def __init__(self, args, unknown_args): self.args = args self.unknown_args = unknown_args self.option = checkInput(args) # env.logger = getLogger(max(min(args.verbosity - 1, 2), 0), fn=os.path.splitext(args.output[0])[0], fv=2 if args.verbosity is not 0 else 0) env.logger.debug('\n{0}\n{1}\n{0}'.format( "=" * min(len(args.cmd), 100), args.cmd)) self.logger = if args.verbosity != 1 else printinfo # self.logger('Loading data from [{}] ...'.format( if self.option == 1: self.file = SFSFile( else: self.file = GFile( self.groups = self.file.getnames() self.logger('{:,d} units found'.format(len(self.groups))) # load non-missing data # to annotate to each variant position wether or not it is missing from assocation analysis # name it chip_file because it mimics the behavior of exome chip design if args.missing_unlisted: self.chip_file = SFSFile(args.missing_unlisted) else: self.chip_file = None # set limit if self.args.limit: self.limit = min(max(1, args.limit), len(self.groups)) self.logger('{:,d} units will be analyzed'.format(self.limit)) else: self.limit = len(self.groups) self.result = ResultManager(args.output, action='w' if not args.append else 'a') if self.args.verbosity == 1: # widgets = [FormatLabel('scanning: unit %(value)d - '), BouncingBar(marker=RotatingMarker())] widgets = [ FormatLabel('scanning: unit %(value)d - '), Percentage(), ' ', Bar('>'), ' ', ETA() ] self.pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=self.limit, term_width=get_terminal_size()[0] - 5).start() else: # use each group's progress bar or not progress bar at all self.pbar = ProgressBarNull() # this is buffer object to hold all input dict to a list self.data_buffer = [] if self.args.replicates < 0 else None
def __init__(self, args, unknown_args): self.args = args self.unknown_args = unknown_args self.option = checkInput(args) # env.logger = getLogger( max(min(args.verbosity - 1, 2), 0), fn=os.path.splitext(args.output[0])[0], fv=2 if args.verbosity is not 0 else 0, ) env.logger.debug("\n{0}\n{1}\n{0}".format("=" * min(len(args.cmd), 100), args.cmd)) self.logger = if args.verbosity != 1 else printinfo # self.logger("Loading data from [{}] ...".format( if self.option == 1: self.file = SFSFile( else: self.file = GFile( self.groups = self.file.getnames() self.logger("{:,d} units found".format(len(self.groups))) # load non-missing data # to annotate to each variant position wether or not it is missing from assocation analysis # name it chip_file because it mimics the behavior of exome chip design if args.missing_unlisted: self.chip_file = SFSFile(args.missing_unlisted) else: self.chip_file = None # set limit if self.args.limit: self.limit = min(max(1, args.limit), len(self.groups)) self.logger("{:,d} units will be analyzed".format(self.limit)) else: self.limit = len(self.groups) self.result = ResultManager(args.output, action="w" if not args.append else "a") if self.args.verbosity == 1: # widgets = [FormatLabel('scanning: unit %(value)d - '), BouncingBar(marker=RotatingMarker())] widgets = [FormatLabel("scanning: unit %(value)d - "), Percentage(), " ", Bar(">"), " ", ETA()] self.pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=self.limit, term_width=get_terminal_size()[0] - 5).start() else: # use each group's progress bar or not progress bar at all self.pbar = ProgressBarNull() # this is buffer object to hold all input dict to a list self.data_buffer = [] if self.args.replicates < 0 else None
def show_gdat(): if '-v2' in unknown_args: try: print(runCommand('ptdump {}'.format(fn))) except: raise ValueError('Cannot display summary information. Make sure "{}" exists and "ptdump" is installed'.format(fn)) else: try: gf = GFile(fn) names = gf.getnames() gf.close() except: names = [] for idx, name in enumerate(names): print('/%s' % name) if idx >= 50 and '-v0' in unknown_args: remaining = len(names) - 50 if remaining: printinfo('%s more items not displayed. Use "-v1/-v2" switch to see more.' % remaining) break
def show_gdat(): if '-v2' in unknown_args: try: print(runCommand('ptdump {}'.format(fn))) except: raise ValueError( 'Cannot display summary information. Make sure "{}" exists and "ptdump" is installed' .format(fn)) else: try: gf = GFile(fn) names = gf.getnames() gf.close() except: names = [] for idx, name in enumerate(names): print('/%s' % name) if idx >= 50 and '-v0' in unknown_args: remaining = len(names) - 50 if remaining: printinfo( '%s more items not displayed. Use "-v1/-v2" switch to see more.' % remaining) break
def showFields(fn, border, unknown_args): def set_style(pt): if border == 'less': pt.set_style(MSWORD_FRIENDLY) if border == 'no': pt.set_style(PLAIN_COLUMNS) # if fn.endswith('.csv'): pt = from_csv(openFile(fn), delimiter = ',') set_style(pt) header = [x for x in pt.field_names if not x.startswith('_')] if len(unknown_args) == 0: print('\n'.join(header)) return fields = [re.compile(item.replace('*', '(.*?)')) if '*' in item else item for item in unknown_args] output = [] for item in fields: if type(item) is str: item = [x for x in header if x == item] else: item = [x for x in header if re.match(item, x)] output.extend(item) print pt.get_string(fields=output) elif fn.endswith('.SEQPowerDB'): if not os.path.isfile(fn): raise OSError('Cannot find {}'.format(fn)) rs = ResultManager(fn) pt = PrettyTable() set_style(pt) # show tables if len(unknown_args) == 0: pt.add_column('TABLES', rs.get_tables()) print pt return table = unknown_args[0] if table not in rs.get_tables(): raise ValueError("Cannot find table '{}'".format(table)) if '--debug' in unknown_args: debug = True unknown_args.pop(unknown_args.index('--debug')) else: debug = False if '--condition' in unknown_args: fields = unknown_args[1:unknown_args.index('--condition')] condition = ' '.join(unknown_args[(unknown_args.index('--condition') + 1):]) else: fields = unknown_args[1:] condition = None # show fields header = sorted(rs.get_fields(table), key = lambda x: x.replace("_", "|").replace('method', 'AAA').replace('power', 'AAB')) if len(fields) == 0: pt.add_column(table,header) pt.align[table] = "l" print pt else: names = [x for x in fields if x in header] select_query = "SELECT {} from {} {}".format(','.join(names), table, condition if condition else '') if debug: sys.stderr.write(select_query + '\n') pt.field_names = names for item in rs.cur.execute(select_query).fetchall(): pt.add_row(item) print pt elif fn.split('.')[-1] in ['gdat', 'h5', 'hdf5']: def show_gdat(): if '-v2' in unknown_args: try: print(runCommand('ptdump {}'.format(fn))) except: raise ValueError('Cannot display summary information. Make sure "{}" exists and "ptdump" is installed'.format(fn)) else: try: gf = GFile(fn) names = gf.getnames() gf.close() except: names = [] for idx, name in enumerate(names): print('/%s' % name) if idx >= 50 and '-v0' in unknown_args: remaining = len(names) - 50 if remaining: printinfo('%s more items not displayed. Use "-v1/-v2" switch to see more.' % remaining) break # if '--from' in unknown_args: for item in unknown_args[(unknown_args.index('--from') + 1):]: prefix, surfix = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(item)) if surfix in ['.gdat', '.h5', '.hdf5']: runCommand('h5copy -v -i {0} -o {1} -s "/{2}" -d "/{2}"'.format(item, fn, re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_', prefix)), accepted_rc = [0,1]) if not '-v0' in unknown_args: printinfo('File {} processed!'.format(item)) if '--to' in unknown_args: target = unknown_args[(unknown_args.index('--to') + 1):] target = target[0] if target else os.path.splitext(fn)[0] runCommand('mkdir -p {}'.format(target)) gf = GFile(fn) names = gf.getnames() gf.close() for name in gf.getnames(): dat = GData(fn, name) if not '-v0' in unknown_args: printinfo('Saving files {}'.format(os.path.join(target, '{}.*.txt'.format(name)))) dat.decompress() for key in dat: np.savetxt(os.path.join(target, '{}.{}.txt'.format(name, key)), dat[key], fmt = '%s', delimiter = '\t') show_gdat() else: raise ValueError('Unsupported file type {}'.format(fn)) return
class Executor: def __init__(self, args, unknown_args): self.args = args self.unknown_args = unknown_args self.option = checkInput(args) # env.logger = getLogger(max(min(args.verbosity - 1, 2), 0), fn = os.path.splitext(args.output[0])[0], fv = 2 if args.verbosity is not 0 else 0) env.logger.debug('\n{0}\n{1}\n{0}'.format("="*min(len(args.cmd), 100), args.cmd)) self.logger = if args.verbosity != 1 else printinfo # self.logger('Loading data from [{}] ...'.format( if self.option == 1: self.file = SFSFile( else: self.file = GFile( self.groups = self.file.getnames() self.logger('{:,d} units found'.format(len(self.groups))) # load non-missing data # to annotate to each variant position wether or not it is missing from assocation analysis # name it chip_file because it mimics the behavior of exome chip design if args.missing_unlisted: self.chip_file = SFSFile(args.missing_unlisted) else: self.chip_file = None # set limit if self.args.limit: self.limit = min(max(1, args.limit), len(self.groups)) self.logger('{:,d} units will be analyzed'.format(self.limit)) else: self.limit = len(self.groups) self.result = ResultManager(args.output, action = 'w' if not args.append else 'a') if self.args.verbosity == 1: # widgets = [FormatLabel('scanning: unit %(value)d - '), BouncingBar(marker=RotatingMarker())] widgets = [FormatLabel('scanning: unit %(value)d - '), Percentage(), ' ', Bar('>'), ' ', ETA()] self.pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval = self.limit, term_width=get_terminal_size()[0] - 5).start() else: # use each group's progress bar or not progress bar at all self.pbar = ProgressBarNull() # this is buffer object to hold all input dict to a list self.data_buffer = [] if self.args.replicates < 0 else None def run(self): if self.data_buffer is not None and self.option == 0: if self.args.resampling: self.logger('[WARNING] Loading all genotype data to memory. May fail if there is not enough memory!') else: self.logger('Converting data attributes ...') try: if self.option == 1: self.__scan_sfs() else: self.__scan_gdat() except: self.result.close(quiet = True) raise self.file.close() if self.chip_file is not None: self.chip_file.close() if self.data_buffer is not None: self.result.append(Calculator(self.args, self.unknown_args, self.data_buffer).run()) self.result.close() self.pbar.finish() def __scan_gdat(self): '''scan gdat file''' maf = 'maf' pos = 'position' function_score = 'annotation' # Allow for customized key names in gdat file try: for x, y in zip(getColumn([:-5] + '.key', 1), getColumn([:-5] + '.key', 2)): if x == 'maf': maf = y if x == 'position': pos = y if x == 'annotation': function_score = y except: pass # for group, item in enumerate(self.groups): if group >= self.limit: break data = self.file.getdata(item) if self.args.resampling: data.decompress() else: data['haplotype'] = [[]] try: loci_input = {'pool':data['haplotype'], 'name':item, 'maf':list(data[maf]), 'pos':list(data[pos]), 'function_score':list(data[function_score])} except KeyError as e: env.logger.error('Column name {} not found. Please provide [{}.key] file to overwrite column naming conventions.'.\ format(e,[:-5])) continue loci_input['num_variants'] = len(loci_input['maf']) if self.chip_file: cdata = self.chip_file.getdata(item) if cdata is None or (not is_within(cdata['num_variants'], self.args.def_valid_locus)): continue loci_input['missing'] = [False if x in cdata['pos'] else True for x in loci_input['pos']] else: loci_input['missing'] = None if is_within(loci_input['num_variants'], self.args.def_valid_locus): if self.data_buffer is None: self.result.append(Calculator(self.args, self.unknown_args,loci_input).run()) else: self.data_buffer.append(loci_input) self.pbar.update(group + 1) def __scan_sfs(self): for group, loci_input in enumerate( if group >= self.limit: break # text sfs file does not have any haplotype pools loci_input['pool'] = [[]] if self.chip_file: cdata = self.chip_file.getdata(loci_input['name']) if cdata is None or (not is_within(cdata['num_variants'], self.args.def_valid_locus)): continue loci_input['missing'] = [False if x in cdata['pos'] else True for x in loci_input['pos']] assert len(loci_input['missing']) == len(loci_input['maf']) else: loci_input['missing'] = None if is_within(loci_input['num_variants'], self.args.def_valid_locus): if self.data_buffer is None: self.result.append(Calculator(self.args, self.unknown_args,loci_input).run()) else: self.data_buffer.append(loci_input) self.pbar.update(group + 1)
class Executor: def __init__(self, args, unknown_args): self.args = args self.unknown_args = unknown_args self.option = checkInput(args) # env.logger = getLogger(max(min(args.verbosity - 1, 2), 0), fn=os.path.splitext(args.output[0])[0], fv=2 if args.verbosity is not 0 else 0) env.logger.debug('\n{0}\n{1}\n{0}'.format( "=" * min(len(args.cmd), 100), args.cmd)) self.logger = if args.verbosity != 1 else printinfo # self.logger('Loading data from [{}] ...'.format( if self.option == 1: self.file = SFSFile( else: self.file = GFile( self.groups = self.file.getnames() self.logger('{:,d} units found'.format(len(self.groups))) # load non-missing data # to annotate to each variant position wether or not it is missing from assocation analysis # name it chip_file because it mimics the behavior of exome chip design if args.missing_unlisted: self.chip_file = SFSFile(args.missing_unlisted) else: self.chip_file = None # set limit if self.args.limit: self.limit = min(max(1, args.limit), len(self.groups)) self.logger('{:,d} units will be analyzed'.format(self.limit)) else: self.limit = len(self.groups) self.result = ResultManager(args.output, action='w' if not args.append else 'a') if self.args.verbosity == 1: # widgets = [FormatLabel('scanning: unit %(value)d - '), BouncingBar(marker=RotatingMarker())] widgets = [ FormatLabel('scanning: unit %(value)d - '), Percentage(), ' ', Bar('>'), ' ', ETA() ] self.pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=self.limit, term_width=get_terminal_size()[0] - 5).start() else: # use each group's progress bar or not progress bar at all self.pbar = ProgressBarNull() # this is buffer object to hold all input dict to a list self.data_buffer = [] if self.args.replicates < 0 else None def run(self): if self.data_buffer is not None and self.option == 0: if self.args.resampling: self.logger( '[WARNING] Loading all genotype data to memory. May fail if there is not enough memory!' ) else: self.logger('Converting data attributes ...') try: if self.option == 1: self.__scan_sfs() else: self.__scan_gdat() except: self.result.close(quiet=True) raise self.file.close() if self.chip_file is not None: self.chip_file.close() if self.data_buffer is not None: self.result.append( Calculator(self.args, self.unknown_args, self.data_buffer).run()) self.result.close() self.pbar.finish() def __scan_gdat(self): '''scan gdat file''' maf = 'maf' pos = 'position' function_score = 'annotation' # Allow for customized key names in gdat file try: for x, y in zip(getColumn([:-5] + '.key', 1), getColumn([:-5] + '.key', 2)): if x == 'maf': maf = y if x == 'position': pos = y if x == 'annotation': function_score = y except: pass # for group, item in enumerate(self.groups): if group >= self.limit: break data = self.file.getdata(item) if self.args.resampling: data.decompress() else: data['haplotype'] = [[]] try: loci_input = { 'pool': data['haplotype'], 'name': item, 'maf': list(data[maf]), 'pos': list(data[pos]), 'function_score': list(data[function_score]) } except KeyError as e: env.logger.error('Column name {} not found. Please provide [{}.key] file to overwrite column naming conventions.'.\ format(e,[:-5])) continue loci_input['num_variants'] = len(loci_input['maf']) if self.chip_file: cdata = self.chip_file.getdata(item) if cdata is None or (not is_within(cdata['num_variants'], self.args.def_valid_locus)): continue loci_input['missing'] = [ False if x in cdata['pos'] else True for x in loci_input['pos'] ] else: loci_input['missing'] = None if is_within(loci_input['num_variants'], self.args.def_valid_locus): if self.data_buffer is None: self.result.append( Calculator(self.args, self.unknown_args, loci_input).run()) else: self.data_buffer.append(loci_input) self.pbar.update(group + 1) def __scan_sfs(self): for group, loci_input in enumerate( if group >= self.limit: break # text sfs file does not have any haplotype pools loci_input['pool'] = [[]] if self.chip_file: cdata = self.chip_file.getdata(loci_input['name']) if cdata is None or (not is_within(cdata['num_variants'], self.args.def_valid_locus)): continue loci_input['missing'] = [ False if x in cdata['pos'] else True for x in loci_input['pos'] ] assert len(loci_input['missing']) == len(loci_input['maf']) else: loci_input['missing'] = None if is_within(loci_input['num_variants'], self.args.def_valid_locus): if self.data_buffer is None: self.result.append( Calculator(self.args, self.unknown_args, loci_input).run()) else: self.data_buffer.append(loci_input) self.pbar.update(group + 1)
def showFields(fn, border, unknown_args): def set_style(pt): if border == 'less': pt.set_style(MSWORD_FRIENDLY) if border == 'no': pt.set_style(PLAIN_COLUMNS) # if fn.endswith('.csv'): pt = from_csv(openFile(fn), delimiter=',') set_style(pt) header = [x for x in pt.field_names if not x.startswith('_')] if len(unknown_args) == 0: print('\n'.join(header)) return fields = [ re.compile(item.replace('*', '(.*?)')) if '*' in item else item for item in unknown_args ] output = [] for item in fields: if type(item) is str: item = [x for x in header if x == item] else: item = [x for x in header if re.match(item, x)] output.extend(item) print pt.get_string(fields=output) elif fn.endswith('.SEQPowerDB'): if not os.path.isfile(fn): raise OSError('Cannot find {}'.format(fn)) rs = ResultManager(fn) pt = PrettyTable() set_style(pt) # show tables if len(unknown_args) == 0: pt.add_column('TABLES', rs.get_tables()) print pt return table = unknown_args[0] if table not in rs.get_tables(): raise ValueError("Cannot find table '{}'".format(table)) if '--debug' in unknown_args: debug = True unknown_args.pop(unknown_args.index('--debug')) else: debug = False if '--condition' in unknown_args: fields = unknown_args[1:unknown_args.index('--condition')] condition = ' '.join( unknown_args[(unknown_args.index('--condition') + 1):]) else: fields = unknown_args[1:] condition = None # show fields header = sorted(rs.get_fields(table), key=lambda x: x.replace("_", "|").replace( 'method', 'AAA').replace('power', 'AAB')) if len(fields) == 0: pt.add_column(table, header) pt.align[table] = "l" print pt else: names = [x for x in fields if x in header] select_query = "SELECT {} from {} {}".format( ','.join(names), table, condition if condition else '') if debug: sys.stderr.write(select_query + '\n') pt.field_names = names for item in rs.cur.execute(select_query).fetchall(): pt.add_row(item) print pt elif fn.split('.')[-1] in ['gdat', 'h5', 'hdf5']: def show_gdat(): if '-v2' in unknown_args: try: print(runCommand('ptdump {}'.format(fn))) except: raise ValueError( 'Cannot display summary information. Make sure "{}" exists and "ptdump" is installed' .format(fn)) else: try: gf = GFile(fn) names = gf.getnames() gf.close() except: names = [] for idx, name in enumerate(names): print('/%s' % name) if idx >= 50 and '-v0' in unknown_args: remaining = len(names) - 50 if remaining: printinfo( '%s more items not displayed. Use "-v1/-v2" switch to see more.' % remaining) break # if '--from' in unknown_args: for item in unknown_args[(unknown_args.index('--from') + 1):]: prefix, surfix = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(item)) if surfix in ['.gdat', '.h5', '.hdf5']: runCommand( 'h5copy -v -i {0} -o {1} -s "/{2}" -d "/{2}"'.format( item, fn, re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_', prefix)), accepted_rc=[0, 1]) if not '-v0' in unknown_args: printinfo('File {} processed!'.format(item)) if '--to' in unknown_args: target = unknown_args[(unknown_args.index('--to') + 1):] target = target[0] if target else os.path.splitext(fn)[0] runCommand('mkdir -p {}'.format(target)) gf = GFile(fn) names = gf.getnames() gf.close() for name in gf.getnames(): dat = GData(fn, name) if not '-v0' in unknown_args: printinfo('Saving files {}'.format( os.path.join(target, '{}.*.txt'.format(name)))) dat.decompress() for key in dat: np.savetxt(os.path.join(target, '{}.{}.txt'.format(name, key)), dat[key], fmt='%s', delimiter='\t') show_gdat() else: raise ValueError('Unsupported file type {}'.format(fn)) return
def showFields(fn, border, unknown_args): def set_style(pt): if border == "less": pt.set_style(MSWORD_FRIENDLY) if border == "no": pt.set_style(PLAIN_COLUMNS) # if fn.endswith(".csv"): pt = from_csv(openFile(fn), delimiter=",") set_style(pt) header = [x for x in pt.field_names if not x.startswith("_")] if len(unknown_args) == 0: print ("\n".join(header)) return fields = [re.compile(item.replace("*", "(.*?)")) if "*" in item else item for item in unknown_args] output = [] for item in fields: if type(item) is str: item = [x for x in header if x == item] else: item = [x for x in header if re.match(item, x)] output.extend(item) print pt.get_string(fields=output) elif fn.endswith(".SEQPowerDB"): if not os.path.isfile(fn): raise OSError("Cannot find {}".format(fn)) rs = ResultManager(fn) pt = PrettyTable() set_style(pt) # show tables if len(unknown_args) == 0: pt.add_column("TABLES", rs.get_tables()) print pt return table = unknown_args[0] if table not in rs.get_tables(): raise ValueError("Cannot find table '{}'".format(table)) if "--debug" in unknown_args: debug = True unknown_args.pop(unknown_args.index("--debug")) else: debug = False if "--condition" in unknown_args: fields = unknown_args[1 : unknown_args.index("--condition")] condition = " ".join(unknown_args[(unknown_args.index("--condition") + 1) :]) else: fields = unknown_args[1:] condition = None # show fields header = sorted( rs.get_fields(table), key=lambda x: x.replace("_", "|").replace("method", "AAA").replace("power", "AAB") ) if len(fields) == 0: pt.add_column(table, header) pt.align[table] = "l" print pt else: names = [x for x in fields if x in header] select_query = "SELECT {} from {} {}".format(",".join(names), table, condition if condition else "") if debug: sys.stderr.write(select_query + "\n") pt.field_names = names for item in rs.cur.execute(select_query).fetchall(): pt.add_row(item) print pt elif fn.split(".")[-1] in ["gdat", "h5", "hdf5"]: def show_gdat(): if "-v2" in unknown_args: try: print (runCommand("ptdump {}".format(fn))) except: raise ValueError( 'Cannot display summary information. Make sure "{}" exists and "ptdump" is installed'.format(fn) ) else: try: gf = GFile(fn) names = gf.getnames() gf.close() except: names = [] for idx, name in enumerate(names): print ("/%s" % name) if idx >= 50 and "-v0" in unknown_args: remaining = len(names) - 50 if remaining: printinfo('%s more items not displayed. Use "-v1/-v2" switch to see more.' % remaining) break # if "--from" in unknown_args: for item in unknown_args[(unknown_args.index("--from") + 1) :]: prefix, surfix = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(item)) if surfix in [".gdat", ".h5", ".hdf5"]: runCommand( 'h5copy -v -i {0} -o {1} -s "/{2}" -d "/{2}"'.format( item, fn, re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_", prefix) ), accepted_rc=[0, 1], ) if not "-v0" in unknown_args: printinfo("File {} processed!".format(item)) if "--to" in unknown_args: target = unknown_args[(unknown_args.index("--to") + 1) :] target = target[0] if target else os.path.splitext(fn)[0] runCommand("mkdir -p {}".format(target)) gf = GFile(fn) names = gf.getnames() gf.close() for name in gf.getnames(): dat = GData(fn, name) if not "-v0" in unknown_args: printinfo("Saving files {}".format(os.path.join(target, "{}.*.txt".format(name)))) dat.decompress() for key in dat: np.savetxt(os.path.join(target, "{}.{}.txt".format(name, key)), dat[key], fmt="%s", delimiter="\t") show_gdat() else: raise ValueError("Unsupported file type {}".format(fn)) return