def test_match_raises_error_when_doc_not_doc_obj(searcher: FuzzySearcher,
                                                 nlp: Language) -> None:
    """It raises a TypeError if doc is not a Doc object."""
    doc = "G-rant Anderson lives in TN."
    query = nlp("xenomorph")
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        searcher.match(doc, query)
def test_match_raises_error_if_query_not_doc_obj(searcher: FuzzySearcher,
                                                 nlp: Language) -> None:
    """It raises a TypeError if query not a doc."""
    doc = nlp("This is a doc")
    query = "Not a doc"
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        searcher.match(doc, query)
def test_compare_raises_error_with_unknown_func_name(searcher: FuzzySearcher,
                                                     nlp: Language) -> None:
    """It raises a ValueError if fuzzy_func does not match a predefined key name."""
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test__calc_flex_warns_if_flex_longer_than_query(
        nlp: Language, searcher: FuzzySearcher) -> None:
    """It provides UserWarning if flex > len(query)."""
    query = nlp("Test query")
    with pytest.warns(FlexWarning):
        flex = searcher._calc_flex(query, 5)
    assert flex == 2
def test__scan_with_no_matches(searcher: FuzzySearcher, nlp: Language,
                               scan_example: Doc) -> None:
    """It returns None if no matches >= min_r1."""
    query = nlp("xenomorph")
    assert (searcher._scan(
        scan_example, query, fuzzy_func="simple", min_r1=30, ignore_case=True)
            is None)
def test__calc_flex_warns_if_flex_less_than_0(nlp: Language,
                                              searcher: FuzzySearcher) -> None:
    """It provides UserWarning if flex < 0."""
    query = nlp("Test query")
    with pytest.warns(FlexWarning):
        flex = searcher._calc_flex(query, -1)
    assert flex == 0
def test__scan_returns_none_w_empty_query(searcher: FuzzySearcher,
                                          nlp: Language,
                                          scan_example: Doc) -> None:
    """It returns None if passed an empty query string."""
    query = nlp("")
    assert (searcher._scan(
        scan_example, query, fuzzy_func="simple", min_r1=25, ignore_case=True)
            is None)
def test_match_finds_best_matches3(searcher: FuzzySearcher,
                                   nlp: Language) -> None:
    """It returns all the fuzzy matches that meet threshold correctly sorted."""
    doc = nlp("My favorite wine is white gold riesling.")
    query = nlp("goldriesling")
    assert searcher.match(doc, query, flex="max") == [
        (5, 7, 96),
def test_match_finds_best_matches(searcher: FuzzySearcher,
                                  nlp: Language) -> None:
    """It returns all the fuzzy matches that meet threshold correctly sorted."""
    doc = nlp("chiken from Popeyes is better than chken from Chick-fil-A")
    query = nlp("chicken")
    assert searcher.match(doc, query, ignore_case=False) == [
        (0, 1, 92),
        (6, 7, 83),
def test__scan_returns_matches_over_min_r1(searcher: FuzzySearcher,
                                           nlp: Language,
                                           scan_example: Doc) -> None:
    """It returns all spans of len(query) in doc if ratio >= min_r1."""
    query = nlp("Shirley")
    assert searcher._scan(scan_example,
                          ignore_case=True) == {
                              4: 86
def test__optimize_finds_better_match_with_max_flex(
        searcher: FuzzySearcher, nlp: Language, adjust_example: Doc) -> None:
    """It optimizes the initial match to find a better match when flex = max."""
    query = nlp("Kareem Abdul-Jabbar")
    match_values = {0: 33, 1: 39, 2: 41, 3: 33, 5: 37, 6: 59, 7: 84}
    assert searcher._optimize(
    ) == (8, 11, 89)
def test__scan_returns_all_matches_with_no_min_r1(searcher: FuzzySearcher,
                                                  nlp: Language,
                                                  scan_example: Doc) -> None:
    """It returns all spans of len(query) in doc if min_r1 = 0."""
    query = nlp("Shirley")
    assert searcher._scan(scan_example,
                          ignore_case=True) == {
                              0: 0,
                              1: 0,
                              2: 18,
                              3: 22,
                              4: 86
def test__optimize_with_no_flex(searcher: FuzzySearcher,
                                nlp: Language) -> None:
    """It returns the intial match when flex value = 0."""
    doc = nlp("Patient was prescribed Zithroma tablets.")
    query = nlp("zithromax")
    match_values = {3: 94}
    assert searcher._optimize(
    ) == (3, 4, 94)
def searcher(nlp: Language) -> FuzzySearcher:
    """It returns a fuzzy searcher."""
    return FuzzySearcher(vocab=nlp.vocab)
def test_compare_without_ignore_case(searcher: FuzzySearcher,
                                     nlp: Language) -> None:
    """Checks ignore_case is working."""
    assert"SPACZZ"), nlp("spaczz"),
                            ignore_case=False) == 0
def test_compare_works_with_defaults(searcher: FuzzySearcher,
                                     nlp: Language) -> None:
    """Checks compare is working as intended."""
    assert"spaczz"), nlp("spacy")) == 73
def test_match_returns_empty_list_if_doc_query_empty(searcher: FuzzySearcher,
                                                     nlp: Language) -> None:
    """Returns empty list if doc is empty string."""
    doc = nlp("")
    query = nlp("")
    assert searcher.match(doc, query) == []
def test__check_ratios_passes_valid_values_wo_flex(
        searcher: FuzzySearcher) -> None:
    """It passes through valid ratios changing `min_r1` to equal `min_r2`."""
    assert searcher._check_ratios(50, 75, 100, 0) == (75, 75, 100)
def test__calc_flex_with_min(nlp: Language, searcher: FuzzySearcher) -> None:
    """It returns 0 if set with "min"."""
    query = nlp("Test query")
    assert searcher._calc_flex(query, "min") == 0
def test__check_ratios_warns_if_thresh_less_min_r2(
        searcher: FuzzySearcher) -> None:
    """It raises a `RatioWarning`."""
    with pytest.warns(RatioWarning):
        ratios = searcher._check_ratios(50, 75, 70, 1)
    assert ratios == (50, 75, 75)
def test__check_ratios_passes_valid_values_w_flex(
        searcher: FuzzySearcher) -> None:
    """It passes through valid ratios with no changes."""
    assert searcher._check_ratios(50, 75, 100, 1) == (50, 75, 100)
def test__filter_overlapping_matches_filters_correctly(
    searcher: FuzzySearcher, ) -> None:
    """It only returns the first match if more than one encompass the same tokens."""
    matches = [(1, 2, 80), (1, 3, 70)]
    assert searcher._filter_overlapping_matches(matches) == [(1, 2, 80)]
def test__optimize_where_bpl_would_equal_bpr(searcher: FuzzySearcher,
                                             nlp: Language) -> None:
    """It returns the intial match when flex value = 0."""
    doc = nlp("trabalho, investimento e escolhas corajosas,")
    query = nlp("Courtillier Musqué")
    assert searcher.match(doc, query, flex="max") == []
def test__calc_flex_with_default(nlp: Language,
                                 searcher: FuzzySearcher) -> None:
    """It returns len(query) // 2 if set with "default"."""
    query = nlp("Test query")
    assert searcher._calc_flex(query, "default") == 1
def test__calc_flex_with_max(nlp: Language, searcher: FuzzySearcher) -> None:
    """It returns len(query) if set with "max"."""
    query = nlp("Test query two")
    assert searcher._calc_flex(query, "max") == 3
def test_match_return_empty_list_when_no_matches_after_adjust(
        searcher: FuzzySearcher, nlp: Language) -> None:
    """It returns an empty list if no fuzzy matches meet min_r2 threshold."""
    doc = nlp("G-rant Anderson lives in TN.")
    query = nlp("Garth, Anderdella")
    assert searcher.match(doc, query) == []
def test__calc_flex_passes_through_valid_value(
        nlp: Language, searcher: FuzzySearcher) -> None:
    """It passes through a valid flex value (<= len(query))."""
    query = nlp("Test query")
    assert searcher._calc_flex(query, 0) == 0
def test__check_ratios_warns_if_minr1_greater_min_r2(
        searcher: FuzzySearcher) -> None:
    """It raises a `RatioWarning`."""
    with pytest.warns(RatioWarning):
        ratios = searcher._check_ratios(80, 75, 100, 1)
    assert ratios == (75, 75, 100)
def test__calc_flex_raises_error_if_non_valid_value(
        nlp: Language, searcher: FuzzySearcher) -> None:
    """It raises TypeError if flex is not an int or "default"."""
    query = nlp("Test query.")
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        searcher._calc_flex(query, None)  # type: ignore
def test__check_ratios_ignores_issues_wo_flex(searcher: FuzzySearcher) -> None:
    """Changes `min_r1` to equal `min_r2` but ignores unnecessary `thresh`."""
    assert searcher._check_ratios(80, 75, 70, 0) == (75, 75, 70)