def display(self, integoff=0.3, integscale=0.5, color='red', label=False, labelyposition=None, regions=False, zoom=None, figure=None): "displays integrals" import matplotlib.transforms as transforms from spike.Display import testplot plt = testplot.plot() if figure is None: ax = plt.subplot(111) else: ax = figure # trans is a coordinate system where x is in current unit and y in 0..1 # used for drawing the integrals trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory( ax.transData, ax.transAxes ) z1, z2 = parsezoom(self.source, zoom) sumax = max([c.curve[-1] for c in self]) for iint in self: # print(a,b,max(c)/sumax) if iint.start>z2 or iint.end<z1: continue # we're outside xinteg = self.source.axis1.itoc( np.linspace(iint.start, iint.end, len(iint.curve)) ) yinteg = integoff + integscale*iint.curve/sumax ax.plot(xinteg, yinteg, transform=trans, color=color) if label: if labelyposition: xl = xinteg[0] + 0.3*(xinteg[-1]- xinteg[0]) yl = labelyposition else: xl = xinteg[-1] yl = yinteg[-1] ax.text(xl,yl,"%.2f"%iint.value, transform=trans, color=color, fontsize=7) if regions: ax.plot([xinteg[0],xinteg[0]], [0,1], transform=trans, color=color, alpha=0.1) ax.plot([xinteg[-1],xinteg[-1]], [0,1], transform=trans, color=color, alpha=0.1 )
def display(self, axis=None, peak_label=False, zoom=None, show=False, f1=_identity, f2=_identity, color=None, markersize=6, figure=None, NbMaxPeaks=NbMaxDisplayPeaks, markerdict=None, labeldict=None): """ displays 2D peak list zoom is in index f1 and f2 should be functions which convert from points to current display scale - typically npk.axis1.itoc npk.axis2.itoc """ import spike.Display.testplot as testplot plot = testplot.plot() if figure is None: fig = plot.subplot(111) else: fig = figure if zoom is not None: (z1lo, z1up, z2lo, z2up) = flatten(zoom) pk = [] for p in range(len(self)): plp = self[p] if plp.posF1 >= z1lo and plp.posF1 <= z1up and plp.posF2 >= z2lo and plp.posF2 <= z2up: pk.append(p) else: pk = range(len(self)) if debug > 0: print("plotting %d peaks" % len(pk)) # create arg for display # default mark = {'markersize': markersize, 'color': color} label = {'color': color, 'fontsize': 7, 'rotation': 40} # then update with args if markerdict is None: markerdict = {} mark.update(markerdict) if labeldict is None: labeldict = {} label.update(labeldict) if axis is None: plF1 = self.posF1 # these are ndarray ! plF2 = self.posF2 fig.plot(f2(plF2[pk]), f1(plF1[pk]), "x", **mark) if peak_label: for p in pk: plp = self[p] fig.text(1.01 * plp.posF2, 1.01 * plp.posF1, plp.label, **label) else: raise Exception("to be done") if show:
def display(self, axis=None, peak_label=False, zoom=None, show=False, f1=_identity, f2=_identity, color=None, markersize=6, figure=None, NbMaxPeaks=NbMaxDisplayPeaks): """ displays 2D peak list zoom is in index f1 and f2 should be functions which convert from points to current display scale - typically npk.axis1.itoc npk.axis2.itoc """ import spike.Display.testplot as testplot plot = testplot.plot() if figure is None: fig = plot.subplot(111) else: fig = figure if zoom is not None: (z1lo, z1up, z2lo, z2up) = flatten(zoom) pk = [] for p in range(len(self)): plp = self[p] if plp.posF1 >= z1lo and plp.posF1 <= z1up and plp.posF2 >= z2lo and plp.posF2 <= z2up: pk.append(p) else: pk = range(len(self)) if debug > 0: print("plotting %d peaks" % len(pk)) if axis is None: plF1 = self.posF1 # these are ndarray ! plF2 = self.posF2 fig.plot(f2(plF2[pk]), f1(plF1[pk]), "x", color=color, markersize=markersize) if peak_label: for p in pk: plp = self[p] fig.text(1.01 * plp.posF2, 1.01 * plp.posF1, plp.label, color=color, markersize=markersize) else: raise Exception("to be done") if show:
def test_dynsub(self): # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import spike.Display.testplot as testplot global plt plt = testplot.plot() ## from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator sub = subpl(nbsub_h = 2) # suplot organized in two columns # adding subplot 1 sub.plot(np.arange(6), np.arange(6)**2, 'g', label = 'one') # first plot in first subplot sub.title('One') sub.ylabel('y1') sub.xlabel('x1') sub.plot(np.cos(np.arange(11)), label = 'two') # plotting second plot in first subplot adding subplot 2 sub.title('Second sub') sub.plot(np.sin(np.arange(15)), label = 'three') # plotting second plot in second subplot sub.ylabel('y3') adding subplot 3 sub.ylabel('y4') sub.title('Third') sub.plot(np.arange(21), 'g', label = 'four') # plotting first plot in third subplot adding subplot 4 sub.ylabel('y5') sub.title('Forth subplot') sub.plot(np.cos(np.arange(21))-np.arange(21), 'r', label = 'five') # plotting first plot in fourth subplot sub = subpl(nbsub_h = 2) # suplot organized in two columns # adding subplot 1 sub.plot(np.arange(10), np.arange(10)**3, 'g', label = 'one') # first plot in first subplot sub.title('One') sub.ylabel('y1') sub.xlabel('x1') sub.plot(np.sin(np.arange(20)), label = 'two') # plotting second plot in first subplot adding subplot 2 sub.title('Second sub') sub.plot(np.cos(np.arange(41)), label = 'three') # plotting second plot in second subplot sub.ylabel('y3')
def test_NUS_sampling(self): ''' NUS example removing the sampling noise ''' from ..Tests import filename, directory import spike.Display.testplot as testplot plt = testplot.plot() import spike.util.signal_tools as u from numpy.fft import fft from spike.Tests import filename from spike.NPKData import NPKData samplingfile = filename("Sampling_file.list") e = NPKData(dim=1) e.axis1.load_sampling(samplingfile) size = 20000 signal = u.SIGNAL_NOISE(lenfid=size, nbpeaks=10, amplitude=100, noise=50, shift=7000) signal.fid echant = signal.fid[e.axis1.sampling] # print "echant.size ",echant.size f = NPKData(buffer=echant) f.axis1.load_sampling(samplingfile) h = f.copy() h.pg_sane() pgdb = u.SNR_dB(signal.fid0, h.get_buffer()) print("PG_SANE reconstruction is %.1fdB should be greater than 19dB" % (pgdb)) f.zf().fft().modulus().display(label="NUS : FFT with sampling noise") h.fft().modulus().display(label="NUS : processed with PG_SANE", new_fig=False, show=True) self.assertTrue(pgdb > 19.0)
def display(self, integoff=0.3, integscale=0.5, color='red', label=False, labelxposition=1, labelyposition=None, regions=False, zoom=None, figure=None, curvedict=None, labeldict=None): """ displays integrals figure mpl axes to draw on - will create one if None zoom zoom integoff offset of drawing 0..1 integscale scale of the largest integral color color regions highlight regions curvedict additional parameters for the drawing label draw integral values labelxposition position of label in x 0..1 with respect to the integral drawing labelyposition position of label in y 0..1 with respect to the screen - None means top of integral labeldict additional parameters for the labels """ import matplotlib.transforms as transforms from spike.Display import testplot plt = testplot.plot() if figure is None: ax = plt.subplot(111) else: ax = figure # trans is a coordinate system where x is in current unit and y in 0..1 # used for drawing the integrals trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, ax.transAxes) z1, z2 = parsezoom(self.source, zoom) sumax = max([c.curve[-1] for c in self]) # copy color to dict if needed if curvedict is None: curvedict = {} if labeldict is None: labeldict = {} for dico in (curvedict, labeldict): if 'color' not in dico.keys(): dico['color'] = color for iint in self: # print(a,b,max(c)/sumax) if iint.start > z2 or iint.end < z1: continue # we're outside xinteg = self.source.axis1.itoc( np.linspace(iint.start, iint.end, len(iint.curve))) yinteg = integoff + integscale * iint.curve / sumax ax.plot(xinteg, yinteg, transform=trans, **curvedict) if label: xl = xinteg[0] + labelxposition * (xinteg[-1] - xinteg[0]) if labelyposition is not None: yl = labelyposition else: yl = yinteg[-1] ax.text(xl, yl, "%.2f" % iint.value, transform=trans, **labeldict) if regions: ax.plot([xinteg[0], xinteg[0]], [0, 1], transform=trans, color=color, alpha=0.1) ax.plot([xinteg[-1], xinteg[-1]], [0, 1], transform=trans, color=color, alpha=0.1)
def display(self, peak_label=False, peak_mode="marker", zoom=None, show=False, f=_identity, color='red', markersize=None, figure=None, scale=1.0, NbMaxPeaks=NbMaxDisplayPeaks): """ displays 1D peaks zoom is in index peak_mode is either "marker" or "bar" NbMaxPeaks is the maximum number of peaks to displayin the zoom window (show only the largest) f() should be a function which converts from points to current display scale - typically npk.axis1.itoc """ if len(self) == 0: return # nothing to display from spike.Display import testplot plot = testplot.plot() if figure is None: fig = plot.subplot(111) else: fig = figure # create and filter list if zoom: z0 = zoom[0] z1 = zoom[1] pkl = [ i for i, p in enumerate(self) if p.pos >= z0 and p.pos <= z1 ] # index of peaks on zoom window else: pkl = range(len(self)) if peak_mode == "marker" and len( self) > 0: # in marker mode, removes peaks too high mmax = max(self.intens) / scale pkl = list(filter(lambda i: self.intens[i] <= mmax, pkl)) if len(pkl) > NbMaxPeaks: # too many to display pkl.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda i: self[i].intens) pkl = pkl[:NbMaxPeaks] # now display if peak_mode == "marker": fig.plot(f(self.pos[pkl]), self.intens[pkl], "x", color=color) elif peak_mode == "bar": for i in pkl: p = self[i] fig.plot([f(p.pos), f(p.pos)], [0, p.intens], '-', color=color) else: raise Exception("wrong peak_mode") if peak_label: for i in pkl: p = self[i] fig.annotate(p.label, (f(p.pos), p.intens), xycoords='data', xytext=(0, 10), textcoords='offset points', rotation=40, color='red', fontsize=7, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-'), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom') if show:
to FTICR axes mzref : list of m/z of reference values imzmeas : list of pea indices of reference peaks (to be match with mzref) """ from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import norm from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, least_squares, leastsq, minimize from spike import NPKError from spike.NPKData import NPKData_plugin from spike.util.signal_tools import findnoiselevel import spike.Display.testplot as testplot plt = testplot.plot() from spike.FTMS import FTMSAxis ######################################################################## # mathematics ######################################################################## def mzcalib(xind, ref, axis, method='l1'): """ fit axis parameters so that points located at xind be closest to ref values fits on two parameters if the 3rd (ML3 ie axis.calibC) is zero method = l2 uses levenberg-marqtart on l2 norm : classical method method = l1 uses powell on l1 norm : robust method """ axfit = axis.copy() # create copy if axfit.calibC == 0:
def test_NUS_sampling2(self): ''' NUS larger example removing the sampling noise ''' from spike.NPKData import NPKData import spike.Display.testplot as testplot plt = testplot.plot() import time # First tools def build(tp): """ build a synthetic transient signal containing 10 frequencies with intensities from 1 to 10 return the time axis and the signal """ # set random signal lines np.random.seed(123) freq = 3E5 * np.random.rand(10) # 10 random lines amp = range(1, 11) # build transient fid = np.zeros(N, dtype=complex) for a, nu in zip(amp, freq): fid += a * np.exp(-tp / tau) * np.exp(2j * np.pi * nu * tp) return fid # compute spectrum def FT(v): " Fourier transform, with a simple cosine-bell apodisation" vapod = v * np.cos(np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, len(v))) return np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(vapod)) # generate sampling list def gene_sampling(ratio): np.random.seed(1234) perm = np.random.permutation(N - 1) # generate a permutation sampling = sorted(perm[:int(round(N * ratio)) - 2]) sampling.insert(0, 0) # insure the first point is set sampling.append(N - 1) # insure the last point is set return sampling def noise(data): " estimate noise in the spectrum by iteratively removing all signals above 3 sigma " b = data.copy() for i in range(10): b = b[b - b.mean() < 3 * b.std()] return b.std() # Then generate data N = 64000 # Size of the complete sampling SR = 1000000.0 # Spectral Width tau = .1 # ion life-time - make it short enough to reduce FT artifacts dt = 1 / SR # Nyquist sampling, the example are presented in complex tp = np.arange(0, N) * dt # time axis fq = np.linspace(0, SR, N) # frequency axis fid0 = build(tp) # noise-free data NOISE = 5 # noise level, same unit as the amp in the first cells. # here, noise level is half of the largest amplitude. np.random.seed(12345) # noisy data nfid = fid0 + NOISE * np.random.randn( len(fid0)) + 1j * NOISE * np.random.randn(len(fid0)) # generate sampling RATIO = 1. / 8 sampling = gene_sampling(RATIO) # prepare f = NPKData(buffer=nfid[sampling]) f.axis1.sampling = sampling # do it t0 = time.time() g = f.copy().pg_sane(iterations=20, rank=15) elaps = time.time() - t0 SNR = -20 * np.log10( np.linalg.norm(g.get_buffer() - fid0) / np.linalg.norm(fid0)) print( "test_NUS_sampling2: elaps %.2f sec SNR: %.1f dB should be larger than 30dB" % (elaps, SNR)) self.assertTrue(SNR > 30.0) ax1 = plt.subplot(211) f.copy().apod_sin().zf(2).fft().display( title='spectrum original data with sampling noise', figure=ax1) ax2 = plt.subplot(212) g.copy().apod_sin().zf(2).fft().display( title='spectrum after pg_sane cleaning', figure=ax2)