def updateTopDB(type): # type = pat or toptree log.output("********** Adding the information to TopDB **********") ## SIM INFO global cmssw_sim global gt_sim global publish_sim global GENFASTSIM_CFFPath global GENFASTSIM_PublishName global GENFASTSIM_nEvents global GENFASTSIM_PNFSLocation global GENFASTSIM_jobEff global GENFASTSIM_LHEFiles db = topDBInterface() # get current dir cmd = "pwd" pExe = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) dir = ## insert GENFASTSIM into topDB print GENFASTSIM_jobEff if type == "GENFASTSIM": print GENFASTSIM_PublishName db.insertGENFASTSIM( "TopTree Producer", GENFASTSIM_PublishName.split("\n")[0], GENFASTSIM_PNFSLocation, cmssw_sim, gt_sim, GENFASTSIM_CFFPath, GENFASTSIM_LHEFiles, GENFASTSIM_jobEff, GENFASTSIM_nEvents, options.campaign, ) # insert dataset into topDB cmssw_dataset = "CMSSW_53X" if not cmssw_sim.rfind("CMSSW_5_2") == -1: cmssw_dataset = "CMSSW_52X" elif not cmssw_sim.rfind("CMSSW_5_3") == -1: cmssw_dataset = "CMSSW_53X" else: log.output( "--> WARNING: CMSSW version not recognized in database; dataset will be inserted in TopDB as CMSSW_53X!" ) db.insertDataSet( "TopTree Producer", GENFASTSIM_PublishName.split("\n")[0], "NewPhysics", "1", cmssw_dataset, "AOD", "Produced", )
def updateTopDB(type): # type = pat or toptree log.output("********** Adding the information to TopDB **********") ## SIM INFO global cmssw_sim global gt_sim global publish_sim global GENFASTSIM_CFFPath global GENFASTSIM_PublishName global GENFASTSIM_nEvents global GENFASTSIM_PNFSLocation global GENFASTSIM_jobEff global GENFASTSIM_LHEFiles db = topDBInterface() # get current dir cmd = 'pwd' pExe = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) dir = ## insert GENFASTSIM into topDB print GENFASTSIM_jobEff if type == "GENFASTSIM": print GENFASTSIM_PublishName db.insertGENFASTSIM("TopTree Producer", GENFASTSIM_PublishName.split("\n")[0], GENFASTSIM_PNFSLocation, cmssw_sim, gt_sim, GENFASTSIM_CFFPath, GENFASTSIM_LHEFiles, GENFASTSIM_jobEff, GENFASTSIM_nEvents, options.campaign) #insert dataset into topDB cmssw_dataset = "CMSSW_53X" if not cmssw_sim.rfind("CMSSW_5_2") == -1: cmssw_dataset = "CMSSW_52X" elif not cmssw_sim.rfind("CMSSW_5_3") == -1: cmssw_dataset = "CMSSW_53X" else: log.output( "--> WARNING: CMSSW version not recognized in database; dataset will be inserted in TopDB as CMSSW_53X!" ) db.insertDataSet("TopTree Producer", GENFASTSIM_PublishName.split("\n")[0], "NewPhysics", "1", cmssw_dataset, "AOD", "Produced")
def updateTopDB(type): # type = pat or toptree log.output("********** Adding the information to TopDB **********") global options global logFileName global patPublishName global nEventsPAT global nEventsTT global nEventsDBS global doStartFromPAT global timestamp global workingDir global topTreeLocation global patLocation global ttreeEventContent global patEventContent global jobEffPat global jobEffTT db = topDBInterface() #patTAG="" #topTAG="" patTag = commands.getoutput("cd "+options.cmssw_ver+"/src"+"; git branch | sed -n '/\* /s///p'") topTag = commands.getoutput("cd "+options.cmssw_ver+"/src/TopBrussels/TopTreeProducer"+"; git branch | sed -n '/\* /s///p'") cmd ='cd '+workingDir+'; eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`' if not workingDir.rfind("CMSSW_5_") == -1: log.output("updateTopDB:: CMSSW_5_X_Y release detected, setting scram arch to slc5_amd64_gcc462") cmd = "export SCRAM_ARCH=\"slc5_amd64_gcc462\";"+cmd pExe = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) out = #for line in open(workingDir+"/tags","r"): # if not line.rfind("PatAlgos") == -1: # patTAG=line # if not line.rfind("TopTreeProducer") == -1: # topTAG=line #os.remove(workingDir+"/tags") # get current dir cmd ='pwd' pExe = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) dir = # insert dataset into topDB if not present (obsolete) #if skipPAT: # db.insertDataSet("TopTree Producer",options.dataset,options.cmssw_ver,"Reco","Produced",0) #elif not doStartFromPAT: # db.insertDataSet("TopTree Producer",options.dataset,options.cmssw_ver,"Reco","PATified",1) # insert patuple in topDB if type == "pat": if not doStartFromPAT: db.insertPatTuple("TopTree Producer",options.dataset,patPublishName,patTAG,options.cmssw_ver,patLocation,dir+'/'+workingDir+'/'+patCffName,nEventsDBS,nEventsPAT,jobEffPat,patEventContent,CrabJSON,options.RunSelection) # insert toptree in topdb comment = "" if not options.flavourHistoryFilterPath == -1: comment += "flavorHistoryPath:"+str(options.flavourHistoryFilterPath)+"\n" if type == "toptree": comment += "" if doStartFromPAT: db.insertTopTree("TopTree Producer",db.searchPATOrigin(options.dataset),options.dataset,options.cmssw_ver,topTAG,topTreeLocation,topTreeLocation,nEventsTT,jobEffTT,dir+'/'+workingDir+'/'+topCffName,comment,ttreeEventContent,CrabJSON,options.RunSelection) else: db.insertTopTree("TopTree Producer",options.dataset,patPublishName,options.cmssw_ver,topTAG,topTreeLocation,topTreeLocation,nEventsTT,jobEffTT,dir+'/'+workingDir+'/'+topCffName,comment,ttreeEventContent,CrabJSON,options.RunSelection) if type == "pat+toptree": comment += "\nTopTree Created from PAT in one single run, PAT was not stored!!!!" db.insertPatTuple("TopTree Producer",options.dataset,"PaTuple "+timestamp+" Not Published in DBS",patTAG,options.cmssw_ver,"PaTuple not stored on storage",dir+'/'+workingDir+'/'+patCffName,nEventsDBS,nEventsTT,jobEffPat,"PaTuple not stored on storage",CrabJSON,options.RunSelection) db.insertTopTree("TopTree Producer",options.dataset,"PaTuple "+timestamp+" Not Published in DBS",options.cmssw_ver,topTAG,topTreeLocation,topTreeLocation,nEventsTT,jobEffTT,dir+'/'+workingDir+'/'+topCffName,comment,ttreeEventContent,CrabJSON,options.RunSelection)
def updateTopDB(type): # type = pat or toptree log.output("********** Adding the information to TopDB **********") global options global logFileName global patPublishName global nEventsPAT global nEventsTT global nEventsDBS global doStartFromPAT global timestamp global workingDir global topTreeLocation global patLocation global ttreeEventContent global patEventContent global jobEffPat global jobEffTT db = topDBInterface() #patTAG="" #topTAG="" patTag = commands.getoutput("cd " + options.cmssw_ver + "/src" + "; git branch | sed -n '/\* /s///p'") topTag = commands.getoutput("cd " + options.cmssw_ver + "/src/TopBrussels/TopTreeProducer" + "; git branch | sed -n '/\* /s///p'") cmd = 'cd ' + workingDir + '; eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`' if not workingDir.rfind("CMSSW_5_") == -1: log.output( "updateTopDB:: CMSSW_5_X_Y release detected, setting scram arch to slc5_amd64_gcc462" ) cmd = "export SCRAM_ARCH=\"slc5_amd64_gcc462\";" + cmd pExe = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) out = #for line in open(workingDir+"/tags","r"): # if not line.rfind("PatAlgos") == -1: # patTAG=line # if not line.rfind("TopTreeProducer") == -1: # topTAG=line #os.remove(workingDir+"/tags") # get current dir cmd = 'pwd' pExe = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) dir = # insert dataset into topDB if not present (obsolete) #if skipPAT: # db.insertDataSet("TopTree Producer",options.dataset,options.cmssw_ver,"Reco","Produced",0) #elif not doStartFromPAT: # db.insertDataSet("TopTree Producer",options.dataset,options.cmssw_ver,"Reco","PATified",1) # insert patuple in topDB if type == "pat": if not doStartFromPAT: db.insertPatTuple("TopTree Producer", options.dataset, patPublishName, patTAG, options.cmssw_ver, patLocation, dir + '/' + workingDir + '/' + patCffName, nEventsDBS, nEventsPAT, jobEffPat, patEventContent, CrabJSON, options.RunSelection) # insert toptree in topdb comment = "" if not options.flavourHistoryFilterPath == -1: comment += "flavorHistoryPath:" + str( options.flavourHistoryFilterPath) + "\n" if type == "toptree": comment += "" if doStartFromPAT: db.insertTopTree("TopTree Producer", db.searchPATOrigin(options.dataset), options.dataset, options.cmssw_ver, topTAG, topTreeLocation, topTreeLocation, nEventsTT, jobEffTT, dir + '/' + workingDir + '/' + topCffName, comment, ttreeEventContent, CrabJSON, options.RunSelection) else: db.insertTopTree( "TopTree Producer", options.dataset, patPublishName, options.cmssw_ver, topTAG, topTreeLocation, topTreeLocation, nEventsTT, jobEffTT, dir + '/' + workingDir + '/' + topCffName, comment, ttreeEventContent, CrabJSON, options.RunSelection) if type == "pat+toptree": comment += "\nTopTree Created from PAT in one single run, PAT was not stored!!!!" db.insertPatTuple("TopTree Producer", options.dataset, "PaTuple " + timestamp + " Not Published in DBS", patTAG, options.cmssw_ver, "PaTuple not stored on storage", dir + '/' + workingDir + '/' + patCffName, nEventsDBS, nEventsTT, jobEffPat, "PaTuple not stored on storage", CrabJSON, options.RunSelection) db.insertTopTree("TopTree Producer", options.dataset, "PaTuple " + timestamp + " Not Published in DBS", options.cmssw_ver, topTAG, topTreeLocation, topTreeLocation, nEventsTT, jobEffTT, dir + '/' + workingDir + '/' + topCffName, comment, ttreeEventContent, CrabJSON, options.RunSelection)