Exemple #1
    'resume', False,
    'Tries to resume if True. Throws an error if False and any of the log files exist'
    ' unless F.overwrite is True')

flags.DEFINE_boolean('overwrite', False, '')

flags.DEFINE_string('gpu', '0', 'Id of the gpu to allocate')
flags.DEFINE_boolean('debug', False, 'Adds a lot of summaries if True')

F = flags.FLAGS
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = F.gpu

if __name__ == '__main__':

    _load_flags(F.model_config, F.data_config)
    flags = parse_flags()

    flag_path = os.path.join(F.checkpoint_dir, FLAG_FILE)
    restored_flags = json_load(flag_path)

    print('Processing:', F.checkpoint_dir)
    checkpoint_state = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(F.checkpoint_dir)
    if checkpoint_state is None:
        print('No checkpoints found in {}'.format(F.checkpoint_dir))

    checkpoint_paths = checkpoint_state.all_model_checkpoint_paths

    if F.from_itr > 0:
Exemple #2
    'schedule', '4,6,10',
    'Uses a learning rate schedule if True. Schedule = \'4,6,10\' '
    'means that F.train_itr will be split in proportions 4/s, 6/s, 10/s,'
    'where s = sum(schedule)')

flags.DEFINE_boolean('test_run', False, 'Only a small run if True')
flags.DEFINE_string('gpu', '0', 'Id of the gpu to use for this job.')
flags.DEFINE_boolean('debug', False,
                     'Adds a lot of tensorboard summaries if True.')

F = flags.FLAGS
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = F.gpu

# Parse flags
F = flags.FLAGS

if F.test_run:
    # F.run_name = 'duke_test'
    # F.data_config = 'configs/duke_data.py'
    # F.data_path = 'pruned_merged225.pickle'
    # F.model_config = 'configs/duke_model.py'
    # F.glimpse_size = '32x12'

    F.run_name = 'mnist_test'
    F.data_config = 'configs/small_new_seq_mnist_data.py'
    F.model_config = 'configs/mlp_mnist_model.py'

    F.seq_len = 2
    F.eval_on_train = False