Exemple #1
def dfseries(theta,k,gamma=0.,delta=0.,shift=0.,scale=1.):
    Evaluates the derivative of the generalized Szego-Fourier functions at the locations theta \in 
    [-pi,pi]. This function mods the inputs theta to lie in this interval and then
    evaluates them. The function class is (gamma,delta), and the function index is the
    vector of integers k

    from numpy import array, zeros, dot, any, sum
    from numpy import sin, cos, sqrt, abs, sign
    from scipy import pi

    from spyctral.jacobi.eval import jpoly, djpoly
    from spyctral.common.maps import standard_scaleshift as sss
    from spyctral.common.maps import physical_scaleshift as pss

    # Preprocessing: unravelling, etc.
    theta = array(theta)
    theta = theta.ravel()
    # Now theta \in [-pi,pi]
    theta = (theta+pi) % (2*pi) - pi
    k = array(k)
    k = k.ravel()
    kneq0 = k != 0
    a = delta-1/2.
    b = gamma-1/2.

    r = cos(theta)

    # Term-by-term: first the even term
    dPsi = zeros([theta.size,k.size],dtype=complex)
    dPsi += 1/2.*djpoly(r,abs(k),a,b)
    dPsi = (-sin(theta)*dPsi.T).T
    dPsi[:,~kneq0] *= sqrt(2)

    # Now the odd term:
    if any(kneq0):
        term2 = zeros([theta.size,sum(kneq0)],dtype=complex)
        term2 += (cos(theta)*jpoly(r,abs(k[kneq0])-1,a+1,b+1).T).T
        term2 += (-sin(theta)**2*djpoly(r,abs(k[kneq0])-1,a+1,b+1).T).T
        term2 = 1./2*term2*(1j*sign(k[kneq0]))
        term2 = 0.

    dPsi[:,kneq0] += term2

    # Transform theta back to original interval
    return dPsi/scale
Exemple #2
def djacobi_function(x,ns,s=1.,t=1.,scale=1.,shift=0.):
    from spyctral.jacobi.eval import djpoly
    from spyctral.mapjpoly.maps import x_to_r, st_to_ab, dr_dx
    [alpha,beta] = st_to_ab(s,t)

    jac = dr_dx(x,scale=scale,shift=shift)

    r = x_to_r(x,scale=scale,shift=shift)
    ps = djpoly(r,ns,alpha=alpha,beta=beta)

    return (ps.T*jac).T