def deepSleep(self): """ Put the memory in deep sleep mode. :param none: :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() #enable device spi.writebytes([CMD_DEEPSLP]) # select write to status register self.CE_DESELECT() # disable the device return 0
def wakeUp(self): """ Wake up from deep sleep mode. :param none: :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() # enable device spi.writebytes([CMD_RESDPD]) # select write to status register self.CE_DESELECT() # disable the device return 0
def jedec_ID_Read(self): """ Flash memory chip class. :param none: :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([JEDEC]) #Send JEDEC ID command (9Fh) jedec = spi.readbytes(3) self.CE_DESELECT() jedid = int((jedec[0] << 16) | (jedec[1] << 8) | jedec[2]) return jedid
def readStatusRegister(self, statReg): """ Read the contents of the status register. :param statReg: Address of one of the status registers :returns: stat - Status register contents """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([statReg]) # send RDSR command byte = spi.readbytes(1) # receive byte self.CE_DESELECT() return byte
def readStatusRegister(self,statReg): """ Read the contents of the status register. :param statReg: Address of one of the status registers :returns stat: Status register contents """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([statReg]) # send RDSR command byte = spi.readbytes(1) # receive byte self.CE_DESELECT() return byte
def chipErase(self): """ Flash memory chip class. :param none: :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_WREN]) #Send WREN command self.CE_DESELECT() self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([ERASE_CHIP]) #Send Sector Erase command self.CE_DESELECT()
def setBlockProtection(self, prot): """ Set the contents of a specific block as protected. :param prot: Specific block :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_EWSR]) #enable write to volatile register self.CE_DESELECT() self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_WRSR, (prot & 0x0f) << 2]) #write status register self.CE_DESELECT()
def sectorErase(self,address): """ Erase a sector from the flash memory chip. :param address: Sector address :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_WREN]) #Send WREN command self.CE_DESELECT() self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([ERASE_SECTOR,(address&0xFF0000)>>16,(address&0xFF00)>>8,address&0xFF,0]) #Send Sector Erase command self.CE_DESELECT()
def blockErase(self,address): """ Erase a block from the flash memory chip. :param address: Block initial address :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_WREN]) #Send WREN command self.CE_DESELECT() data = [hex(address >> i & 0xff) for i in (16,8,0)] self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([ERASE_BLOCK64,data]) #Send Sector Erase command self.CE_DESELECT()
def blockErase(self, address): """ Erase a block from the flash memory chip. :param address: Block initial address :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_WREN]) #Send WREN command self.CE_DESELECT() data = [hex(address >> i & 0xff) for i in (16, 8, 0)] self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([ERASE_BLOCK64, data]) #Send Sector Erase command self.CE_DESELECT()
def readByte(self,address): """ Read one byte from the given memory address. :param address: Address of data in memory. :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_READ_DATA]) spi.writebytes([(address&0xFF0000)>>16,(address&0xFF00)>>8,address&0xFF,0]) #Read command,Send 3 address bytes mybyte = spi.readbytes(1) self.CE_DESELECT() return mybyte #Return one byte read
def setBlockProtection(self,prot): """ Set the contents of a specific block as protected. :param prot: Specific block :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_EWSR]) #enable write to volatile register self.CE_DESELECT() self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_WRSR,(prot & 0x0f)<<2]) #write status register self.CE_DESELECT()
def readByte(self, address): """ Read one byte from the given memory address. :param address: Address of data in memory. :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_READ_DATA]) spi.writebytes([(address & 0xFF0000) >> 16, (address & 0xFF00) >> 8, address & 0xFF, 0]) #Read command,Send 3 address bytes mybyte = spi.readbytes(1) self.CE_DESELECT() return mybyte #Return one byte read
def readArray(self,address, arrayLength): """ Flash memory chip class. :param address: Starting address of array :param arrayLength: Array length in bytes :returns: none """ pData = [] self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_READ_DATA,(address&0xFF0000)>>16,(address&0xFF00)>>8,address&0xFF,0]) #Read command pData = spi.readbytes(arrayLength) self.CE_DESELECT() return pData
def isWriteBusy(self): """ Check if a write is in process. :param none: :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_RDSR1]) #Send RDSR command temp = self.CE_DESELECT() if (temp and 0x01): return 1 else: return 0
def sectorErase(self, address): """ Erase a sector from the flash memory chip. :param address: Sector address :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_WREN]) #Send WREN command self.CE_DESELECT() self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([ ERASE_SECTOR, (address & 0xFF0000) >> 16, (address & 0xFF00) >> 8, address & 0xFF, 0 ]) #Send Sector Erase command self.CE_DESELECT()
def send(self, data, dataOrCmd=True, length=4096): """ Writes a byte or array of bytes to the display. dataOrCmd parameter controls if byte should be interpreted as display data (True)/ command data otherwise. Length is an optional size of bytes to write in a single SPI transaction, with a default of 4096. :param data: Single byte or an array of bytes. :param dataOrCmd: Flag for command or data mode :param length: size of array :returns none : """ # Set DC low for command, high for data. GPIO.output(self.dc, dataOrCmd) # Convert scalar argument to list so either can be passed as parameter. if isinstance(data, numbers.Number): data = [data & 0xFF] # Write data a chunk at a time. for start in range(0, len(data), length): end = min(start+length, len(data)) spi.writebytes(data[start:end])
def readArray(self, address, arrayLength): """ Flash memory chip class. :param address: Starting address of array :param arrayLength: Array length in bytes :returns: none """ pData = [] self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([ CMD_READ_DATA, (address & 0xFF0000) >> 16, (address & 0xFF00) >> 8, address & 0xFF, 0 ]) #Read command pData = spi.readbytes(arrayLength) self.CE_DESELECT() return pData
def writeArray(self, address, pData, arrayLength): """ Write an array to the memory chip. :param address: Address of data in memory. :param pData: :param arrayLength: :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_WREN]) #Send WREN command self.CE_DESELECT() self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([ PAGE_PROGRAM, (address & 0xFF0000) >> 16, (address & 0xFF00) >> 8, address & 0xFF, 0 ]) #Send Byte for item in range(len(pData)): data = ord( pData[item] ) #this is a hack ,convert char data to hex and write bytes individually, slow spi.writebytes([data]) self.CE_DESELECT()
def readID(self): """ Flash memory chip class. :param none: :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_RDID]) #Send read ID command (90h or ABh) spi.writebytes([0x00]) #Send dummy byte spi.writebytes([0x00]) #Send dummy byte spi.writebytes([0x00]) #Send 0x00 id = spi.readbytes(2) #Send either manufacturer ID or device ID self.CE_DESELECT() return ((id[1] << 8) | id[0])
def writeByte(self,data,address): """ Write one byte at a specific address in the memory chip. :param data: :param address: :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_WREN]) #Send WREN command self.CE_DESELECT() self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([PAGE_PROGRAM]) spi.writebytes([(address&0xFF0000)>>16,(address&0xFF00)>>8,address&0xFF,0]) spi.writebytes([data]) #Program page, and send 3 address bytes and data self.CE_DESELECT()
def writeByte(self, data, address): """ Write one byte at a specific address in the memory chip. :param data: :param address: :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_WREN]) #Send WREN command self.CE_DESELECT() self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([PAGE_PROGRAM]) spi.writebytes([(address & 0xFF0000) >> 16, (address & 0xFF00) >> 8, address & 0xFF, 0]) spi.writebytes([data ]) #Program page, and send 3 address bytes and data self.CE_DESELECT()
def writeStatusRegister(self,statReg): """ Write a new value to the contents of the status register :param statReg: Address of one of the status registers :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_WREN]) #Send WREN command self.CE_DESELECT() self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_WRSR]) # select write to status register spi.writebytes([statReg]) # data that will change the status of BPx or BPL (only bits 2,3,4,5,7 can be written) self.CE_DESELECT()
def writeStatusRegister(self, statReg): """ Write a new value to the contents of the status register :param statReg: Address of one of the status registers :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_WREN]) #Send WREN command self.CE_DESELECT() self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_WRSR]) # select write to status register spi.writebytes( [statReg] ) # data that will change the status of BPx or BPL (only bits 2,3,4,5,7 can be written) self.CE_DESELECT()
def writeArray(self,address, pData, arrayLength): """ Write an array to the memory chip. :param address: Address of data in memory. :param pData: :param arrayLength: :returns: none """ self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([CMD_WREN]) #Send WREN command self.CE_DESELECT() self.CE_SELECT() spi.writebytes([PAGE_PROGRAM,(address&0xFF0000)>>16,(address&0xFF00)>>8,address&0xFF,0]) #Send Byte for item in range(len(pData)): data = ord(pData[item]) #this is a hack ,convert char data to hex and write bytes individually, slow spi.writebytes([data]) self.CE_DESELECT()