originFunctionVector.todense()

        vectors = []
        distances = []  # distance in API space
        cDistances = []  # distance in expression space

        # Add self to model
        # vectors.append(originFunctionVector.T)
        # distances.append(0.0)
        # cDistances.append(0.0)

        for neighbour in context.neighbours:
            l = neighbour.location
            vectors.append(matrix[:, termDocMatrix.doc2Index[l]].T)
            neighbourVec = vectors[-1].todense().T
            cDistances.append(self.cosineDistance(xd, neighbourVec))

        mue = self.calculateWeightedMean(vectors, distances)

        context.gammaC = (1.0 / (len(cDistances))) * numpy.sum(cDistances)
        # alpha = [(1-d) for d in distances]
        # N = numpy.sum(alpha)
        # context.gammaC = (1.0/N) * numpy.sum([alpha[i]*cDistances[i] for i in xrange(len(cDistances))])

        context.gammaA = float(numpy.sum(distances)) / len(distances)
        context.mue = mue
        context.originVector = originFunctionVector.T
        context.deviationVec = originFunctionVector.T - mue
        context.index2Term = termDocMatrix.index2Term

        # From the deviation vector, take all negative coefficients
        # Then calculate the length of the resulting vector

        # context.gammaC = self.euclideanDev(context.deviationVec)
        context.gammaC = self.maxDev(context.deviationVec)

        # Finally, weigh by (1-gammaA) to account for the quality of neighbours
        # context.gammaC *=  (1.0 - context.gammaA)

    def cosineDistance(self, x, y):
        from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine
        from numpy.linalg import norm
        if norm(x) == 0 or norm(y) == 0:
            if norm(x) == norm(y):
                return 0.0
                return 1.0
        return cosine(x, y)

    def euclideanDev(self, deviationVec):
        missing = [i**2 for i in deviationVec.toarray()[0, :] if i < 0]
        return numpy.sum(missing)

    def maxDev(self, deviationVec):
        # missing = [i**2 for i in deviationVec.toarray()[0,:] if i < 0]
        missing = [float(-i) for i in deviationVec.toarray()[0, :] if i < 0]
        if len(missing) == 0:
            return 0
        return numpy.max(missing)

    def calculateWeightedMean(self, vectors, distances):
        # N = numpy.sum([1-d for d in distances])
        # mue = numpy.sum([(1-d) * v for (v,d) in zip(vectors, distances)])
        N = len(distances)
        mue = numpy.sum([v for (v, d) in zip(vectors, distances)])
        mue *= (1.0 / N)
        return mue
class ConditionalAnomalyCalculator:
    def __init__(self):
        self.exprTreeEmbedder = ExpressionTreeEmbedder()
    def conditionalAnomaly(self, contextsForFunction):
        for context in contextsForFunction.itervalues():
            termDocMatrix = self.exprTreeEmbedder.embed(context, context.symbol)
            if termDocMatrix == None:
            # Results are written into the context object
            # That's not really good.
            self.calculateDeviationVector(context, termDocMatrix)
    def calculateDeviationVector(self, context, termDocMatrix):

        originLocation = context.origin.location
        matrix = termDocMatrix.matrix.tocsc()
        originDocIndex = termDocMatrix.doc2Index[originLocation]
        originFunctionVector = matrix[:,originDocIndex]
        xd = originFunctionVector.todense()
        vectors = []
        distances = [] # distance in API space
        cDistances = [] # distance in expression space
        # Add self to model
        # vectors.append(originFunctionVector.T)
        # distances.append(0.0)
        # cDistances.append(0.0)
        for neighbour in context.neighbours:
            l = neighbour.location
            neighbourVec = vectors[-1].todense().T
            cDistances.append(self.cosineDistance(xd, neighbourVec))
        mue = self.calculateWeightedMean(vectors, distances)
        context.gammaC = (1.0/(len(cDistances))) * numpy.sum(cDistances)
        # alpha = [(1-d) for d in distances]
        # N = numpy.sum(alpha)
        # context.gammaC = (1.0/N) * numpy.sum([alpha[i]*cDistances[i] for i in xrange(len(cDistances))])
        context.gammaA = float(numpy.sum(distances)) / len(distances)
        context.mue = mue
        context.originVector = originFunctionVector.T
        context.deviationVec = originFunctionVector.T - mue
        context.index2Term = termDocMatrix.index2Term
        # From the deviation vector, take all negative coefficients
        # Then calculate the length of the resulting vector
        # context.gammaC = self.euclideanDev(context.deviationVec)
        context.gammaC = self.maxDev(context.deviationVec) 
        # Finally, weigh by (1-gammaA) to account for the quality of neighbours
        # context.gammaC *=  (1.0 - context.gammaA) 
    def cosineDistance(self, x ,y):
        from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine
        from numpy.linalg import norm
        if norm(x) == 0 or norm(y) == 0:
            if norm(x) == norm(y):
                return 0.0
                return 1.0
        return cosine(x,y)
    def euclideanDev(self, deviationVec):
        missing = [i**2 for i in deviationVec.toarray()[0,:] if i < 0]
        return numpy.sum(missing)
    def maxDev(self, deviationVec):
        # missing = [i**2 for i in deviationVec.toarray()[0,:] if i < 0]
        missing = [float(-i) for i in deviationVec.toarray()[0,:] if i < 0]
        if len(missing) == 0:
            return 0
        return numpy.max(missing)
    def calculateWeightedMean(self, vectors, distances):
        # N = numpy.sum([1-d for d in distances])
        # mue = numpy.sum([(1-d) * v for (v,d) in zip(vectors, distances)])
        N = len(distances)        
        mue = numpy.sum([v for (v,d) in zip(vectors, distances)])
        mue *= (1.0/N)
        return mue