def create_video():

    #creating the video
    SpawnCommand("rm -f gpp_chlrphyl_movie/gpp_chlrphyl.avi")
    options = ("-r 5 -vcodec png -y -i " 
             + "gpp_chlrphyl_movie/image-%04d.png -r 5 -vcodec msmpeg4v2 -qblur 0.01 -qscale 5 ")
    SpawnCommand("ffmpeg " + options + "gpp_chlrphyl_movie/gpp_chlrphyl.avi")
Exemple #2
def plotrun(cube, foldername, scaleLBound, scaleUBound):

    # Delete all the image files in the directory to ensure that only those
    # created in the loop end up in the movie.
    print("Deleting all .png files in the " + foldername + " directory...")
    SpawnCommand("rm " + foldername + "/*.png")

    # Add a new coordinate containing the year.
    icat.add_year(cube, 'time')

    # Set the end index for the loop over years, and do the loop.
    tmin = 0
    tmax = cube.shape[0]

    # We want the files to be numbered sequentially, starting
    # from 000.png; this is so that the ffmpeg command can grok them.
    index = 0
    #scaleBarArray = scaleBar(lowerBound, upperBound)
    for time in range(tmin, tmax):

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3), dpi=200)
        rect = 0, 0, 1200, 600
        geo_axes = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
        plt.margins(0, 0)
        fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1)

        # plt.figure(frameon=False)

        # Extract the year value and display it (coordinates used are
        # those of the data).
        year = cube.coord('year')[time].points[0]

                 fontdict={'family': 'monospace'},
        filename = str(foldername) + '/' + "%03d.png" % index
        print('Now plotting: ', filename)
        plt.savefig(filename, dpi=200)
        index += 1

    # Now make the movie from the image files by spawning the ffmpeg command.
    # The options (of which there are many) are somewhat arcane, but these ones work.
    print("Converting images to movie...")
    options = ("-r 5 -vcodec png -y -i " + foldername +
               "/%03d.png -r 5 -vcodec msmpeg4v2 -qblur 0.01 -qscale 5 ")
    SpawnCommand("ffmpeg " + options + foldername + ".mp4")
Exemple #3
def create_video():

    #creating the video
    SpawnCommand("ffmpeg -i image-%04d.png TemperatureVideo1.mp4")
    SpawnCommand('ffmpeg -i TemperatureVideo1.mp4 -filter:v "setpts=5.0*PTS" ssp585.mp4')
    print ("Deleting the unneeded images...")
    SpawnCommand("rm -f *.png")
    SpawnCommand("rm -f TemperatureVideo1.mp4")
Exemple #4
def main():

    # Delete all the image files in the current directory to ensure that only those
    # created in the loop end up in the movie.
    print "Deleting all .png files in this directory..."
    SpawnCommand("rm *.png")

    # Read all the temperature values.
    temperatures = iris.load_cube('temperatures.pp')
    # Get the range of values.
    minTemp = np.amin(
    maxTemp = np.amax(
    print "Range of temperatures is", minTemp, "to", maxTemp

    # Add a new coordinate containing the year.
    icat.add_year(temperatures, 'time')
    years = temperatures.coord('year')
    # Set the limits for the loop over years.  
    minTime = 0
    maxTime = temperatures.shape[0]

    print "Making images from year", years[minTime].points[0], "to", years[maxTime-1].points[0]

    for time in range(minTime, maxTime):

       # Contour plot the temperatures and add the coastline.
       iplt.contourf(temperatures[time], 10, vmin=minTemp, vmax=maxTemp, cmap='hot')
       # We need to fix the boundary of the figure (otherwise we get a black border at left & top).
       # Cartopy removes matplotlib's axes.patch (which normally defines the boundary) and
       # replaces it with outline_patch and background_patch.  It's the former which is causing
       # the black border.  Get the axis object and make its outline patch invisible.
       ax = plt.gca()

       # Extract the year value and display it (coordinates used in locating the text are
       # those of the data).
       year = years[time].points[0]
       plt.text(0, -60, year, horizontalalignment='center') 
       # Now save the plot in an image file.  The files are numbered sequentially, starting
       # from 000.png; this is so that the ffmpeg command can grok them.
       filename = "%03d.png" % time
       plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
       # Discard the figure (otherwise the text will be overwritten
       # by the next iteration).

    # Now make the movie from the image files by spawning the ffmpeg command.
    # The options (of which there are many) are somewhat arcane, but these ones work.
    print "Converting images to movie..."
    options = "-r 5 -vcodec png -y -i %03d.png -r 5 -vcodec msmpeg4v2 -qblur 0.01 -qscale 5"
    SpawnCommand("ffmpeg " + options + " plotTemperatures.avi")
Exemple #5
def create_video():

    #creating the video
    SpawnCommand("ffmpeg -i image-%04d.png TemperatureVideo1.mp4")
        'ffmpeg -i TemperatureVideo1.mp4 -filter:v "setpts=5.0*PTS" ' +
        sys.argv[1] + '_scenario_' + sys.argv[2] + '.mp4')
    print("Deleting the unneeded images...")
    SpawnCommand("rm -f *.png")
    SpawnCommand("rm -f TemperatureVideo1.mp4")
def create_video():

    #creating the video
    SpawnCommand("rm -f rainfall/rainfall.avi")
    options = (
        "-r 5 -vcodec png -y -i " +
        "rainfall/image-%04d.png -r 5 -vcodec msmpeg4v2 -qblur 0.01 -qscale 5 "
    SpawnCommand("ffmpeg " + options + "rainfall/rainfall.avi")

    #    SpawnCommand("ffmpeg -i rainfall/image-%04d.png rainfall/temp.mp4")
    #    SpawnCommand('ffmpeg -i rainfall/temp.mp4 -filter:v "setpts=5.0*PTS" rainfall/rainfall.mp4')
    print("Deleting the unneeded images...")
Exemple #7
def create_video():

    #creating the video
    print "Converting images to movie..."
    options = ("-r 5 -vcodec png -y -i " +
               "image-%04d.png -r 5 -vcodec msmpeg4v2 -qblur 0.01 -qscale 5 ")
    SpawnCommand("ffmpeg " + options + "split.avi")
def main():

    # Delete all the image files in the current directory to ensure that only those
    # created in the loop end up in the movie.
    print("\nDeleting all .png files in this directory...")
    SpawnCommand("rm -f *.png")
    print("Deleting all .mp4 files in this directory...")
    SpawnCommand("rm -f *.mp4")

    # Read all the temperature values and create a single cube containing this data
    print("Loading the data...")
    cubes = iris.cube.CubeList([])
    months = [
        'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct',
        'nov', 'dec'
    for i in range(1850, 2015):
        for month in months:
            tempfile = 'tas_1850-2014/bc179a.p5' + str(i) + month + '.nc'
    temperatures = cubes.merge_cube()
    print("Data downloaded! Now Processing...")

    # Get the range of values.
    minTemp = np.amin(
    maxTemp = np.amax(
    print("Range of temperatures is ", minTemp, "ºK to ", maxTemp, "ºK.")

    # Add a new coordinate containing the year.
    icat.add_year(temperatures, 'time')
    years = temperatures.coord('year')

    # Set the limits for the loop over years.
    minTime = 0
    maxTime = temperatures.shape[0]

    print("Making images from year", years[minTime].points[0], "to",
          years[maxTime - 1].points[0], "...")

    for time in range(minTime, maxTime):

        # Contour plot the temperatures and add the coastline.

        # We need to fix the boundary of the figure (otherwise we get a black border at left & top).
        # Cartopy removes matplotlib's axes.patch (which normally defines the boundary) and
        # replaces it with outline_patch and background_patch.  It's the former which is causing
        # the black border.  Get the axis object and make its outline patch invisible.
        ax = plt.gca()

        # Extract the year value and display it (coordinates used in locating the text are
        # those of the data).
        year = years[time].points[0]
        plt.text(0, -60, year, horizontalalignment='center')

        # Now save the plot in an image file.  The files are numbered sequentially, starting
        # from 000.png; this is so that the ffmpeg command can grok them.
        filename = "image-%04d.png" % time
        plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)

        # Discard the figure (otherwise the text will be overwritten
        # by the next iteration).
    print("images made! Now converting to .mp4...")

    SpawnCommand("ffmpeg -i image-%04d.png TemperatureVideo1.mp4")
        'ffmpeg -i TemperatureVideo1.mp4 -filter:v "setpts=2.0*PTS" TemperatureVideo.mp4'
    print("Deleting the unneeded images...")
    SpawnCommand("rm -f *.png")
    SpawnCommand("rm -f TemperatureVideo1.mp4")
    print("Opening video...")
    SpawnCommand("open TemperatureVideo.mp4")
Exemple #9
def main():

    # Delete all the image files in the current directory to ensure that only those
    # created in the loop end up in the movie.
    print ("\nDeleting all .png files in this directory...")
    SpawnCommand("rm -f *.png")
    print("Loading the data...")

    # Read all the temperature values and create a single cube containing this data
    cubeList = iris.cube.CubeList([])
    cubeList.extend(myload(1960, 2014, 'tas_1850-2014/bc179a.p5'))
    cubeList.extend(myload(2015, 2100, 'tas_2015-2100-ssp585/be653a.p5'))

    temperatures = cubeList.merge_cube()
    baseYears = temperatures[ :29, :, :]
    baseYearsMean = baseYears.collapsed('time',iris.analysis.MEAN)
    # Calculate the difference in annual mean temperature from the mean  baseline (returns a cube)
    anomaly = temperatures - baseYearsMean
    print("Data downloaded! Now Processing...")

    # Get the range of values.

    # Add a new coordinate containing the year.
    icat.add_year(anomaly, 'time')
    years = anomaly.coord('year')
    # Set the limits for the loop over years.  
    minTime = 0
    maxTime = temperatures.shape[0]

    print ("Making images from year", years[minTime].points[0], "to", years[maxTime-1].points[0], "...")

    for time in range(minTime, maxTime):

        # Contour plot the temperatures and add the coastline.
        iplt.contourf(anomaly[time], levels = (-6, -3, 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25), colors = ('darkblue', 'blue', 'cyan', 'lightyellow', 'yellow', 'orange', 'darkorange', 'red'))
        #-6.4358826, 27.94899
        #plt.colorbar(boundaries = (-6, -3, 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25), values = (-6, -3, 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20))
        # We need to fix the boundary of the figure (otherwise we get a black border at left & top).
        # Cartopy removes matplotlib's axes.patch (which normally defines the boundary) and
        # replaces it with outline_patch and background_patch.  It's the former which is causing
        # the black border.  Get the axis object and make its outline patch invisible.
        ax = plt.gca()

        # Extract the year value and display it (coordinates used in locating the text are
        # those of the data).
        year = years[time].points[0]
        plt.text(0, -60, year, horizontalalignment='center') 
        # Now save the plot in an image file.  The files are numbered sequentially, starting
        # from 000.png; this is so that the ffmpeg command can grok them.
        filename = "image-%04d.png" % time
        plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
        # Discard the figure (otherwise the text will be overwritten
        # by the next iteration).
        print('boundaries for colour = -6, -3, 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25')
    print("images made! Now converting to .mp4...")
    print("Opening video...")
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        sys.exit("program needs two arguments")
    if sys.argv[1] != 'ssp119' and sys.argv[1] != 'ssp585' and sys.argv[
            1] != 'ssp534OS':
        sys.exit("argument must be ssp119, ssp585 or ssp534OS")
    if sys.argv[2] != 'ssp119' and sys.argv[2] != 'ssp585' and sys.argv[
            2] != 'ssp534OS':
        sys.exit("argument must be ssp119, ssp585 or ssp534OS")

    # Delete all the image files in the current directory to ensure that only those
    # created in the loop end up in the movie.
    print("\nDeleting all .png files in this directory...")
    SpawnCommand("rm -f *.png")

    print("Loading the data...")

    # Read all the temperature values and create a single cube containing this data

    for i in range(1, 3):
        cubeList = iris.cube.CubeList([])
        if sys.argv[i] == 'ssp585':
            cubeList.extend(myload(1960, 2014, 'tas_1850-2014/bc179a.p5'))
                myload(2015, 2100, 'tas_2015-2100-ssp585/be653a.p5'))
        elif sys.argv[i] == 'ssp119':
            cubeList.extend(myload(1960, 2014, 'tas_1850-2014/bc179a.p5'))
                myload(2015, 2100, 'tas_2015-2100-ssp119/bh409a.p5'))
        elif sys.argv[i] == 'ssp534OS':
            cubeList.extend(myload(1960, 2014, 'tas_1850-2014/bc179a.p5'))
            cubeList.extend(myload(2015, 2039, 'tas_2015-2100/be653a.p5'))
                myload(2040, 2100, 'tas_2015-2100-ssp534OS/bh409a.p5'))

        temperatures = cubeList.merge_cube()
        if i == 1:
            leftCube = temperatures.intersection(longitude=(-181, 0),
        elif i == 2:
            rightCube = temperatures.intersection(longitude=(0, 180))

    cubeList = iris.cube.CubeList([leftCube, rightCube])
    temperatures = cubeList.concatenate_cube()

    baseYears = temperatures[:29, :, :]
    baseYearsMean = baseYears.collapsed('time', iris.analysis.MEAN)
    # Calculate the difference in annual mean temperature from the mean  baseline (returns a cube)
    anomaly = temperatures - baseYearsMean
    print("Data downloaded! Now Processing...")

    # Get the range of values.

    # Add a new coordinate containing the year.
    icat.add_year(anomaly, 'time')
    years = anomaly.coord('year')

    # Set the limits for the loop over years.
    minTime = 0
    maxTime = temperatures.shape[0]

    print("Making images from year", years[minTime].points[0], "to",
          years[maxTime - 1].points[0], "...")

    for time in range(minTime, maxTime):

        # Set up for larger image.
        figSize = [12, 6]
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=figSize, dpi=200)
        rect = 0, 0, 200 * figSize[0], 200 * figSize[1]
        geo_axes = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())

        # We need to fix the boundary of the figure (otherwise we get a black border at left & top).
        # Cartopy removes matplotlib's axes.patch (which normally defines the boundary) and
        # replaces it with outline_patch and background_patch.  It's the former which is causing
        # the black border.  Get the axis object and make its outline patch invisible.
        plt.margins(0, 0)
        fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1)

        # Contour plot the temperatures and add the coastline.

                      levels=(-6, -3, 0, 4, 8, 12, 17, 22, 28),
                      colors=('darkblue', 'blue', 'cyan', 'lightyellow',
                              'yellow', 'orange', 'darkorange', 'red'))
        #-6.4358826, 27.94899
        #plt.colorbar(boundaries = (-6, -3, 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25), values = (-6, -3, 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20))

        # Extract the year value and display it (coordinates used in locating the text are
        # those of the data).
        year = years[time].points[0]

        # Display year on both sides of the display.
                 fontdict={'family': 'monospace'})
                 fontdict={'family': 'monospace'})

        # Add labels to halves of display.
                 fontdict={'family': 'monospace'})
                 fontdict={'family': 'monospace'})

        # Draw a line along the division between the two halves.
        plt.plot([0, 0], [-90, 90], color='gray', linewidth=3)
        plt.plot([-179.8, -179.8], [-90, 90], color='gray', linewidth=3)

        # Now save the plot in an image file.  The files are numbered sequentially, starting
        # from 000.png; this is so that the ffmpeg command can grok them.
        filename = "split/image-%04d.png" % time
        plt.savefig(filename, dpi=200)

        # Discard the figure (otherwise the text will be overwritten
        # by the next iteration).
        print('boundaries for colour = -6, -3, 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25')
    print("images made! Now converting to .mp4...")
    print("Opening video...")
Exemple #11
def main():

    # Delete all the image files in the current directory to ensure that only those
    # created in the loop end up in the movie.
    print("\nDeleting all .png files in this directory...")
    SpawnCommand("rm -f *.png")
    print("Deleting all .mp4 files in this directory...")
    SpawnCommand("rm -f *.mp4")

    # Read all the temperature values and create a single cube containing this data
    print("Loading the data...")

    temperatures = load_cubes_month_to_year(sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4],
    print("Data downloaded! Now Processing...")

    # Get the range of values.
    bounds = max_min(sys.argv[2], temperatures)

    print("Range of temperatures is ", bounds[0], "K to ", bounds[1], "K.")

    # Add a new coordinate containing the year.
    icat.add_year(temperatures, 'time')
    years = temperatures.coord('year')

    # Set the limits for the loop over years.
    minTime = 0
    maxTime = temperatures.shape[0]

    print("Making images from year", years[minTime].points[0], "to",
          years[maxTime - 1].points[0], "...")

    for time in range(minTime, maxTime):

        # Contour plot the temperatures and add the coastline.

        # We need to fix the boundary of the figure (otherwise we get a black border at left & top).
        # Cartopy removes matplotlib's axes.patch (which normally defines the boundary) and
        # replaces it with outline_patch and background_patch.  It's the former which is causing
        # the black border.  Get the axis object and make its outline patch invisible.
        ax = plt.gca()

        # Extract the year value and display it (coordinates used in locating the text are
        # those of the data).
        year = years[time].points[0]
        plt.text(0, -60, year, horizontalalignment='center')

        # Now save the plot in an image file.  The files are numbered sequentially, starting
        # from 000.png; this is so that the ffmpeg command can grok them.
        filename = "image-%04d.png" % time
        plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)

        # Discard the figure (otherwise the text will be overwritten
        # by the next iteration).
    print("images made! Now converting to .mp4...")
    print("Opening video...")
    SpawnCommand('open ' + sys.argv[1] + '_scenario_' + sys.argv[2] + '.mp4')