Exemple #1
def _retrieve_all_teams(year, season_page, offensive_stats, defensive_stats):
    Find and create Team instances for all teams in the given season.

    For a given season, parses the specified NCAAF stats table and finds
    all requested stats. Each team then has a Team instance created which
    includes all requested stats and a few identifiers, such as the team's
    name and abbreviation. All of the individual Team instances are added
    to a list.

    Note that this method is called directly once Teams is invoked and does
    not need to be called manually.

    year : string
        The requested year to pull stats from.
    season_page : string (optional)
        Link with filename to the local season stats page.
    offensive_stats : string (optional)
        Link with filename to the local offensive stats page.
    defensive_stats : string (optional)
        Link with filename to the local defensive stats page.

        Returns a ``tuple`` of the team_data_dict and year which represent all
        stats for all teams, and the given year that should be used to pull
        stats from, respectively.
    team_data_dict = {}

    if not year:
        year = utils._find_year_for_season('ncaaf')
        # If stats for the requested season do not exist yet (as is the case
        # right before a new season begins), attempt to pull the previous
        # year's stats. If it exists, use the previous year instead.
        if not utils._url_exists(SEASON_PAGE_URL % year) and \
           utils._url_exists(SEASON_PAGE_URL % str(int(year) - 1)):
            year = str(int(year) - 1)
    doc = utils._pull_page(SEASON_PAGE_URL % year, season_page)
    teams_list = utils._get_stats_table(doc, 'div#div_standings')
    offense_doc = utils._pull_page(OFFENSIVE_STATS_URL % year, offensive_stats)
    offense_list = utils._get_stats_table(offense_doc, 'table#offense')
    defense_doc = utils._pull_page(DEFENSIVE_STATS_URL % year, defensive_stats)
    defense_list = utils._get_stats_table(defense_doc, 'table#defense')
    if not teams_list and not offense_list and not defense_list:
    for stats_list in [teams_list, offense_list, defense_list]:
        team_data_dict = _add_stats_data(stats_list, team_data_dict)
    return team_data_dict, year
Exemple #2
def _retrieve_all_teams(year, standings_file=None, teams_file=None):
    Find and create Team instances for all teams in the given season.

    For a given season, parses the specified MLB stats table and finds all
    requested stats. Each team then has a Team instance created which includes
    all requested stats and a few identifiers, such as the team's name and
    abbreviation. All of the individual Team instances are added to a list.

    year : string
        The requested year to pull stats from.
    standings_file : string (optional)
        Link with filename to the local standings page.
    teams_file : string (optional)
        Link with filename to the local teams page.

        Returns a ``tuple`` of the team_data_dict and year which represent all
        stats for all teams, and the given year that should be used to pull
        stats from, respectively.
    team_data_dict = {}

    if not year:
        year = utils._find_year_for_season('mlb')
        # If stats for the requested season do not exist yet (as is the case
        # right before a new season begins), attempt to pull the previous
        # year's stats. If it exists, use the previous year instead.
        if not utils._url_exists(STANDINGS_URL % year) and \
           utils._url_exists(STANDINGS_URL % str(int(year) - 1)):
            year = str(int(year) - 1)
    doc = utils._pull_page(STANDINGS_URL % year, standings_file)
    div_prefix = 'div#all_expanded_standings_overall'
    standings = utils._get_stats_table(doc, div_prefix)
    doc = utils._pull_page(TEAM_STATS_URL % year, teams_file)
    div_prefix = 'div#all_teams_standard_%s'
    batting_stats = utils._get_stats_table(doc, div_prefix % 'batting')
    pitching_stats = utils._get_stats_table(doc, div_prefix % 'pitching')
    if not standings and not batting_stats and not pitching_stats:
        return None, None
    for stats_list in [standings, batting_stats, pitching_stats]:
        team_data_dict = _add_stats_data(stats_list, team_data_dict)
    return team_data_dict, year
Exemple #3
def _retrieve_all_teams(year, season_file=None):
    Find and create Team instances for all teams in the given season.

    For a given season, parses the specified NBA stats table and finds all
    requested stats. Each team then has a Team instance created which includes
    all requested stats and a few identifiers, such as the team's name and
    abbreviation. All of the individual Team instances are added to a list.

    year : string
        The requested year to pull stats from.
    season_file : string (optional)
        Link with filename to the local season page.

        Returns a ``tuple`` of the team_data_dict and year which represent all
        stats for all teams, and the given year that should be used to pull
        stats from, respectively.
    team_data_dict = {}

    if not year:
        year = utils._find_year_for_season('nba')
        # Given the delays to the NBA season in 2020, the default season
        # selection logic is no longer valid after the original season should
        # have concluded. In this case, the previous season should be pulled
        # instead.
        if year == 2021:
                doc = pq(SEASON_PAGE_URL % year)
            except HTTPError:
                year = str(int(year) - 1)
        # If stats for the requested season do not exist yet (as is the case
        # right before a new season begins), attempt to pull the previous
        # year's stats. If it exists, use the previous year instead.
        if not utils._url_exists(SEASON_PAGE_URL % year) and \
           utils._url_exists(SEASON_PAGE_URL % str(int(year) - 1)):
            year = str(int(year) - 1)
    doc = utils._pull_page(SEASON_PAGE_URL % year, season_file)
    teams_list = utils._get_stats_table(doc, 'div#all_team-stats-base')
    opp_teams_list = utils._get_stats_table(doc, 'div#all_opponent-stats-base')

    if not teams_list and not opp_teams_list:
        return None, None
    for stats_list in [teams_list, opp_teams_list]:
        team_data_dict = _add_stats_data(stats_list, team_data_dict)
    return team_data_dict, year
Exemple #4
def _retrieve_all_teams(year,
    Find and create Team instances for all teams in the given season.

    For a given season, parses the specified NCAAB stats table and finds all
    requested stats. Each team then has a Team instance created which includes
    all requested stats and a few identifiers, such as the team's name and
    abbreviation. All of the individual Team instances are added to a list.

    Note that this method is called directly once Teams is invoked and does not
    need to be called manually.

    year : string
        The requested year to pull stats from.
    basic_stats : string (optional)
        Link with filename to the local basic stats page.
    basic_opp_stats : string (optional)
        Link with filename to the local basic opponent stats page.
    adv_stats : string (optional)
        Link with filename to the local advanved stats page.
    adv_opp_stats : string (optional)
        Link with filename to the local advanced opponents stats page.

        Returns a ``tuple`` of the team_data_dict and year which represent all
        stats for all teams, and the given year that should be used to pull
        stats from, respectively.
    team_data_dict = {}

    if not year:
        year = utils._find_year_for_season('ncaab')
        # If stats for the requested season do not exist yet (as is the case
        # right before a new season begins), attempt to pull the previous
        # year's stats. If it exists, use the previous year instead.
        if not utils._url_exists(BASIC_STATS_URL % year) and \
           utils._url_exists(BASIC_STATS_URL % str(int(year) - 1)):
            year = str(int(year) - 1)
    doc = utils._pull_page(BASIC_STATS_URL % year, basic_stats)
    teams_list = utils._get_stats_table(doc, 'table#basic_school_stats')
    doc = utils._pull_page(BASIC_OPPONENT_STATS_URL % year, basic_opp_stats)
    opp_list = utils._get_stats_table(doc, 'table#basic_opp_stats')
    doc = utils._pull_page(ADVANCED_STATS_URL % year, adv_stats)
    adv_teams_list = utils._get_stats_table(doc, 'table#adv_school_stats')
    doc = utils._pull_page(ADVANCED_OPPONENT_STATS_URL % year, adv_opp_stats)
    adv_opp_list = utils._get_stats_table(doc, 'table#adv_opp_stats')
    if not teams_list and not opp_list and not adv_teams_list \
       and not adv_opp_list:
        return None, None
    for stats_list in [teams_list, opp_list, adv_teams_list, adv_opp_list]:
        team_data_dict = _add_stats_data(stats_list, team_data_dict)
    return team_data_dict, year
Exemple #5
    def test_pulling_local_file(self, *args, **kwargs):
        output = utils._pull_page(local_file='VERSION')

        assert output
Exemple #6
 def test_pulling_data_with_no_inputs(self, *args, **kwargs):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):