Exemple #1
def test_dtypes():
    assert Dtype('Float32').gdalint == 6
    assert Dtype(6).gdalstr == 'Float32'
    assert Dtype('uint32').gdalstr == 'UInt32'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, filename, units='DN'):

        if isinstance(filename, list):
            combined = sum([Dataset(x, units) for x in filename])

        elif isinstance(filename, Dataset):
            for attr, value in vars(filename).items():
                setattr(self, attr, value)

        elif isinstance(filename, str):
            # map pyroSAR sensor identifiers to platform and instrument codes
            sensor_lookup = {
                'ASAR': ('ENVISAT', 'ASAR'),
                'ERS1': ('ERS-1', 'SAR'),
                'ERS2': ('ERS-2', 'SAR'),
                'PSR1': ('ALOS-1', 'PALSAR'),
                'PSR2': ('ALOS-2', 'PALSAR-2'),
                'S1A': ('SENTINEL-1', 'C-SAR'),
                'S1B': ('SENTINEL-1', 'C-SAR'),
                'TSX1': ('TERRASAR-X_1', 'SAR'),
                'TDX1': ('TANDEM-X_1', 'SAR')

            # extract basic metadata attributes from the filename and register them to the object
            meta = parse_datasetname(filename)

            if meta is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    'could not identify dataset: {}'.format(filename))

            for key, val in meta.items():
                setattr(self, key, val)

            # define acquisition start and end time; Currently both are set to the acquisition start time,
            # which is contained in the filename
            # Time will only be correct if the full scene was processed, start and end time of s subset will
            # differ. Thus, accurately setting both is not seen as too relevant.
            self.from_dt = strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S',
                                    strptime(self.start, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S'))
            self.to_dt = strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S',
                                  strptime(self.start, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S'))

            # match the sensor ID from the filename to a platform and instrument
            if self.sensor not in sensor_lookup.keys():
                raise ValueError('unknown sensor: {}'.format(self.sensor))

            self.platform, self.instrument = sensor_lookup[self.sensor]

            # extract general geo metadata from the GTiff information
            with Raster(filename) as ras:
                self.dtype = Dtype(ras.dtype).numpystr
                self.nodata = ras.nodata
                self.format = ras.format
                self.xres, self.yres = ras.res
                self.crs = 'EPSG:{}'.format(ras.epsg)
                self.is_projected = ras.projcs is not None
                self.extent = self.__extent_convert(ras.geo, 'x', 'y')
                # reproject the raster bounding box to EPSG 4326 and store its extent
                with ras.bbox() as bbox:
                    self.extent_4326 = self.__extent_convert(
                        bbox.extent, 'lon', 'lat')

            # create dictionary for resolution metadata depending on CRS characteristics
            resolution_keys = ('x',
                               'y') if self.is_projected else ('longitude',
            self.resolution = dict(zip(resolution_keys,
                                       (self.xres, self.yres)))

            # check whether the data type is supported
            pattern = '(?:(?:u|)int(?:8|16|32|64)|float(?:32|64))'
            if not re.search(pattern, self.dtype):
                raise ValueError('unsupported data type {}'.format(self.dtype))

            # determine the dataset units
            if isinstance(units, str):
                units = units
            elif isinstance(units, dict):
                    units = units[self.polarization]
                except KeyError:
                    raise KeyError(
                        "parameter 'units' does not contain key '{}'".format(
                raise TypeError(
                    "parameter 'units' must be of type str or dict")

            # create the measurement entry from collected metadata;
            # this is intended for easy access by class Product
            self.measurements = {
                self.polarization: {
                    'dtype': self.dtype,
                    'name': self.polarization,
                    'nodata': self.nodata,
                    'filename': filename,
                    'units': units
            raise TypeError('filename must be of type str, list or Dataset')