def receive(self, message): if message == ('_forward', ANY): _, payload = message << payload elif message == ('terminated', _, actor = message if self.keep_running: after(1.0).do(self._do_spawn) else: log("actor terminated but not re-spawning actor; pass --keepruning/-k to change this behaviour") self.stop() else: Events.log(Message("Contained actor sent a message to parent: %r" % (message,)))
def connect(self, delayed=False): if self.connecting and not self.connecting.called: self.connecting.cancel() self.connecting = reactor.callLater(CLIENT_RECONNECT_INTERVAL, self.connect) def do_connect(): assert self.monitor in self._Actor__cell.watchees self.monitor << ('connect', self.ref) if delayed: after(1.0).do(do_connect) else: do_connect()
def receive(self, msg): if ('publish', ANY, ANY) == msg: _, file_path, pub_id = msg if not os.path.exists(file_path) and not os.path.isdir(file_path): err("attempt to publish a file that does not exist") return if pub_id in self.published: raise FileAlreadyPublished("Attempt to publish %r with ID %r but a file already exists with that ID" % (file_path, pub_id)) else: self.published[pub_id] = (file_path, elif ('get-file', ANY, ANY) == msg: _, pub_id, send_to = msg if pub_id not in self.published: err("attempt to get a file with ID %r which has not been published or is not available anymore" % (pub_id,)) return self._touch_file(pub_id) file_path, time_added = self.published[pub_id] sender =, pub_id=pub_id, file=file_path, send_to=send_to)) self.senders[sender] = pub_id # self.senders[sender] = pub_id send_to << ('take-file', sender) elif ('touch-file', ANY) == msg: _, pub_id = msg if pub_id not in self.published: err("attempt to touch a file with ID %r which has not been published or is not available anymore" % (pub_id,)) return _, pub_id = msg self._touch_file(pub_id) elif 'purge-old' == msg: after(60.0).do(self.send, 'purge-old') t = for pub_id, (file_path, time_added) in self.published.items(): if (t - time_added).total_seconds() > FILE_MAX_LIFETIME and pub_id not in self.senders.values(): dbg("purging file %r at %r" % (pub_id, file_path)) del self.published[pub_id] elif ('terminated', IN(self.senders)) == msg: _, sender = msg del self.senders[sender]
def expect_none(self): """If the queue is not empty, returns False immediately, otherwise a Deferred that fires a bit later and whose result is True or False depending on whether the queue is still empty when the Deferred fires or not. The Deferred mechanism is needed to allow other coroutines to perform tasks which can potentially affect the state of the queue. """ def check_queue(_=None): if self.queue: raise AssertionError("Negative expectation failed") check_queue() return after(0.01).do(check_queue)
def receive(self, msg): if ('terminated', ANY) == msg: _, client = msg after(10.0).do(lambda: (,, )).onerror(err)
def receive(self, msg): if ('terminated', ANY) == msg: _, client = msg after(10.0).do(lambda: (,, )).onerror(err)