def set_option(self, option, value): """ Set a plugin option in configuration file Use a SIGNAL to call it, e.g.: plugin.sig_option_changed.emit('show_all', checked) """ CONF.set(self.CONF_SECTION, str(option), value)
def reset_namespace(self, warning=False, silent=True): """Reset the namespace by removing all names defined by the user.""" reset_str = _("Reset IPython namespace") warn_str = _("All user-defined variables will be removed." "<br>Are you sure you want to reset the namespace?") if warning: box = MessageCheckBox(icon=QMessageBox.Warning, parent=self) box.setWindowTitle(reset_str) box.set_checkbox_text(_("Don't show again.")) box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.No) box.set_checked(False) box.set_check_visible(True) box.setText(warn_str) answer = box.exec_() # Update checkbox based on user interaction CONF.set('ipython_console', 'show_reset_namespace_warning', not box.is_checked()) if answer != QMessageBox.Yes: return if self._reading: self.dbg_exec_magic('reset', '-f') else: if silent: self.silent_execute("%reset -f") self.refresh_namespacebrowser() else: self.execute("%reset -f")
def __init__(self, parent=None): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.main = parent # Widgets self.pages_widget = QStackedWidget() self.pages_widget.setMinimumWidth(600) self.contents_widget = QListWidget() self.button_reset = QPushButton(_('Reset to defaults')) bbox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Apply | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) self.apply_btn = bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Apply) # Widgets setup # Destroying the C++ object right after closing the dialog box, # otherwise it may be garbage-collected in another QThread # (e.g. the editor's analysis thread in Spyder), thus leading to # a segmentation fault on UNIX or an application crash on Windows self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Dialog | Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) self.setWindowTitle(_('Preferences')) self.setWindowIcon(ima.icon('configure')) self.contents_widget.setMovement(QListView.Static) self.contents_widget.setSpacing(1) self.contents_widget.setCurrentRow(0) self.contents_widget.setMinimumWidth(220) self.contents_widget.setMinimumHeight(400) # Layout hsplitter = QSplitter() hsplitter.addWidget(self.contents_widget) hsplitter.addWidget(self.pages_widget) hsplitter.setStretchFactor(0, 1) hsplitter.setStretchFactor(1, 2) btnlayout = QHBoxLayout() btnlayout.addWidget(self.button_reset) btnlayout.addStretch(1) btnlayout.addWidget(bbox) vlayout = QVBoxLayout() vlayout.addWidget(hsplitter) vlayout.addLayout(btnlayout) self.setLayout(vlayout) # Signals and slots if self.main: self.button_reset.clicked.connect(self.main.reset_spyder) self.pages_widget.currentChanged.connect(self.current_page_changed) self.contents_widget.currentRowChanged.connect( self.pages_widget.setCurrentIndex) bbox.accepted.connect(self.accept) bbox.rejected.connect(self.reject) bbox.clicked.connect(self.button_clicked) # Ensures that the config is present on spyder first run CONF.set('main', 'interface_language', load_lang_conf())
def save_connection_settings(self): """Save user's kernel connection settings.""" if not self.save_layout.isChecked(): return is_ssh_key = bool(self.kf_radio.isChecked()) connection_settings = { "json_file_path":, "is_remote": self.rm_group.isChecked(), "username": self.un.text(), "hostname":, "port":, "is_ssh_keyfile": is_ssh_key, "ssh_key_file_path": self.kf.text() } CONF.set("existing-kernel", "settings", connection_settings) try: import keyring if is_ssh_key: keyring.set_password("spyder_remote_kernel", "ssh_key_passphrase", self.kfp.text()) else: keyring.set_password("spyder_remote_kernel", "ssh_password", except Exception: pass
def lsp_manager(qtbot_module, request): """LSP manager instance for tests.""" # Activate pycodestyle and pydocstyle CONF.set('lsp-server', 'pycodestyle', True) CONF.set('lsp-server', 'pydocstyle', True) # Create the manager os.environ['SPY_TEST_USE_INTROSPECTION'] = 'True' manager = LSPManager(parent=MainWindowMock()) # Wait for the client to be started editor = manager.main.editor with qtbot_module.waitSignal(editor.sig_lsp_initialized, timeout=30000): manager.start_client('python') settings = editor.lsp_editor_settings['python'] assert all([option in SERVER_CAPABILITES for option in settings.keys()]) def teardown(): manager.shutdown() os.environ['SPY_TEST_USE_INTROSPECTION'] = 'False' CONF.set('lsp-server', 'pycodestyle', False) CONF.set('lsp-server', 'pydocstyle', False) request.addfinalizer(teardown) return manager
def main_window(request): """Main Window fixture""" # Tests assume inline backend CONF.set('ipython_console', 'pylab/backend', 0) # Check if we need to use introspection in a given test # (it's faster and less memory consuming not to use it!) use_introspection = request.node.get_marker('use_introspection') if use_introspection: os.environ['SPY_TEST_USE_INTROSPECTION'] = 'True' else: try: os.environ.pop('SPY_TEST_USE_INTROSPECTION') except KeyError: pass # Start the window app = initialize() options, args = get_options() window = run_spyder(app, options, args) def close_window(): window.close() request.addfinalizer(close_window) return window
def save_connection_settings(self): """Save user's kernel connection settings.""" if not self.save_layout.isChecked(): return connection_settings_js = [] for cs in self.connection_settings_list: js = cs.to_json() if isinstance(cs, LocalConnectionSettings): js['type'] = 'local' elif isinstance(cs, RemoteConnectionSettings): js['type'] = 'remote' connection_settings_js.append(js) CONF.set("existing-kernel", "settings", connection_settings_js) # # try: # import keyring # if is_ssh_key: # keyring.set_password("spyder_remote_kernel", # "ssh_key_passphrase", # self.kfp.text()) # else: # keyring.set_password("spyder_remote_kernel", # "ssh_password", # # except Exception: # pass pass
def save_bookmarks(filename, bookmarks): """Save all bookmarks from specific file to config.""" if not osp.isfile(filename): return slots = load_bookmarks_without_file(filename) for slot_num, content in bookmarks.items(): slots[slot_num] = [filename, content[0], content[1]] CONF.set('editor', 'bookmarks', slots)
def set_option(self, option, value): """ Set a plugin option in configuration file. Note: Use sig_option_changed to call it from widgets of the same or another plugin. """ CONF.set(self.CONF_SECTION, str(option), value)
def reset_namespace(self, warning=False, message=False): """Reset the namespace by removing all names defined by the user.""" reset_str = _("Remove all variables") warn_str = _("All user-defined variables will be removed. " "Are you sure you want to proceed?") kernel_env = self.kernel_manager._kernel_spec.env if warning: box = MessageCheckBox(icon=QMessageBox.Warning, parent=self) box.setWindowTitle(reset_str) box.set_checkbox_text(_("Don't show again.")) box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) box.set_checked(False) box.set_check_visible(True) box.setText(warn_str) answer = box.exec_() # Update checkbox based on user interaction CONF.set('ipython_console', 'show_reset_namespace_warning', not box.is_checked()) self.ipyclient.reset_warning = not box.is_checked() if answer != QMessageBox.Yes: return try: if self._reading: self.dbg_exec_magic('reset', '-f') else: if message: self.reset() self._append_html(_("<br><br>Removing all variables..." "\n<hr>"), before_prompt=False) self.silent_execute("%reset -f") if kernel_env.get('SPY_AUTOLOAD_PYLAB_O') == 'True': self.silent_execute("from pylab import *") if kernel_env.get('SPY_SYMPY_O') == 'True': sympy_init = """ from __future__ import division from sympy import * x, y, z, t = symbols('x y z t') k, m, n = symbols('k m n', integer=True) f, g, h = symbols('f g h', cls=Function) init_printing()""" self.silent_execute(dedent(sympy_init)) if kernel_env.get('SPY_RUN_CYTHON') == 'True': self.silent_execute("%reload_ext Cython") self.refresh_namespacebrowser() if not self.external_kernel: self.silent_execute( 'get_ipython().kernel.close_all_mpl_figures()') except AttributeError: pass
def get_user_credentials(self): """Get user credentials with the login dialog.""" password = None token = None (username, remember_me, remember_token) = self._get_credentials_from_settings() valid_py_os = not (PY2 and sys.platform.startswith('linux')) if username and remember_me and valid_py_os: # Get password from keyring try: password = keyring.get_password('github', username) except Exception: # No safe keyring backend if self._show_msgbox: QMessageBox.warning(self.parent_widget, _('Failed to retrieve password'), _('It was not possible to retrieve ' 'your password. Please introduce ' 'it again.')) if remember_token and valid_py_os: # Get token from keyring try: token = keyring.get_password('github', 'token') except Exception: # No safe keyring backend if self._show_msgbox: QMessageBox.warning(self.parent_widget, _('Failed to retrieve token'), _('It was not possible to retrieve ' 'your token. Please introduce it ' 'again.')) if not running_under_pytest(): credentials = DlgGitHubLogin.login(self.parent_widget, username, password, token, remember_me, remember_token) if (credentials['username'] and credentials['password'] and valid_py_os): self._store_credentials(credentials['username'], credentials['password'], credentials['remember']) CONF.set('main', 'report_error/remember_me', credentials['remember']) if credentials['token'] and valid_py_os: self._store_token(credentials['token'], credentials['remember_token']) CONF.set('main', 'report_error/remember_token', credentials['remember_token']) else: return dict(username=username, password=password, token='', remember=remember_me, remember_token=remember_token) return credentials
def _get_run_configurations(): history_count = CONF.get('run', 'history', 20) try: return [(filename, options) for filename, options in CONF.get('run', 'configurations', []) if osp.isfile(filename)][:history_count] except ValueError: CONF.set('run', 'configurations', []) return []
def ipyconsole(qtbot, request): """IPython console fixture.""" # Tests assume inline backend CONF.set('ipython_console', 'pylab/backend', 0) # Test the console with a non-ascii temp dir non_ascii_dir = request.node.get_marker('non_ascii_dir') if non_ascii_dir: test_dir = NON_ASCII_DIR else: test_dir = TEMPDIR # Instruct the console to not use a stderr file no_stderr_file = request.node.get_marker('no_stderr_file') if no_stderr_file: test_no_stderr = True else: test_no_stderr = False # Use the automatic backend if requested auto_backend = request.node.get_marker('auto_backend') if auto_backend: CONF.set('ipython_console', 'pylab/backend', 1) # Start a Pylab client if requested pylab_client = request.node.get_marker('pylab_client') is_pylab = True if pylab_client else False # Start a Sympy client if requested sympy_client = request.node.get_marker('sympy_client') is_sympy = True if sympy_client else False # Start a Cython client if requested cython_client = request.node.get_marker('cython_client') is_cython = True if cython_client else False # Create the console and a new client console = IPythonConsole(parent=None, testing=True, test_dir=test_dir, test_no_stderr=test_no_stderr) console.create_new_client(is_pylab=is_pylab, is_sympy=is_sympy, is_cython=is_cython) # Close callback def close_console(): console.closing_plugin() console.close() request.addfinalizer(close_console) qtbot.addWidget(console) return console
def set_color_scheme(name, color_scheme, replace=True): """Set syntax color scheme""" section = "color_schemes" names = CONF.get("color_schemes", "names", []) for key in sh.COLOR_SCHEME_KEYS: option = "%s/%s" % (name, key) value = CONF.get(section, option, default=None) if value is None or replace or name not in names: CONF.set(section, option, color_scheme[key]) names.append(to_text_string(name)) CONF.set(section, "names", sorted(list(set(names))))
def create_kernel_spec(self, is_cython=False, **kwargs): """Create a kernel spec for our own kernels Copied and modified from spyder.plugins.ipythonconsole.IPythonConsole """ ipyconsole = self.main.ipyconsole # Before creating our kernel spec, we always need to # set this value in spyder.ini if spyder.version_info > (3, 3, 1) or not ipyconsole.testing: CONF.set('main', 'spyder_pythonpath', ipyconsole.main.get_spyder_pythonpath()) return MxKernelSpec(is_cython=is_cython)
def conf(request): """ Fixture yielding the Spyder config and resetting it after the test. You can use conf.set() to change the Spyder config in your test function. If you want to change the config at setup time, then use @pytest.mark.parametrize('conf', [(section, label, value)], indirect=True) in front of your test function """ if hasattr(request, 'param'): CONF.set(*request.param) yield CONF CONF.reset_to_defaults()
def test_ignore_warnings(qtbot, lsp_codeeditor): """Test that the editor is ignoring some warnings.""" editor, manager = lsp_codeeditor # Set text in editor editor.set_text(TEXT) CONF.set('lsp-server', 'pydocstyle/ignore', 'D100') CONF.set('lsp-server', 'pycodestyle/ignore', 'E261') manager.update_server_list() qtbot.wait(2000) # Notify changes with qtbot.waitSignal(editor.lsp_response_signal, timeout=30000): editor.document_did_change() # Get current warnings warnings = editor.get_current_warnings() expected = [['D103: Missing docstring in public function', 1], ['W293 blank line contains whitespace', 2], ["undefined name 's'", 5]] CONF.set('lsp-server', 'pydocstyle/ignore', '') CONF.set('lsp-server', 'pycodestyle/ignore', '') manager.update_server_list() qtbot.wait(2000) assert warnings == expected
def set_font(font, section='main', option='font'): """Set font""" CONF.set(section, option + '/family', to_text_string( CONF.set(section, option + '/size', float(font.pointSize())) CONF.set(section, option + '/italic', int(font.italic())) CONF.set(section, option + '/bold', int(font.bold())) FONT_CACHE[(section, option)] = font
def ipyconsole(qtbot, request): """IPython console fixture.""" class MainWindowMock(QWidget): def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr == 'consoles_menu_actions': return [] else: return Mock() # Tests assume inline backend CONF.set('ipython_console', 'pylab/backend', 0) # Test the console with a non-ascii temp dir non_ascii_dir = request.node.get_marker('non_ascii_dir') if non_ascii_dir: test_dir = NON_ASCII_DIR else: test_dir = None # Instruct the console to not use a stderr file no_stderr_file = request.node.get_marker('no_stderr_file') if no_stderr_file: test_no_stderr = True else: test_no_stderr = False # Use the automatic backend if requested auto_backend = request.node.get_marker('auto_backend') if auto_backend: CONF.set('ipython_console', 'pylab/backend', 1) # Create the console and a new client console = IPythonConsole(parent=MainWindowMock(), testing=True, test_dir=test_dir, test_no_stderr=test_no_stderr) console.dockwidget = Mock() console.create_new_client() # Close callback def close_console(): console.closing_plugin() console.close() request.addfinalizer(close_console) qtbot.addWidget(console) return console
def test_editor_docstring_below_def_by_shortcut(qtbot, editor_auto_docstring, text, expected): """Test auto docstring below function definition by shortcut.""" CONF.set('editor', 'docstring_type', 'Numpydoc') editor = editor_auto_docstring editor.set_text(text) cursor = editor.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextBlock) cursor.setPosition(QTextCursor.End, QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) editor.setTextCursor(cursor) editor.writer_docstring.write_docstring_for_shortcut() assert editor.toPlainText() == expected
def test_editor_docstring_with_body_googledoc(qtbot, editor_auto_docstring, text, expected): """Test auto docstring of googledoc when the function body is complex.""" CONF.set('editor', 'docstring_type', 'Googledoc') editor = editor_auto_docstring editor.set_text(text) cursor = editor.textCursor() cursor.setPosition(0, QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) editor.setTextCursor(cursor) writer = editor.writer_docstring writer.write_docstring_for_shortcut() assert editor.toPlainText() == expected
def _store_token(self, token, remember=False): """Store token for future use.""" if token and remember: try: keyring.set_password('github', 'token', token) except Exception: if self._show_msgbox: QMessageBox.warning(self.parent_widget, _('Failed to store token'), _('It was not possible to securely ' 'save your token. You will be ' 'prompted for your Github token ' 'next time you want to report ' 'an issue.')) remember = False CONF.set('main', 'report_error/remember_token', remember)
def save_historylog(self): """Save current history log (all text in console)""" title = _("Save history log") self.redirect_stdio.emit(False) filename, _selfilter = getsavefilename(self, title, self.historylog_filename, "%s (*.log)" % _("History logs")) self.redirect_stdio.emit(True) if filename: filename = osp.normpath(filename) try: encoding.write(to_text_string(self.get_text_with_eol()), filename) self.historylog_filename = filename CONF.set('main', 'historylog_filename', filename) except EnvironmentError: pass
def test_dedicated_consoles(main_window, qtbot): """Test running code in dedicated consoles.""" # ---- Load test file ---- test_file = osp.join(LOCATION, '') main_window.editor.load(test_file) code_editor = main_window.editor.get_focus_widget() # --- Set run options for this file --- rc = RunConfiguration().get() # A dedicated console is used when these two options are False rc['current'] = rc['systerm'] = False config_entry = (test_file, rc) CONF.set('run', 'configurations', [config_entry]) # --- Run test file and assert that we get a dedicated console --- qtbot.keyClick(code_editor, Qt.Key_F5) qtbot.wait(500) shell = main_window.ipyconsole.get_current_shellwidget() control = shell._control qtbot.waitUntil(lambda: shell._prompt_html is not None, timeout=SHELL_TIMEOUT) nsb = main_window.variableexplorer.get_focus_widget() assert len(main_window.ipyconsole.get_clients()) == 2 assert main_window.ipyconsole.filenames == ['', test_file] assert main_window.ipyconsole.tabwidget.tabText(1) == '' qtbot.wait(500) assert nsb.editor.model.rowCount() == 3 # --- Assert only runfile text is present and there's no banner text --- # See PR #5301 text = control.toPlainText() assert ('runfile' in text) and not ('Python' in text or 'IPython' in text) # --- Clean namespace after re-execution --- with qtbot.waitSignal(shell.executed): shell.execute('zz = -1') qtbot.keyClick(code_editor, Qt.Key_F5) qtbot.wait(500) assert not shell.is_defined('zz') # --- Assert runfile text is present after reruns --- assert 'runfile' in control.toPlainText() # ---- Closing test file and resetting config ---- main_window.editor.close_file() CONF.set('run', 'configurations', [])
def reset_namespace(self, warning=False, silent=True, message=False): """Reset the namespace by removing all names defined by the user.""" reset_str = _("Remove all variables") warn_str = _("All user-defined variables will be removed. " "Are you sure you want to proceed?") if warning: box = MessageCheckBox(icon=QMessageBox.Warning, parent=self) box.setWindowTitle(reset_str) box.set_checkbox_text(_("Don't show again.")) box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) box.set_checked(False) box.set_check_visible(True) box.setText(warn_str) answer = box.exec_() # Update checkbox based on user interaction CONF.set('ipython_console', 'show_reset_namespace_warning', not box.is_checked()) self.ipyclient.reset_warning = not box.is_checked() if answer != QMessageBox.Yes: return try: if self._reading: self.dbg_exec_magic('reset', '-f') else: if silent: if message: self.reset() self._append_html(_("<br><br>Removing all variables..." "\n<hr>"), before_prompt=False) self.silent_execute("%reset -f") self.refresh_namespacebrowser() else: self.execute("%reset -f") if not self.external_kernel: self.silent_execute( 'get_ipython().kernel.close_all_mpl_figures()') except AttributeError: pass
def _store_credentials(self, username, password, remember=False): """Store credentials for future use.""" if username and password and remember: CONF.set('main', 'report_error/username', username) try: keyring.set_password('github', username, password) except Exception: if self._show_msgbox: QMessageBox.warning(self.parent_widget, _('Failed to store password'), _('It was not possible to securely ' 'save your password. You will be ' 'prompted for your Github ' 'credentials next time you want ' 'to report an issue.')) remember = False CONF.set('main', 'report_error/remember_me', remember)
def test_env_vars(): """Test that we are correctly encoding env vars in our kernel spec""" # Create a variable with the file system encoding and save it # in our PYTHONPATH env_var = to_fs_from_unicode(u'ñññ') CONF.set('main', 'spyder_pythonpath', [env_var]) # Create a kernel spec kernel_spec = SpyderKernelSpec() # Assert PYTHONPATH is in env vars and it's not empty assert kernel_spec.env['PYTHONPATH'] != '' # Assert all env vars are binary strings assert all([is_binary_string(v) for v in kernel_spec.env.values()]) # Remove our entry from PYTHONPATH CONF.set('main', 'spyder_pythonpath', [])
def create_new_client(self, filename=None, give_focus=True): """Create a new notebook or load a pre-existing one.""" # Generate the notebook name (in case of a new one) if not filename: if not osp.isdir(NOTEBOOK_TMPDIR): os.makedirs(NOTEBOOK_TMPDIR) nb_name = 'untitled' + str(self.untitled_num) + '.ipynb' filename = osp.join(NOTEBOOK_TMPDIR, nb_name) nb_contents = nbformat.v4.new_notebook() nbformat.write(nb_contents, filename) self.untitled_num += 1 # Save spyder_pythonpath before creating a client # because it's needed by our kernel spec. if not self.testing: CONF.set('main', 'spyder_pythonpath', self.main.get_spyder_pythonpath()) # Open the notebook with nbopen and get the url we need to render try: server_info = nbopen(filename) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, NBServerError): QMessageBox.critical( self, _("Server error"), _("The Jupyter Notebook server failed to start or it is " "taking too much time to do it. Please start it in a " "system terminal with the command 'jupyter notebook' to " "check for errors.")) # Create a welcome widget # See issue 93 self.untitled_num -= 1 self.create_welcome_client() return welcome_client = self.create_welcome_client() client = NotebookClient(self, filename) self.add_tab(client) if NOTEBOOK_TMPDIR not in filename: self.add_to_recent(filename) self.setup_menu_actions() client.register(server_info) client.load_notebook() if welcome_client and not self.testing: self.tabwidget.setCurrentIndex(0)
def test_runconfig_workdir(main_window, qtbot, tmpdir): """Test runconfig workdir options.""" CONF.set('run', 'configurations', []) # ---- Load test file ---- test_file = osp.join(LOCATION, '') main_window.editor.load(test_file) code_editor = main_window.editor.get_focus_widget() # --- Use cwd for this file --- rc = RunConfiguration().get() rc['file_dir'] = False rc['cw_dir'] = True config_entry = (test_file, rc) CONF.set('run', 'configurations', [config_entry]) # --- Run test file --- shell = main_window.ipyconsole.get_current_shellwidget() qtbot.waitUntil(lambda: shell._prompt_html is not None, timeout=SHELL_TIMEOUT) qtbot.keyClick(code_editor, Qt.Key_F5) qtbot.wait(500) # --- Assert we're in cwd after execution --- with qtbot.waitSignal(shell.executed): shell.execute('import os; current_dir = os.getcwd()') assert shell.get_value('current_dir') == get_home_dir() # --- Use fixed execution dir for test file --- temp_dir = str(tmpdir.mkdir("test_dir")) rc['file_dir'] = False rc['cw_dir'] = False rc['fixed_dir'] = True rc['dir'] = temp_dir config_entry = (test_file, rc) CONF.set('run', 'configurations', [config_entry]) # --- Run test file --- shell = main_window.ipyconsole.get_current_shellwidget() qtbot.waitUntil(lambda: shell._prompt_html is not None, timeout=SHELL_TIMEOUT) qtbot.keyClick(code_editor, Qt.Key_F5) qtbot.wait(500) # --- Assert we're in fixed dir after execution --- with qtbot.waitSignal(shell.executed): shell.execute('import os; current_dir = os.getcwd()') assert shell.get_value('current_dir') == temp_dir # ---- Closing test file and resetting config ---- main_window.editor.close_file() CONF.set('run', 'configurations', [])
def setup_workingdirectory(qtbot, request): """Setup working directory plugin.""" CONF.reset_to_defaults() use_startup_wdir = request.node.get_closest_marker('use_startup_wdir') if use_startup_wdir: new_wdir = osp.join(os.getcwd(), NEW_DIR) if not osp.exists(new_wdir): os.mkdir(new_wdir) CONF.set('workingdir', 'startup/use_fixed_directory', True) CONF.set('workingdir', 'startup/fixed_directory', new_wdir) else: CONF.set('workingdir', 'startup/use_fixed_directory', False) CONF.set('workingdir', 'console/use_fixed_directory', False) CONF.set('workingdir', 'startup/fixed_directory', get_home_dir()) workingdirectory = WorkingDirectory(None) qtbot.addWidget(workingdirectory) return workingdirectory, qtbot
def test_preserve_pypath(tmpdir, default_interpreter): """ Test that we preserve PYTHONPATH in the env vars passed to the kernel when an external interpreter is used or not. Regression test for issue 8681. """ # Set default interpreter value CONF.set('main_interpreter', 'default', default_interpreter) # Add a path to PYTHONPATH env var pypath = to_text_string(tmpdir.mkdir('test-pypath')) os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = pypath # Check that PYTHONPATH is in our kernelspec kernel_spec = SpyderKernelSpec() assert pypath in kernel_spec.env['PYTHONPATH'] # Restore default value CONF.set('main_interpreter', 'default', True)