def __init__(self, X):
     assert X.shape[0] == 2
     p = X[0]
     q = X[1]
     if p[..., -1] < q[..., -1]:
         self.X = X
         self.X = np.array([q, p])
     y = X[..., -1:]
     A = np.hstack([X[..., :-1], np.ones((X.shape[0], 1), dtype=X.dtype)])
     self.theta = (np.linalg.lstsq(A, y)[0]).flatten()
def calc_has_crossing(line, line_seg):
    Has line a crossing with the line segment

    if np_allclose(line.theta[..., :-1], line_seg.theta[..., :-1]):
        return False
        A = np.vstack([line.theta, line_seg.theta])
        b = -A[..., -1:]
        A[..., -1] = -np.ones(len(A))
        intersection_point = (np.linalg.solve(A, b)).flatten()
        x = intersection_point[..., :-1]
        return line_seg.is_between(x)
def create_all_edges(n):
    adj_matrix = np.ones((n, n), dtype=bool)
    for i in range(0, n):
        adj_matrix[i, i] = False
    edges = Edges(n, adj_matrix)
    return edges
 def __call__(self, X):
     paddedX = np.hstack([X, np.ones((X.shape[0], 1), dtype=X.dtype)])
     y =, self.theta)
     return y.flatten()