class Quirk(abc.ABC): """Base class for sourdough quirks (mixin-approximations). Args: library (ClassVar[sourdough.Library]): related Library instance that will store concrete subclasses and allow runtime construction and instancing of those stored subclasses. Namespaces: library, bases """ library: ClassVar[sourdough.Library] = sourdough.Library( contents={'base': Base}) """ Initialization Methods """ def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): """Adds 'cls' to 'library' if it is a concrete class.""" super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) # Creates a snakecase key of the class name. key = # Adds base classes to 'bases' using 'key'. if not hasattr(Base.bases, 'quirk'): setattr(Base.bases, 'quirks', cls) setattr(cls, 'bases', Base.bases) setattr(cls.bases, key, cls) # Adds concrete subclasses to 'library' using 'key'. if not abc.ABC in cls.__bases__: cls.library[key] = cls
class Stage(sourdough.quirks.Base, sourdough.quirks.Needy, abc.ABC): """Creates a sourdough object. Args: needs (ClassVar[Union[Sequence[str], str]]): attributes needed from another instance for some method within a subclass. Defaults to an empty list. library (ClassVar[Library]): related Library instance that will store subclasses and allow runtime construction and instancing of those stored subclasses. """ needs: ClassVar[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = [] library: ClassVar[sourdough.Library] = sourdough.Library() """ Class Methods """ @classmethod def create(cls, **kwargs) -> object: """[summary] Raises: ValueError: [description] Returns: object: [description] """ needs = list(more_itertools.always_iterable(cls.needs)) method = getattr(cls, f'from_{needs[0]}') for need in needs: if need not in kwargs: raise ValueError( f'The create method must include a {need} argument') return method(**kwargs)
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): """Adds 'cls' to 'library' if it is a concrete class.""" super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) # Creates a snakecase key of the class name. key = if Base in cls.__bases__: # Adds this class to 'bases' using 'key'. setattr(cls.bases, key, cls) # Creates a library on this class base for storing subclasses. cls.library = sourdough.Library() # Adds concrete subclasses to 'library' using 'key'. if not abc.ABC in cls.__bases__: cls.library[key] = cls
class Settings(sourdough.quirks.Base, sourdough.Configuration): """Loads and stores configuration settings for a Project. Args: contents (Union[str, pathlib.Path, Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]]]): a dict, a str file path to a file with settings, or a pathlib Path to a file with settings. Defaults to en empty dict. infer_types (bool): whether values in 'contents' are converted to other datatypes (True) or left alone (False). If 'contents' was imported from an .ini file, a False value will leave all values as strings. Defaults to True. defaults (Mapping[str, Mapping[str]]): any default options that should be used when a user does not provide the corresponding options in their configuration settings. Defaults to a dict with 'general' and 'files' section listed in the class annotations. skip (Sequence[str]): names of suffixes to skip when constructing nodes for a sourdough project. library (ClassVar[Library]): related Library instance that will store subclasses and allow runtime construction and instancing of those stored subclasses. """ contents: Union[str, pathlib.Path, Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]]] = (dataclasses.field( default_factory=dict)) infer_types: bool = True defaults: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]] = dataclasses.field( default_factory=lambda: { 'general': { 'verbose': False, 'parallelize': False, 'conserve_memery': False }, 'files': { 'source_format': 'csv', 'interim_format': 'csv', 'final_format': 'csv', 'file_encoding': 'windows-1252' }, 'sourdough': { 'default_design': 'pipeline', 'default_workflow': 'graph' } }) skip: Sequence[str] = dataclasses.field( default_factory=lambda: ['general', 'files', 'sourdough', 'parameters']) library: ClassVar[sourdough.Library] = sourdough.Library()
class Base(abc.ABC): """Abstract base class for automatic registration of subclasses. Even though not technically a Quirk subclass (because Quirk inherits from Base), it should be used in the same manner. Base is used throughout the project subpackage as a Quirk to automatically store base subclasses. Any non-abstract subclass will automatically store itself in the class attribute 'library' using the snakecase name of the class as the key. Any direct subclass will automatically store itself in the class attribute 'bases' using the snakecase name of the class as the key. Args: bases (ClassVar[sourdough.Library]): related Library instance that will store direct subclasses (those with Base in their '__bases__' attribute) and allow runtime construction and instancing of those stored subclasses. Attributes: library (ClassVar[sourdough.Library]): related Library instance that will store concrete subclasses and allow runtime construction and instancing of those stored subclasses. 'library' is automatically created when a direct Base subclass (Base is in its '__bases__') is instanced. Namespaces: library, bases, and __init_subclass__. """ bases: ClassVar[sourdough.Library] = sourdough.Library() """ Initialization Methods """ def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): """Adds 'cls' to 'library' if it is a concrete class.""" super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) # Creates a snakecase key of the class name. key = if Base in cls.__bases__: # Adds this class to 'bases' using 'key'. setattr(cls.bases, key, cls) # Creates a library on this class base for storing subclasses. cls.library = sourdough.Library() # Adds concrete subclasses to 'library' using 'key'. if not abc.ABC in cls.__bases__: cls.library[key] = cls
class Validator(sourdough.quirks.Quirk): """Mixin for calling validation methods Args: validations (List[str]): a list of attributes that need validating. Each item in 'validations' should have a corresponding method named f'_validate_{name}' or match a key in 'converters'. Defaults to an empty list. converters (sourdough.Library): """ validations: ClassVar[Sequence[str]] = [] converters: ClassVar[sourdough.Library] = sourdough.Library() """ Public Methods """ def initialize_converter( self, name: str, converter: Union[str, Converter, Type[Converter]]) -> Converter: """[summary] Args: converter (Union[Converter, Type[Converter]]): [description] Returns: Converter: [description] """ if isinstance(converter, str): try: converter = self.converters[name] except KeyError: raise KeyError( f'No local or stored type validator exists for {name}') if not isinstance(converter, Converter): converter = converter() self.converters[name] = converter return converter def validate(self, validations: Sequence[str] = None) -> None: """Validates or converts stored attributes. Args: validations (List[str]): a list of attributes that need validating. Each item in 'validations' should have a corresponding method named f'_validate_{name}' or match a key in 'converters'. If not passed, the 'validations' attribute will be used instead. Defaults to None. """ if validations is None: validations = self.validations # Calls validation methods based on names listed in 'validations'. for name in validations: if hasattr(self, f'_validate_{name}'): kwargs = {name: getattr(self, name)} validated = getattr(self, f'_validate_{name}')(**kwargs) else: converter = self.initialize_converter(name=name, converter=name) try: validated = converter.validate(item=getattr(self, name), instance=self) except AttributeError: validated = getattr(self, name) setattr(self, name, validated) return self
class Component(sourdough.quirks.Base, sourdough.quirks.Element, abc.ABC): """Base class for parts of a sourdough Workflow. Args: name (str): designates the name of a class instance that is used for internal referencing throughout sourdough. For example, if a sourdough instance needs settings from a Configuration instance, 'name' should match the appropriate section name in a Configuration instance. Defaults to None. contents (Any): stored item(s) for use by a Component subclass instance. library (ClassVar[Library]): related Library instance that will store subclasses and allow runtime construction and instancing of those stored subclasses. """ name: str = None contents: Any = None iterations: Union[int, str] = 1 parameters: Mapping[Any, Any] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict) parallel: ClassVar[bool] = False library: ClassVar[sourdough.Library] = sourdough.Library() """ Public Class Methods """ @classmethod def create(cls, source: str, **kwargs) -> Component: """[summary] Args: source (str): [description] Raises: NotImplementedError: [description] Returns: Component: [description] """ if (isinstance(source, str) or (isinstance(source, Sequence) and all(source, str))): return cls.from_name(name=source, **kwargs) elif isinstance(source, cls.bases.Stage): return @classmethod def from_outline(cls, name: str, outline: sourdough.project.Outline, **kwargs) -> Component: """[summary] Args: name (str): [description] section (str): [description] outline (sourdough.project.Outline): [description] Returns: Component: [description] """ if name in outline.initialization: parameters = outline.initialization[name] parameters.update(kwargs) else: parameters = kwargs component = cls.library.borrow(names=[name, outline.designs[name]]) instance = component(name=name, **parameters) return instance """ Public Methods """ def execute(self, data: Any, **kwargs) -> Any: """[summary] Args: data (Any): [description] Returns: Any: [description] """ if self.iterations in ['infinite']: while True: data = self.implement(data=data, **kwargs) else: for iteration in range(self.iterations): data = self.implement(data=data, **kwargs) return data def implement(self, data: Any, **kwargs) -> Any: """[summary] Args: data (Any): [description] Returns: Any: [description] """ if self.parameters: parameters = self.parameters parameters.update(kwargs) else: parameters = kwargs if self.contents not in [None, 'None', 'none']: data = self.contents.implement(data=data, **parameters) return data """ Private Methods """ def _add_attributes(self, attributes: Dict[Any, Any]) -> None: """[summary] Args: attributes (Dict[Any, Any]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ for key, value in attributes.items(): setattr(self, key, value) return self
class Manager(sourdough.quirks.Base, sourdough.quirks.Element): """ Args: name (str): designates the name of a class instance that is used for internal referencing throughout sourdough. For example, if a sourdough instance needs settings from a Configuration instance, 'name' should match the appropriate section name in a Configuration instance. Defaults to None. library (ClassVar[Library]): related Library instance that will store subclasses and allow runtime construction and instancing of those stored subclasses. """ name: str = None contents: Any = None workflow: sourdough.Structure = None needs: ClassVar[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = ['outline', 'name'] library: ClassVar[sourdough.Library] = sourdough.Library() """ Public Class Methods """ @classmethod def create(cls, **kwargs) -> object: """[summary] Raises: ValueError: [description] Returns: object: [description] """ needs = list(more_itertools.always_iterable(cls.needs)) method = getattr(cls, f'from_{needs[0]}') for need in needs: if need not in kwargs: raise ValueError( f'The create method must include a {need} argument') return method(**kwargs) @classmethod def from_outline(cls, outline: Stage, name: str, **kwargs) -> Manager: """[summary] Args: outline (Stage): [description] name (str): [description] Returns: Manager: [description] """ names = [name] if name in outline.designs: names.append([name]) manager = cls.library.borrow(names=names) structure = cls.bases.stage.library.borrow(names='workflow') workflow = structure.create(outline=outline, name=name) return manager(name=name, workflow=workflow, **kwargs) """ Public Methods """ def execute(self, data: Any) -> Any: """[summary] Args: data (Any): [description] Returns: Any: [description] """ for node in self.workflow: data = node.execute(data=data) return data
class Workflow(base.Stage, sourdough.Graph): """Stores lightweight workflow and corresponding components. Args: contents (Dict[str, List[str]]): an adjacency list where the keys are the names of nodes and the values are names of nodes which the key is connected to. Defaults to an empty dict. default (Any): default value to use when a key is missing and a new one is automatically corrected. Defaults to an empty list. components (sourdough.Library): stores Component instances that correspond to nodes in 'contents'. Defaults to an empty Library. needs (ClassVar[Union[Sequence[str], str]]): attributes needed from another instance for some method within a subclass. Defaults to a list with 'outline' and 'name' """ contents: Dict[str, List[str]] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict) default: Any = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list) components: sourdough.Library = sourdough.Library() needs: ClassVar[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = ['outline', 'name'] """ Public Class Methods """ @classmethod def from_outline(cls, outline: Outline, name: str) -> Workflow: """Creates a Workflow from an Outline. Args: outline (Outline): [description] name (str): [description] Returns: Workflow: [description] """ workflow = cls() workflow = cls._add_component(name=name, outline=outline, workflow=workflow) for component in outline.components[name]: workflow = cls._add_component(name=component, outline=outline, workflow=workflow) return workflow """ Public Methods """ def combine(self, workflow: Workflow) -> None: """Adds 'other' Workflow to this Workflow. Combining creates an edge between every endpoint of this instance's Workflow and the every root of 'workflow'. Args: workflow (Workflow): a second Workflow to combine with this one. Raises: ValueError: if 'workflow' has nodes that are also in 'flow'. """ if any(k in workflow.components.keys() for k in self.components.keys()): raise ValueError('Cannot combine Workflows with the same nodes') else: self.components.update(workflow.components) super().combine(structure=workflow) return self def execute(self, data: Any, copy_components: bool = True, **kwargs) -> Any: """Iterates over 'contents', using 'components'. Args: Returns: """ for path in iter(self): data = self.execute_path(data=data, path=path, copy_components=copy_components, **kwargs) return data def execute_path(self, data: Any, path: Sequence[str], copy_components: bool = True, **kwargs) -> Any: """Iterates over 'contents', using 'components'. Args: Returns: """ for node in more_itertools.always_iterable(path): if copy_components: component = copy.deepcopy(self.components[node]) else: component = self.components[node] data = component.execute(data=data, **kwargs) return data """ Private Class Methods """ @classmethod def _add_component(cls, name: str, outline: Outline, workflow: Workflow) -> Workflow: """[summary] Args: name (str): [description] details (Details): [description] workflow (Workflow): [description] Returns: Workflow: [description] """ workflow.append(node=name) design = outline.designs[name] component = cls.bases.component.library.borrow(names=[name, design]) instance = component.from_outline(name=name, outline=outline) workflow.components[name] = instance return workflow