def edit(parser, args): name = # By default open the directory where packages live. if not name: path = spack.packages_path else: path = packages.filename_for_package_name(name) if os.path.exists(path): if not os.path.isfile(path): tty.die("Something's wrong. '%s' is not a file!" % path) if not os.access(path, os.R_OK|os.W_OK): tty.die("Insufficient permissions on '%s'!" % path) elif not args.force: tty.die("No package '%s'. Use spack create, or supply -f/--force " "to edit a new file." % name) else: class_name = packages.class_name_for_package_name(name) with closing(open(path, "w")) as pkg_file: pkg_file.write( package_template.substitute(name=name, class_name=class_name)) # If everything checks out, go ahead and edit. spack.editor(path)
def create(parser, args): url = args.url # Try to deduce name and version of the new package from the URL name, version = spack.url.parse_name_and_version(url) if not name: tty.msg("Couldn't guess a name for this package.") while not name: new_name = raw_input("Name: ") if packages.valid_name(name): name = new_name else: print "Package name can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, '_' and '-'" if not version: tty.die("Couldn't guess a version string from %s." % url) tty.msg("Creating template for package %s" % name) pkg_path = packages.filename_for_package_name(name) if os.path.exists(pkg_path) and not args.force: tty.die("%s already exists." % pkg_path) class_name = packages.class_name_for_package_name(name) versions = list(reversed(spack.package.find_versions_of_archive(url))) archives_to_fetch = 1 if not versions: # If the fetch failed for some reason, revert to what the user provided versions = [version] urls = [url] else: urls = [spack.url.substitute_version(url, v) for v in versions] if len(urls) > 1: tty.msg("Found %s versions of %s." % (len(urls), name), *spack.cmd.elide_list( ["%-10s%s" % (v,u) for v, u in zip(versions, urls)])) print archives_to_fetch = tty.get_number( "Include how many checksums in the package file?", default=5, abort='q') if not archives_to_fetch: tty.msg("Aborted.") return guesser = ConfigureGuesser() ver_hash_tuples = spack.cmd.checksum.get_checksums( versions[:archives_to_fetch], urls[:archives_to_fetch], first_stage_function=guesser) if not ver_hash_tuples: tty.die("Could not fetch any tarballs for %s." % name) # Write out a template for the file with closing(open(pkg_path, "w")) as pkg_file: pkg_file.write( package_template.substitute( name=name, configure=guesser.configure, class_name=class_name, url=url, versions=make_version_dict(ver_hash_tuples))) # If everything checks out, go ahead and edit. spack.editor(pkg_path) tty.msg("Created package %s." % pkg_path)