Exemple #1
    def setUp(self):
        super(MockDatabase, self).setUp()
        # TODO: make the mockup below easier.

        # Make a fake install directory
        self.install_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.spack_install_path = spack.install_path
        spack.install_path = self.install_path

        self.install_layout = YamlDirectoryLayout(self.install_path)
        self.spack_install_layout = spack.install_layout
        spack.install_layout = self.install_layout

        # Make fake database and fake install directory.
        self.installed_db = Database(self.install_path)
        self.spack_installed_db = spack.installed_db
        spack.installed_db = self.installed_db

        # make a mock database with some packages installed note that
        # the ref count for dyninst here will be 3, as it's recycled
        # across each install.
        # Here is what the mock DB looks like:
        # o  mpileaks     o  mpileaks'    o  mpileaks''
        # |\              |\              |\
        # | o  callpath   | o  callpath'  | o  callpath''
        # |/|             |/|             |/|
        # o |  mpich      o |  mpich2     o |  zmpi
        #   |               |             o |  fake
        #   |               |               |
        #   |               |______________/
        #   | .____________/
        #   |/
        #   o  dyninst
        #   |\
        #   | o  libdwarf
        #   |/
        #   o  libelf

        # Transaction used to avoid repeated writes.
        with spack.installed_db.write_transaction():
            self._mock_install('mpileaks ^mpich')
            self._mock_install('mpileaks ^mpich2')
            self._mock_install('mpileaks ^zmpi')
Exemple #2
def install_mockery(tmpdir, config, builtin_mock):
    """Hooks a fake install directory and a fake db into Spack."""
    layout = spack.store.layout
    db = spack.store.db
    # Use a fake install directory to avoid conflicts bt/w
    # installed pkgs and mock packages.
    spack.store.layout = YamlDirectoryLayout(str(tmpdir))
    spack.store.db = Database(str(tmpdir))
    # We use a fake package, so skip the checksum.
    spack.do_checksum = False
    # Turn checksumming back on
    spack.do_checksum = True
    # Restore Spack's layout.
    spack.store.layout = layout
    spack.store.db = db
Exemple #3
    def setUp(self):
        super(InstallTest, self).setUp()

        # create a simple installable package directory and tarball
        self.repo = MockArchive()

        # We use a fake package, so skip the checksum.
        spack.do_checksum = False

        # Use a fake install directory to avoid conflicts bt/w
        # installed pkgs and mock packages.
        self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.orig_layout = spack.store.layout
        self.orig_db = spack.store.db

        spack.store.layout = YamlDirectoryLayout(self.tmpdir)
        spack.store.db = Database(self.tmpdir)
Exemple #4
from spack.directory_layout import YamlExtensionsLayout

__author__ = "Benedikt Hegner (CERN)"
__all__ = ['db', 'extensions', 'layout', 'root']

# Read in the config
config = spack.config.get_config("config")

# Set up the install path
root = canonicalize_path(
    config.get('install_tree', os.path.join(spack.opt_path, 'spack')))

# Set up the installed packages database
db = Database(root)

# This controls how spack lays out install prefixes and
# stage directories.
layout = YamlDirectoryLayout(root,

extensions = YamlExtensionsLayout(root, layout)
Exemple #5
# Set up the default packages database.
import spack.repository
    repo = spack.repository.RepoPath()
except spack.error.SpackError, e:
    tty.die('while initializing Spack RepoPath:', e.message)

# Set up the installed packages database
from spack.database import Database
installed_db = Database(install_path)

# Paths to built-in Spack repositories.
packages_path      = join_path(repos_path, "builtin")
mock_packages_path = join_path(repos_path, "builtin.mock")

# This controls how spack lays out install prefixes and
# stage directories.
from spack.directory_layout import YamlDirectoryLayout
install_layout = YamlDirectoryLayout(install_path)
