Exemple #1
def main(args):
    Main method
    if len(args) < 3:
            "Please provide the necessary parameters ie kexp.py [playlist_name] [start_date] [end_date] [playlist_description]"
        #The name of the playlist you want to use in Spotify
        #If this playlist does not exist a new one with this name will be created
        #If this playlist exists it will be used
        playlist_name = args[0]

        #The start date time of the tracks you want to return.
        #The KEXP API is in UTC format so make this date must be in the UTC format and timezone
        #Example: 2019-02-15T02:00:00Z
        start_date = args[1]

        #The end date time of the tracks you want to return.
        #The KEXP API is in UTC format so make this date must be in the UTC format and timezone
        #Example: 2019-02-15T05:00:00Z
        end_date = args[2]

        #The description of the playlist you want to appear in Spotify
        playlist_description = args[3]

        #Create new Playlist object
        #Set this particular playlist properties
        #Send the playlist object into Spotify to create/update the latest
        playlist = Playlist()
        spotify = Spotify()
        playlist.name = playlist_name
        playlist.description = playlist_description

        temp_tracks = []
        uri = f'https://api.kexp.org/v2/plays/?airdate_after={start_date}&airdate_before={end_date}&album=&album_exact=&artist=&artist_exact=&exclude_airbreaks=&has_comment=&host_ids=&label=&label_exact=&limit=2000&ordering=airdate&recording_id=&show_ids=&song=&song_exact='
        temp_tracks = get_tracks(uri, start_date, end_date)
        for temp_track in temp_tracks:
            if not any(x.airdate == temp_track['airdate']
                       for x in playlist.tracks):
                track = Track()
                track.artist = temp_track['artist']
                track.title = temp_track['song']
                track.airdate = temp_track['airdate']

        playlist.tracks.sort(key=extract_time, reverse=False)
    def copy_playlist(self):
        spotify = Spotify(self.username)
        token = spotify.authenticate_spotify()
        driver = webdriver.Chrome(self.chrome_driver)
        html = driver.page_source
        spotify_uris = []
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

        playlist_name = self.get_soundcloud_playlist_info(soup)[0]
        playlist_description = self.get_soundcloud_playlist_info(soup)[1]
        # start our beautiful soup search with the parent element
        results = soup.find_all(
            "li", class_="trackList__item sc-border-light-bottom")

        # traverse through the all the sub elements of our search to find all the song divs in a page then retrieve their links and song data
        for x in results:
            div = x.find_all(
                class_="trackItem g-flex-row sc-type-small sc-type-light")
            for z in div:
                final_div = z.find_all("div",
                                       class_="trackItem__content sc-truncate")
                for ref in final_div:
                    href = ref.find(
                        "trackItem__trackTitle sc-link-dark sc-font-light",
                    track_name = href.text.lower().replace(" ", "+")
                    artist_name = ref.find(
                        class_="trackItem__username sc-link-light").text.lower(
                        ).replace(" ", "+")

                    # if spotify can find a uri for this song, then we append it to our list, else we send it to our dictionary which will download the song instead
                    if spotify.get_spotify_uri(track_name, artist_name,
                                               token) is not None:
                            spotify.get_spotify_uri(track_name, artist_name,
                        link = "https://soundcloud.com" + href["href"]
                        self.tracks.update({href.text: link})


        playlist_id = spotify.create_playlist(token, playlist_name,
        spotify.add_songs_to_playlist(spotify_uris, token, playlist_id)
            "-------- Succesfully copied your playlist on Soundcloud to Spotify! --------"
Exemple #3
def main(args):
    Main method
    if len(args) < 4:
            "Please provide the necessary parameters ie thecurrent.py [playlist_name] [start_date] [end_date] [playlist_description]"
        #The name of the playlist you want to use in Spotify
        #If this playlist does not exist a new one with this name will be created
        #If this playlist exists it will be used
        playlist_name = args[0]

        #The start date time of the tracks you want to return.
        #Example: 2019-02-15T02:00:00
        start_date = args[1]

        #The end date time of the tracks you want to return.
        #Example: 2019-02-15T05:00:00
        end_date = args[2]

        #The description of the playlist you want to appear in Spotify
        playlist_description = args[3]

        #Create new Playlist object
        #Set this particular playlist properties
        #Send the playlist object into Spotify to create/update the latest
        playlist = Playlist()
        spotify = Spotify()
        playlist.name = playlist_name
        playlist.description = playlist_description

        start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
        end = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')

        playlist.tracks = get_tracks(start, end)
        playlist.tracks.sort(key=extract_time, reverse=False)
Exemple #4
def main():
    sp = Spotify()
    yt = Youtube()

    yt_playlist_id = input("Enter youtube playlist id: ")
    spotify_playlist_name = input("Enter a name for your spotify playlist: ")
    songs = yt.get_songs_from_playlist(yt_playlist_id)
    spotify_playlist_id = sp.create_playlist(spotify_playlist_name)

    for song in songs:
        song_uri = sp.get_song_uri(song.artist, song.title)
        was_added = sp.add_song_to_playlist(song_uri, spotify_playlist_id)
        if was_added:
            print(f'{song.artist} - {song.title} was added to playlist.')
Exemple #5
def main():
    playlist_url = input("Youtube playlist url: ")
    playlist_name = input("Playlist name: ")

    yt = Youtube(playlist_url)
    song_titles = yt.get_songs_title()
    songs_info = yt.get_songs_info(song_titles)
    spotify = Spotify()
    playlst_id = spotify.create_playlist(playlist_name)

    for song_name, artist in songs_info.items():
        uri = spotify.get_spotify_uri(artist, song_name)
        status = spotify.add_songs_to_playlist(playlst_id, {"uris": [uri]})
        if status:
            print(f"{artist}-{song_name} was added to playlist.")
            print(f"\nERROR!! {artist}-{song_name} could not be added.\n")
    def copy_playlist(self):
        # build our youtube client to list out the content in the given playlist
        youtube = googleapiclient.discovery.build(
            "youtube", "v3", developerKey=os.environ.get("DEVELOPER_KEY"))
        request = youtube.playlistItems().list(
        response = request.execute()
        spotify = Spotify(self.username)
        token = spotify.authenticate_spotify()
        uris = []
        while request is not None:
            response = request.execute()
            for item in response["items"]:
                    video_id = item["snippet"]["resourceId"]["videoId"]
                    youtube_url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={}".format(
                    # use youtube_dl to collect the song title and channel title (song name and artist)
                    video = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({}).extract_info(
                        youtube_url, download=False)
                    song_name = video["title"]
                    artist = video["uploader"].replace(" - Topic", " ")
                    print(song_name + " by " + artist)

                    # if the spotify can find the song, then we add it our list which is sent to our add_playlist function
                    if spotify.get_spotify_uri(song_name, artist,
                                               token) is not None:
                            spotify.get_spotify_uri(song_name, artist, token))
                    print("------- Video is unavailable -------")
                # allows us to iterate through all the items in the request
                request = youtube.playlistItems().list_next(request, response)
        playlist_name = self.get_playlist_info()[0]
        playlist_description = self.get_playlist_info()[1]
        spotify_playlist_id = spotify.create_playlist(token, playlist_name,
        spotify.add_songs_to_playlist(token, uris, spotify_playlist_id)
            "-------- Succesfully copied from your playlist on YouTube to Spotify! -------"
Exemple #7
def main():
    sp = Spotify()
    yt = Youtube()

    yt_playlist_id = input("Enter youtube playlist id: ")
    spotify_playlist_name = input("Enter a name for your spotify playlist: ")
    spotify_playlist_id = sp.create_playlist(spotify_playlist_name)
    songs = yt.get_songs_from_playlist(yt_playlist_id)

    for song in songs:
        song_uri = sp.get_song_uri(song.artist, song.title)

        if not song_uri:
            print(f"{song.artist} - {song.title} was not found!")

        was_added = sp.add_song_to_playlist(song_uri, spotify_playlist_id)

        if was_added:
            print(f'{song.artist} - {song.title} was added to playlist.')

    total_songs_added = sp._num_playlist_songs(spotify_playlist_id)
    print(f'Added {total_songs_added} songs out of {len(songs)}')
 def copy_playlist(self):
     apple_token = self.get_apple_key()
     apple_playlist_id = self.get_apple_music_id()
     query = 'https://api.music.apple.com/v1/catalog/{}/playlists/{}'.format(
         'us', apple_playlist_id)
     response = requests.get(query,
                                 "Bearer {}".format(apple_token)
     playlist = response.json()
     spotify = Spotify(self.username)
     spotify_token = spotify.authenticate_spotify()
     uris = []
     playlist_description = playlist['data'][0]['attributes'][
     playlist_name = playlist['data'][0]['attributes']['name']
     for i, songs in enumerate(
         song_name = songs['attributes']['name']
         artist_name = songs['attributes']['artistName']
         if spotify.get_spotify_uri(song_name, artist_name,
                                    spotify_token) is not None:
                 spotify.get_spotify_uri(song_name, artist_name,
             print(str(i) + ".) " + song_name + " by " + artist_name)
     spotify_paylist_id = spotify.create_playlist(spotify_token,
     spotify.add_songs_to_playlist(uris, spotify_token, spotify_paylist_id)
         "-------- Succesfully copied your playlist on Apple Music to Spotify! --------"
Exemple #9
#!/usr/bin/env python
from top100 import Top100
from spotify import Spotify

date_in = input("Which year do you want to travel to? "
                "Type the date in this format: YYYY-MM-DD: ")

song_list = Top100(date_in)

spotify = Spotify()
    name=f"{date_in} Billboard Top 100ish",
    description="100DaysofCode created playlist",
from billboard import BillBoard
from spotify import Spotify

if __name__ == '__main__': 
    date = input('Which date do you want to travel to? (date format YYYY-MM-DD): ')
    bb = BillBoard(date)
    songs = bb.parse_data()
    sp = Spotify()
Exemple #11
def main(args):
    Main method
    if len(args) < 4:
        print ("Please provide the necessary parameters ie kexp.py [playlist_name] [start_date] [end_date] [playlist_description]")
        #The name of the playlist you want to use in Spotify
        #If this playlist does not exist a new one with this name will be created
        #If this playlist exists it will be used
        playlist_name = args[0]
        #The start date time of the tracks you want to return. 
        #The KEXP API is in UTC format so make this date must be in the UTC format and timezone
        #Example: 2019-02-15T02:00:00Z
        start_date = args[1]

        #The end date time of the tracks you want to return. 
        #The KEXP API is in UTC format so make this date must be in the UTC format and timezone
        #Example: 2019-02-15T05:00:00Z
        end_date = args[2]

        #The description of the playlist you want to appear in Spotify
        playlist_description = args[3]

        days_to_add = 0
        if len(args) > 4:
            days_to_add = args[4]

        #Create new Playlist object
        #Set this particular playlist properties
        #Send the playlist object into Spotify to create/update the latest
        playlist = Playlist()
        spotify = Spotify()
        playlist.name =  playlist_name
        playlist.description = playlist_description

        start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
        end = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')   
        temp_tracks = []
        if days_to_add > 0:
            days_count = 0
            while days_count <= days_to_add:
                #Walk back for each day
                day_start = start + timedelta(days=-days_count)
                day_end = end + timedelta(days=-days_count)

                #Go to the end date and then come back
                #This is a terrible method but I have not figured out how the KEXP API really works yet
                uri = 'https://legacy-api.kexp.org/play/?limit=200&end_time=' + day_end.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") + '&ordering=-airdate'
                temp_tracks.extend(get_tracks(uri, day_start, day_end))

                days_count += 1
            #Go to the end date and then come back
            #This is a terrible method but I have not figured out how the KEXP API really works yet
            uri = 'https://legacy-api.kexp.org/play/?limit=200&end_time=' + end.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") + '&ordering=-airdate'
            temp_tracks = get_tracks(uri, start, end)

        for temp_track in temp_tracks:
            if not any(x.airdate == temp_track['airdate'] for x in playlist.tracks):
                track = Track()
                track.artist = temp_track['artist']
                track.title = temp_track['song']
                track.airdate = temp_track['airdate']
        playlist.tracks.sort(key=extract_time, reverse=False)