Exemple #1
    def forward(self, enc_states, enc_len, dec_states):
        """Returns the output of the attention module.

        enc_states : torch.Tensor
            The tensor to be attended.
        enc_len : torch.Tensor
            The real length (without padding) of enc_states for each sentence.
        dec_states : torch.Tensor
            The query tensor.

        if self.keys is None:

            self.keys = self.key_linear(enc_states)
            self.values = self.value_linear(enc_states)
            self.mask = length_to_mask(enc_len,

        query = self.query_linear(dec_states).unsqueeze(2)
        scores = torch.matmul(self.keys, query) / self.scaling
        scores = scores.masked_fill(self.mask == 0, -np.inf)
        normalized_scores = scores.softmax(1).transpose(1, 2)
        out = torch.matmul(normalized_scores, self.values).squeeze(1)
        return out, normalized_scores
Exemple #2
    def forward(self, enc_states, enc_len, dec_states):
        """Returns the output of the attention module.

        enc_states : torch.Tensor
            The tensor to be attended.
        enc_len : torch.Tensor
            The real length (without padding) of enc_states for each sentence.
        dec_states : torch.Tensor
            The query tensor.


        if self.precomputed_enc_h is None:

            self.precomputed_enc_h = self.mlp_enc(enc_states)
            self.mask = length_to_mask(enc_len,

        dec_h = self.mlp_dec(dec_states.unsqueeze(1))
        attn = self.mlp_attn(torch.tanh(self.precomputed_enc_h +

        # mask the padded frames
        attn = attn.masked_fill(self.mask == 0, -np.inf)
        attn = self.softmax(attn * self.scaling)

        # compute context vectors
        # [B, 1, L] X [B, L, F]
        context = torch.bmm(attn.unsqueeze(1), enc_states).squeeze(1)
        context = self.mlp_out(context)

        return context, attn
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, x, enc_lens, batch_size, beam_size, blank_index,
        self.blank_index = blank_index
        self.eos_index = eos_index
        self.max_enc_len = x.size(1)
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.beam_size = beam_size
        self.vocab_size = x.size(-1)
        self.device = x.device
        self.minus_inf = -1e20
        self.last_frame_index = enc_lens - 1

        assert (self.eos_index != self.blank_index
                ), "Please set these two tokens to different indexes"

        # mask frames > enc_lens
        mask = 1 - length_to_mask(enc_lens)
        mask = mask.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, -1, x.size(-1)).eq(1)
        x.masked_fill_(mask, self.minus_inf)
        x[:, :, 0] = x[:, :, 0].masked_fill_(mask[:, :, 0], 0)

        # dim=0: xnb, nonblank posteriors, dim=1: xb, blank posteriors
        xnb = x.transpose(0, 1)
        xb = (xnb[:, :, self.blank_index].unsqueeze(2).expand(
            -1, -1, self.vocab_size))

        # (2, L, batch_size * beam_size, vocab_size)
        self.x = torch.stack([xnb, xb])

        # The first index of each sentence.
        self.beam_offset = (torch.arange(batch_size, device=self.device) *
        # The first index of each candidates.
        self.cand_offset = (torch.arange(batch_size, device=self.device) *
Exemple #4
    def encode(
        forward the encoder with source input

        src : tensor
            The sequence to the encoder (required).
        # reshape the src vector to [Batch, Time, Fea] if a 4d vector is given
        if src.dim() == 4:
            bz, t, ch1, ch2 = src.shape
            src = src.reshape(bz, t, ch1 * ch2)

        src_key_padding_mask = None
        if wav_len is not None and self.training:
            abs_len = torch.round(wav_len * src.shape[1])
            src_key_padding_mask = (1 - length_to_mask(abs_len)).bool()

        src = self.custom_src_module(src)
        src = src + self.positional_encoding(src)
        encoder_out, _ = self.encoder(
            src=src, src_key_padding_mask=src_key_padding_mask)
        return encoder_out
Exemple #5
def nll_loss_kd(
    """Knowledge distillation for negative log likelihood loss.

    Distilling Knowledge from Ensembles of Acoustic Models for Joint CTC-Attention End-to-End Speech Recognition.

    probabilities : torch.Tensor
        The predicted probabilities from student model.
        Format is [batch, frames, p]
    targets : torch.Tensor
        The target probabilities from teacher model.
        Format is [batch, frames, p]
    rel_lab_lengths : torch.Tensor
        Length of each utterance, if frame-level loss is desired.

    >>> probabilities = torch.tensor([[[0.8, 0.2], [0.2, 0.8]]])
    >>> targets = torch.tensor([[[0.9, 0.1], [0.1, 0.9]]])
    >>> rel_lab_lengths = torch.tensor([1.])
    >>> nll_loss_kd(probabilities, targets, rel_lab_lengths)
    # Getting the number of sentences in the minibatch
    N_snt = probabilities.shape[0]

    # Getting the maximum length of label sequence
    max_len = probabilities.shape[1]

    # Getting the label lengths
    lab_lengths = torch.round(rel_lab_lengths * targets.shape[1]).int()

    # Reshape to [batch_size * length, feature]
    prob_curr = probabilities.reshape(N_snt * max_len, probabilities.shape[-1])

    # Generating mask
    mask = length_to_mask(lab_lengths,

    # Reshape to [batch_size * length, feature]
    lab_curr = targets.reshape(N_snt * max_len, targets.shape[-1])

    loss = ce_kd(prob_curr, lab_curr)
    # Loss averaging
    loss = torch.sum(loss.reshape(N_snt, max_len) * mask) / torch.sum(mask)
    return loss
    def forward(self, x, lengths=None):
        L = x.shape[-1]
        if lengths is not None:
            mask = length_to_mask(lengths * L, max_len=L, device=x.device)
            mask = mask.unsqueeze(1)
            total = mask.sum(dim=2, keepdim=True)
            s = (x * mask).sum(dim=2, keepdim=True) / total
            s = x.mean(dim=2, keepdim=True)

        s = self.relu(self.conv1(s))
        s = self.sigmoid(self.conv2(s))

        return s * x
Exemple #7
    def forward(self, x, lengths=None):
        """Calculates mean and std for a batch (input tensor).

        x : torch.Tensor
            Tensor of shape [N, C, L].
        L = x.shape[-1]

        def _compute_statistics(x, m, dim=2, eps=self.eps):
            mean = (m * x).sum(dim)
            std = torch.sqrt(
                (m * (x - mean.unsqueeze(dim)).pow(2)).sum(dim).clamp(eps)
            return mean, std

        if lengths is None:
            lengths = torch.ones(x.shape[0], device=x.device)

        # Make binary mask of shape [N, 1, L]
        mask = length_to_mask(lengths * L, max_len=L, device=x.device)
        mask = mask.unsqueeze(1)

        # Expand the temporal context of the pooling layer by allowing the
        # self-attention to look at global properties of the utterance.
        if self.global_context:
            # torch.std is unstable for backward computation
            # https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/4320
            total = mask.sum(dim=2, keepdim=True).float()
            mean, std = _compute_statistics(x, mask / total)
            mean = mean.unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, L)
            std = std.unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, L)
            attn = torch.cat([x, mean, std], dim=1)
            attn = x

        # Apply layers
        attn = self.conv(self.tanh(self.tdnn(attn)))

        # Filter out zero-paddings
        attn = attn.masked_fill(mask == 0, float("-inf"))

        attn = F.softmax(attn, dim=2)
        mean, std = _compute_statistics(x, attn)
        # Append mean and std of the batch
        pooled_stats = torch.cat((mean, std), dim=1)
        pooled_stats = pooled_stats.unsqueeze(2)

        return pooled_stats
    def forward(self, enc_states, enc_len, dec_states):
        """Returns the output of the attention module.

        enc_states : torch.Tensor
            The tensor to be attended.
        enc_len : torch.Tensor
            The real length (without padding) of enc_states for each sentence.
        dec_states : torch.Tensor
            The query tensor.
        if self.precomputed_enc_h is None:

            self.precomputed_enc_h = self.mlp_enc(enc_states)
            self.mask = length_to_mask(
                enc_len, max_len=enc_states.size(1), device=enc_states.device

            # multiply mask by 1/Ln for each row
            self.prev_attn = self.mask * (1 / enc_len.float()).unsqueeze(1)

        # compute location-aware features
        # [B, 1, L] -> [B, C, L]
        attn_conv = self.conv_loc(self.prev_attn.unsqueeze(1))
        # [B, C, L] -> [B, L, C] -> [B, L, F]
        attn_conv = self.mlp_loc(attn_conv.transpose(1, 2))

        dec_h = self.mlp_dec(dec_states.unsqueeze(1))
        attn = self.mlp_attn(
            torch.tanh(self.precomputed_enc_h + dec_h + attn_conv)

        # mask the padded frames
        attn = attn.masked_fill(self.mask == 0, -np.inf)
        attn = self.softmax(attn * self.scaling)

        # set prev_attn to current attn for the next timestep
        self.prev_attn = attn.detach()

        # compute context vectors
        # [B, 1, L] X [B, L, F]
        context = torch.bmm(attn.unsqueeze(1), enc_states).squeeze(1)
        context = self.mlp_out(context)

        return context, attn
Exemple #9
    def make_masks(self, src, tgt, wav_len=None, pad_idx=0):
        """This method generates the masks for training the transformer model.

        src : tensor
            The sequence to the encoder (required).
        tgt : tensor
            The sequence to the decoder (required).
        pad_idx : int
            The index for <pad> token (default=0).
        src_key_padding_mask = None
        if wav_len is not None and self.training:
            abs_len = torch.round(wav_len * src.shape[1])
            src_key_padding_mask = (1 - length_to_mask(abs_len)).bool()
        tgt_key_padding_mask = get_key_padding_mask(tgt, pad_idx=pad_idx)

        src_mask = None
        tgt_mask = get_lookahead_mask(tgt)
        return src_key_padding_mask, tgt_key_padding_mask, src_mask, tgt_mask
    def encode(
        Encoder forward pass

        src : torch.Tensor
            The sequence to the encoder.
        wav_len: torch.Tensor, optional
            Torch Tensor of shape (batch, ) containing the relative length to padded length for each example.
        # reshape the src vector to [Batch, Time, Fea] if a 4d vector is given
        if src.dim() == 4:
            bz, t, ch1, ch2 = src.shape
            src = src.reshape(bz, t, ch1 * ch2)

        src_key_padding_mask = None
        if wav_len is not None and self.training:
            abs_len = torch.round(wav_len * src.shape[1])
            src_key_padding_mask = (1 - length_to_mask(abs_len)).bool()

        src = self.custom_src_module(src)
        if self.attention_type == "RelPosMHAXL":
            pos_embs_source = self.positional_encoding(src)

        elif self.positional_encoding_type == "fixed_abs_sine":
            src = src + self.positional_encoding(src)
            pos_embs_source = None

        encoder_out, _ = self.encoder(
        return encoder_out
Exemple #11
def Accuracy(log_probablities, targets, length=None):
    """Calculates the accuracy for predicted log probabilities and targets in a batch.

    log_probablities : tensor
        Predicted log probabilities (batch_size, time, feature).
    targets : tensor
        Target (batch_size, time).
    length : tensor
        Length of target (batch_size,).

    >>> probs = torch.tensor([[0.9, 0.1], [0.1, 0.9], [0.8, 0.2]]).unsqueeze(0)
    >>> acc = Accuracy(torch.log(probs), torch.tensor([1, 1, 0]).unsqueeze(0), torch.tensor([2/3]))
    >>> print(acc)
    (1.0, 2.0)
    if length is not None:
        mask = length_to_mask(
            length * targets.shape[1],
        if len(targets.shape) == 3:
            mask = mask.unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, targets.shape[2])

    padded_pred = log_probablities.argmax(-1)

    if length is not None:
        numerator = torch.sum(
            padded_pred.masked_select(mask) == targets.masked_select(mask))
        denominator = torch.sum(mask)
        numerator = torch.sum(padded_pred == targets)
        denominator = targets.shape[1]
    return float(numerator), float(denominator)
Exemple #12
def compute_masked_loss(
    """Compute the true average loss of a set of waveforms of unequal length.

    loss_fn : function
        A function for computing the loss taking just predictions and targets.
        Should return all the losses, not a reduction (e.g. reduction="none")
    predictions : torch.Tensor
        First argument to loss function.
    targets : torch.Tensor
        Second argument to loss function.
    length : torch.Tensor
        Length of each utterance to compute mask. If None, global average is
        computed and returned.
    label_smoothing: float
        The proportion of label smoothing. Should only be used for NLL loss.
        Ref: Regularizing Neural Networks by Penalizing Confident Output
        Distributions. https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.06548
    reduction : str
        One of 'mean', 'batch', 'batchmean', 'none' where 'mean' returns a
        single value and 'batch' returns one per item in the batch and
        'batchmean' is sum / batch_size and 'none' returns all.
    mask = torch.ones_like(targets)
    if length is not None:
        length_mask = length_to_mask(
            length * targets.shape[1],

        # Handle any dimensionality of input
        while len(length_mask.shape) < len(mask.shape):
            length_mask = length_mask.unsqueeze(-1)
        length_mask = length_mask.type(mask.dtype)
        mask *= length_mask

    # Compute, then reduce loss
    loss = loss_fn(predictions, targets) * mask
    N = loss.size(0)
    if reduction == "mean":
        loss = loss.sum() / torch.sum(mask)
    elif reduction == "batchmean":
        loss = loss.sum() / N
    elif reduction == "batch":
        loss = loss.reshape(N, -1).sum(1) / mask.reshape(N, -1).sum(1)

    if label_smoothing == 0:
        return loss
        loss_reg = torch.mean(predictions, dim=1) * mask
        if reduction == "mean":
            loss_reg = torch.sum(loss_reg) / torch.sum(mask)
        elif reduction == "batchmean":
            loss_reg = torch.sum(loss_reg) / targets.shape[0]
        elif reduction == "batch":
            loss_reg = loss_reg.sum(1) / mask.sum(1)

        return -label_smoothing * loss_reg + (1 - label_smoothing) * loss