def switch_mode(mode = 'operation'): """Switch the mode.""" modes = globals().get('%s_modes' % mode) if mode == 'operation': modes = [ for x in modes] m = modes.index(application.config.get('settings', '%s_mode' % mode)) + 1 if m == len(modes): m = 0 application.config.set('settings', '%s_mode' % mode, modes[m]) output.output(modes[m])
def handle_hotkey(self, key): """Does the actual handling in a platform-independant way.""" if self.key_timer: self.key_timer.cancel() key = key.lower() mode = modes.get_current_mode() if key == 'subtract': get_menu() elif key in ['divide', 'decimal']: modes.switch_mode({'divide': 'operation', 'decimal': 'shift'}[key]) if key == 'decimal': self.autocapitalise = False elif key == 'add': if mode in [modes.MODE_OPERATION_STANDARD, modes.MODE_OPERATION_NUMBERS]: self.press_current_key() press('backspace') else: pressHoldRelease(application.config.get(, key, 'alt')) elif key == 'multiply': self.press_current_key() else: if mode == modes.MODE_OPERATION_NUMBERS: # Pass numbers straight through. press(key[-1]) elif mode == modes.MODE_OPERATION_STANDARD: if key == 'enter': self.key_value = 'enter' elif key == self.last_key: self.index += 1 else: self.press_current_key() self.index = 0 possible_keys = application.config.get('keys', key) if self.index >= len(possible_keys): self.index = 0 self.key_value = possible_keys[self.index] if self.key_value == ' ': # A space must be converted before sending. self.key_value = 'spacebar' output.output(self.key_value) else: pressHoldRelease(application.config.get(, key)) self.last_key = key if mode == modes.MODE_OPERATION_STANDARD: t = time() self.key_timer = Timer(application.config.get('settings', 'timeout'), self.press_current_key, args = [t]) self.key_timer.start() self.last_key_time = t