Exemple #1
    def _run(self, instance_manager: AbstractInstanceManager, args: Namespace, output: AbstractOutputWriter):
        # check that the command is provided
        if not args.custom_args:
            raise ValueError('Use the double-dash ("--") to split Spotty arguments from the command that should be '
                             'executed inside the container.')

        # check that the instance is started
        if not instance_manager.is_running():
            raise InstanceNotRunningError(instance_manager.instance_config.name)

        # sync the project with the instance
        if not args.no_sync:
            except NothingToDoError:

        # generate a "docker exec" command
        command = shlex_join(args.custom_args)
        command = instance_manager.container_commands.exec(command, interactive=args.interactive, tty=args.tty,

        # execute the command on the host OS
        exit_code = instance_manager.exec(command, tty=args.tty)
Exemple #2
    def run(self, image_name: str = None) -> str:
        image_name = image_name if image_name else self._instance_config.container_config.image

        # prepare "docker run" arguments
        args = ['-td'] + self._instance_config.container_config.runtime_parameters

        if self._instance_config.container_config.host_network:
            args += ['--net=host']

        for port in self._instance_config.container_config.ports:
            host_port = port['hostPort']
            container_port = port['containerPort']
            args += ['-p', ('%d:%d' % (host_port, container_port)) if host_port else str(container_port)]

        for volume_mount in self._instance_config.volume_mounts:
            args += ['-v', '%s:%s:%s' % (volume_mount.host_path, volume_mount.mount_path, volume_mount.mode)]

        args += ['-v', '%s:%s:%s' % ('/efs', '/efs', 'rw')]

        for env_name, env_value in self._instance_config.container_config.env.items():
            args += ['-e', '%s=%s' % (env_name, env_value)]

        args += ['--name', self._instance_config.full_container_name]

        run_cmd = 'docker run $(nvidia-smi &> /dev/null && echo "--gpus all")'

        if self._instance_config.container_config.run_as_host_user:
            run_cmd += ' -u $(id -u %s):$(id -g %s) -e HOST_USER_ID=$(id -u %s) -e HOST_GROUP_ID=$(id -g %s)' \
                       % tuple([self._instance_config.user] * 4)

        run_cmd += ' %s %s /bin/sh > /dev/null' % (shlex_join(args), image_name)

        return run_cmd
Exemple #3
def get_script_command(script_name: str, script_content: str, script_args: list = None,
                       logging: bool = False) -> str:
    """Encodes a multi-line script into base64 and returns a one-line command
    that unpacks the script to a temporary file and runs it."""

    # encode the script content to base64
    script_base64 = base64.b64encode(script_content.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')

    # command to decode the script, save it to a temporary file and run inside the container
    script_args = shlex_join(script_args) if script_args else ''

    script_cmd = ' && '.join([
        'TMP_SCRIPT_PATH=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/spotty-%s.XXXXXXXX)' % script_name,
        'chmod +x $TMP_SCRIPT_PATH',
        'echo %s | base64 -d > $TMP_SCRIPT_PATH' % script_base64,
        '$TMP_SCRIPT_PATH ' + script_args,

    # log the command output to a file
    if logging:
        log_file_path = '/var/log/spotty/run/%s-%d.log' % (script_name, time.time())
        script_cmd = get_log_command(script_cmd, log_file_path)

    # execute the command with bash
    script_cmd = '%s -c %s' % (get_bash_command(), shlex.quote(script_cmd))

    return script_cmd
Exemple #4
def get_s3_sync_command(from_path: str,
                        to_path: str,
                        profile: str = None,
                        region: str = None,
                        filters: list = None,
                        exact_timestamp: bool = False,
                        delete: bool = False,
                        quiet: bool = False,
                        dry_run: bool = False):
    """Builds an "aws s3 sync" command."""
    args = ['aws']

    if profile:
        args += ['--profile', profile]

    if region:
        args += ['--region', region]

    args += ['s3', 'sync', from_path, to_path]

    if filters:
        for sync_filter in filters:
            if ('exclude' in sync_filter and 'include' in sync_filter) \
                    or ('exclude' not in sync_filter and 'include' not in sync_filter):
                raise ValueError('S3 sync filter has wrong format.')

            if 'exclude' in sync_filter:
                for path in sync_filter['exclude']:
                    args += ['--exclude', path]

            if 'include' in sync_filter:
                for path in sync_filter['include']:
                    args += ['--include', path]

    if exact_timestamp:

    if delete:

    if quiet:

    if dry_run:

    command = shlex_join(args)

    return command
Exemple #5
def _get_rsync_command(src_path: str,
                       dst_path: str,
                       ssh_port: int,
                       ssh_key_path: str,
                       filters: List[dict] = None,
                       mkdir: str = None,
                       use_sudo: bool = False,
                       dry_run: bool = False):

    sudo_str = 'sudo ' if use_sudo else ''
    remote_rsync_cmd = sudo_str + 'rsync'
    if mkdir:
        remote_rsync_cmd = '%smkdir -p \'%s\' && %s' % (sudo_str, mkdir,

    rsync_cmd = 'rsync -av ' \
                '--no-owner ' \
                '--no-group ' \
                '--prune-empty-dirs ' \
                '-e "ssh -i \'%s\' -p %d -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=10" ' \
                '--rsync-path="%s"'  \
                % (ssh_key_path, ssh_port, remote_rsync_cmd)

    if dry_run:
        rsync_cmd += ' --dry-run'

    if filters:
        args = []
        for sync_filter in filters:
            if 'exclude' in sync_filter:
                for path in sync_filter['exclude']:
                    args += ['--exclude', _fix_filter_path(path)]

            if 'include' in sync_filter:
                for path in sync_filter['include']:
                    args += ['--include', _fix_filter_path(path)]

        rsync_cmd += ' ' + shlex_join(args)

    rsync_cmd += ' %s/ %s' % (src_path.rstrip('/'), dst_path)

    return rsync_cmd
Exemple #6
def get_rsync_command(from_path: str,
                      to_path: str,
                      filters: List[dict] = None,
                      delete: bool = False,
                      quiet: bool = False,
                      dry_run: bool = False):
    args = ['gsutil', '-m']
    if quiet:

    args += ['rsync', '-r']

    if filters:
        if (len(filters) > 1) or (len(filters[0]) > 1) or ('include'
                                                           in filters[0]):
            raise ValueError(
                'At the moment GCP provider supports only one list of exclude filters.'

        path_regs = []
        for path in filters[0]['exclude']:
            path = path.replace('/', os.sep)  # fix for Windows machines

        filter_regex = '^(%s)$' % '|'.join(path_regs)
        args += ['-x', filter_regex]

    if delete:

    if dry_run:

    args += [from_path, to_path]

    return shlex_join(args)