def OutputSetup(self): def outputType(value): switcher = { 'Magnitude': 0, 'PSD': 1, } num = switcher.get(value['new'], 0) self.SpectrumFFT.PSD.output_selection = num self.SpecPlot._updaterange = True # Output Controls options = ['Magnitude', 'PSD'] output_drop = sipw.drop_menu_widget('Analysis:', options[1], options) accordion = sipw.accordion_widget('Output', [output_drop]) output_drop.observe(outputType, names='value') return accordion
def TransmitterSetup(self): def on_modulation_change(change): self.TransmitterTop.set_modulation(change['new']) def on_slider_change(change): self.dac_block.MixerSettings['Freq'] = change['new'] self.dac_block.UpdateEvent(xrfdc.EVENT_MIXER) # def setNyquist(zone): # zone = int(zone['new']) # self.adc_block.NyquistZone = zone options = ['BPSK', 'QPSK', '8-PSK', '16-QAM'] modsel = sipw.drop_menu_widget('Modulation:', options[1], options) freqsel = sipw.float_txt_widget('Tx Frequency (MHz):', 64, 1, 1020, 1) # nyquist = sipw.drop_menu_widget('Nyquist Zone:', 1, [1,2]) accordion = sipw.accordion_widget('Transmit', [modsel, freqsel]) modsel.observe(on_modulation_change, names='value') freqsel.observe(on_slider_change, names='value') return accordion
def OutputSetup(self): def outputType(value): switcher = { 'Magnitude': 0, 'PSD': 1, } num = switcher.get(value['new'], 0) self.SpectrumFFT.PSD.output_selection = num self.SpecPlot._updaterange = True if num: self.SpecPlot._plot_spectrum.layout.yaxis[ 'title'] = 'Power Spectral Density (dB/Hz)' else: self.SpecPlot._plot_spectrum.layout.yaxis[ 'title'] = 'Magnitude' # Output Controls options = ['Magnitude', 'PSD'] output_drop = sipw.drop_menu_widget('Analysis:', options[1], options) accordion = sipw.accordion_widget('Output', [output_drop]) output_drop.observe(outputType, names='value') return accordion
def ReceiverSetup(self): def changeADC(adc): adc_new = adc['new'] adc_new_bin = np.binary_repr(adc_new, width=2) tile = int(adc_new_bin[0]) block = int(adc_new_bin[1]) self.adc_tile = self.rf.adc_tiles[tile] self.adc_block = self.adc_tile.blocks[block] im = MMIO(0x00_A004_6000, 4096) re = MMIO(0x00_A004_7000, 4096) re.write(0x40, adc_new) re.write(0x0, 0x2) im.write(0x40, adc_new) im.write(0x0, 0x2) update_widgets_and_graph() def update_widgets_and_graph(): # self.nyquist.value = self.adc_block.NyquistZone self.rx_nco_txt.value = np.ceil( self.adc_block.MixerSettings['Freq']) update_nco_and_graph(self.adc_block, self.rx_nco_txt.value) def update_nco_and_graph(rf_block, nco_freq): lim = self._fs / 2 #+ (nco_freq * 1e6) div = (self._fs) / 2048 self._fc = nco_freq self.SpecPlot._x_data = np.arange(-lim, lim, div) + (nco_freq * 1e6) self.SpecPlot._x_data_spectrogram = np.take( self.SpecPlot._x_data, self.SpecPlot.indices_2) self.SpecPlot._range = [ min(self.SpecPlot._x_data), max(self.SpecPlot._x_data) ] self.SpecPlot._updaterange = True rf_block.MixerSettings['Freq'] = nco_freq rf_block.UpdateEvent(xrfdc.EVENT_MIXER) def update_downsampler_and_nco_slider(freq_res): freq_res = float(freq_res['new']) """Firstly, update the virtual sampling frequency""" self._fs = np.round(freq_res * 2048) """Get the downsampling factor for the given frequency resolution""" L = int(np.floor(self._axi_fs / self._fs)) """If the downsampling factor is equal to 1, then disable the Low-Pass filters. Else, the lowpass filter should be generated and the coefficients written to the FIRs.""" if L == 1: self.BandwidthSelector.BWSelector.enable = 0 else: w, h, coeffs = self.BandwidthSelector.generate_lowpass( self._axi_fs, self._axi_fs / (2 * L) - self._axi_fs * 0.025, self._axi_fs * 0.025, 256) """Only need one half as filter is symmetric""" self._coeffs = coeffs[0:128:1] self.BandwidthSelector.reload(self._coeffs) self.BandwidthSelector.config(0) self.BandwidthSelector.BWSelector.enable = 1 """Set the downsample factor after updating the FIR coefficients""" self.BandwidthSelector.set_downsample(L) """Finally update the range of the SpecPlot so that it accurately represents the bandwidth""" lim = self._fs / 2 div = (self._fs) / 2048 self.SpecPlot._x_data = np.arange(-lim, lim, div) + self._fc * 1e6 self.SpecPlot._x_data_spectrogram = np.take( self.SpecPlot._x_data, self.SpecPlot.indices_2) self.SpecPlot._range = [ min(self.SpecPlot._x_data), max(self.SpecPlot._x_data) ] self.SpecPlot._updaterange = True """Update Scaler in PSD - Hotfix""" #self.SpectrumAnalyser.SpectrumFFT.PSD.write(0x104, int(struct.unpack('!i',struct.pack('!f',float(1/(self._fs*self.SpectrumWindow.scale_factor))))[0])) self.SpectrumAnalyser.SpectrumFFT.PSD.write( 0x108, int(struct.unpack('!i', struct.pack('!f', float(div)))[0])) def unwrap_slider_val(callback): return lambda slider_val: callback(slider_val['new']) # def setNyquist(zone): # zone = int(zone['new']) # self.adc_block.NyquistZone = zone # Receive Controls options = [0, 1, 2] rx_adc_drop = sipw.drop_menu_widget('ADC', options[0], options) self.rx_nco_txt = sipw.float_txt_widget('Center Frequency (MHz):', 64, 1, 1024, 1) optgen = [16e6, 32e6, 64e6, 128e6, 256e6] options = [i / 2048 for i in optgen] rx_res_drop = sipw.drop_menu_widget('Resolution (Hz):', options[3], options) # self.nyquist = sipw.drop_menu_widget('Nyquist Zone:', 2, [1,2]) accordion = sipw.accordion_widget( 'Receive', [rx_adc_drop, self.rx_nco_txt, rx_res_drop]) rx_adc_drop.observe(changeADC, names='value') self.rx_nco_txt.observe(unwrap_slider_val( lambda v: update_nco_and_graph(self.adc_block, v)), names='value') rx_res_drop.observe(update_downsampler_and_nco_slider, names='value') # self.nyquist.observe(setNyquist, names='value') return accordion