def main(argv=None): parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse_args(argv) verbose = arguments.v set_global_loglevel(verbose=verbose) # initialization param = ParamMoco(group_size=1, metric='MeanSquares', smooth='0') # Fetch user arguments param.fname_data = arguments.i param.path_out = arguments.ofolder param.remove_temp_files = arguments.r param.interp = arguments.x if arguments.g is not None: param.group_size = arguments.g if arguments.m is not None: param.fname_mask = arguments.m if arguments.param is not None: param.update(arguments.param) path_qc = arguments.qc qc_fps = arguments.qc_fps qc_dataset = arguments.qc_dataset qc_subject = arguments.qc_subject qc_seg = arguments.qc_seg mutually_inclusive_args = (path_qc, qc_seg) is_qc_none, is_seg_none = [arg is None for arg in mutually_inclusive_args] if not (is_qc_none == is_seg_none): raise parser.error( "Both '-qc' and '-qc-seg' are required in order to generate a QC report." ) # run moco fname_output_image = moco_wrapper(param) set_global_loglevel( verbose) # moco_wrapper changes verbose to 0, see issue #3341 # QC report if path_qc is not None: generate_qc(fname_in1=fname_output_image, fname_in2=param.fname_data, fname_seg=qc_seg, args=sys.argv[1:], path_qc=os.path.abspath(path_qc), fps=qc_fps, dataset=qc_dataset, subject=qc_subject, process='sct_fmri_moco') display_viewer_syntax([fname_output_image, param.fname_data], mode='ortho,ortho')
def main(argv=None): parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse_args(argv) verbose = arguments.v set_global_loglevel(verbose=verbose) # initialization param = ParamMoco(group_size=1, metric='MeanSquares', smooth='0') # Fetch user arguments param.fname_data = arguments.i param.path_out = arguments.ofolder param.remove_temp_files = arguments.r param.interp = arguments.x if arguments.g is not None: param.group_size = arguments.g if arguments.m is not None: param.fname_mask = arguments.m if arguments.param is not None: param.update(arguments.param) # run moco moco_wrapper(param)
def get_parser(): # initialize parameters param_default = ParamMoco(is_diffusion=True, group_size=3, metric='MI', smooth='1') # Initialize the parser parser = Parser(__file__) parser.usage.set_description( ' Motion correction of dMRI data. Some of the features to improve robustness were proposed in Xu et al. ( and include:\n' '- group-wise (-g)\n' '- slice-wise regularized along z using polynomial function (-param). For more info about the method, type: isct_antsSliceRegularizedRegistration\n' '- masking (-m)\n' '- iterative averaging of target volume\n') parser.add_option(name='-i', type_value='file', description='Diffusion data', mandatory=True, example='dmri.nii.gz') parser.add_option(name='-bvec', type_value='file', description='Bvecs file', mandatory=True, example='bvecs.nii.gz') parser.add_option(name='-bval', type_value='file', description='Bvals file', mandatory=False, example='bvals.nii.gz') parser.add_option( name='-bvalmin', type_value='float', description= 'B-value threshold (in s/mm2) below which data is considered as b=0.', mandatory=False, example='50') parser.add_option( name='-g', type_value='int', description='Group nvols successive dMRI volumes for more robustness.', mandatory=False, default_value=param_default.group_size, example=['2']) parser.add_option( name='-m', type_value='file', description= 'Binary mask to limit voxels considered by the registration metric.', mandatory=False, example=['dmri_mask.nii.gz']) parser.add_option( name='-param', type_value=[[','], 'str'], description= "Advanced parameters. Assign value with \"=\"; Separate arguments with \",\"\n" "poly [int]: Degree of polynomial function used for regularization along Z. For no regularization set to 0. Default=" + param_default.poly + ".\n" "smooth [mm]: Smoothing kernel. Default=" + param_default.smooth + ".\n" "metric {MI, MeanSquares, CC}: Metric used for registration. Default=" + param_default.metric + ".\n" "gradStep [float]: Searching step used by registration algorithm. The higher the more deformation allowed. Default=" + param_default.gradStep + ".\n" "sample [None or 0-1]: Sampling rate used for registration metric. Default=" + param_default.sampling + ".\n", mandatory=False) parser.add_option(name='-x', type_value='multiple_choice', description='Final Interpolation.', mandatory=False, default_value=param_default.interp, example=['nn', 'linear', 'spline']) parser.add_option(name='-ofolder', type_value='folder_creation', description='Output folder', mandatory=False, default_value=param_default.path_out, example='dmri_moco_results/') parser.usage.addSection('MISC') parser.add_option(name="-r", type_value="multiple_choice", description='Remove temporary files.', mandatory=False, default_value='1', example=['0', '1']) parser.add_option( name="-v", type_value='multiple_choice', description="verbose: 0 = nothing, 1 = classic, 2 = expended", mandatory=False, example=['0', '1', '2'], default_value='1') return parser
def main(): # initialization param = ParamMoco(is_diffusion=True, group_size=3, metric='MI', smooth='1') # Fetch user arguments parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(sys.argv[1:]) param.fname_data = arguments['-i'] param.fname_bvecs = os.path.abspath(arguments['-bvec']) if '-bval' in arguments: param.fname_bvals = os.path.abspath(arguments['-bval']) if '-bvalmin' in arguments: param.bval_min = arguments['-bvalmin'] if '-g' in arguments: param.group_size = arguments['-g'] if '-m' in arguments: param.fname_mask = arguments['-m'] if '-param' in arguments: param.update(arguments['-param']) if '-x' in arguments: param.interp = arguments['-x'] if '-ofolder' in arguments: param.path_out = arguments['-ofolder'] if '-r' in arguments: param.remove_temp_files = int(arguments['-r']) param.verbose = int(arguments.get('-v')) # Update log level sct.init_sct(log_level=param.verbose, update=True) # run moco moco_wrapper(param)
def get_parser(): # initialize parameters # TODO: create a class ParamFmriMoco which inheritates from ParamMoco param_default = ParamMoco(group_size=1, metric='MeanSquares', smooth='0') # parser initialisation parser = SCTArgumentParser( description= "Motion correction of fMRI data. Some robust features include:\n" " - group-wise (-g)\n" " - slice-wise regularized along z using polynomial function (-p)\n" " (For more info about the method, type: isct_antsSliceRegularizedRegistration)\n" " - masking (-m)\n" " - iterative averaging of target volume\n" "\n" "The outputs of the motion correction process are:\n" " - the motion-corrected fMRI volumes\n" " - the time average of the corrected fMRI volumes\n" " - a time-series with 1 voxel in the XY plane, for the X and Y motion direction (two separate " "files), as required for FSL analysis.\n" " - a TSV file with the slice-wise average of the motion correction for XY (one file), that " "can be used for Quality Control.\n") mandatory = parser.add_argument_group("\nMANDATORY ARGUMENTS") mandatory.add_argument('-i', metavar=Metavar.file, required=True, help="Input data (4D). Example: fmri.nii.gz") optional = parser.add_argument_group("\nOPTIONAL ARGUMENTS") optional.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help", help="Show this help message and exit.") optional.add_argument( '-g',, type=int, help="Group nvols successive fMRI volumes for more robustness.") optional.add_argument( '-m', metavar=Metavar.file, help= "Binary mask to limit voxels considered by the registration metric.") optional.add_argument( '-param', metavar=Metavar.list, type=list_type(',', str), help= f"Advanced parameters. Assign value with \"=\"; Separate arguments with \",\".\n" f" - poly [int]: Degree of polynomial function used for regularization along Z. For no regularization " f"set to 0. Default={param_default.poly}.\n" f" - smooth [mm]: Smoothing kernel. Default={param_default.smooth}.\n" f" - iter [int]: Number of iterations. Default={param_default.iter}.\n" f" - metric {{MI, MeanSquares, CC}}: Metric used for registration. Default={param_default.metric}.\n" f" - gradStep [float]: Searching step used by registration algorithm. The higher the more deformation " f"allowed. Default={param_default.gradStep}.\n" f" - sampling [None or 0-1]: Sampling rate used for registration metric. " f"Default={param_default.sampling}.\n" f" - numTarget [int]: Target volume or group (starting with 0). Default={param_default.num_target}.\n" f" - iterAvg [int]: Iterative averaging: Target volume is a weighted average of the " f"previously-registered volumes. Default={param_default.iterAvg}.\n") optional.add_argument('-ofolder', metavar=Metavar.folder, action=ActionCreateFolder, default='.', help="Output path.") optional.add_argument('-x', choices=['nn', 'linear', 'spline'], default='linear', help="Final interpolation.") optional.add_argument('-r',, type=int, choices=[0, 1], default=1, help="Remove temporary files. O = no, 1 = yes") optional.add_argument( '-v',, type=int, choices=[0, 1, 2], default=1, # Values [0, 1, 2] map to logging levels [WARNING, INFO, DEBUG], but are also used as "if verbose == #" in API help= "Verbosity. 0: Display only errors/warnings, 1: Errors/warnings + info messages, 2: Debug mode" ) optional.add_argument( '-qc', metavar=Metavar.folder, action=ActionCreateFolder, help= "The path where the quality control generated content will be saved. (Note: " "Both '-qc' and '-qc-seg' are required in order to generate a QC report.)" ) optional.add_argument( '-qc-seg', metavar=Metavar.file, help= "Segmentation of spinal cord to improve cropping in qc report. (Note: " "Both '-qc' and '-qc-seg' are required in order to generate a QC report.)" ) optional.add_argument( '-qc-fps', metavar=Metavar.float, type=float, default=3, help= "This float number is the number of frames per second for the output gif images." ) optional.add_argument( '-qc-dataset', metavar=Metavar.str, help= "If provided, this string will be mentioned in the QC report as the dataset the process was run on." ) optional.add_argument( '-qc-subject', metavar=Metavar.str, help= "If provided, this string will be mentioned in the QC report as the subject the process was run on." ) return parser
def get_parser(): # parser initialisation parser = Parser(__file__) # initialize parameters # TODO: create a class ParamFmriMoco which inheritates from ParamMoco param_default = ParamMoco(group_size=1, metric='MeanSquares', smooth='0') parser.usage.set_description( """Motion correction of fMRI data. Some robust features include: - group-wise (-g) - slice-wise regularized along z using polynomial function (-p) For more info about the method, type: isct_antsSliceRegularizedRegistration - masking (-m) - iterative averaging of target volume The outputs of the motion correction process are: - the motion-corrected fMRI volumes - the time average of the corrected fMRI volumes - a time-series with 1 voxel in the XY plane, for the X and Y motion direction (two separate files), as required for FSL analysis. - a TSV file with the slice-wise average of the motion correction for XY (one file), that can be used for Quality Control.""" ) parser.add_option(name='-i', type_value='image_nifti', description='4D data', mandatory=True, example='fmri.nii.gz') parser.add_option( name='-g', type_value='int', description='Group nvols successive fMRI volumes for more robustness.', mandatory=False, default_value=param_default.group_size) parser.add_option( name='-m', type_value='image_nifti', description= 'Binary mask to limit voxels considered by the registration metric.', mandatory=False) parser.add_option( name='-param', type_value=[[','], 'str'], description= "Advanced parameters. Assign value with \"=\"; Separate arguments with \",\"\n" "poly [int]: Degree of polynomial function used for regularization along Z. For no regularization set to 0. Default=" + param_default.poly + ".\n" "smooth [mm]: Smoothing kernel. Default=" + param_default.smooth + ".\n" "iter [int]: Number of iterations. Default=" + param_default.iter + ".\n" "metric {MI, MeanSquares, CC}: Metric used for registration. Default=" + param_default.metric + ".\n" "gradStep [float]: Searching step used by registration algorithm. The higher the more deformation allowed. Default=" + param_default.gradStep + ".\n" "sampling [None or 0-1]: Sampling rate used for registration metric. Default=" + param_default.sampling + ".\n" "numTarget [int]: Target volume or group (starting with 0). Default=" + param_default.num_target + ".\n" "iterAvg [int]: Iterative averaging: Target volume is a weighted average of the previously-registered volumes. Default=" + str(param_default.iterAvg) + ".\n", mandatory=False) parser.add_option(name='-ofolder', type_value='folder_creation', description='Output path.', mandatory=False, default_value='./') parser.add_option(name="-x", type_value="multiple_choice", description="""Final interpolation.""", mandatory=False, default_value='linear', example=['nn', 'linear', 'spline']) parser.add_option(name="-r", type_value="multiple_choice", description="""Remove temporary files.""", mandatory=False, default_value='1', example=['0', '1']) parser.add_option(name="-v", type_value="multiple_choice", description="""Verbose.""", mandatory=False, default_value='1', example=['0', '1', '2']) return parser
def main(): # initialization param = ParamMoco(group_size=1, metric='MeanSquares', smooth='0') # Fetch user arguments parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(sys.argv[1:]) param.fname_data = arguments['-i'] if '-g' in arguments: param.group_size = arguments['-g'] if '-m' in arguments: param.fname_mask = arguments['-m'] if '-param' in arguments: param.update(arguments['-param']) if '-x' in arguments: param.interp = arguments['-x'] if '-ofolder' in arguments: param.path_out = arguments['-ofolder'] if '-r' in arguments: param.remove_temp_files = int(arguments['-r']) param.verbose = int(arguments.get('-v')) # Update log level sct.init_sct(log_level=param.verbose, update=True) # run moco moco_wrapper(param)
def get_parser(): # initialize parameters # TODO: create a class ParamFmriMoco which inheritates from ParamMoco param_default = ParamMoco(group_size=1, metric='MeanSquares', smooth='0') # parser initialisation parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= "Motion correction of fMRI data. Some robust features include:\n" " - group-wise (-g)\n" " - slice-wise regularized along z using polynomial function (-p)\n" " (For more info about the method, type: isct_antsSliceRegularizedRegistration)\n" " - masking (-m)\n" " - iterative averaging of target volume\n" "\n" "The outputs of the motion correction process are:\n" " - the motion-corrected fMRI volumes\n" " - the time average of the corrected fMRI volumes\n" " - a time-series with 1 voxel in the XY plane, for the X and Y motion direction (two separate " "files), as required for FSL analysis.\n" " - a TSV file with the slice-wise average of the motion correction for XY (one file), that " "can be used for Quality Control.\n", formatter_class=SmartFormatter, add_help=None, prog=os.path.basename(__file__).strip(".py")) mandatory = parser.add_argument_group("\nMANDATORY ARGUMENTS") mandatory.add_argument('-i', metavar=Metavar.file, required=True, help="Input data (4D). Example: fmri.nii.gz") optional = parser.add_argument_group("\nOPTIONAL ARGUMENTS") optional.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help", help="Show this help message and exit.") optional.add_argument( '-g',, type=int, help="Group nvols successive fMRI volumes for more robustness.") optional.add_argument( '-m', metavar=Metavar.file, help= "Binary mask to limit voxels considered by the registration metric.") optional.add_argument( '-param', metavar=Metavar.list, type=list_type(',', str), help= f"R|Advanced parameters. Assign value with \"=\"; Separate arguments with \",\".\n" f" - poly [int]: Degree of polynomial function used for regularization along Z. For no regularization " f"set to 0. Default={param_default.poly}.\n" f" - smooth [mm]: Smoothing kernel. Default={param_default.smooth}.\n" f" - iter [int]: Number of iterations. Default={param_default.iter}.\n" f" - metric {{MI, MeanSquares, CC}}: Metric used for registration. Default={param_default.metric}.\n" f" - gradStep [float]: Searching step used by registration algorithm. The higher the more deformation " f"allowed. Default={param_default.gradStep}.\n" f" - sampling [None or 0-1]: Sampling rate used for registration metric. " f"Default={param_default.sampling}.\n" f" - numTarget [int]: Target volume or group (starting with 0). Default={param_default.num_target}.\n" f" - iterAvg [int]: Iterative averaging: Target volume is a weighted average of the " f"previously-registered volumes. Default={param_default.iterAvg}.\n") optional.add_argument('-ofolder', metavar=Metavar.folder, action=ActionCreateFolder, default='./', help="Output path.") optional.add_argument('-x', choices=['nn', 'linear', 'spline'], default='linear', help="Final interpolation.") optional.add_argument('-r',, type=int, choices=[0, 1], default=1, help="Remove temporary files. O = no, 1 = yes") optional.add_argument( '-v', choices=['0', '1', '2'], default='1', help="Verbose: 0 = nothing, 1 = basic, 2 = extended.") return parser
def main(): # initialization param = ParamMoco(group_size=1, metric='MeanSquares', smooth='0') # Fetch user arguments parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse_args(args=None if sys.argv[1:] else ['--help']) param.fname_data = arguments.i param.path_out = arguments.ofolder param.remove_temp_files = arguments.r param.interp = arguments.x if arguments.g is not None: param.group_size = arguments.g if arguments.m is not None: param.fname_mask = arguments.m if arguments.param is not None: param.update(arguments.param) param.verbose = int(arguments.v) # Update log level init_sct(log_level=param.verbose, update=True) # run moco moco_wrapper(param)
def get_parser(): # initialize parameters param_default = ParamMoco(is_diffusion=True, group_size=3, metric='MI', smooth='1') parser = SCTArgumentParser( description= "Motion correction of dMRI data. Some of the features to improve robustness were proposed in Xu et " "al. ( and include:\n" " - group-wise (-g)\n" " - slice-wise regularized along z using polynomial function (-param). For more info about the " "method, type: isct_antsSliceRegularizedRegistration\n" " - masking (-m)\n" " - iterative averaging of target volume\n") mandatory = parser.add_argument_group("\nMANDATORY ARGUMENTS") mandatory.add_argument('-i', metavar=Metavar.file, required=True, help="Diffusion data. Example: dmri.nii.gz") mandatory.add_argument('-bvec', metavar=Metavar.file, required=True, help='Bvecs file. Example: bvecs.txt') optional = parser.add_argument_group("\nOPTIONAL ARGUMENTS") optional.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help", help="Show this help message and exit.") optional.add_argument( '-bval', metavar=Metavar.file, default=param_default.fname_bvals, help='Bvals file. Example: bvals.nii.gz', ) optional.add_argument( '-bvalmin', type=float, metavar=Metavar.float, default=param_default.bval_min, help= 'B-value threshold (in s/mm2) below which data is considered as b=0. Example: 50.0', ) optional.add_argument( '-g', type=int,, default=param_default.group_size, help= 'Group nvols successive dMRI volumes for more robustness. Example: 2', ) optional.add_argument( '-m', metavar=Metavar.file, default=param_default.fname_mask, help= 'Binary mask to limit voxels considered by the registration metric. Example: dmri_mask.nii.gz', ) optional.add_argument( '-param', metavar=Metavar.list, type=list_type(',', str), help= f"R|Advanced parameters. Assign value with \"=\", and separate arguments with \",\".\n" f" - poly [int]: Degree of polynomial function used for regularization along Z. For no regularization " f"set to 0. Default={param_default.poly}.\n" f" - smooth [mm]: Smoothing kernel. Default={param_default.smooth}.\n" f" - metric {{MI, MeanSquares, CC}}: Metric used for registration. Default={param_default.metric}.\n" f" - gradStep [float]: Searching step used by registration algorithm. The higher the more deformation " f"allowed. Default={param_default.gradStep}.\n" f" - sample [None or 0-1]: Sampling rate used for registration metric. " f"Default={param_default.sampling}.\n") optional.add_argument('-x', choices=['nn', 'linear', 'spline'], default=param_default.interp, help="Final interpolation.") optional.add_argument('-ofolder', metavar=Metavar.folder, action=ActionCreateFolder, default=param_default.path_out, help="Output folder. Example: dmri_moco_results/") optional.add_argument("-r", choices=('0', '1'), default=param_default.remove_temp_files, help="Remove temporary files. 0 = no, 1 = yes") optional.add_argument( '-v',, type=int, choices=[0, 1, 2], default=1, # Values [0, 1, 2] map to logging levels [WARNING, INFO, DEBUG], but are also used as "if verbose == #" in API help= "Verbosity. 0: Display only errors/warnings, 1: Errors/warnings + info messages, 2: Debug mode" ) return parser
def main(argv=None): parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse_args(argv) verbose = arguments.v set_global_loglevel(verbose=verbose) # initialization param = ParamMoco(is_diffusion=True, group_size=3, metric='MI', smooth='1') # Fetch user arguments param.fname_data = arguments.i param.fname_bvecs = os.path.abspath(arguments.bvec) param.fname_bvals = arguments.bval param.bval_min = arguments.bvalmin param.group_size = arguments.g param.fname_mask = arguments.m param.interp = arguments.x param.path_out = arguments.ofolder param.remove_temp_files = arguments.r if arguments.param is not None: param.update(arguments.param) # run moco moco_wrapper(param)
def main(): # initialization param = ParamMoco(is_diffusion=True, group_size=3, metric='MI', smooth='1') # Fetch user arguments parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse_args(args=None if sys.argv[1:] else ['--help']) param.fname_data = arguments.i param.fname_bvecs = os.path.abspath(arguments.bvec) param.fname_bvals = arguments.bval param.bval_min = arguments.bvalmin param.group_size = arguments.g param.fname_mask = arguments.m param.interp = arguments.x param.path_out = arguments.ofolder param.remove_temp_files = arguments.r if arguments.param is not None: param.update(arguments.param) param.verbose = int(arguments.v) # Update log level init_sct(log_level=param.verbose, update=True) # run moco moco_wrapper(param)