def test_lookups_to_from_disk_via_vocab(): table_name = "test" vocab = Vocab() vocab.lookups.add_table(table_name, {"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}) assert table_name in vocab.lookups with make_tempdir() as tmpdir: vocab.to_disk(tmpdir) new_vocab = Vocab() new_vocab.from_disk(tmpdir) assert len(new_vocab.lookups) == len(vocab.lookups) assert table_name in new_vocab.lookups table = new_vocab.lookups.get_table(table_name) assert len(table) == 2 assert table["hello"] == "world"
def test_serialize_vocab_lex_attrs_disk(strings, lex_attr): vocab1 = Vocab(strings=strings) vocab2 = Vocab() vocab1[strings[0]].norm_ = lex_attr assert vocab1[strings[0]].norm_ == lex_attr assert vocab2[strings[0]].norm_ != lex_attr with make_tempdir() as d: file_path = d / "vocab" vocab1.to_disk(file_path) vocab2 = vocab2.from_disk(file_path) assert vocab2[strings[0]].norm_ == lex_attr
def test_floret_vectors(floret_vectors_vec_str, floret_vectors_hashvec_str): nlp = English() nlp_plain = English() # load both vec and hashvec tables with make_tempdir() as tmpdir: p = tmpdir / "test.hashvec" with open(p, "w") as fileh: fileh.write(floret_vectors_hashvec_str) convert_vectors(nlp, p, truncate=0, prune=-1, mode="floret") p = tmpdir / "test.vec" with open(p, "w") as fileh: fileh.write(floret_vectors_vec_str) convert_vectors(nlp_plain, p, truncate=0, prune=-1) word = "der" # ngrams: full padded word + padded 2-grams + padded 3-grams ngrams = nlp.vocab.vectors._get_ngrams(word) assert ngrams == ["<der>", "<d", "de", "er", "r>", "<de", "der", "er>"] # rows: 2 rows per ngram rows = OPS.xp.asarray( [ h % nlp.vocab.vectors.shape[0] for ngram in ngrams for h in nlp.vocab.vectors._get_ngram_hashes(ngram) ], dtype="uint32", ) assert_equal( OPS.to_numpy(rows), numpy.asarray([5, 6, 7, 5, 8, 2, 8, 9, 3, 3, 4, 6, 7, 3, 0, 2]), ) assert len(rows) == len(ngrams) * nlp.vocab.vectors.hash_count # all vectors are equivalent for plain static table vs. hash ngrams for word in nlp_plain.vocab.vectors: word = nlp_plain.vocab.strings.as_string(word) assert_almost_equal(nlp.vocab[word].vector, nlp_plain.vocab[word].vector, decimal=3) # every word has a vector assert nlp.vocab[word * 5].has_vector # n_keys is -1 for floret assert nlp_plain.vocab.vectors.n_keys > 0 assert nlp.vocab.vectors.n_keys == -1 # check that single and batched vector lookups are identical words = [s for s in nlp_plain.vocab.vectors] single_vecs = OPS.to_numpy( OPS.asarray([nlp.vocab[word].vector for word in words])) batch_vecs = OPS.to_numpy(nlp.vocab.vectors.get_batch(words)) assert_equal(single_vecs, batch_vecs) # an empty key returns 0s assert_equal( OPS.to_numpy(nlp.vocab[""].vector), numpy.zeros((nlp.vocab.vectors.shape[0], )), ) # an empty batch returns 0s assert_equal( OPS.to_numpy(nlp.vocab.vectors.get_batch([""])), numpy.zeros((1, nlp.vocab.vectors.shape[0])), ) # an empty key within a batch returns 0s assert_equal( OPS.to_numpy(nlp.vocab.vectors.get_batch(["a", "", "b"])[1]), numpy.zeros((nlp.vocab.vectors.shape[0], )), ) # the loaded ngram vector table cannot be modified # except for clear: warning, then return without modifications vector = list(range(nlp.vocab.vectors.shape[1])) orig_bytes = nlp.vocab.vectors.to_bytes(exclude=["strings"]) with pytest.warns(UserWarning): nlp.vocab.set_vector("the", vector) assert orig_bytes == nlp.vocab.vectors.to_bytes(exclude=["strings"]) with pytest.warns(UserWarning): nlp.vocab[word].vector = vector assert orig_bytes == nlp.vocab.vectors.to_bytes(exclude=["strings"]) with pytest.warns(UserWarning): nlp.vocab.vectors.add("the", row=6) assert orig_bytes == nlp.vocab.vectors.to_bytes(exclude=["strings"]) with pytest.warns(UserWarning): nlp.vocab.vectors.resize(shape=(100, 10)) assert orig_bytes == nlp.vocab.vectors.to_bytes(exclude=["strings"]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): nlp.vocab.vectors.clear() # data and settings are serialized correctly with make_tempdir() as d: nlp.vocab.to_disk(d) vocab_r = Vocab() vocab_r.from_disk(d) assert nlp.vocab.vectors.to_bytes() == vocab_r.vectors.to_bytes() assert_equal(OPS.to_numpy(, OPS.to_numpy( assert_equal(nlp.vocab.vectors._get_cfg(), vocab_r.vectors._get_cfg()) assert_almost_equal( OPS.to_numpy(nlp.vocab[word].vector), OPS.to_numpy(vocab_r[word].vector), decimal=6, )
class NlPipe: """ class for creating LDA models using sklearn. Deprecated as gensim is used. """ def __init__(self, list_of_docs, document_ids=None, language_model="en_core_web_lg", tagger=False, parser=False, ner=False, categorization=False, remove_stopwords=True, remove_punctuation=True, set_lower=True, remove_num=True, expand_stopwords=True, language_detection=False, allowed_languages=frozenset({'en'})): """ :param list_of_docs: List of strings where every document is one string. :param document_ids: The ids of the documents, matching the order of the list_of_docs :param language_model: Spacy language model to be used for text preprocessing :param tagger: Use spacy part-of-speech tagger. :param parser: Use spacy to annotate syntactic dependencies in documents. :param ner: Use spacy for entity recognition and annotation. :param categorization: Use spacy to assign document labels :param remove_stopwords: Remove stop words during text preprocessing. :param remove_punctuation: Remove punctuation during text prssing. :param set_lower: Convert all strings to lowercase during text preprocessing. :param remove_num: Remove numeric characters during text preprocessing. :param expand_stopwords: Remove non-alpha-characters in stop words and add them to the stop words. :param language_detection: Detect language of docs. :param allowed_languages: Allowed language for the documents. """ self.pipe_disable = [] if not tagger: self.pipe_disable.append("tagger") if not parser: self.pipe_disable.append("parser") if not ner: self.pipe_disable.append("ner") if not categorization: self.pipe_disable.append("textcat") self.remove_punctuation = remove_punctuation self.remove_stop_words = remove_stopwords self.remove_num = remove_num self.set_lower = set_lower self.input_docs = list_of_docs self.document_ids = document_ids self.nlp = spacy.load(language_model) if expand_stopwords: stops = [stop for stop in self.nlp.Defaults.stop_words] for stop in stops: self.nlp.Defaults.stop_words.add(re.sub(r"[\W]", "", stop)) self.spacy_docs = None self.processed_docs = None self.vectorizer = None self.bag_of_words = None self.tf_idf = None self.preprocessing_batch_size = 500 self.processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 2 self.lda_model = None self.lda_output = None self.grid_search = None self.evaluation_output = None self.result_df = None self.word_topic_df = None self.word_topic_intersection = None self.intersection_score = None self.allowed_languages = allowed_languages self.language_detection = language_detection self.spacy_vocab = None self.word_distance_dict = None self.word_topic_distance_sum = 0 self.unigram_dict = None self.bigram_dict = None def enable_pipe_component(self, component): if component in self.pipe_disable: self.pipe_disable.remove(component) #todo: add info if not in list from beginning or if successfully enable def disable_pipe_component(self, component): if component not in self.pipe_disable: self.pipe_disable.append(component) # todo: add info if not in list from beginning or if successfully enable def preprocess_spacy(self): # todo: add language check if self.language_detection: self.spacy_docs = [ doc for doc in tqdm(self.nlp.pipe( self.input_docs, disable=self.pipe_disable, n_process=self.processes, batch_size=self.preprocessing_batch_size), desc="Preprocessing text with spacy: ") if detect(doc.text) in self.allowed_languages ] else: self.spacy_docs = [ doc for doc in tqdm(self.nlp.pipe( self.input_docs, disable=self.pipe_disable, n_process=self.processes, batch_size=self.preprocessing_batch_size), desc="Preprocessing text with spacy: ") ] def preprocess(self): self.processed_docs = [] if not self.spacy_docs: self.preprocess_spacy() for spacy_doc in tqdm( self.spacy_docs, desc="Removing stop words/punctuation/numeric chars: "): doc = [] for token in spacy_doc: if not self.remove_stop_words and token.is_stop: word = token.text elif token.is_stop: continue else: word = token.text if self.set_lower: word = word.lower() if self.remove_num: word = re.sub(r"[\d]", "", word) if self.remove_punctuation: word = re.sub(r"[\W]", "", word) if len(word) >= 2: doc.append(word) self.processed_docs.append(doc) def create_bag_of_words(self, n_grams=(1, 1), min_df=0.01, max_df=0.6): self.preprocess_spacy() self.preprocess() joined_docs = [] for doc in self.processed_docs: joined_docs.append(" ".join(doc)) self.vectorizer = CountVectorizer(lowercase=False, ngram_range=n_grams, min_df=min_df, max_df=max_df) self.bag_of_words = self.vectorizer.fit_transform(joined_docs) def create_tf_idf(self, n_grams=(1, 1), min_df=0.01, max_df=0.6): self.preprocess_spacy() self.preprocess() joined_docs = [] for doc in self.processed_docs: joined_docs.append(" ".join(doc)) self.vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(lowercase=False, ngram_range=n_grams, min_df=min_df, max_df=max_df) self.tf_idf = self.vectorizer.fit_transform(joined_docs) def create_lda_model(self, no_topics=10, input_type="bag"): self.lda_model = LDA(n_jobs=self.processes, n_components=no_topics) if input_type == "bag": if self.bag_of_words is None: self.create_bag_of_words() self.lda_output = self.lda_model.fit_transform(self.bag_of_words) else: self.create_tf_idf() self.lda_output = self.lda_model.fit_transform(self.tf_idf) def search_best_model(self, n_components=[2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25], learning_decay=[.5, .7, .9], input_type="bag"): lda_model = LDA() self.grid_search = GridSearchCV(lda_model, { "n_components": n_components, "learning_decay": learning_decay }) if input_type == "bag": if self.bag_of_words is None: self.create_bag_of_words() else: if self.tf_idf is None: self.create_tf_idf() def create_document_topic_df(self, model=None, no_topics=10, input_type="bag", input_matrix=None): if model is None: self.create_lda_model(no_topics=no_topics, input_type=input_type) else: self.lda_model = model if input_matrix is not None: self.evaluation_output = self.lda_model.fit_transform(input_matrix) elif input_type == "bag": self.evaluation_output = self.lda_model.fit_transform( self.bag_of_words) else: self.evaluation_output = self.lda_model.fit_transform(self.tf_idf) self.result_df = pd.DataFrame(self.evaluation_output) if self.document_ids is not None and not self.language_detection: self.result_df.index = self.document_ids elif self.document_ids is not None and self.language_detection: raise Warning( "Using document ids and language detection together is not implemented (yet)." ) dominant_topic = np.argmax(self.result_df.values, axis=1) self.result_df['dominant_topic'] = dominant_topic def plot_document_topic_distribution(self): #todo: log normalize counter = Counter(self.result_df.dominant_topic) topic_dict = OrderedDict( sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)) sns.barplot(x=list(topic_dict.values()), y=list(topic_dict.keys()), order=list(topic_dict.keys()), orient='h') def evaluate_model(self, no_words=30): keywords = np.array(self.vectorizer.get_feature_names()) topic_keywords = [] for topic_weights in self.lda_model.components_: top_keyword_locations = (-topic_weights).argsort()[:no_words] topic_keywords.append(keywords.take(top_keyword_locations)) self.word_topic_df = pd.DataFrame( topic_keywords, columns=[f"word_{x}" for x in range(no_words)]) def evaluate_pyldavis(self): panel = pyLDAvis.sklearn.prepare(self.lda_model, self.bag_of_words, self.vectorizer) def get_word_topic_intersection(self, no_words=30, no_topics=10): if not isinstance(self.word_topic_df, pd.DataFrame): self.evaluate_model(no_words=no_words) elif isinstance( self.word_topic_df, pd.DataFrame) and self.word_topic_df.shape[1] != no_words: self.evaluate_model(no_words=no_words) intersection_list = [] intersection_score = 0 all_combinations = [ combo for combo in combinations(range(no_topics), 2) ] for x in range(no_topics): temp_list = [] for y in range(no_topics): if x != y: temp_list.append( len( set(self.word_topic_df[self.word_topic_df.index == x].values[0]). intersection(self.word_topic_df[ self.word_topic_df.index == y].values[0])) / no_words) if (x, y) in all_combinations: intersection_score += len( set(self.word_topic_df[self.word_topic_df.index == x]. values[0]).intersection( self.word_topic_df[self.word_topic_df.index == y].values[0])) / no_words else: temp_list.append(1) intersection_list.append(temp_list) self.intersection_score = intersection_score / len(all_combinations) self.word_topic_intersection = pd.DataFrame(intersection_list) def get_topic_word_distance_sum(self, no_words=30): self.word_distance_dict = {} if not isinstance(self.word_topic_df, pd.DataFrame): self.evaluate_model(no_words=no_words) elif isinstance( self.word_topic_df, pd.DataFrame) and self.word_topic_df.shape[1] != no_words: self.evaluate_model(no_words=no_words) if self.spacy_vocab is None: self.load_textgain_embs() for index in self.word_topic_df.index: topic_distance_sum = 0 missing_count = 0 for word_a, word_b in combinations( self.word_topic_df[self.word_topic_df.index == index].values[0], 2): if self.spacy_vocab.has_vector( str(word_a)) and self.spacy_vocab.has_vector( str(word_b)): topic_distance_sum += np.linalg.norm( self.spacy_vocab.get_vector(str(word_a)) - self.spacy_vocab.get_vector(str(word_b))) else: missing_count += 1 self.word_distance_dict[index] = topic_distance_sum / ( (factorial(no_words) / (factorial(2) * factorial(no_words - 2))) - missing_count) self.word_topic_distance_sum = sum( self.word_distance_dict.values()) / len( self.word_distance_dict.keys()) # todo: sum of distance between words in topic derived from word embedding # todo: sum of sum of distances divided by no topics def load_textgain_embs(self, from_txt=False, path="textgain_embeddings/spacy_vocab"): self.spacy_vocab = Vocab() if from_txt: with open(path) as f: for line in f: split_line = line.split() self.spacy_vocab.set_vector( "".join(split_line[:-150]), np.array([float(coord) for coord in split_line[-150:]])) else: self.spacy_vocab.from_disk(path) def calculate_coherence(self, type="cosine"): pass #todo: add coherence function here def calculate_jaccard(self): pass #todo: calculate jaccard distance here def calculate_cosine(self, word_1, word_2): return word_1, word_2) / (np.linalg.norm(word_1) * np.linalg.norm(word_2)) def calculate_dice(self): pass #todo: calculate dice coefficient here def calculate_centroid_sim(self): pass #todo: calculate centroid similarity here def calculate_word_probs(self): #todo: calculate unigram and probability of words self.unigram_dict = defaultdict(int) self.bigram_dict = defaultdict(int) unigram_count = 0 bigram_count = 0 for doc in tqdm(self.processed_docs, desc="calculation uni- and bigram probabilities: "): for i, word in enumerate(doc): self.unigram_dict[word] += 1 unigram_count += 1 try: self.bigram_dict[" ".join([word, doc[i + 1]])] += 1 bigram_count += 1 except: pass self.unigram_dict = { k: v / unigram_count for k, v in self.unigram_dict.items() } self.bigram_dict = { k: v / bigram_count for k, v in self.bigram_dict.items() } def calculate_pmi(self, word_1, word_2): if self.unigram_dict is None or self.bigram_dict is None: self.calculate_word_probs() return np.log2(self.bigram_dict[" ".join([word_1, word_2])] / (self.unigram_dict[word_1] * self.unigram_dict[word_2])) def calculate_npmi(self, word_1, word_2): return self.calculate_pmi(word_1, word_2) / ( -np.log(self.bigram_dict[" ".join([word_1, word_2])])) def get_weight_vectors(self, weight=2, type="npmi"): pass