Exemple #1
def drawObjectPathCostMap(featureBrowser, obj_esdc, event_esdcs, annotation,
                          cf, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, step):
    xstart, ystart = annotation.getGroundings(obj_esdc)[0].centroid2d

    ax, ay = annotation.agent.centroid2d
    ath = annotation.agent.path.theta[0]
    print ax, ay, ath

    #agent move to pick up object
    aX, aY = sf.math2d_step_along_line(tp([(ax, ay), (xstart, ystart)]), .1)
    aTh = ath * na.ones(len(aX))

    costs = na.zeros((int((ymax - ymin) / step), int((xmax - xmin) / step)))
    annotations = []

    for i, x in enumerate(na.arange(xmin, xmax, step)):
        for j, y in enumerate(na.arange(ymin, ymax, step)):

            X, Y = sf.math2d_step_along_line(tp([(xstart, ystart), (x, y)]),

            Z = na.ones(len(X))
            th = na.zeros(len(X))
            timestamps = range(len(X))

            path = Path(timestamps, [X, Y, Z, th])

            new_annotation = annotation_copy(annotation)
            atimestamps = range(len(X) + len(aX))
            axs = na.append(aX, X)
            ays = na.append(aY, Y)
            azs = na.zeros(len(X) + len(aX))
            ath = na.append(aTh, th)
            new_annotation.agent.path = Path(atimestamps, [axs, ays, azs, ath])

            obj = new_annotation.getGroundings(obj_esdc)[0]
            obj.path = path

            assignPathGroundings(event_esdcs[0], new_annotation)

            state, gggs = annotation_to_ggg_map(new_annotation)
            ggg = ggg_from_esdc(new_annotation.esdcs[0])
            factor = ggg.esdc_to_factor(event_esdcs[0])

            cost, entries = cf.compute_costs([factor],
            costs[j][i] = math.exp(-1.0 * cost)
            annotations.append(((x, y), entries))
        print i
    featureBrowser.setCostImage(costs, annotations, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
Exemple #2
    def is_visible_polygon(self, point, poly, max_dist=5.0):
        x, y = point
        mymap = self.get_map()
        if isInteriorPoint([mymap.to_xy(p) for p in zip(poly.X, poly.Y)],
            return True

        points_pts = []
        for i in range(poly.num_segments()):
            xi, yi = poly.get_segment(i)
            xp, yp = mymap.to_xy([xi, yi])
            points_pts.append((xp, yp))

        pts = array(
                                   math2d_line_length(points_pts) / 10))
        for i in range(len(pts[0])):
            p = pts[:, i]

            if self.debug:
                print "p", p, point
                idx = mymap.to_index(point)
                print "indices", idx
                print "resolution", mymap.to_xy([idx[0] + 1, idx[1] + 1])
                print "prob", mymap.get_value_probability(
                    int(idx[0]), int(idx[1]))

            if self.is_visible(point, p, max_dist):
                return True

        return False
Exemple #3
def drawObjectStartCostMap(featureBrowser, obj_esdc, l2_esdc, event_esdcs,
                           annotation, beam_search, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,
    xend, yend = annotation.getGroundings(l2_esdc)[0].centroid2d
    ax, ay = annotation.agent.centroid2d
    ath_0 = annotation.agent.path.theta[0]
    print ax, ay, ath_0

    #agent move to pick up object

    costs = na.zeros((int((ymax - ymin) / step), int((xmax - xmin) / step)))
    annotations = []

    for i, x in enumerate(na.arange(xmin, xmax, step)):
        for j, y in enumerate(na.arange(ymin, ymax, step)):
            aX, aY = sf.math2d_step_along_line(tp([(ax, ay), (x, y)]), .1)
            aTh = ath_0 * na.ones(len(aX))

            X, Y = sf.math2d_step_along_line(tp([(x, y), (xend, yend)]), .1)

            Z = na.ones(len(X))
            th = na.zeros(len(X))
            timestamps = range(len(X))

            path = Path(timestamps, [X, Y, Z, th])

            new_annotation = annotation_copy(annotation)
            atimestamps = range(len(X) + len(aX))
            axs = na.append(aX, X)
            ays = na.append(aY, Y)
            azs = na.zeros(len(X) + len(aX))
            ath = na.append(aTh, th)
                Path(atimestamps, [axs, ays, azs, ath]))

            obj = new_annotation.getGroundings(obj_esdc)[0]
            assignPathGroundings(event_esdcs[0], new_annotation)
            cost, entries = beam_search.cf_obj.costEntry(
                event_esdcs, new_annotation)
            costs[j][i] = math.exp(-1.0 * cost)
            annotations.append(((x, y), entries))

        print i
    featureBrowser.setCostImage(costs, annotations, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
Exemple #4
def path_probabilities(cf, path_factor, path_node, ggg, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,
    Compute probabilities of endpoints in the given range of a 
    top-level agent path given a path node and an associated factor
    in a ggg, a weights vector, and a cost function.

    xstart, ystart = (xmin + 0.5, (ymax + ymin) / 2.0)

    probs = na.zeros((int((ymax - ymin) / step), int((xmax - xmin) / step)))
    prob_idx_to_xy = {}
    for i, x in enumerate(na.arange(xmin, xmax, step)):
        for j, y in enumerate(na.arange(ymin, ymax, step)):

            X, Y = sf.math2d_step_along_line(
                na.transpose([(xstart, ystart), (x, y)]), .1)
            Z = na.ones(len(X))
            fig_xy = na.array([X, Y])

            Xst, Yst = fig_xy[:, :-1]
            Xend, Yend = fig_xy[:, 1:]

            Theta = na.arctan2(Yend - Yst, Xend - Xst)
            Theta = list(Theta)

            th = list(Theta)

            timestamps = range(len(X))

            path = Path.from_xyztheta(timestamps, [X, Y, Z, th])
            pobj = PhysicalObject(Prism.from_point(X[0], Y[0], Z[0], Z[0] + 1),
                                  tags=("forklift", ),

            ggg.set_evidence_for_node(path_node, [pobj])
            new_evidences = Evidences.copy(ggg.evidences)
            for phi in path_factor.nodes_with_type("phi"):
                new_evidences[phi.id] = True
            ggg = GGG.from_ggg_and_evidence(ggg, new_evidences)

            ce = cf.compute_factor_cost_entry(path_factor, ggg, None)
            probs[j][i] = ce.probability

            prob_idx_to_xy[(j, i)] = (x, y)
        print i

    print 'min/max', min(probs.flatten()), max(probs.flatten())
    print "max idx", na.argmax(probs)
    max_idx = na.argmax(probs)
    max_tuple = na.unravel_index(max_idx, probs.shape)
    print "max x,y", prob_idx_to_xy[max_tuple]
    return (probs, xstart, ystart)
Exemple #5
def planToLcmLog(state, ggg, fname, rndf, app=None, realForklift=False):
    if app == None:
        app = action_executor.App(rndf_file=rndf)

    sequence = state.getSequence()

    log = lcm.EventLog(fname, 'w', overwrite=True)

    sx, sy, sz, stheta = state.getGroundableById(

    #if actionMap != None:
    #    startId = actionMap.nearest_index((sx, sy))
    #    for chk_pt in rndf.checkpoints:
    #        if chk_pt.id_int == startId:
    #            lat = chk_pt.waypoint.lat
    #            lon = chk_pt.waypoint.lon
    #            break
    lat, lon = ru.xy_to_latlon(sx, sy, rndf.origin)

    if not realForklift:
        transportEvent = app.send_transport_msg(lat,
        log.write_event(transportEvent.timestamp, transportEvent.channel,

    for s, action in sequence:
        print action
        events = []
        if isinstance(action, forkState.Move):
            #event = app.send_checkpoint(a.to_loc, returnEvent=True)
            sx, sy = action.from_location[0:2]
            x, y = action.to_location[0:2]

            #To keep forklift from trying to get to close to a pallet
            line = sf.math2d_step_along_line([(x, sx), (y, sy)], .1)
            line_pts = transpose(line)
            worstCase = True  # worst case if all points along line are too close to pallets
            bestX = x
            bestY = y
            maxMinDist = 0  # distance for the point with greatest buffer (infinum)
            for px, py in line_pts:
                tooClose = False
                held_pallet = s.get_held_pallet()

                localMinDist = 100  # keeps track of the distance to closest pallet for this (px, py)
                for obj in [
                        s.getGroundableById(gid) for gid in s.getObjectsSet()
                    if held_pallet and obj.lcmId == held_pallet.lcmId:
                    distFromPallet = sf.math2d_dist(
                        (px, py),
                    if distFromPallet < localMinDist:
                        localMinDist = distFromPallet

                    if distFromPallet < 4.0:
                        tooClose = True
                if not tooClose:
                    bestX = px
                    bestY = py
                    print 'changing move from', (x, y), 'to', (bestX, bestY)
                    worstCase = False
                elif localMinDist > maxMinDist:  # does this (px, py) offer a better worst case buffer?
                    maxMinDist = localMinDist
                    bestX = px
                    bestY = py

            # If none of the points were sufficiently far from the pallet, choose the one that was the farthest
            if worstCase == True:
                print '(px, py) farthest from pallet was ', maxMinDist, ' away. Changing from', (
                    x, y), 'to', (bestX, bestY)

            px = bestX
            py = bestY

            lat, lon = ru.xy_to_latlon(px, py, rndf.origin)
            events.append(app.send_latlon(lat, lon, returnEvent=True))

        elif isinstance(action, forkState.Place):
            x, y, z = action.location
            lat, lon = ru.xy_to_latlon(x, y, rndf.origin)

            if realForklift:
                print "**************************************"
                print "WARNING--sending to forklift checkpoint 16"
                print "this is a hack and only applies at waverly"
                print "long term, agile should probably be changed to"
                print "handle long distance \"place\" commands without"
                print "having to go to a checkpoint first."
                events.append(app.send_checkpoint(16, returnEvent=True))

                app.send_place_pallet_msg(lat, lon, z, returnEvent=True))
        elif isinstance(action, forkState.Pickup):
            print "pallet", action.pallet_id

            if action.pallet_id == -1:
                print "************************************"
                print "warning, overwriting pallet id", action.pallet_id
                print "remove me after we figure out why it is -1."
                print "we are hardcoding it to the correct ID in one specific"
                print "scenario, but this does not generalize."

                pallet_id = 330225303595152896
                pallet_id = action.pallet_id

                app.send_pickup_pallet_msg(pallet_id, returnEvent=True))
        elif action == None:
            raise TypeError('Unrecognized action: ' + ` action ` + " class: " +
                            ` action.__class__ `)

        for event in events:
            log.write_event(event.timestamp, event.channel, event.data)
Exemple #6
def drawAgentPathCostMap(featureBrowser, event_path_esdcs, annotation, cf,
                         xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, step):
    print "y", ymax, ymin
    xstart, ystart = (xmin + 0.5, (ymax + ymin) / 2.0)
    #xstart, ystart = 19.658, 14.900

    ath = 0
    print "start", xstart, ystart, ath

    costs = na.zeros((int((ymax - ymin) / step), int((xmax - xmin) / step)))
    state, gggs = annotation_to_ggg_map(annotation)
    esdc = event_path_esdcs[0]
    ggg = gggs[esdc]
    factor = ggg.esdc_to_factor(esdc)
    node = ggg.node_for_esdc(esdc)
    print "esdc", esdc
    print "node", node, node.__class__
    for i, x in enumerate(na.arange(xmin, xmax, step)):
        for j, y in enumerate(na.arange(ymin, ymax, step)):

            X, Y = sf.math2d_step_along_line(tp([(xstart, ystart), (x, y)]),
            Z = na.ones(len(X))
            fig_xy = na.array([X, Y])

            Xst, Yst = fig_xy[:, :-1]
            Xend, Yend = fig_xy[:, 1:]

            Theta = na.arctan2(Yend - Yst, Xend - Xst)
            Theta = list(Theta)

            th = list(Theta)

            #th = ath*na.ones(len(X))
            timestamps = range(len(X))

            path = Path(timestamps, [X, Y, Z, th])
            pobj = PhysicalObject(Prism.from_point(X[0], Y[0], Z[0], Z[0] + 1),
                                  tags=("forklift", ),
            ggg.set_evidence_for_node(node, [pobj])
            #new_annotation = annotation_copy(annotation)
            #new_annotation.agent = new_annotation.agent.withPath(path)

            #if esdc.type == "EVENT":
            #    assignPathGroundings(esdc, new_annotation)
            #else: #type is path
            #    new_annotation.setGrounding(esdc, new_annotation.agent.path)

            new_evidences = Evidences.copy(ggg.evidences)
            for phi in factor.nodes_with_type("phi"):
                new_evidences[phi.id] = True
            ggg = GGG.from_ggg_and_evidence(ggg, new_evidences)
            #            print ggg.entry_for_factor(factor)
            cost, entries = cf.compute_costs([factor],
            costs[j][i] = math.exp(-1.0 * cost)
            #annotations.append(((x,y), entries))

        print i

#        break
    print 'min/max', min(costs.flatten()), max(costs.flatten())
    featureBrowser.setCostImage(costs, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    return ggg