Exemple #1
def check_invalid_constraint(spec, constraint):
    spec = Spec(spec)
    constraint = Spec(constraint)
    with pytest.raises(
        (UnsatisfiableSpecError, UnconstrainableDependencySpecError)):
Exemple #2
def check_constrain(expected, spec, constraint):
    exp = Spec(expected)
    spec = Spec(spec)
    constraint = Spec(constraint)
    assert exp == spec
Exemple #3
def check_constrain_not_changed(spec, constraint):
    spec = Spec(spec)
    assert not spec.constrain(constraint)
Exemple #4
def check_invalid_constraint(spec, constraint):
    spec = Spec(spec)
    constraint = Spec(constraint)
    with pytest.raises(UnsatisfiableSpecError):
Exemple #5
    def test_unsatisfiable_multi_value_variant(self):

        # Semantics for a multi-valued variant is different
        # Depending on whether the spec is concrete or not

        a = make_spec('multivalue-variant foo="bar"', concrete=True)
        spec_str = 'multivalue-variant foo="bar,baz"'
        b = Spec(spec_str)
        assert not a.satisfies(b)
        assert not a.satisfies(spec_str)
        # A concrete spec cannot be constrained further
        with pytest.raises(UnsatisfiableSpecError):

        a = Spec('multivalue-variant foo="bar"')
        spec_str = 'multivalue-variant foo="bar,baz"'
        b = Spec(spec_str)
        # The specs are abstract and they **could** be constrained
        assert a.satisfies(b)
        assert a.satisfies(spec_str)
        # An abstract spec can instead be constrained
        assert a.constrain(b)

        a = make_spec('multivalue-variant foo="bar,baz"', concrete=True)
        spec_str = 'multivalue-variant foo="bar,baz,quux"'
        b = Spec(spec_str)
        assert not a.satisfies(b)
        assert not a.satisfies(spec_str)
        # A concrete spec cannot be constrained further
        with pytest.raises(UnsatisfiableSpecError):

        a = Spec('multivalue-variant foo="bar,baz"')
        spec_str = 'multivalue-variant foo="bar,baz,quux"'
        b = Spec(spec_str)
        # The specs are abstract and they **could** be constrained
        assert a.satisfies(b)
        assert a.satisfies(spec_str)
        # An abstract spec can instead be constrained
        assert a.constrain(b)
        # ...but will fail during concretization if there are
        # values in the variant that are not allowed
        with pytest.raises(InvalidVariantValueError):

        # This time we'll try to set a single-valued variant
        a = Spec('multivalue-variant fee="bar"')
        spec_str = 'multivalue-variant fee="baz"'
        b = Spec(spec_str)
        # The specs are abstract and they **could** be constrained,
        # as before concretization I don't know which type of variant
        # I have (if it is not a BV)
        assert a.satisfies(b)
        assert a.satisfies(spec_str)
        # A variant cannot be parsed as single-valued until we try to
        # concretize. This means that we can constrain the variant above
        assert a.constrain(b)
        # ...but will fail during concretization if there are
        # multiple values set
        with pytest.raises(MultipleValuesInExclusiveVariantError):
Exemple #6
def check_invalid_constraint(spec, constraint):
    spec = Spec(spec)
    constraint = Spec(constraint)
    with pytest.raises(UnsatisfiableSpecError):
Exemple #7
def check_constrain_not_changed(spec, constraint):
    spec = Spec(spec)
    assert not spec.constrain(constraint)
Exemple #8
def check_constrain(expected, spec, constraint):
    exp = Spec(expected)
    spec = Spec(spec)
    constraint = Spec(constraint)
    assert exp == spec
Exemple #9
    def test_unsatisfiable_multi_value_variant(self):

        # Semantics for a multi-valued variant is different
        # Depending on whether the spec is concrete or not

        a = target_factory(
            'multivalue_variant foo="bar"', target_concrete=True
        spec_str = 'multivalue_variant foo="bar,baz"'
        b = Spec(spec_str)
        assert not a.satisfies(b)
        assert not a.satisfies(spec_str)
        # A concrete spec cannot be constrained further
        with pytest.raises(UnsatisfiableSpecError):

        a = Spec('multivalue_variant foo="bar"')
        spec_str = 'multivalue_variant foo="bar,baz"'
        b = Spec(spec_str)
        # The specs are abstract and they **could** be constrained
        assert a.satisfies(b)
        assert a.satisfies(spec_str)
        # An abstract spec can instead be constrained
        assert a.constrain(b)

        a = target_factory(
            'multivalue_variant foo="bar,baz"', target_concrete=True
        spec_str = 'multivalue_variant foo="bar,baz,quux"'
        b = Spec(spec_str)
        assert not a.satisfies(b)
        assert not a.satisfies(spec_str)
        # A concrete spec cannot be constrained further
        with pytest.raises(UnsatisfiableSpecError):

        a = Spec('multivalue_variant foo="bar,baz"')
        spec_str = 'multivalue_variant foo="bar,baz,quux"'
        b = Spec(spec_str)
        # The specs are abstract and they **could** be constrained
        assert a.satisfies(b)
        assert a.satisfies(spec_str)
        # An abstract spec can instead be constrained
        assert a.constrain(b)
        # ...but will fail during concretization if there are
        # values in the variant that are not allowed
        with pytest.raises(InvalidVariantValueError):

        # This time we'll try to set a single-valued variant
        a = Spec('multivalue_variant fee="bar"')
        spec_str = 'multivalue_variant fee="baz"'
        b = Spec(spec_str)
        # The specs are abstract and they **could** be constrained,
        # as before concretization I don't know which type of variant
        # I have (if it is not a BV)
        assert a.satisfies(b)
        assert a.satisfies(spec_str)
        # A variant cannot be parsed as single-valued until we try to
        # concretize. This means that we can constrain the variant above
        assert a.constrain(b)
        # ...but will fail during concretization if there are
        # multiple values set
        with pytest.raises(MultipleValuesInExclusiveVariantError):
Exemple #10
def test_merge_anonymous_spec_with_named_spec(anonymous, named, expected):
    s = Spec(anonymous)
    changed = s.constrain(named)
    assert changed
    assert s == Spec(expected)