Exemple #1
def test_assign_assignment():
    code = """\
a = b = 2
    expected_report = """\
a = b = 2
    tracer = TraceRunner()

    report = tracer.trace_code(code)

    assert expected_report == trim_report(report)
Exemple #2
def test_assign_generator_unpacked():
    code = """\
a, b = (3*i for i in range(2))
    expected_report = """\
(a, b) = (0, 3)
    tracer = TraceRunner()

    report = tracer.trace_code(code)

    assert expected_report == trim_report(report)
Exemple #3
def test_assign_tuple_list():
    code = """\
a, [b, c] = (1, (2, 3))
    expected_report = """\
(a, (b, c)) = (1, (2, 3))
    tracer = TraceRunner()

    report = tracer.trace_code(code)

    assert expected_report == trim_report(report)
Exemple #4
def test_docstring():
    code = """\
    expected_report = """\

    tracer = TraceRunner()

    report = tracer.trace_code(code)

    assert expected_report == trim_report(report)
Exemple #5
def test_infinite_loop_pass():
    code = """\
while True:
    expected_report = """\
RuntimeError: live coding message limit exceeded"""
    tracer = TraceRunner()
    tracer.message_limit = 3

    report = tracer.trace_code(code)

    assert report in (expected_report + '\n', '\n' + expected_report)
def test_loop_target_list():
    code = """\
for a,b in [(1,2)]:
    c = a + b
    expected_report = """\
a = 1 | b = 2
c = 3"""
    tracer = TraceRunner()

    report = tracer.trace_code(code)

    assert report == expected_report
Exemple #7
def test_numpy_random():
    code = """\
import numpy as np 

x = np.random.normal(size=3)
    tracer = TraceRunner()

    original_report = tracer.trace_code(code)

    for _ in range(5):
        report = tracer.trace_code(code)
        assert original_report == report
Exemple #8
def test_assign_starred():
    code = """\
a, *b = (1, 2, 3)
    expected_report = """\
(a, *b) = (1, 2, 3)
print('[2, 3]')
    tracer = TraceRunner()

    report = tracer.trace_code(code)

    assert expected_report == trim_report(report)
Exemple #9
def test_runtime_error():
    code = """\
x = 2
raise RuntimeError('Bad stuff happened.')
    expected_report = """\
x = 2
RuntimeError: Bad stuff happened.
    tracer = TraceRunner()

    report = tracer.trace_code(code)

    assert expected_report == trim_report(report)
Exemple #10
    def test_call_on_literal(self):
        # SETUP
        code = """\
s = 'abc'.replace('a', 'A')
        expected_report = """\
s = 'Abc' """
        tracer = TraceRunner()

        # EXEC
        report = tracer.trace_code(code)

        # VERIFY
        self.assertReportEqual(expected_report, report)
def test_print():
    code = """\
s = 'x'
    expected_report_python = """\
s = 'x'
    expected_report = expected_report_python
    tracer = TraceRunner()

    report = tracer.trace_code(code)

    assert expected_report == trim_report(report)
Exemple #12
    def test_lambda(self):
        # SETUP
        code = """\
f = lambda n: n + 1
x = f(10)
        expected_report = """\
(10 => 11)
x = 11 """
        tracer = TraceRunner()

        # EXEC
        report = tracer.trace_code(code)
        # VERIFY
        self.assertReportEqual(expected_report, report)
def test_loop_starred_target_list():
    code = """\
words = ['foo', 'bar']
for (head, *tail) in words:
    print(head, tail)
    expected_report = """\
words = ['foo', 'bar']
head = 'f' | tail = ['o', 'o'] | head = 'b' | tail = ['a', 'r']
print("f ['o', 'o']")          | print("b ['a', 'r']")"""
    tracer = TraceRunner()

    report = tracer.trace_code(code)

    assert report == expected_report
def test_command_line():
    """ Specify a traced method with command-line option --traced. """
    code = """\
def foo(n):
    s = 'x'
    for i in range(n):
        s += 'y'
    return s

def bar(num):
    s = 'a'
    for i in range(num):
        s += 'b'
    return s

    expected_report = """\
def bar(num):            | num = 3
    s = 'a'              | s = 'a'
    for i in range(num): | i = 0    | i = 1     | i = 2
        s += 'b'         | s = 'ab' | s = 'abb' | s = 'abbb'
    return s             | return 'abbb'"""

    with replace_input(code):
        report = TraceRunner().trace_command([
            'space_tracer', '--traced', '__main__.bar', '--traced_file',
            'example.py', 'example.py'

    assert expected_report == report
def test_attribute_decorator():
    """ The decorator is a module attribute. """
    code = """\
from __future__ import print_function
class Foo(object):
    def foo(self, x):
        return x + 1
    def bar(x):
        return x + 2

f = Foo()
    expected_report = """\
from __future__ import print_function |
class Foo(object):                    |
    def foo(self, x):                 | x = 10
        return x + 1                  | return 11
    @__builtins__.staticmethod        |
    def bar(x):                       | x = 20
        return x + 2                  | return 22
f = Foo()                             |
print(f.foo(10))                      | print('11')
print(f.bar(20))                      | print('22')"""

    with replace_input(code):
        report = TraceRunner().trace_command(
            ['space_tracer', '--traced_file', 'example.py', 'example.py'])

    assert expected_report == report
def test_other_decorator():
    """ Other decorators shouldn't affect tracing. """
    code = """\
from __future__ import print_function
class Foo(object):
    def foo(self, x):
        return x + 1
    def bar(x):
        return x + 2

f = Foo()
    expected_report = """\
from __future__ import print_function |
class Foo(object):                    |
    def foo(self, x):                 | x = 10
        return x + 1                  | return 11
    @staticmethod                     |
    def bar(x):                       | x = 20
        return x + 2                  | return 22
f = Foo()                             |
print(f.foo(10))                      | print('11')
print(f.bar(20))                      | print('22')"""

    with replace_input(code):
        report = TraceRunner().trace_command(
            ['space_tracer', '--traced_file', 'example.py', 'example.py'])

    assert expected_report == report
Exemple #17
    def test_delete_attribute(self):
        code = """\
class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self, name=None):
        self.name = name

    def __repr__(self):
        name = getattr(self, 'name', None)
        if name is None:
            return 'Foo()'
        return 'Foo({!r})'.format(name)

f = Foo('Bob')
del f.name
g = f
        expected_report = """\

name = 'Bob'
self.name = 'Bob'

f = Foo('Bob')
f = Foo()
g = Foo() """

        report = TraceRunner().trace_code(code)

        self.assertReportEqual(expected_report, report)
Exemple #18
    def test_random(self):
        code = """\
from random import randint

i = randint(1, 100)
j = randint(1, 100)
        if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
            expected_report = """\

i = 85
j = 76
            expected_report = """\

i = 50
j = 98

        report = TraceRunner().trace_code(code)

        self.assertReportEqual(expected_report, report)
Exemple #19
def test_traced_driver_environment():
    code = '''\
    sys.exit("Sys exists, but it wasn't imported!")
except NameError:
sys = None  # Would mess up driver script if they shared module name spaces.

def foo(x):
    return x + 20
    expected_report = '''\

NameError: name 'sys' is not defined

sys = None

x = 42
return 62'''

    with replace_input(code):
        report = TraceRunner().trace_command([
            'space_tracer', '--source_width', '0', '--traced_file',
            EXAMPLE_SOURCE_PATH, '--traced', 'example_source',

    assert report == expected_report
Exemple #20
    def test_module_in_package(self):
        code = """\
from unittest import TestCase

class FooTest(TestCase):
    def test_foo(self):
        s = __package__
        self.assertEqual('example_package', s)
        expected_report = """\

s = 'example_package'

        with replace_input(code):
            report = TraceRunner().trace_command([
                'space_tracer', '--source_width', '0', '--traced',
                'example_package.lib_in_package', '--traced_file',
                EXAMPLE_LIB_PATH, '-m', 'unittest',

        self.assertReportEqual(expected_report, report)
Exemple #21
def test_repr_unnamed_mock():
    code = """\
from unittest.mock import Mock

m = Mock()
    expected_report = """\

m = Mock()
    tracer = TraceRunner()

    report = tracer.trace_code(code)

    assert trim_report(expected_report) == trim_report(report)
def test_mutable():
    code = """\
a = [1, 2, [3, 4]]
a[0] = 9
a[2][1] = 8
b = a
i, j = 2, 1
a[i][j] = 7
a[0:2] = list(reversed(a[0:2]))
b = a
d = -1
a[i:j:d] = [100]
b = a
    expected_report = """\
a = [1, 2, [3, 4]]
a[0] = 9
a[2][1] = 8
b = [9, 2, [3, 8]]
(i, j) = (2, 1)
a[2][1] = 7
a[0:2] = [2, 9]
b = [2, 9, [3, 7]]
d = -1
a[2:1:-1] = [100]
b = [2, 9, 100]

    report = TraceRunner().trace_code(code)

    assert trim_report(expected_report) == trim_report(report)
def test_line_numbers_live():
    code = """\
def foo(n):
    s = 'x'
    for i in range(n):
        s += 'y'
    return s

    expected_report = """\
def foo(n):            |
    s = 'x'            |
    for i in range(n): | i = 0    | i = 1     | i = 2
        s += 'y'       | s = 'xy' | s = 'xyy' | s = 'xyyy'
    return s           | return 'xyyy'
print(foo(3))          |"""

    with replace_input(code):
        report = TraceRunner().trace_command([
            'space_tracer', '--start_line', '3', '--end_line', '5', '--live',
            '--traced_file', 'example.py', 'example.py'

    assert report == expected_report
Exemple #24
    def test_empty(self):
        # EXEC
        report = TraceRunner().trace_code("")
        expected_report = ""

        # VERIFY
        self.assertReportEqual(expected_report, report)
Exemple #25
    def test_yield_from(self):
        # SETUP
        code = """\
def foo(n):
    yield 10 + n
    yield 20 + n

def bar():
    for i in range(2):
        yield from foo(i)

for x in bar():
        expected_report = """\
n = 0    | n = 1
yield 10 | yield 11
yield 20 | yield 21

i = 0               | i = 1
yield 10 | yield 20 | yield 11 | yield 21

x = 10 | x = 20 | x = 11 | x = 21
       |        |        |

        # EXEC
        report = TraceRunner().trace_code(code)

        # VERIFY
        self.assertReportEqual(expected_report, report)
Exemple #26
def test_no_driver(capsys):
    expected_error = ('space_tracer: error: one of the following arguments '
                      'are required: driver or traced_file')
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
    error = capsys.readouterr().err.splitlines()[-1]
    assert error == expected_error
Exemple #27
def test_bad_driver_for_traced_file_without_traced():
    code = '''\
def foo(n):
    return n + 20
    expected_report = '''\
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
example_driver.py doesn't call example_printing.py. Try a different driver. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |


    with replace_input(code):
        report = TraceRunner().trace_command([
            'space_tracer', '--traced_file', EXAMPLE_PRINTING_PATH,

    assert report == expected_report
def test_infinite_loop_by_width():
    code = """\
n = 0
while True:
    n += 1
    expected_report = """\
n = 0
      |       |
n = 1 | n = 2 | RuntimeError: live coding message limit exceeded"""
    tracer = TraceRunner()
    tracer.max_width = 20

    report = tracer.trace_code(code)

    assert report == expected_report
def test_slice():
    code = """\
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
i, j = 1, 4
a[i:j] = [20, 30]
b = a
a[2:] = [300]
b = a
a[:2] *= 2
b = a
a[:2] += [21]
b = a
    expected_report = """\
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
(i, j) = (1, 4)
a[1:4] = [20, 30]
b = [1, 20, 30, 5]
a[2:] = [300]
b = [1, 20, 300]
a[:2] *= 2
b = [1, 20, 1, 20, 300]
a[:2] += [21]
b = [1, 20, 21, 1, 20, 300] """

    report = TraceRunner().trace_code(code)

    assert trim_report(expected_report) == trim_report(report)
Exemple #30
    def test_infinite_loop_pass(self):
        # SETUP
        code = """\
while True:
        expected_report = """\
RuntimeError: live coding message limit exceeded """
        tracer = TraceRunner()
        tracer.message_limit = 3

        # EXEC
        report = tracer.trace_code(code)

        # VERIFY
        self.assertReportEqual(expected_report, report)