Exemple #1
def run(filename):
    signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, sig_handler)
    os.system('rm ./_worker_profiles/*')

    mod_name, _ = splitext(basename(filename))
    module = imp.load_source(mod_name, filename)
    util.log_info('Running benchmarks for module: %s (%s)', module, filename)
    benchmarks = [
        k for k in dir(module)
        if (k.startswith('benchmark_')
            and isinstance(getattr(module, k), types.FunctionType))

    if benchmarks:
        # csv header
        print 'num_workers,bench,time'
        workers = [int(w) for w in FLAGS.worker_list.split(',')]

        for i in workers:
            # restart the cluster
            FLAGS.num_workers = i
            ctx = spartan.initialize()

            timer = BenchTimer(i)
            util.log_info('Running benchmarks on %d workers', i)
            if FLAGS.test_optimizations:
                timer.prefix = 'opt_enabled'
                FLAGS.optimization = 1
                run_benchmarks(module, benchmarks, ctx, timer)

            timer.prefix = 'opt_disabled'
            FLAGS.optimization = 1
            run_benchmarks(module, benchmarks, ctx, timer)


    if FLAGS.profile_worker:
        util.log_info('Writing worker profiles...')
Exemple #2
def run(filename):
  signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, sig_handler)
  os.system('rm ./_worker_profiles/*')

  mod_name, _ = splitext(basename(filename))
  module = imp.load_source(mod_name, filename)
  util.log_info('Running benchmarks for module: %s (%s)', module, filename)
  benchmarks = [k for k in dir(module) if (
             k.startswith('benchmark_') and 
             isinstance(getattr(module, k), types.FunctionType))

  if benchmarks:
    # csv header
    print 'num_workers,bench,time'
    workers = [int(w) for w in FLAGS.worker_list.split(',')]
    for i in workers:
      # restart the cluster
      FLAGS.num_workers = i
      ctx = spartan.initialize()
      timer = BenchTimer(i)
      util.log_info('Running benchmarks on %d workers', i)
      if FLAGS.test_optimizations:
          timer.prefix = 'opt_enabled'
          FLAGS.optimization = 1
          run_benchmarks(module, benchmarks, ctx, timer)
      timer.prefix = 'opt_disabled'
      FLAGS.optimization = 0
      run_benchmarks(module, benchmarks, ctx, timer)


  if FLAGS.profile_worker:
    util.log_info('Writing worker profiles...')
Exemple #3
 def test_fn():
     ctx = spartan.initialize()
Exemple #4
 def setUpClass(cls):
   cls.ctx = spartan.initialize()
Exemple #5
def main():

    l1 = 784
    l2 = 300
    l3 = 10

    # W = (sp.randn(l1, l2) * math.sqrt(4.0 / (l1 + l2))).evaluate() # 784 * 300 matrix
    W = (sp.randn(l2, l1) *
         math.sqrt(4.0 / (l1 + l2))).evaluate()  # 300 * 784 matrix
    # V = (sp.randn(l2, l3) * math.sqrt(4.0 / (l2 + l3))).evaluate() # 300 * 10 matrix
    V = (sp.randn(l3, l2) * math.sqrt(4.0 /
                                      (l2 + l3))).evaluate()  # 10 * 300 matrix
    print "V:", V.glom()
    print "W:", W.glom()

    # generate distributed matrix
    rows = 81000
    cols = 784
    num_workers = 100
    subrow = rows / num_workers
    density = 0.23588
    eps_w = 0.01
    length = int(subrow * cols * density) + 1
    a = np.random.rand(length)
    b = np.random.rand(length)
    c = np.random.rand(length)
    list = []
    for i in range(num_workers):
        r = i % 3
        if r == 0:
            list.append((subrow, cols, a))
        elif r == 1:
            list.append((subrow, cols, b))
            list.append((subrow, cols, c))

    print "starts to generate train_data!"
    start = datetime.now()
    train_data = map(_split_sample, list)
    end = datetime.now()
    diff = end - start
    t = diff.microseconds / 1000000.0 + diff.seconds
    print "generating all matrix spent time: ", t, "secs"
    print "train data length: ", len(train_data)

    count = 0
    for (mb_samples, mb_labels) in train_data:
        begin = time.time()
        num_samples = mb_samples.shape[0]
        # input = mb_samples      # sample * 784 matrix
        input = mb_samples.T  # 784 * sample matrix
        # if count > 20 or count == 0:
        #    print "input data:", input.glom()
        # label = mb_labels   # sample * 10 matrix
        label = mb_labels.T  # 10 * sample matrix

        # ff
        ffs = time.time()
        # wIn = sp.dot(input, W)  # sample * 300 matrix
        wIn = sp.dot(W, input)  # 300 * sample matrix
        wOut = sigmoid(wIn)
        print "V", V
        # vIn = sp.dot(wOut, V)  # sample * 10 matrix
        vIn = sp.dot(V, wOut)  # 10 * sample matrix
        vOut = sigmoid(vIn)
        print "W.shape:%s, input shape:%s, V.shpae:%s, wOut.shpae:%s" % (str(
            W.shape), str(input.shape), str(V.shape), str(wOut.shape))
        ffe = time.time()
        bps = time.time()
        # o = vOut - label
        # if count > 20 or count == 0:
        #     print "vOut - label", o.glom()
        # vDelta = dsigmoid(vIn) * o         # sample * 10 matrix
        vDelta = dsigmoid(vIn) * (vOut - label)  # 10 * sample matrix
        # wDelta = dsigmoid(wIn) * (sp.dot(vDelta, V.T))  # sample * 300 matrix
        wDelta = dsigmoid(wIn) * (sp.dot(V.T, vDelta))  # 300 * sample matrix
        # wDelta.evaluate()
        bpe = time.time()
        # update
        upb = time.time()
        # V -= eps_w * sp.dot(wOut.T, vDelta) / num_samples  # 300 * 10 matrix
        V -= eps_w * sp.dot(vDelta, wOut.T) / num_samples  # 10 * 300 matrix
        # W -= eps_w * sp.dot(input.T, wDelta) / num_samples # 784 * 300 matrix
        W -= eps_w * sp.dot(wDelta, input.T) / num_samples  # 300 * 784  matrix

        count = count + 1
        # if count > 20:
        #     print "V:", V.glom()
        #     print "W:", W.glom()
        upe = time.time()
        print "ff used time: %f, bp used time: %f, update used time: %f, num_samples: %d \n" % (
            ffe - ffs, bpe - bps, upe - upb, num_samples)
        diff = time.time() - begin
        print "iteration: %d, spent time: %f\n" % (count, diff)
					tile_hint = (dim / ctx.num_workers, 1)

	linkMatrix = eager(
						(dim, dim),
						dtype = np.int64,
						tile_hint = (dim, dim / ctx.num_workers)),

	startCompute = time.time()
	for it in range(numIters):
		first = expr.add(dist, linkMatrix)
		second = first.min(axis = 0)
		dist = second.reshape(dim, 1)
	endCompute = time.time()
	return endCompute - startCompute
if __name__ == "__main__":
	ctx = sp.initialize()
	filePath = r"/home/wangpeng/projects/spartan-study/test"
	numIters = 10
	dim = 5000
	computeTime = shortestPath(ctx, dim, numIters)
	print "Cost time: %s" % computeTime 
Exemple #7
import time
import spartan as sp
import sys
from datetime import datetime

#argvLen = len(sys.argv);
#print "total fileds in sys.argv=",argvLen;

#for i,eachArg in enumerate(sys.argv):
#  print "[%d]=%s"%(i, eachArg);

m = int(sys.argv[1])
k = int(sys.argv[2])
n = int(sys.argv[3])

print "execute matrix multiplication, m: %d, k: %d, n: %d. date: %s\n" % (
    m, k, n, datetime.now())

a = sp.rand(m, k)
b = sp.rand(k, n)

start = time.time()
z = sp.dot(a, b).optimized()
end = time.time()
print 'z: ', z

print "finish matrix multiplication, diff time: %d. date: %s\n" % (
    (end - start), datetime.now())
Exemple #8
import spartan as sp
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import multiprocessing
import time

wrows = vrows = 18000
hcols = vcols = 480000
wcols = hrows = 200


V = sp.sparse_rand((vrows, vcols), density=0.01, dtype=np.double, format=u'csr')
W = sp.rand(wrows, wcols)
H = sp.rand(hrows, hcols)

eps = 10e-8

max_iteration = 5
i = 0

print "starts to run!"
start = time.time()

while i < max_iteration:
    begin = time.time()
    H = H * (sp.dot(W.T, V) / (sp.dot(sp.dot(W.T, W), H) + eps))
    W = W * (sp.dot(V, H.T) / (sp.dot(W, sp.dot(H, H.T)) + eps))
    i = i + 1
    end = time.time()
	             [0,     1/2.0, 0,     0, 0, 0],
	             [0,     1/2.0, 1/3.0, 0, 0, 0],
	             [0,     0,     1/3.0, 0, 0, 0],
	             [1/2.0, 0,     1/3.0, 0, 1, 0]], dtype = "float32")
	alpha = 0.15
	#n = np.shape(A)[1]
	#print n
	#initRank = [1] * n
	filePath = "graph"
	linkMatrix = loadMatrix(filePath)
	initRank = np.ones(4847571, dtype = "float32")
	numPage = 4847571
	numIters = 10
	start = time.time()
	sr = pagerankDistributed(page, numIters, alpha, linkMatrix, initRank)
	end = time.time()
	print "Cost time: %s" % (end - start)
	#nr = pagerank(A, initRank, m, numIters)
	#Assert.all_eq(nr, sr.glom())

if __name__ == '__main__':
  sAllTime = time.time()
  ctx = spartan.initialize()
  alpha = 0.15
  numPage = 4000000
  numIters = 10
  generateTime, computeTime = pagerankDistributed(ctx, numPage, numIters, alpha)
  eAllTime = time.time()
  info = "Generate time: %s; Compute time: %s; Total time: %s" % (generateTime, computeTime, eAllTime - sAllTime)
Exemple #10
        #if count % 40 == 0 or iterations == 0:
        if count % 40 == 0:
          #correct = np.argmax(out, axis=0) - np.argmax(target, axis=0)
          #print 'Training error:', float(np.count_nonzero(correct)) / num_samples
          correct = spartan.argmax(out, axis=0) - spartan.argmax(target, axis=0)
          print 'Training error:', (float(spartan.count_nonzero(correct).glom())
                                    / num_samples)
        count = count + 1
      print 'spent ', (time.time() - begin)

      # test
      #a1 = test_samples.T
      #a2 = relu(np.dot(self.w1, a1) + self.b1)
      #a3 = np.dot(self.w2, a2) + self.b2
      #correct = np.argmax(a3, axis=0) - np.argmax(test_labels.T, axis=0)
      a1 = test_samples.T
      a2 = relu(spartan.dot(self.w1, a1) + self.b1)
      a3 = spartan.dot(self.w2, a2) + self.b2
      correct = spartan.argmax(a3, axis=0) - spartan.argmax(test_labels.T, axis=0)
      ##print correct
      #print 'Testing error:', float(np.count_nonzero(correct)) / num_test_samples
      #print '---Finish epoch #%d' % epoch

if __name__ == '__main__':
  ctx = spartan.initialize()
  trainer = MnistTrainer(num_epochs=100, ctx=ctx, mb_size=256 * 2 * ctx.num_workers)
Exemple #11
 def test_fn():
     ctx = spartan.initialize()
Exemple #12
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.ctx = spartan.initialize()