def __init__(self, filename): """ Initialize SpotGridPSF from input file See specter.psf.PSF for futher details """ #- Use PSF class to Load Generic PSF values (x, y, wavelength, ...) PSF.__init__(self, filename) #- Load extensions specific to this PSF type fx =, memmap=False) self._spots = fx['SPOTS'].data #- PSF spots # self._spotx = fx['SPOTX'].data #- X location of spots # self._spoty = fx['SPOTY'].data #- Y location of spots self._fiberpos = fx['FIBERPOS'].data #- Location of fibers on slit self._spotpos = fx['SPOTPOS'].data #- Slit loc of sampled spots self._spotwave = fx['SPOTWAVE'].data #- Wavelengths of spots #- 2D linerar interpolators pp = self._spotpos ww = self._spotwave self._fspot = LinearInterp2D(pp, ww, self._spots) # self._fx = LinearInterp2D(pp, ww, self._spotx) # self._fy = LinearInterp2D(pp, ww, self._spoty) #- Read spot vs. CCD pixel scales from header hdr = fx[0].header self.CcdPixelSize = hdr['CCDPIXSZ'] #- CCD pixel size in mm self.SpotPixelSize = hdr['PIXSIZE'] #- Spot pixel size in mm fx.close()
def __init__(self, filename): """ Loads pixelated PSF parameters from a fits file """ #- Use PSF class to Load Generic PSF values (x, y, wavelength, ...) PSF.__init__(self, filename) #- Additional headers are a custom format for the pixelated psf fx =, memmap=False) self.nexp = fx[3].data.view(np.ndarray) #- icoeff xexp yexp self.xyscale = fx[4].data.view(np.ndarray) #- ifiber igroup x0 xscale y0 yscale self.psfimage = fx[5].data.view(np.ndarray) #- [igroup, icoeff, iy, ix] fx.close()
def __init__(self, filename): """ Loads pixelated PSF parameters from a fits file """ #- Use PSF class to Load Generic PSF values (x, y, wavelength, ...) PSF.__init__(self, filename) #- Additional headers are a custom format for the pixelated psf fx =, memmap=False) self.nexp = fx[3].data.view(np.ndarray) #- icoeff xexp yexp self.xyscale = fx[4].data.view( np.ndarray) #- ifiber igroup x0 xscale y0 yscale self.psfimage = fx[5].data.view( np.ndarray) #- [igroup, icoeff, iy, ix] fx.close()
def __init__(self, filename, spot=None, scale=1.0): """ Initialize MonoSpotPSF from input file with optional override of which spot[y,x] to use. If overriding spot, scale gives ratio of spot pixel-size to CCD pixel-size. Must be >1 and evenly divisible by spot dimensions. See specter.psf.PSF for futher details """ #- Use PSF class to Load Generic PSF values (x, y, wavelength, ...) PSF.__init__(self, filename) if spot is None: self._spot = fits.getdata(filename, 'SPOT') self._scale = fits.getheader(filename, 'SPOT')['SCALE'] else: self._spot = spot.copy() self._scale = scale