def showSnip(request, group, snipName): snip_rendered_body = None try: snip = WikiSnip.objects.get(group=group, name__exact=snipName) except WikiSnip.DoesNotExist: snip = WikiSnip(name=snipName, group=group) if not snip.has_view_permission(): raise PermissionDenied() res = None if 'type' in request.GET: if request.GET['type'] == 'src': res = HttpResponse( snip.body, mimetype='text/plain', ) if request.GET['type'] == 'full': res = HttpResponse( snip.render(), mimetype='text/html', ) if not res: sphdata = get_current_sphdata() snip_rendered_body = False redirects = () while not snip_rendered_body or 'sphwiki_redirect_to_snip' in sphdata: if snip_rendered_body: if snip in redirects: if request.user.is_authenticated(): request.user.message_set.create( message=ugettext("Detected redirect loop.")) break redirects += (snip, ) snip = sphdata['sphwiki_redirect_to_snip'] del sphdata['sphwiki_redirect_to_snip'] snip_rendered_body = snip.render() if sphdata != None: sphdata['subtitle'] = snip.title or res = render_to_response('sphene/sphwiki/showSnip.html', { 'snip': snip, 'snipName': snipName, 'snip_rendered_body': snip_rendered_body, 'redirects': redirects, 'commentstemplate': 'sphene.sphcomments' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS and 'sphene/sphwiki/wikicomments.html' or 'sphene/sphwiki/wikicomments_unavailable.html', }, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) res.sph_lastmodified = snip.changed return res
def showSnip(request, group, snipName): snip_rendered_body = None status = None try: snip = WikiSnip.objects.get( group = group, name__exact = snipName ) except WikiSnip.DoesNotExist: snip = WikiSnip( name = snipName, group = group ) status = 404 if not snip.has_view_permission(): raise PermissionDenied() res = None if 'type' in request.GET: if request.GET['type'] == 'src': res = HttpResponse( snip.body, mimetype = 'text/plain', ) if request.GET['type'] == 'full': res = HttpResponse( snip.render(), mimetype = 'text/html', ) if not res: sphdata = get_current_sphdata() snip_rendered_body = False redirects = () while not snip_rendered_body or 'sphwiki_redirect_to_snip' in sphdata: if snip_rendered_body: if snip in redirects: if request.user.is_authenticated(): request.user.message_set.create( message = ugettext("Detected redirect loop.") ) break redirects += (snip,) snip = sphdata['sphwiki_redirect_to_snip'] del sphdata['sphwiki_redirect_to_snip'] snip_rendered_body = snip.render() if sphdata != None: sphdata['subtitle'] = snip.title or res = render_to_response( 'sphene/sphwiki/showSnip.html', { 'snip': snip, 'snipName' : snipName, 'snip_rendered_body': snip_rendered_body, 'redirects': redirects, 'wiki_sidebar_html': rendersidebar('W'), 'commentstemplate': 'sphene.sphcomments' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS and 'sphene/sphwiki/wikicomments.html' or 'sphene/sphwiki/wikicomments_unavailable.html', }, context_instance = RequestContext(request) ) if status is not None: res.status_code = status res.sph_lastmodified = snip.changed return res
def handle_wikilinks_match(matchgroups): if matchgroups.get('urls'): # We matched a HTML link .. simply return the whole html code. return {'label': matchgroups.get('urls')} if matchgroups.get('escape'): # CamelCase expresion was escaped ... return {'label': matchgroups.get('wholeexpression')} snipname = matchgroups.get('camelcase') or matchgroups.get('snipname') label = matchgroups.get('sniplabel') or snipname.replace('_', ' ') cssclass = 'sph_wikilink' try: snip = WikiSnip.objects.get( group=get_current_group(), name=snipname, ) href = snip.get_absolute_url() except WikiSnip.DoesNotExist: try: snip = WikiSnip( group=get_current_group(), name=snipname, ) except TypeError: log.error('No group found when getting wikilinks. Ignoring.') return {'label': label} if not snip.has_edit_permission() \ and get_sph_setting('wiki_links_nonexistent_show_only_privileged'): return { 'label': label, } href = snip.get_absolute_editurl() cssclass += ' sph_nonexistent' if get_sph_setting('wiki_links_nonexistent_prefix'): label = "create:" + label return { 'href': href, 'label': label, 'class': cssclass, }
def handle_wikilinks_match(matchgroups): if matchgroups.get('urls'): # We matched a HTML link .. simply return the whole html code. return { 'label': matchgroups.get('urls') } if matchgroups.get('escape'): # CamelCase expresion was escaped ... return { 'label': matchgroups.get('wholeexpression') } snipname = matchgroups.get('camelcase') or matchgroups.get('snipname') label = matchgroups.get('sniplabel') or snipname.replace('_', ' ') cssclass = 'sph_wikilink' try: snip = WikiSnip.objects.get( group = get_current_group(), name = snipname, ) href = snip.get_absolute_url() except WikiSnip.DoesNotExist: try: snip = WikiSnip( group = get_current_group(), name = snipname, ) except TypeError: log.error('No group found when getting wikilinks. Ignoring.') return { 'label' : label} if not snip.has_edit_permission() \ and get_sph_setting('wiki_links_nonexistent_show_only_privileged'): return { 'label': label, } href = snip.get_absolute_editurl() cssclass += ' sph_nonexistent' if get_sph_setting( 'wiki_links_nonexistent_prefix' ): label = "create:"+label return { 'href': href, 'label': label, 'class': cssclass, }
def editSnip(request, group, snipName, versionId = None): version = None data = request.method == 'POST' and request.POST or None try: snip = WikiSnip.objects.get( group = group, name__exact = snipName ) if versionId is not None: version = WikiSnipChange.objects.get( pk = versionId ) if not version or version.snip != snip: # TODO: raise a 404 instead raise PermissionDenied() snip.body = version.body #SnipForm = forms.models.form_for_instance(snip, form = CaptchaEditBaseForm) form = WikiSnipForm(data, instance = snip) except WikiSnip.DoesNotExist: #SnipForm = forms.models.form_for_model(WikiSnip, form = CaptchaEditBaseForm) form = WikiSnipForm(data) snip = WikiSnip( name = snipName, group = group ) #snip = None if not snip.has_edit_permission(): raise PermissionDenied() #SnipForm.base_fields['body'].widget.attrs['cols'] = 80 #SnipForm.base_fields['body'].widget.attrs['rows'] = 30 changemessage = "" if request.method == 'POST': if 'type' in request.POST and request.POST['type'] == 'preview': return HttpResponse( unicode(WikiSnip(body = request.POST['body']).render() )) changemessage = request.POST['message'] #form = SnipForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): old_title = None old_body = None change_type = 0 if old_title = snip.title old_body = snip.body snip = = group = snipName if request.user.is_authenticated(): snip.editor = request.user else: snip.editor = None if old_body is not None: if snip.body != old_body: change_type |= 1 if snip.title != old_title: change_type |= 2 else: # if a snip is new, everything has changed .. change_type = 1 | 2 | 4 data = form.cleaned_data if tag_set_labels( snip, data['tags'] ): change_type |= 4 change = WikiSnipChange( snip = snip, #editor = request.user, editor = snip.editor, edited =, message = request.POST['message'], title = snip.title, body = snip.body, change_type = change_type, ) tag_set_labels( change, data['tags'] ) return HttpResponseRedirect( snip.get_absolute_url() ) else: #form = SnipForm() if snip is not None: form.fields['tags'].initial = tag_get_labels(snip) pass if version: from import sph_date changemessage = ugettext('Reverted to revision of %(editdate)s') % \ { 'editdate': sph_date( version.edited ) } t = loader.get_template( 'sphene/sphwiki/editSnip.html' ) return HttpResponse( t.render( RequestContext( request, { 'form': form, 'snip': snip, 'version': version, 'changemessage': changemessage } ) ) )
def editSnip(request, group, snipName, versionId=None): version = None data = request.method == 'POST' and request.POST or None try: snip = WikiSnip.objects.get(group=group, name__exact=snipName) if versionId is not None: version = WikiSnipChange.objects.get(pk=versionId) if not version or version.snip != snip: # TODO: raise a 404 instead raise PermissionDenied() snip.body = version.body #SnipForm = forms.models.form_for_instance(snip, form = CaptchaEditBaseForm) form = WikiSnipForm(data, instance=snip) except WikiSnip.DoesNotExist: #SnipForm = forms.models.form_for_model(WikiSnip, form = CaptchaEditBaseForm) form = WikiSnipForm(data) snip = WikiSnip(name=snipName, group=group) #snip = None if not snip.has_edit_permission(): raise PermissionDenied() #SnipForm.base_fields['body'].widget.attrs['cols'] = 80 #SnipForm.base_fields['body'].widget.attrs['rows'] = 30 changemessage = "" if request.method == 'POST': if 'type' in request.POST and request.POST['type'] == 'preview': return HttpResponse( unicode(WikiSnip(body=request.POST['body']).render())) changemessage = request.POST['message'] #form = SnipForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): old_title = None old_body = None change_type = 0 if old_title = snip.title old_body = snip.body snip = = group = snipName if request.user.is_authenticated(): snip.editor = request.user else: snip.editor = None if old_body is not None: if snip.body != old_body: change_type |= 1 if snip.title != old_title: change_type |= 2 else: # if a snip is new, everything has changed .. change_type = 1 | 2 | 4 data = form.cleaned_data if tag_set_labels(snip, data['tags']): change_type |= 4 change = WikiSnipChange( snip=snip, #editor = request.user, editor=snip.editor,, message=request.POST['message'], title=snip.title, body=snip.body, change_type=change_type, ) tag_set_labels(change, data['tags']) return HttpResponseRedirect(snip.get_absolute_url()) else: #form = SnipForm() if snip is not None: form.fields['tags'].initial = tag_get_labels(snip) pass if version: from import sph_date changemessage = ugettext('Reverted to revision of %(editdate)s') % \ { 'editdate': sph_date( version.edited ) } t = loader.get_template('sphene/sphwiki/editSnip.html') return HttpResponse( t.render( RequestContext( request, { 'form': form, 'snip': snip, 'version': version, 'changemessage': changemessage })))