def __init__(self, name, annotation='annotation.pklz', new=True): if new: method.Method.__init__(self, __name__, None) if annotation == "ucsc": self._genes = ucsc_gene_network.UCSCGeneNetwork(name) self._txs = ucsc_transcript_network.UCSCTranscriptNetwork(name) elif annotation == "gencode": self._genes = gencode_gene_network.GENCODEGeneNetwork(name) self._txs = gencode_transcript_network.GENCODETranscriptNetwork( name) elif annotation == "ensembl": self._genes = ensembl_gene_network.ENSEMBLGeneNetwork(name) self._txs = ensembl_transcript_network.ENSEMBLTranscriptNetwork( name) else: raise SpadaError( "Unrecognized annotation: {}.".format(annotation)) else: method.Method.__init__(self, __name__, annotation) self._genes._name = name self._txs._name = name self._new = new
def getDomainInteractions(self, ddi): if self._new and not ddi: raise SpadaError( "A file containing the domain-domain interactions must be provided." ) elif not ddi: "Domain-domain interactions from the provided network will be used." ) return"Building isoform-isoform interaction network.") allDDIs = { frozenset([x['Pfam1'], x['Pfam2']]) for x in io.readTable(ddi, keys=['Pfam1', 'Pfam2']) } gene2tx = io.getGene2Tx(self._txs) for gene1, gene2 in self._genes._net.edges(): for tx1, tx2 in product(gene2tx.get(gene1, set()), gene2tx.get(gene2, set())): possibleDDIs = { frozenset(x) for x in product(self._txs[tx1]["Pfam"], self._txs[tx2] ["Pfam"]) } matches = possibleDDIs & allDDIs if matches: self._txs.add_edge(tx1, tx2, ddi=matches)
def parseExpression(ctrlFile, caseFile, genes, txs): gene2tx = getGene2Tx(txs) with open(ctrlFile, "r") as CTRL, open(caseFile, "r") as CASE: idsCtrl = readSamples(CTRL) idsCase = readSamples(CASE) # gene -> xpr expression = {} for (tx, ctrl), (tx2, case) in zip(parseExpressionLine(CTRL), parseExpressionLine(CASE)): if tx != tx2: raise SpadaError( "Case and control expresion files mismatch: {} vs. {}.". format(tx, tx2)) try: gene = txs[tx]["gene_id"] except KeyError: continue expression.setdefault( gene, GeneExpression(gene2tx[gene], idsCtrl, idsCase)) expression[gene].addTx(tx, ctrl, case) if expression[gene].isComplete: yield gene, expression.pop(gene)
def computePSI(self, expression, nan_rm=False): if expression.shape == (0, ): raise SpadaError("Expression empty.") psi = expression / expression.sum(axis=0) if nan_rm: nancols = np.where(np.isnan(psi))[1] psi = np.delete(psi, nancols, axis=1) return psi
def createNetworks(self, gtf): if not self._new: if gtf: raise SpadaError( "gtf provided when previous network is to be used.") else: return"Importing genes and transcripts from GTF.") txLines = ['transcript', 'exon', 'CDS', 'start_codon', 'stop_codon'] for line in io.readGTF(gtf): if line["feature"] == "gene" and self._genes.accept(line): self._genes.add_node(gene_id=line["gene_id"], gene_symbol=line["gene_name"]) elif line["feature"] in txLines and self._txs.accept(line): if line["feature"] == "transcript": self._txs.add_node(line["transcript_id"], line["gene_id"]) self._txs.update_node( line["transcript_id"], "txCoords", [int(line["start"]), int(line["end"])]) self._txs.update_node(line["transcript_id"], "strand", line["strand"]) self._txs.update_node(line["transcript_id"], "chr", line["chromosome"]) self._txs.update_node(line["transcript_id"], "main", self._txs.isMain(line)) elif line["feature"] == "exon": self._txs.update_node( line["transcript_id"], "exons", [int(line["start"]), int(line["end"])]) elif line["feature"] == "start_codon": pos = line["start"] if line['strand'] == '+' else line[ 'end'] self._txs.update_node(line["transcript_id"], "start_codon", pos) elif line["feature"] == "stop_codon": pos = line["start"] if line['strand'] == '+' else line[ 'end'] self._txs.update_node(line["transcript_id"], "stop_codon", pos) elif line["feature"] == "CDS" and self._txs.acceptCDS(line): self._txs.update_node( line["transcript_id"], "CDS", [int(line["start"]), int(line["end"])])
def getIsoformSequences(self, proteins): if self._new and not proteins: raise SpadaError( "A FASTA file with protein sequences file must be provided.") elif not proteins: "Protein sequences from the provided network will be used.") return"Reading protein sequences.") for tx, sequence in io.readFasta(proteins): self._txs.update_node(tx, "proteinSequence", sequence)
def getInteractions(self, ppi): if self._new and not ppi: raise SpadaError( "A file containing the protein-protein interactions must be provided." ) elif not ppi: "Protein-protein interactions from the provided network will be used." ) return"Building protein-protein interaction network.") symbols = [y["symbol"] for x, y in self._genes.nodes(data=True)] for line in io.readPSIMITAB(ppi): if line["organismA"][0]["id"] != "9606" or line["organismB"][0][ "id"] != "9606": continue symbolA = [ x["id"] for x in line["symbolA"] if x["type"] == 'entrez gene/locuslink' ] symbolB = [ x["id"] for x in line["symbolB"] if x["type"] == 'entrez gene/locuslink' ] added = False for _ in range(2): for A, B in product(symbolA, symbolB): if self._genes.add_edge(symbol1=A, symbol2=B): added = True break if added: break symbolA.extend([ x["id"] for x in line["aliasA"] if x.get("extra", None) in ["gene name", "gene name synonym"] and x["id"] in symbols ]) symbolB.extend([ x["id"] for x in line["aliasB"] if x.get("extra", None) in ["gene name", "gene name synonym"] and x["id"] in symbols ])
def getIsoformFeatures(self, features): if self._new and not features: raise SpadaError( "A file with the protein features must be provided.") elif not features: "Protein features from the provided network will be used.") return"Reading isoform features.") featureFields = [ 'Transcript', 'Feature_type', 'Feature', 'Start', 'End' ] for line in io.readTable(features, keys=featureFields): tx = line['Transcript'] featureType = line['Feature_type'] feature = line['Feature'] start = int(line['Start']) end = int(line['End']) self._txs.update_node(tx, featureType, (start, end), feature)
def analyzeDomains(self, featureType): featureInfo = [] features = set() if not featureType in ["Pfam", "Prosite"]: raise SpadaError(featureType + ' not recognized. Use Pfam or Prosite.') for isoform in [self.ctrlIsoform, self.caseIsoform]: if isoform: f = isoform._prosite if featureType == "Prosite" else isoform._pfam [features.add(x) for x in f] for feature in features: featInfo = {self.ctrl: [], []} for isoform in [self.ctrlIsoform, self.caseIsoform]: if not isoform: continue featureRegions = isoform.getFeature(featureType, feature) specificRegions = isoform.getSegments("isoform-specific") for region in featureRegions: thisIsosp = polypeptide.Polypeptide([]) if None not in [self.ctrlIsoform, self.caseIsoform]: for x in specificRegions: if len(x & region): thisIsosp = thisIsosp | x else: thisIsosp = region intersection = float(len(region & thisIsosp)) domainLength = float(len(region)) specificLength = float(len(thisIsosp)) macroScore = intersection / domainLength microScore = float( "nan" ) if specificLength == 0 else intersection / specificLength jaccard = intersection / len(region | thisIsosp) start = min([x.num for x in region]) end = max([x.num for x in region]) featInfo[isoform.tx].append({ 'macro': macroScore, 'micro': microScore, 'jaccard': jaccard, 'start': start, 'end': end }) featInfo[isoform.tx] = sorted(featInfo[isoform.tx], key=operator.itemgetter("macro")) i = 1 emptyDict = { 'macro': float('nan'), 'micro': float('nan'), 'jaccard': float('nan'), 'start': float('nan'), 'end': float('nan') } for nDict, tDict in zip_longest(featInfo[self.ctrl], featInfo[], fillvalue=emptyDict):