def switch(self, license_group=None, return_to=None, **unused): template_args = { 'is_success': False, 'return_to': util.make_url_internal(return_to), 'available_groups': [], 'license_group': None, 'license_map': {} } active_group = None # get all data licenses = License.all() groups = Group.all() # get the active group and all licenses associated with it for group in groups: template_args['available_groups'].append( if group.is_active: active_group = template_args['license_map'][] = [] for license in licenses: if license.stack_name in group.stack_names and license.status == 'VALID': template_args['license_map'][].append( license.label) if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST': # redirect user to add license if newly activated group # does not have any licenses if len(template_args['license_map'].get(license_group, '')) == 0: '0 licenses found; redirecting user to "add license" page') self.redirect_to_url( ['manager', 'system', 'licensing', 'licenses', 'new'], _qs={ 'return_to': util.make_url_internal(return_to) or cherrypy.request.relative_uri, 'prompt_restart': 1 }) try: for group in groups: if license_group == group.is_active = True template_args['is_success'] = True active_group = break else: raise Exception, 'cannot activate unknown license group: %s' % license_group except Exception, e: template_args['controller_exception'] = e
def switch(self, license_group=None, return_to=None, **unused): template_args = { 'is_success': False, 'return_to': util.make_url_internal(return_to), 'available_groups': [], 'license_group': None, 'license_map': {} } active_group = None # get all data licenses = License.all() groups = Group.all() # get the active group and all licenses associated with it for group in groups: template_args['available_groups'].append( if group.is_active: active_group = template_args['license_map'][] = [] for license in licenses: if license.stack_name in group.stack_names and license.status == 'VALID': template_args['license_map'][].append(license.label) if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST': # redirect user to add license if newly activated group # does not have any licenses if len(template_args['license_map'].get(license_group, '')) == 0:'0 licenses found; redirecting user to "add license" page') self.redirect_to_url( ['manager','system','licensing','licenses','new'], _qs={ 'return_to': util.make_url_internal(return_to) or cherrypy.request.relative_uri, 'prompt_restart': 1 } ) try: for group in groups: if license_group == group.is_active = True template_args['is_success'] = True active_group = break else: raise Exception, 'cannot activate unknown license group: %s' % license_group except Exception, e: template_args['controller_exception'] = e
def expired(self, formset_mode=None, return_to=None, **unused): template_args = { 'can_change_license': False, 'return_to': util.make_url_internal(return_to) or self.make_url(['manager','system','licensing']) } free_group = None try: free_group = Group.get(Group.build_id( 'Free', namespace=None, owner=None )) template_args['can_change_license'] = True except splunk.AuthorizationFailed: pass except Exception, e: logger.exception(e) template_args['controller_exception'] = e
def expired(self, formset_mode=None, return_to=None, **unused): template_args = { 'can_change_license': False, 'return_to': util.make_url_internal(return_to) or self.make_url(['manager', 'system', 'licensing']) } free_group = None try: free_group = Group.get( Group.build_id('Free', namespace=None, owner=None)) template_args['can_change_license'] = True except splunk.AuthorizationFailed: pass except Exception, e: logger.exception(e) template_args['controller_exception'] = e
def show_summary(self, **unused): ''' Renders the new license summary page ''' # # retrieve data # # get local slave info; unauthorized access is simply # booted to manager TOC try: self_config = SelfConfig.get() except splunk.AuthorizationFailed: return self.redirect_to_url(['manager']) local_master_uri = None if self_config.master_uri.lower() not in ['', 'self']: return self.show_slave_summary() # get all slaves, and find the local one in the mix slave_label_map = {} slaves = Slave.all(count_per_req=10000) local_slave = None for slave in slaves: slave_label_map[] = slave.label if == self_config.slave_name: local_slave = slave if not local_slave: raise Exception, 'Could not retrieve slave information for slave name: %s' % self_config.slave_name slave_count = len(slaves) # get active group active_group = Group.all().filter(is_active=True) if len(active_group) == 0: logger.warn('no active license groups found; redirecting user to "add license" page') self.redirect_to_url(['manager','system','licensing','licenses','new'], _qs={'return_to': cherrypy.request.relative_uri}) active_group = active_group[0] # get associated stacks stack_query = Stack.all() stacks = [] for stack in stack_query: if in active_group.stack_names: stacks.append(stack) # get associated pools pool_query = Pool.all() pools = [] catchall_pool_names = [] for pool in pool_query: if pool.stack_name in [ for s in stacks]: pools.append(pool) if pool.slaves == CATCHALL_SLAVE_LIST: catchall_pool_names.append( licenses = License.all() messages = Message.all() # # generate output info # stack_table = [] for stack in stacks: #if not stack.quota_bytes: # remaining_perc = None #else: # remaining_perc = stack.remaining_bytes / stack.quota_bytes stack_table.append({ 'name':, 'quota_bytes': stack.quota_bytes, 'label': stack.label #'remaining_bytes': stack.remaining_bytes, #'remaining_perc': remaining_perc }) # compile a summary list of messages by category hard_messages = {} soft_messages = {} for message in messages: if message.category == 'license_window': message_type = hard_messages else: message_type = soft_messages message_type.setdefault(message.category, { 'severity': message.severity.lower(), 'count': 0, 'latest_time': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0, splunk.util.localTZ), 'slaves': set()} ) message_type[message.category]['count'] += 1 message_type[message.category]['latest_time'] = max( message.create_time, message_type[message.category]['latest_time'] ) message_type[message.category]['slaves'].add(slave_label_map.get(message.slave_name, message.slave_name)) # loop over the per-slave data embedded in each pool descriptor pool_table = [] slave_table = [] local_used_bytes = 0.0 for pool in pools: effective_global_quota = pool.quota_bytes['byte_value'] if pool.quota_bytes['value_mode'] == 'MAX': for stack in stacks: if pool.stack_name == effective_global_quota = stack.quota_bytes break pool_table.append({ 'name':, 'stack_name': pool.stack_name, 'used_bytes': pool.used_bytes, 'quota_bytes': effective_global_quota, 'quota_mode': pool.quota_bytes['value_mode'] }) for slave in sorted(pool.slaves_usage_bytes): tmp_slave_bytes = float(pool.slaves_usage_bytes[slave]) # accum the usage for the local slave if slave == self_config.slave_name: local_used_bytes += tmp_slave_bytes if not effective_global_quota: used_perc = None else: used_perc = tmp_slave_bytes / effective_global_quota slave_table.append({ 'pool_name':, 'name': slave_label_map.get(slave, slave), 'used_bytes': tmp_slave_bytes, 'used_perc': used_perc }) license_table = [] for license in licenses: license_table.append({ 'name':, 'label': license.label, 'type': license.type, 'stack_name': license.stack_name, 'quota_bytes': license.quota_bytes, 'expiration_time': license.expiration_time, 'status': license.status.upper(), 'can_remove': license.metadata.can_remove }) license_table.sort(key=operator.itemgetter('expiration_time')) # the UI will only support managing pools within the enterprise stack if in POOLABLE_GROUPS: can_edit_pools = True else: can_edit_pools = False # assemble into mako dict template_args = { 'local_slave_name': local_slave.label, 'local_used_bytes': local_used_bytes, 'local_warning_count': local_slave.warning_count, 'local_master_uri': local_master_uri, 'active_group_name':, 'default_stack_name': DEFAULT_STACK_NAME, 'slave_count': slave_count, 'pool_table': pool_table, 'stack_table': stack_table, 'slave_table': slave_table, 'license_table': license_table, 'hard_messages': hard_messages, 'soft_messages': soft_messages, 'can_edit_pools': can_edit_pools, 'catchall_pool_names': catchall_pool_names, 'can_be_remote_master': self_config.features.get('CanBeRemoteMaster') == 'ENABLED', 'showLicenseUsage': (cherrypy.config['product_type'] != 'hunk') } return self.render_template('/licensing/overview.html', template_args)
try: licenses = License.all() for license in licenses: license_table.append({ 'type': license.type, 'label': license.label }) except Exception, e: logger.exception(e) template_args['controller_exception'] = e template_args['license_table'] = license_table # get current active group group = Group.all().filter(is_active=True) if group: template_args['current_group'] = group[0].name # handle uploads via cherrypy's built in file handling facilities if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST': license_object = None # process uploaded file first; if not there, then check for inline # XML being pasted in if isinstance(licenseFile, cgi.FieldStorage) and licenseFile.filename:'processing incoming license to add: %s' % licenseFile.filename) # pull license into stringbuffer
class LicensingController(BaseController): """ Handle licensing messaging and modifications """ # # attach common template args # def render_template(self, template_path, template_args={}): template_args['appList'] = self.get_app_manifest() return super(LicensingController, self).render_template(template_path, template_args) def get_app_manifest(self): ''' Returns a dict of all available apps to current user ''' output = cached.getEntities('apps/local', search=['disabled=false', 'visible=true'], count=-1) return output # # trial -> free switching # @expose_page(methods=['GET', 'POST']) def expired(self, formset_mode=None, return_to=None, **unused): template_args = { 'can_change_license': False, 'return_to': util.make_url_internal(return_to) or self.make_url(['manager', 'system', 'licensing']) } free_group = None try: free_group = Group.get( Group.build_id('Free', namespace=None, owner=None)) template_args['can_change_license'] = True except splunk.AuthorizationFailed: pass except Exception, e: logger.exception(e) template_args['controller_exception'] = e if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST' and free_group: if formset_mode == 'free': try: free_group = Group.get( Group.build_id('Free', namespace=None, owner=None)) free_group.is_active = True template_args['is_success'] = True except Exception, e: logger.exception(e) template_args['controller_exception'] = e elif formset_mode == 'add_license': return self.redirect_to_url( ['manager', 'system', 'licensing', 'licenses', 'new'], _qs={ 'return_to': self.make_url(['manager', 'system', 'licensing']) })
def show_summary(self, **unused): ''' Renders the new license summary page ''' # # retrieve data # # get local slave info; unauthorized access is simply # booted to manager TOC try: self_config = SelfConfig.get() except splunk.AuthorizationFailed: return self.redirect_to_url(['manager']) local_master_uri = None if self_config.master_uri.lower() not in ['', 'self']: return self.show_slave_summary() # get all slaves, and find the local one in the mix slave_label_map = {} slaves = Slave.all() local_slave = None for slave in slaves: slave_label_map[] = slave.label if == self_config.slave_name: local_slave = slave if not local_slave: raise Exception, 'Could not retrieve slave information for slave name: %s' % self_config.slave_name slave_count = len(slaves) # get active group active_group = Group.all().filter(is_active=True) if len(active_group) == 0: logger.warn( 'no active license groups found; redirecting user to "add license" page' ) self.redirect_to_url( ['manager', 'system', 'licensing', 'licenses', 'new'], _qs={'return_to': cherrypy.request.relative_uri}) active_group = active_group[0] # get associated stacks stack_query = Stack.all() stacks = [] for stack in stack_query: if in active_group.stack_names: stacks.append(stack) # get associated pools pool_query = Pool.all() pools = [] catchall_pool_names = [] for pool in pool_query: if pool.stack_name in [ for s in stacks]: pools.append(pool) if pool.slaves == CATCHALL_SLAVE_LIST: catchall_pool_names.append( licenses = License.all() messages = Message.all() # # generate output info # stack_table = [] for stack in stacks: #if not stack.quota_bytes: # remaining_perc = None #else: # remaining_perc = stack.remaining_bytes / stack.quota_bytes stack_table.append({ 'name':, 'quota_bytes': stack.quota_bytes, 'label': stack.label #'remaining_bytes': stack.remaining_bytes, #'remaining_perc': remaining_perc }) # compile a summary list of messages by category hard_messages = {} soft_messages = {} for message in messages: if message.category == 'license_window': message_type = hard_messages else: message_type = soft_messages message_type.setdefault( message.category, { 'severity': message.severity.lower(), 'count': 0, 'latest_time': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0, splunk.util.localTZ), 'slaves': set() }) message_type[message.category]['count'] += 1 message_type[message.category]['latest_time'] = max( message.create_time, message_type[message.category]['latest_time']) message_type[message.category]['slaves'].add( slave_label_map.get(message.slave_name, message.slave_name)) # loop over the per-slave data embedded in each pool descriptor pool_table = [] slave_table = [] local_used_bytes = 0.0 for pool in pools: effective_global_quota = pool.quota_bytes['byte_value'] if pool.quota_bytes['value_mode'] == 'MAX': for stack in stacks: if pool.stack_name == effective_global_quota = stack.quota_bytes break pool_table.append({ 'name':, 'stack_name': pool.stack_name, 'used_bytes': pool.used_bytes, 'quota_bytes': effective_global_quota, 'quota_mode': pool.quota_bytes['value_mode'] }) for slave in sorted(pool.slaves_usage_bytes): tmp_slave_bytes = float(pool.slaves_usage_bytes[slave]) # accum the usage for the local slave if slave == self_config.slave_name: local_used_bytes += tmp_slave_bytes if not effective_global_quota: used_perc = None else: used_perc = tmp_slave_bytes / effective_global_quota slave_table.append({ 'pool_name':, 'name': slave_label_map.get(slave, slave), 'used_bytes': tmp_slave_bytes, 'used_perc': used_perc }) license_table = [] for license in licenses: license_table.append({ 'name':, 'label': license.label, 'type': license.type, 'stack_name': license.stack_name, 'quota_bytes': license.quota_bytes, 'expiration_time': license.expiration_time, 'status': license.status.upper(), 'can_remove': license.metadata.can_remove }) license_table.sort(key=operator.itemgetter('expiration_time')) # the UI will only support managing pools within the enterprise stack if in POOLABLE_GROUPS: can_edit_pools = True else: can_edit_pools = False # assemble into mako dict template_args = { 'local_slave_name': local_slave.label, 'local_used_bytes': local_used_bytes, 'local_warning_count': local_slave.warning_count, 'local_master_uri': local_master_uri, 'active_group_name':, 'default_stack_name': DEFAULT_STACK_NAME, 'slave_count': slave_count, 'pool_table': pool_table, 'stack_table': stack_table, 'slave_table': slave_table, 'license_table': license_table, 'hard_messages': hard_messages, 'soft_messages': soft_messages, 'can_edit_pools': can_edit_pools, 'catchall_pool_names': catchall_pool_names, 'can_be_remote_master': self_config.features.get('CanBeRemoteMaster') == 'ENABLED' } return self.render_template('/licensing/overview.html', template_args)
try: licenses = License.all() for license in licenses: license_table.append({ 'type': license.type, 'label': license.label }) except Exception, e: logger.exception(e) template_args['controller_exception'] = e template_args['license_table'] = license_table # get current active group group = Group.all().filter(is_active=True) if group: template_args['current_group'] = group[0].name # handle uploads via cherrypy's built in file handling facilities if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST': license_object = None # process uploaded file first; if not there, then check for inline # XML being pasted in if isinstance(licenseFile, cgi.FieldStorage) and licenseFile.filename:'processing incoming license to add: %s' % licenseFile.filename)