Exemple #1
def add_friend():
    frnd = Spy("", "", 0, 0.0)
    firstname = raw_input("enter your friends name ")
    frnd.sal = raw_input("enter friend salutation:")
    frnd.age = input("enter age of friend::")
    frnd.rating = input("enter rating:")
    frnd.name = frnd.spy + " " + frndname
    if len(frnd.name
           ) >= 2 and 12 < frnd.age < 60 and frnd.rating >= spy.rating:
        print "Sorry enter Valid Details"
        return len(friends)
Exemple #2
def signup():
    spy = Spy("", "", 0, 0.0)  # class for spydetails
    spy.name = raw_input(
        'Enter your username: '******'Enter a valid name '
    elif spy.name.isdigit():  # to check for digit input
        print 'Enter a valid name '
    elif len(spy.name) > 2:  # checking for length of the string name
        password = raw_input("Enter your password: "******" " + spy.name
            print 'Alright ' + spy_name + '. I\'d like to know a little bit more about you...'
            spy.age = input('What\'s your age :  ')
            if 50 <= spy.age <= 12:  # nested if statement to check range of age
                print 'You are not eligible to be a spy.'
                spy.rating = input(
                    'What are your ratings : ')  # taking ratings as input
                if spy.rating > 5:
                    print 'Great Spy!!'
                elif spy.rating > 3.5:  # elif statement for more than one condition
                    print 'Average Spy.'
                elif spy.rating > 2.5:
                    print 'Need to work hard!!'
                    print 'Who hired you'
                spy_is_online = True
                print 'Authentication complete. Welcome ' + spy_name + '.Your age is ' + str(
                    spy.age) + ' and your rating is ' + str(
                        spy.rating)  # typecasting of integer to string
                # writing details in login file
                with open("login.csv", "ab") as login:
                    writer = csv.writer(login)
                        spy.name, password, spy.sal, spy.age, spy.rating,

                spy_chat(spy_name, spy.age,
                         spy.rating)  # calling function spy_chat

            print 'Enter a valid salutation'

        print 'Ooops! Enter a valid name '
Exemple #3
def add_friend():  #  function to add friend
    #  taking friend detail as input
    frnd = Spy("","",0,0.0)  #  class for details of friend
    frnd.name = raw_input("What is your friend's name :")
    frnd.sal = raw_input("What is your friends salutation")
    frnd.age = input("What is the age :")
    frnd.rating = input("What are the rating :")
    frnd.is_online = True
    if len(frnd.name)>0 and 12<frnd.age<50 and frnd.rating > spy.rating:
        #  adding the details in the respective lists
        with open('friend.csv','ab')as friend_data:
        writer = csv.writer(friend_data)
        print "Your frnd is added"
        friends.append(frnd)  #  appending friend details in friend list
        print "The friend cannot be added "
    return len(friends)  #  retuning length of list friend_name
Exemple #4
def add_friend():  #ADD FRIEND
    frnd = Spy(" ", " ", 0, 0.0)

    frnd.Name = raw_input("What is your name ? ")
    frnd.sal = raw_input("What should we call u ? ")
    frnd.Age = input("What is your age? ")
    frnd.Rating = input("What is your rating? ")
    frnd.is_online = True

    if len(frnd.Name) > 2 and 12 < (frnd.Age) < 50 and (frnd.Rating):

        with open('friends.csv', 'a') as friends_data:
            writer = csv.writer(friends_data)
                [spy.name, spy.saluation, spy.rating, spy.age, spy.is_online])

        print "Friend cannot be added"
        return len(friends)
Exemple #5
def signup():
    spy = Spy("","",0,0.0)  #class for spy details
    spy.name = raw_input("Enter your name ")  #  name taken as input from user
    if spy.name.isspace():  #  check for space input
        print ' Enter a valid name '
    elif spy.name.isdigit():
        print ' Enter a valid name '
    elif len(spy.name) > 2:  #  checking for length of string
        print " welcome " + spy.name+" "+" Glad to have with us. "   # concatenating strings
        spy.sal = raw_input("What do we call you (Mr. or Ms. or Mrs.)")
        if spy.sal == "Mr." or spy.sal == "Ms." or spy.sal == "Mrs.":  #  condition for checking input salutation
            spy_name = spy.sal+" "+spy.name
            print " Alright " + spy_name + " I\'d like to know little more about you......"
            spy.age = input('what\'s your age')
            if 55 <= spy.age <= 12:  #  nested if to check range of age
                print 'You are not eligible to be a spy'
                rating = input('enter your ratings ')
                if spy.rating > 5:
                    print 'Great Spy!!!'
                elif spy.rating > 4:
                    print 'Good Spy...!'
                elif spy.rating > 3.5:   #  elif is used for more than one condition
                    print ' Average Spy '
                elif spy.rating > 2.5:
                    print ' Need To Work Hard !!! '
                    print ' Who Hired You...Get Out !!! '
                spy_is_online = True
                print 'Authentication complete. Welcome ' + spy.name + ' age: ' + str(spy.age) + ' and your rating is : ' + str(spy.rating)  #  typecasting of integer to string
                spy_chat(spy.name, spy.age, spy.rating)   #  calling function spy_chat

            print ' Enter a valid salutation '
        print ' Ooops!!  Please enter a valid name. '
Exemple #6
        spy.age) + ' and your rating is ' + str(spy.rating)
    #function calling
    spy_chat(spy.name, spy.age, spy.rating)
if spy_reply.upper() == 'Y':
    spy = Spy('', '', 0, 0.0)
    spy.name = raw_input("what is your name?")
    #if user enter space in spy_name
    if spy.name.isspace():
        print 'enter valid name'
    #if user enter digit in spy_name
    elif spy.name.isdigit():
        print "enter valid name"
# Name condition
    elif len(spy.name) >= 2:
        print 'Welcome ' + spy.name + ' Glad to have back with us'
        spy.sal = raw_input("What should we call you (Mr. or Ms.)")
        if spy.sal == 'Mr.' or spy_salutation == 'Ms.':
            spy_name = spy.sal + " " + spy.name
            print "Alright " + spy_name + " I\'d like to know a little more about you before we proceed..."
            spy.age = input("enter your age")
            #Age condition and rating
            if 12 < spy.age < 60:
                spy.rating = input("enter spy rating::")
                if spy.rating > 4.5:
                    print "Great SPY"
                elif 3.5 < spy.rating <= 4.5:
                    print "A good one SPY"
                elif 2.5 <= spy.rating <= 3.5:
                    print "can do better"
                    print "NOT AT ALL A GOOD SPY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE Do Hard Wok"