def _concatenate_timestreams(cls, ts_lst, ts_rounding_error=0.6):
    Concatenate G3Timestream objects together.

    ts_lst : list
        list of G3Timestream objects.
    ts_rounding_error : float
        allowed error in timestream separation such that timestreams are
        contiguous, as a fraction of the sample rate. This should be
        0 by default, but is 0.5 to allow for downsampler shifting,
        and then bumpted again to 0.6 to allow for floating-point
        errors in what 0.5 is.

    ts : G3Timestream instance
        The concatenation of the input list of G3Timestream objects
    #check for contiguous timestreams
    for i in range(1, len(ts_lst)):
        ts_sep = (ts_lst[i].start.time -
                  ts_lst[i - 1].stop.time) * ts_lst[i].sample_rate
        if numpy.abs(ts_sep - 1) > ts_rounding_error:
            log_fatal("Timestreams are not contiguous: timestreams %d and %d "
                      "separated by %f samples" % (i, i - 1, ts_sep - 1))
        if (ts_lst[i].units != ts_lst[0].units):
            log_fatal("Timestreams are not the same units")
    out_ts = cls(numpy.concatenate(ts_lst))
    out_ts.units = ts_lst[0].units
    out_ts.start = ts_lst[0].start
    out_ts.stop = ts_lst[-1].stop
    return out_ts
def _concatenate_timestream_maps(cls, ts_map_lst, ts_rounding_error=0.6):
    Concatenate G3TimestreamMap objects together.

    ts_map_lst : list
        list of G3TimestreamMap objects.
    ts_rounding_error : float
        allowed error in timestream separation such that timestreams are
        contiguous, as a fraction of the sample rate. This should be
        0 by default, but is 0.5 to allow for downsampler shifting,
        and then bumpted again to 0.6 to allow for floating-point
        errors in what 0.5 is.

    tsm : G3TimestreamMap instance
        The concatenation of the input list of G3TimestreamMap objects

    for tsm in ts_map_lst[1:]:
        if set(tsm.keys()) != set(ts_map_lst[0].keys()):
            log_fatal("Timestream maps do not have the same keys")
    out_tsm = cls()
    for k in ts_map_lst[0].keys():
        ts_lst = [tsm[k] for tsm in ts_map_lst]
        out_tsm[k] = G3Timestream.concatenate(ts_lst, ts_rounding_error)
    return out_tsm
Exemple #3
def counts_to_rms_amps(wiringmap, hkmap, bolo, system, tf=None):
    boardhk, mezzhk, modhk, chanhk = HousekeepingForBolo(hkmap, wiringmap, bolo, True)

    if system == 'ICE':
        if chanhk.dan_streaming_enable:
            tf_I = IceboardConversions.convert_TF(modhk.nuller_gain, target='nuller', custom_TF=tf, unit='RAW', frequency=chanhk.carrier_frequency/core.G3Units.Hz)
            tf_V = IceboardConversions.convert_adc_samples('Streamer')
            tf_I = tf_V/modhk.squid_transimpedance
        if chanhk.carrier_frequency != 0:
            tf_I /= numpy.sqrt(2) # Use RMS amps
    elif system == 'DfMux':
        if chanhk.dan_streaming_enable:
            squid_converter = convert_squid(units='Normalized')
            tf_I = 1. / (2.**24) * squid_converter.theo_AnToIbolo(1., Gnuller=modhk.nuller_gain, eff=1.)
            dfmux_converter = convert_demod('gcp')
            resistor='10K' # Assume this for DAN Off
            # Handle the three exceptions for SPTpol
            if bolo in ['Sq3SBpol23Ch7', 'Sq3SBpol23Ch3', 'Sq3SBpol23Ch5']:
            # XXX above list is wrong for 100d data
            if boardhk.timestamp.mjd < 56293:
                core.log_fatal('Set correct resistor values for 2012 SPTpol data', unit='dfmux.unittransforms')
            tf_I = dfmux_converter.theo_AdcToIbolo(1., modhk.demod_gain, resistor, f_carrier_equals_f_demod=True)
            tf_I *= 256 # 3G software shifts 8 bits right compared to SPTpol, so account for difference in meaning of "counts"
        core.log_fatal('Unknown transfer function profile %s' % system, unit='dfmux.unittransforms')

    return tf_I * core.G3Units.amp
def _concatenate_timestreams(cls,
    Concatenate G3Timestream objects together.

    ts_lst : list
        list of G3Timestream objects.
    ts_rounding_error : float
        allowed error in timestream separation such that timestreams are
        contiguous, as a fraction of the sample rate. This should be
        0 by default, but is 0.5 to allow for downsampler shifting,
        and then bumpted again to 0.6 to allow for floating-point
        errors in what 0.5 is.
    ts_interp_threshold : float
        allowed timestream separation below which gaps between timestreams are
        interpolated to be made continuous

    ts : G3Timestream instance
        The concatenation of the input list of G3Timestream objects
    #check for contiguous timestreams
    for i in range(1, len(ts_lst)):
        ts_sep = (ts_lst[i].start.time -
                  ts_lst[i - 1].stop.time) * ts_lst[i].sample_rate
        if numpy.abs(ts_sep - 1) > ts_rounding_error:
            if (ts_interp_threshold > 0) and (
                (ts_sep - 1) < ts_interp_threshold):
                    "Timestreams are not contiguous: timestreams %d and %d "
                    "separated by %f samples (%s).  Interpolating." %
                    (i, i - 1, ts_sep - 1, str(ts_lst[i].start)))
                v = numpy.linspace(ts_lst[i - 1][-1], ts_lst[i][0],
                                   ts_sep + 1)[1:-1]
                ts_interp = cls(v)
                ts_interp.units = ts_lst[0].units
                ts_interp.start = ts_lst[i -
                                         1].stop + 1. / ts_lst[i].sample_rate
                ts_interp.stop = ts_lst[i].start - 1. / ts_lst[i].sample_rate
                ts_lst = ts_lst[:i] + [ts_interp] + ts_lst[i:]
                    "Timestreams are not contiguous: timestreams %d and %d "
                    "separated by %f samples (%s)" %
                    (i, i - 1, ts_sep - 1, str(ts_lst[i].start)))
        if (ts_lst[i].units != ts_lst[0].units):
            log_fatal("Timestreams are not the same units")
    out_ts = cls(numpy.concatenate(ts_lst))
    out_ts.units = ts_lst[0].units
    out_ts.start = ts_lst[0].start
    out_ts.stop = ts_lst[-1].stop
    return out_ts
Exemple #5
def bolo_bias_voltage_rms(wiringmap, hkmap, bolo, system, tf=None):
    boardhk, mezzhk, modhk, chanhk = HousekeepingForBolo(hkmap, wiringmap, bolo, True)

    if system == 'ICE':
        tf_V = IceboardConversions.convert_TF(modhk.carrier_gain, target='carrier', custom_TF=tf, unit='NORMALIZED', frequency=chanhk.carrier_frequency/core.G3Units.Hz)
        volts = tf_V * chanhk.carrier_amplitude * core.G3Units.V
        if chanhk.carrier_frequency != 0:
            volts /= numpy.sqrt(2) # Use RMS amps
    elif system == 'DfMux':
        squid_converter = convert_squid(units='Normalized')
        volts = squid_converter.theo_AcToVbias(chanhk.carrier_amplitude, modhk.carrier_gain) * core.G3Units.V
        core.log_fatal('Unknown transfer function profile %s' % system, unit='dfmux.unittransforms')

    return volts
def get_timestream_unit_conversion(from_units,
    Return the scalar conversion factor to move timestream data from a
    given system of units (Watts, Amps, Counts) to another one.
    Requires a wiring map and recent housekeeping data.
    Returned quantities are RMS for currents and time-averaged for power.

    Note that this does not handle conversions to on-sky quantities (e.g. K_cmb)

    # Rather than special-casing the full mesh of conversions,
    # first calculate a conversion to watts from whatever units
    # we have, then a conversion from watts

    if wiringmap is None:
        core.log_fatal('Try to convert data with no wiring map',
    if hkmap is None:
        core.log_fatal('Try to convert data with no housekeeping',

    # First, convert to watts
    if from_units == core.G3TimestreamUnits.Counts:
        to_watts = counts_to_rms_amps(wiringmap, hkmap, bolo, system, tf)
        to_watts *= bolo_bias_voltage_rms(wiringmap, hkmap, bolo, system, tf)
    elif from_units == core.G3TimestreamUnits.Amps:
        to_watts = bolo_bias_voltage_rms(wiringmap, hkmap, bolo, system, tf)
    elif from_units == core.G3TimestreamUnits.Watts:
        to_watts = 1.
        core.log_fatal('Unknown units scheme %s in timestream for bolo %s' %
                       (repr(from_units), bolo),

    # Now the conversion from watts
    if to_units == core.G3TimestreamUnits.Counts:
        from_watts = 1. / counts_to_rms_amps(wiringmap, hkmap, bolo, system,
        from_watts /= bolo_bias_voltage_rms(wiringmap, hkmap, bolo, system, tf)
    elif to_units == core.G3TimestreamUnits.Amps:
        from_watts = bolo_bias_voltage_rms(wiringmap, hkmap, bolo, system, tf)
        if from_watts != 0:
            from_watts = 1. / from_watts
    elif to_units == core.G3TimestreamUnits.Watts:
        from_watts = 1.
        core.log_fatal('Trying to convert timestreams to unknown units %s' %

    # Multiply them together
    return to_watts * from_watts
Exemple #7
def build_pymodule(pycallable, *args, **kwargs):
    '''Convert a python callable and arguments into a core.G3Module by hook or by crook'''

    if isinstance(pycallable, G3Module):
        return pycallable

    if not callable(pycallable):
        log_fatal('Argument not a python callable', unit='G3Pipeline')

    if type(pycallable) == types.FunctionType:

        class PyFuncModule(G3Module):
            def Process(self, fr):
                return pycallable(fr, *args, **kwargs)

        return PyFuncModule()

    # If this is not a function, and it is callable, it is a class. If it is
    # a non-instantiated class, instantiate it.

        # issubclass() throws TypeError if argument is instantiated
        issubclass(pycallable, G3Module)
        isclass = True
    except TypeError:
        isclass = False

    # Instantiate if necessary. Not in try block so we don't miss TypeError
    if isclass:
        pycallable = pycallable(*args, **kwargs)
        # No way to handle arguments in this call; assert there are none
        if len(args) != 0 or len(kwargs) != 0:
                'Cannot pass through arguments when passed instantiated class',

    # See if it was a Python G3Module subclass
    if isinstance(pycallable, G3Module):
        return pycallable

    # This is a python callable that is not a module, so wrap it
    class PyCallObjModule(G3Module):
        def Process(self, fr):
            return pycallable(fr)

    return PyCallObjModule()
    def __init__(self,
        Split the input map given by input into several output
        maps named output_root + key (e.g. CalTimestreams + str(property)) with
        the default options).

        input : str
            Key name of the input map to split.
        property : str
            Attribute name to extract from the BolometerProperties object.
        property_list : list of properties
            Properties to include in the output keys.  Entries that are not strings
            will be converted to strings using the `SplitByProperty.converter` method.
            If property_list is not None, use only the names in the
            list (possibly writing empty timestream maps to the frame). Otherwise,
            creates maps for every that exists in the input.
        output_root : str
            Prefix for the output keys.
            If None (default), use `input` as the output root.
        bpm : str
            The key name of the BolometerPropertiesMap from which to extract
            the requested `property` for splitting the input map.
        if property is None:
            core.log_fatal("Property is a required argument")
        self.bpmattr = property

        self.input = input
        self.output_root = output_root if output_root is not None else input
        if property_list is not None:
            self.props = [
                self.converter(x) if not isinstance(x, str) else x
                for x in property_list
            self.props = None
        self.bpmkey = bpm
        self.bpm = None
def ValidateMaps(frame, ignore_missing_weights=False):
    Validate that the input map frame has all the necessary keys.

    If ignore_missing_weights is False (default), a warning is issued when the
    frame contains weighted Stokes maps without a weights map.  Set this option
    to True when feeding single bolometer map frames with common weights through
    a pipeline.

    if isinstance(frame, core.G3Frame) and frame.type != core.G3FrameType.Map:

    map_id = frame.get("Id", None)

    if "T" not in frame:
        core.log_fatal("Map frame %s: Missing T map" % map_id, unit="ValidateMaps")
    if ("Q" in frame and not "U" in frame) or ("U" in frame and not "Q" in frame):
        core.log_fatal("Map frame %s: Missing Q or U map" % map_id, unit="ValidateMaps")
    if "Wpol" in frame and "Wunpol" in frame:
            "Map frame %s: Found both polarized and unpolarized weights" % map_id,

    stub = frame["T"].clone(False)
    for k in ["T", "Q", "U", "Wpol", "Wunpol"]:
        if k not in frame:
        if not frame[k].compatible(stub):
                "Map frame %s: Map %s not compatible with T map" % (map_id, k),
        if k in "TQU":
            if k == "U" and frame[k].pol_conv is maps.MapPolConv.none:
                    "Map frame %s: U map polarization convention not set" % map_id,
            if frame[k].weighted and not ignore_missing_weights:
                if "Wpol" not in frame and "Wunpol" not in frame:
                        "Map frame %s: Missing weights" % map_id, unit="ValidateMaps"
                if k == "T" and "Q" not in frame and "Wunpol" not in frame:
                        "Map frame %s: Missing unpolarized weights" % map_id,
                if k in "QU" and "Wpol" not in frame:
                        "Map frame %s: Missing polarized weights" % map_id,
            if frame[k].polarized and ("Q" not in frame or "U" not in frame):
                    "Map frame %s: Found unpolarized maps with polarized weights"
                    % map_id,
            elif not frame[k].polarized and ("Q" in frame or "U" in frame):
                    "Map frame %s: Found polarized maps with unpolarized weights"
                    % map_id,
    def ProcessBuffered(self, frame):
        Process frames in the buffered order.  Returned value should
        always be a list of frames, possibly empty.
        if frame.type == core.G3FrameType.Timepoint:
            self.board_serials = [('%04d' % k) for k in frame['DfMux'].keys()]
            return [frame]

        if frame.type == core.G3FrameType.Wiring:
            core.log_fatal("Received spurious wiring frame.  Do not use "
                           "PyDfMuxHardwareMapInjector with the HousekeepingConsumer.  "
                           "You may update pydfmux to a newer version of pydfmux "
                           "that stores mapped channel names on the boards, and "
                           "rearrange your data acquisition script.",

        if frame.type == core.G3FrameType.Housekeeping:

            hwm = DfMuxWiringMap()
            hkdata = DfMuxHousekeepingMap()
                for board in self.board_serials:
                    self.tuber[board].CallMethod('Dfmux', '_dump_housekeeping', False)
                    time.sleep(0.02) # Stagger return data transfer a little to
                                     # avoid overloading the network on the return

                found = False
                for board in self.board_serials:
                    dat = self.tuber[board].GetReply()[0]['result']

                    boardhk = self.HousekeepingFromJSON(dat)
                    hkdata[int(boardhk.serial)] = boardhk

                    ip, crate, slot = self.board_map[board]
                    boardw = self.WiringFromJSON(dat, ip, crate, slot)
                    for key in boardw.keys():
                        hwm[key] = boardw[key]
                        found = True

                if not found:
                    core.log_fatal("No mapped channels found on any IceBoards. "
                                   "You may need to update pydfmux to a newer version of pydfmux "
                                   "that stores mapped channel names on the boards, and reload "
                                   "the hardware map.",

                frame['DfMuxHousekeeping'] = hkdata

                hwmf = core.G3Frame(core.G3FrameType.Wiring)
                hwmf['WiringMap'] = hwm
                hwmf['ReadoutSystem'] = 'ICE'

                if self.hwmf is None:
                    self.hwmf = hwmf
                    # If this is the first time the consumer is triggered, make sure
                    # a Housekeeping and WiringMap frame are issued before any
                    # Timepoint frames
                    frames = [hwmf, frame]
                    return frames
                    # Compare wiring maps and re-issue frame if anything has changed
                    old_hwm = self.hwmf['WiringMap']
                    if (set(hwm.keys()) ^ set(old_hwm.keys())):
                        self.hwmf = hwmf
                        return [hwmf, frame]
                    for k in hwm.keys():
                            if vars(hwm[str(k)]) != vars(old_hwm[str(k)]):
                                self.hwmf = hwmf
                                return [hwmf, frame]
                            core.log_error("Invalid HWM key %r" % k)

                # If we get here then the wiring map hasn't changed,
                # so return the populated Housekeeping frame as it is
                return [frame]

            except socket.timeout:
                core.log_error('Timeout collecting housekeeping data from mux boards. Dropping housekeeping sample', unit='HousekeepingConsumer')
                return []
            except Exception as e:
                core.log_error('Error (%s) collecting housekeeping data from mux boards. Dropping housekeeping sample' % e, unit='HousekeepingConsumer')
                return []

        return [frame]
Exemple #11
 def __call__(self, frame):
     if self.num_frames >= self.n_desired_frames:
         log_fatal("Manual Abort Triggered")
     if frame.type == self.type:
         self.num_frames += 1