def user_page(user_name): # Munge the user_name, and hope user_name = user_name.replace('_', ' ').lower() user = g.conn.session.query(User).filter(func.lower(User.username) == user_name).one() stats = { 'query_count': g.conn.session.query(func.count( ==, 'stars_count': g.conn.session.query(func.count( == } draft_queries = g.conn.session.query(Query) \ .filter(Query.user_id == \ .filter_by(published=False) \ .order_by(desc(Query.last_touched)) \ .limit(10) published_queries = g.conn.session.query(Query)\ .filter(Query.user_id ==\ .filter_by(published=True)\ .order_by(desc(Query.last_touched))\ .limit(10) stars = g.conn.session.query(Star).join(Star.query) \ .options(joinedload(Star.query))\ .filter(Star.user_id == \ .order_by(desc(Star.timestamp))\ .limit(10) return render_template( "user.html", display_user=user, user=get_user(), stats=stats, draft_queries=draft_queries, published_queries=published_queries, stars=stars )
def get_activitychart_data(self): days = [date(2012, 12, 17) + timedelta(weeks=w) for w in range(52 * 4)] proposals_by_day = group_by_week( db.session.query(, func.count('*'), ) .join(Proposal.sponsorships) .filter(Sponsorship.mandate_id == .filter( >= days[0]) .group_by( ) questions_by_day = group_by_week( db.session.query(, func.count('*'), ) .join(Question.asked) .filter(Ask.mandate_id == .filter( >= days[0]) .group_by( ) series = [] for day in days: series.append({ 'date': day, 'proposals': proposals_by_day.get(day, 0), 'questions': questions_by_day.get(day, 0), 'vacation': any(d0 <= day < d1 for d0, d1 in VACATIONS), }) return series
def stats(**kwargs): """ Helper that defines some useful statistics about certifications. :param kwargs: :return: """ if kwargs.get('metric') == 'not_after': start = arrow.utcnow() end = start.replace(weeks=+32) items = database.db.session.query(Certificate.issuer, func.count(\ .group_by(Certificate.issuer)\ .filter(Certificate.not_after <= end.format('YYYY-MM-DD')) \ .filter(Certificate.not_after >= start.format('YYYY-MM-DD')).all() else: attr = getattr(Certificate, kwargs.get('metric')) query = database.db.session.query(attr, func.count(attr)) items = query.group_by(attr).all() keys = [] values = [] for key, count in items: keys.append(key) values.append(count) return {'labels': keys, 'values': values}
def match(self, level, limit=10): ''' Returns a list of UserSkillMatch objects, in descending order of number of skills matched for each user. ''' skills_to_learn = [ for s in self.skills if s.level == LEVELS['LEVEL_I_WANT_TO_LEARN']['score'] ] if skills_to_learn: matched_users = User.query_in_deployment().\ add_column(func.string_agg(, ',')).\ add_column(func.count(\ filter(\ filter( == UserSkill.user_id).\ filter(UserSkill.level == level).\ filter(UserSkill.user_id !=\ group_by(User).\ order_by(func.count().desc()).\ limit(limit) else: matched_users = [] for user, question_ids_by_comma, count in matched_users: yield UserSkillMatch(user, question_ids_by_comma.split(','))
def post(self): import pluricent as pl from sqlalchemy import func, distinct import numpy as np import json args = {} p = pl.Pluricent(pl.global_settings()['database']) datatypes = [e[0] for e in p.session.query(distinct(pl.models.Processing.datatype)).all()] table = [] headers = ['subject', 't1image'] q = [] q.append(dict(p.session.query(pl.models.Subject.identifier, func.count(pl.models.T1Image.path)).filter(pl.models.T1Image.subject_id == for each in datatypes: headers.append(each) res = p.session.query(pl.models.Subject.identifier, func.count(pl.models.Processing.path)).join(pl.models.T1Image).filter(pl.models.Processing.input_id == == q.append(dict(res)) subjects = [e[0] for e in p.session.query(pl.models.Subject.identifier).all()] table.append(headers) for s in subjects: table.append([s]) table[-1].extend([each.get(s, 0) for each in q]) #print t1images args['images'] = table res = json.dumps(args) self.write(res) return None
def admin(request): authorized_admin(request) settings = request.registry.settings all = DBSession.query(Application).all() unapproved = DBSession.query(func.count(Application.hardware), Application.hardware) \ .filter_by(approved=False).group_by(Application.hardware).all() approved = DBSession.query(func.count(Application.hardware), Application.hardware) \ .filter_by(approved=True).group_by(Application.hardware).all() hardware = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) selected = [] for hw in settings['hardware'].split(): hardware[hw]['num'] = int(settings['num_%s' % hw]) for num, hw in approved: hardware[hw]['approved'] = num for num, hw in unapproved: hardware[hw]['unapproved'] = num entries = DBSession.query(Application) \ .filter_by(hardware=hw, approved=False).all() num_entries = len(entries) sample_size = hardware[hw]['num'] - hardware[hw]['approved'] if sample_size <= 0: continue if sample_size > num_entries: sample_size = num_entries selected.extend([ for entry in random.sample(entries, sample_size)]) return {'hardware': hardware, 'applications': all, 'selected': selected}
def test_generic_count(self): assert isinstance(func.count().type, sqltypes.Integer) self.assert_compile(func.count(), 'count(*)') self.assert_compile(func.count(1), 'count(:count_1)') c = column('abc') self.assert_compile(func.count(c), 'count(abc)')
def main(): path = "../data/" for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.xml'): source = os.path.join(root, filename) print "Current file is: " + source h = Hansard(source) h.parse_xml() for source in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.xml')): print "Current file is: " + source h = Hansard(source) h.parse_xml() global session # session.query(func.count(Speaker.speaker_id)) # _parse_xml_file(source) speakers = session.query(func.count(Speaker.speaker_id)).all() # about .01 sec votes = session.query(func.count( # about .01 sec divisions = session.query(func.count(Division.division_hash)).all() # about .01 sec speechs = session.query(func.count( # about .01 sec votes = session.query(func.count( # about .01 sec print speakers, votes, divisions, speechs
def get_query(camp_idx, *args, group_by=None, area_idx=None): ''' 항목별 통계를 쉽게 뽑아내기 위한 메타쿼리 ''' if group_by is None: base_query = db.session.query(func.count('*'), func.count(Member.payment), func.sum(Member.attend_yn)) else: base_query = db.session.query(getattr(Member, group_by), func.count('*'), func.count(Member.payment), func.sum(Member.attend_yn)) base_query = base_query.select_from(Member).outerjoin(Member.payment).filter(Member.camp_idx == camp_idx, Member.cancel_yn == 0) if area_idx is not None: base_query = base_query.filter(Member.area_idx == area_idx) filtered_query = base_query for key, value in args: if value in ['none', 'not_none']: if value == 'none': filtered_query = filtered_query.filter(getattr(Member, key).is_(None)) else: filtered_query = filtered_query.filter(getattr(Member, key).isnot(None)) else: filtered_query = filtered_query.filter(getattr(Member, key) == value) if group_by is not None: filtered_query = filtered_query.group_by(getattr(Member, group_by)) return filtered_query
def upgrade(): if not is_sqlite: connection = op.get_bind() attendees = connection.execute(select([ attendee_table.c.hotel_pin, func.count(, func.array_agg(, ]).where(and_( attendee_table.c.hotel_pin != None, attendee_table.c.hotel_pin != '', )).group_by( attendee_table.c.hotel_pin, ).having( func.count( > 1, )) for hotel_pin, count, ids in attendees: hotel_pin_template = '{{:0{}d}}{{}}'.format(len(str(count))) if count > 9 else '{}{}' for i, id in enumerate(ids): new_hotel_pin = hotel_pin_template.format(i, hotel_pin) connection.execute( attendee_table.update().where( == id).values({ 'hotel_pin': new_hotel_pin, }) ) op.create_unique_constraint(op.f('uq_attendee_hotel_pin'), 'attendee', ['hotel_pin'])
def index(self, id=None): LIMIT = 20 if not self.authorizer.am_authorized(c, model.Action.USER_READ, model.System): abort(401, _('Not authorized to see this page')) page = int(request.params.get('page', 1)) c.q = request.params.get('q', '') c.order_by = request.params.get('order_by', 'name') query = model.Session.query(model.User, func.count( if c.q: query =, query) if c.order_by == 'edits': query = query.join((model.Revision, or_(, ))) query = query.group_by(model.User) query = query.order_by(desc(func.count( else: query = query.group_by(model.User) query = query.order_by( = h.Page( collection=query, page=page, item_count=query.count(), items_per_page=LIMIT ) return render('user/list.html')
def top_tags(cls, limit=10, returned_tag_info='object'): # by package assert returned_tag_info in ('name', 'id', 'object') tag = table('tag') package_tag = table('package_tag') package = table('package') if returned_tag_info == 'name': from_obj = [package_tag.join(tag)] tag_column = else: from_obj = None tag_column = package_tag.c.tag_id j = join(package_tag, package, package_tag.c.package_id == s = select([tag_column, func.count(package_tag.c.package_id)], from_obj=from_obj).\ select_from(j).\ where(and_(package_tag.c.state=='active', package.c.private == False, package.c.state == 'active' )) s = s.group_by(tag_column).\ order_by(func.count(package_tag.c.package_id).desc()).\ limit(limit) res_col = model.Session.execute(s).fetchall() if returned_tag_info in ('id', 'name'): return res_col elif returned_tag_info == 'object': res_tags = [(model.Session.query(model.Tag).get(text_type(tag_id)), val) for tag_id, val in res_col] return res_tags
def get_urls(self): urls = [] session = db.create_scoped_session() records = ( session .query(Log.dashboard_id, func.count(Log.dashboard_id)) .filter(and_( Log.dashboard_id.isnot(None), Log.dttm >= self.since, )) .group_by(Log.dashboard_id) .order_by(func.count(Log.dashboard_id).desc()) .limit(self.top_n) .all() ) dash_ids = [record.dashboard_id for record in records] dashboards = ( session .query(Dashboard) .filter( .all() ) for dashboard in dashboards: for chart in dashboard.slices: urls.append( get_url({'form_data': get_form_data(, dashboard)})) return urls
def test_events(self): mapper(User, users, properties={ 'addresses':dynamic_loader(mapper(Address, addresses)) }) sess = create_session() u1 = User(name='jack') a1 = Address(email_address='foo') sess.add_all([u1, a1]) sess.flush() eq_(testing.db.scalar(select([func.count(1)]).where(addresses.c.user_id!=None)), 0) u1 = sess.query(User).get( u1.addresses.append(a1) sess.flush() eq_(testing.db.execute(select([addresses]).where(addresses.c.user_id!=None)).fetchall(), [(,, 'foo')]) u1.addresses.remove(a1) sess.flush() eq_(testing.db.scalar(select([func.count(1)]).where(addresses.c.user_id!=None)), 0) u1.addresses.append(a1) sess.flush() eq_(testing.db.execute(select([addresses]).where(addresses.c.user_id!=None)).fetchall(), [(,, 'foo')]) a2 = Address(email_address='bar') u1.addresses.remove(a1) u1.addresses.append(a2) sess.flush() eq_(testing.db.execute(select([addresses]).where(addresses.c.user_id!=None)).fetchall(), [(,, 'bar')])
def counts(self, terms, types=None, contact_id=None, extra_params=None, extra_columns=None): """Prepare the search query, but return only count for each of the requested objects.""" extra_params = extra_params or {} extra_columns = extra_columns or {} model_names = self._get_grouped_types(types, extra_params) query = db.session.query( self.record_type.type, func.count(distinct( self.record_type.key)), literal("")) query = query.filter(self.get_permissions_query(model_names)) query = query.filter(self._get_filter_query(terms)) query = self.search_get_owner_query(query, types, contact_id) query = query.group_by(self.record_type.type) all_extra_columns = dict(extra_columns.items() + [(p, p) for p in extra_params if p not in extra_columns]) if not all_extra_columns: return query.all() # Add extra_params and extra_colums: for key, value in all_extra_columns.iteritems(): extra_q = db.session.query(self.record_type.type, func.count(distinct(self.record_type.key)), literal(key)) extra_q = extra_q.filter(self.get_permissions_query([value])) extra_q = extra_q.filter(self._get_filter_query(terms)) extra_q = self.search_get_owner_query(extra_q, [value], contact_id) extra_q = self._add_extra_params_query(extra_q, value, extra_params.get(key, None)) extra_q = extra_q.group_by(self.record_type.type) query = query.union(extra_q) return query.all()
def prepare(self): self.url = url hostid_filter = [] if hasattr(self, 'host_id') and self.host_id is not None: hostid_filter = [Attribute.host_id == self.host_id] admin_down = DBSession.query(func.count(\ filter(and_(*( hostid_filter + [Attribute.admin_state == State.DOWN] ))).first() self.att_total = int(admin_down[0]) db_states = DBSession.query( EventState.internal_state, func.count(\ join(Attribute).filter(and_( *(hostid_filter + [Attribute.admin_state != State.DOWN]))).\ group_by(EventState.internal_state) tmp_states = {} for att in db_states: tmp_states[att[0]] = att[1] self.att_total += att[1] self.att_states = [] for state_val, label in State.NAMES.items(): if state_val is None: self.att_states.append((label, admin_down[0])) else: try: self.att_states.append((label, tmp_states[state_val])) except KeyError: self.att_states.append((label, 0)) super(AttributeSummary, self).prepare()
def crawler_stats(cls, crawler_id): stats = {} col = func.count(func.distinct(cls.crawler_run)) q = db.session.query(col) q = q.filter(cls.crawler_id == crawler_id) stats['run_count'] = q.scalar() last_run_id, last_run_time = cls.crawler_last_run(crawler_id) # Check if the crawler was active very recently, if so, don't # allow the user to execute a new run right now. timeout = (datetime.utcnow() - CrawlerState.TIMEOUT) stats['running'] = last_run_time > timeout if last_run_time else False q = db.session.query(func.count(func.distinct(cls.foreign_id))) q = q.filter(cls.crawler_id == crawler_id) for section in ['last', 'all']: data = {} sq = q if section == 'last': sq = sq.filter(cls.crawler_run == last_run_id) okq = sq.filter(cls.status == cls.STATUS_OK) data['ok'] = okq.scalar() if last_run_id else 0 failq = sq.filter(cls.status == cls.STATUS_FAIL) data['fail'] = failq.scalar() if last_run_id else 0 stats[section] = data stats['last']['updated'] = last_run_time stats['last']['run_id'] = last_run_id return stats
def test_graceful(self): app = self.get_app("guest") with transaction.manager: DBSession.execute('DELETE FROM {};'.format(ExceptionLog.__tablename__)) DBSession.execute('DELETE FROM {} WHERE "user" = 2;'.format(UserPermissionGroup.__tablename__)) DBSession.execute("INSERT INTO {} VALUES (2, 'errors');".format(UserPermissionGroup.__tablename__)) DBSession.execute("COMMIT") # Graceful self.make_request( app, "/dev/generate_exception?type=graceful", allow_graceful = "This is the message accompanying the general exception." ) error_count = DBSession.query(func.count([0] self.assertEqual(error_count, 0, msg="There should be no error logs after a graceful exception") # Graceful with log self.make_request( app, "/dev/generate_exception?type=graceful_with_log", allow_graceful = "This is the message accompanying the general exception. Additionally this exception has been logged." ) error_count = DBSession.query(func.count([0] self.assertEqual(error_count, 1, msg="There should be 1 error log after the graceful exception with a log") # Cleanup with transaction.manager: DBSession.execute('DELETE FROM {} WHERE "user" = 2;'.format(UserPermissionGroup.__tablename__)) DBSession.execute("COMMIT")
def item_search(classes=None, bodygroups=None, equip_regions=None, item_name=None): items_query = TF2Item.query.filter_by(inactive=False) wildcards = ["%", "_"] if item_name: if any([w in item_name for w in wildcards]): return items_query = items_query.filter(TF2Item.item_name.contains(item_name)) if len(classes) > 0: for class_name in classes: items_query = items_query.filter(TF2Item.class_model.any(TF2ClassModel.class_name == class_name)) sq = db.session.query(TF2ClassModel.defindex, func.count(TF2ClassModel).label("class_count")).group_by(TF2ClassModel.defindex).subquery() items_query = items_query.join(sq, TF2Item.defindex == sq.c.defindex) if len(classes) == 9: pass elif len(classes) > 1: items_query = items_query.filter(sq.c.class_count > 1).filter(sq.c.class_count < 9) elif len(classes) == 1: items_query = items_query.filter(sq.c.class_count == 1) else: return if equip_regions: items_query = items_query.filter(TF2Item.equip_regions.any(or_(*[TF2EquipRegion.equip_region == equip_region for equip_region in equip_regions]))) if bodygroups: items_query = items_query.filter(TF2Item.bodygroups.any(or_(*[TF2BodyGroup.bodygroup == bodygroup for bodygroup in bodygroups]))) bodygroup_count = db.session.query(schema_bodygroup.c.defindex, func.count('*').label("bg_count")).group_by(schema_bodygroup.c.defindex).subquery() items_query = items_query.join(bodygroup_count, TF2Item.defindex == bodygroup_count.c.defindex).filter(bodygroup_count.c.bg_count == len(bodygroups)) else: items_query = items_query.filter(TF2Item.bodygroups == None) return items_query
def get_story(cls, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[str] = None, category_id: Optional[int] = None) -> list: story_qs =,,,,,'category_name') ).join( ) if category_id: total_count = == category_id).scalar() story_qs = story_qs.filter( == category_id ) else: total_count = story_qs = BaseRespository.filter_limit(story_qs, limit) story_qs = BaseRespository.filter_offset(story_qs, offset) story_qs = BaseRespository.sort_all(story_qs, sort, Story) try: result = story_qs.all() except NoResultFound: result = None return result, total_count
def getTopUsers(): ''' Get all the users active ''' return meta.Session.query(Place, func.count(Place.user_id)).\ group_by(Place.user_id). \ having(Place.deleted_on==None). \ order_by(desc(func.count(Place.user_id))). \ limit(5).all()
def render_receipt(user, png=False, pdf=False): tickets = ( .filter_by(paid=True) .join(TicketType) .order_by(TicketType.order)) entrance_tts_counts = (tickets.filter(TicketType.admits.in_(['full', 'kid'])) .with_entities(TicketType, func.count('ticket_count')) .group_by(TicketType).all()) entrance_tickets_count = sum(c for tt, c in entrance_tts_counts) vehicle_tickets = tickets.filter(TicketType.admits.in_(['car', 'campervan'])).all() transferred_tickets = user.transfers_from.order_by('timestamp').all() tees = (tickets.filter(TicketType.fixed_id.in_(range(14, 24))) .with_entities(TicketType, func.count('ticket_count')) .group_by(TicketType).all()) # t-shirts return render_template('receipt.html', user=user, format_inline_qr=format_inline_qr, format_inline_barcode=format_inline_barcode, entrance_tts_counts=entrance_tts_counts, entrance_tickets_count=entrance_tickets_count, vehicle_tickets=vehicle_tickets, transferred_tickets=transferred_tickets, tees=tees, pdf=pdf, png=png)
def recommended_books_by_publisher(books_read_by_user, recommended_books): read_books_isbn_list = [book.book_isbn for book in books_read_by_user] # Get publishers and the number of books read by the user of the publisher # in descending order publisher_count = db.session.query( func.lower(Books.publisher), func.count(Books.publisher) ).filter( Books.isbn.in_(read_books_isbn_list) ).group_by( func.lower(Books.publisher) ).order_by( func.count(Books.publisher).desc() ).all() publisher_count_dict = {str(publisher): count for ( publisher, count) in publisher_count} unread_books_by_same_publishers = db.session.query( Books.isbn, func.lower(Books.publisher) ).filter( and_( func.lower(Books.publisher).in_([x[0] for x in publisher_count]), ~Books.isbn.in_(read_books_isbn_list) ) ).all() # Gets the books of the above publishers which are not read by the user for unread_book in unread_books_by_same_publishers: isbn = unread_book[0] publisher = unread_book[1] weight = g.user.publisher_weight * publisher_count_dict[publisher] if isbn not in recommended_books: recommended_books.update({isbn: weight}) else: recommended_books[isbn] += weight
def plot_gender(): metadata, connection = setup_database() tables = ["visits_10min"] for table in tables: consolidated = return_joined_table(table, metadata) print connection.execute(select([func.count()], consolidated.c["demographics_gender"] == 2)).fetchall() gender_checkins = [] for gender in (0, 1): gender_checkins.append([]) for place_label in xrange(1, 11): query = select([func.count()], and_(consolidated.c["visits_joined_places_place_label"] == place_label, consolidated.c["demographics_gender"] == gender + 1)) result = connection.execute(query).fetchall() gender_checkins[gender].append(result[0][0]) fig, ax = plt.subplots() width = 0.35 rects1 =, 11), gender_checkins[0], width, color='r') rects2 =[i + width for i in xrange(1, 11)], gender_checkins[1], width, color='g') ax.legend((rects1[0], rects2[0]), ('Men', 'Women')) ax.set_ylabel("Count", fontsize = 24, fontweight = 'bold') ax.set_xlabel("Place Category", fontsize=24, fontweight = 'bold') ax.set_title("Visits Across Gender", fontsize=32, fontweight='bold') xticks_values = [LABEL_PLACE_MAPPING[i] for i in xrange(1, 11)] xticks_values = [textwrap.fill(text,10) for text in xticks_values] ax.set_xticks([i + width for i in xrange(1, 11)]) ax.set_xticklabels(xticks_values) #autolabel(rects1, gender_checkins[0]) #autolabel(rects2, gender_checkins[1])
def cup_list(request): season = request.matchdict.get('season', None) if season: start = datetime.strptime(season.split('-')[0] + '-11-01', '%Y-%m-%d') end = datetime.strptime(season.split('-')[1] + '-11-01', '%Y-%m-%d') session = DBSession() start_date = func.min('start_date') end_date = func.max('end_date') cups = session.query(Cup, func.count(CupDate.cup_id).label('total'), func.count(CupDate.tournament_id).label('completed'), start_date, end_date) \ .join(CupDate) if season: cups = cups \ .group_by( \ .having(start_date >= start) \ .having(start_date <= end) cups = cups \ .group_by(Cup) \ .order_by('end_date desc', \ .all() return dict(cups=cups)
def match(self, level, limit=10): ''' Returns a list of UserSkillMatch objects, in descending order of number of skills matched for each user. ''' if == 'sqlite': agg = func.group_concat elif == 'postgresql': agg = func.string_agg else: raise Exception('Unknown aggregation function for DB {}'.format( skills_to_learn = [ for s in self.skills if s.level == LEVELS['LEVEL_I_WANT_TO_LEARN']['score'] ] if skills_to_learn: matched_users = User.query_in_deployment().\ add_column(agg(, ',')).\ add_column(func.count(\ filter(\ filter( == UserSkill.user_id).\ filter(UserSkill.level == level).\ filter(UserSkill.user_id !=\ group_by(User).\ order_by(func.count().desc()).\ limit(limit) else: matched_users = [] for user, question_ids_by_comma, count in matched_users: yield UserSkillMatch(user, question_ids_by_comma.split(','))
def get_licenses(session, suite=None): """ Count files per license filtered by `suite` """ logging.debug('grouped by license summary') if not suite: q = (session.query(FileCopyright.license, Suite.suite, sql_func.count( .join(File) .join(Package) .join(Suite) .group_by(Suite.suite) .group_by(FileCopyright.license) .order_by(Suite.suite)) return q.all() else: q = (session.query(FileCopyright.license, sql_func.count( .join(File) .join(Package)) if suite != 'ALL': q = q.join(Suite) \ .filter(Suite.suite == suite) q = q.group_by(FileCopyright.license) return dict(q.all())
def recommended_books_by_genre(books_read_by_user, recommended_books): read_books_isbn_list = [book.book_isbn for book in books_read_by_user] # Get the genres, count of genres read by user genre_count = db.session.query( BooksHasGenre.genre, func.count(BooksHasGenre.genre) ).filter( BooksHasGenre.book_isbn.in_(read_books_isbn_list) ).group_by( BooksHasGenre.genre ).order_by( func.count(BooksHasGenre.genre).desc() ).all() genre_count_dict = {genre: count for (genre, count) in genre_count} # Find all the unread books having the same genre unread_books_having_same_genre = db.session.query( Books.isbn, BooksHasGenre.genre ).filter( Books.isbn == BooksHasGenre.book_isbn, BooksHasGenre.genre.in_([x[0] for x in genre_count]), ~Books.isbn.in_(read_books_isbn_list) ).all() for unread_book in unread_books_having_same_genre: isbn = unread_book[0] genre = unread_book[1] weight = g.user.genre_weight * genre_count_dict[genre] if isbn not in recommended_books: recommended_books.update({isbn: weight}) else: recommended_books[isbn] += weight
def nearest_neighbors(self, limit=10): ''' Returns a list of (user, score) tuples with the closest matching skills. If they haven't answered the equivalent skill question, we consider that a very big difference (12). Order is closest to least close, which is an ascending score. ''' my_skills = aliased(UserSkill, name='my_skills', adapt_on_names=True) their_skills = aliased(UserSkill, name='their_skills', adapt_on_names=True) # difference we assume for user that has not answered question unanswered_difference = (LEVELS['LEVEL_I_CAN_DO_IT']['score'] - LEVELS['LEVEL_I_WANT_TO_LEARN']['score']) * 2 return User.query_in_deployment().\ add_column(((len(self.skills) - func.count(func.distinct( * unanswered_difference) + \ func.sum(func.abs(their_skills.level - my_skills.level))).\ filter(their_skills.user_id != my_skills.user_id).\ filter( == their_skills.user_id).\ filter( ==\ filter(my_skills.user_id ==\ group_by(User).\ order_by(((len(self.skills) - func.count(func.distinct( * unanswered_difference) + \ func.sum(func.abs(their_skills.level - my_skills.level))).\ limit(limit)
def view_filing(self): req = self.request ses = req.session form = self.get_form(AddSchema) page = {} rowpage = 1 cpage = 'page' in req.POST and req.POST['page'] or 1 if cpage<1: cpage = 1 page['current']=int(cpage) offset = (page['current']-1) * rowpage if 'data' in req.POST: page['row'] = DBSession.query(func.count(\ filter(or_('%%%s%%' % req.POST['data']),'%%%s%%' % req.POST['data'])),).scalar() or 0 rows = DBSession.query(Filing).\ filter(or_('%%%s%%' % req.POST['data']),'%%%s%%' % req.POST['data'])),).\ limit(rowpage).offset(offset) else: rows = DBSession.query(Filing).\ limit(rowpage).offset(offset) page['row'] = DBSession.query(func.count( or 0 count = page['row'] / int(rowpage) page['count'] = count if count < page['row']/float(rowpage): page['count']=count+1 return dict(form=form, rows=rows, page=page)
def process_sample(db_config, v_germlines, j_germlines, path, meta, props, nproc): session = config.init_db(db_config) start = time.time()'Starting sample {}'.format(meta['sample_name'])) sample = setup_sample(session, meta) aligner = AnchorAligner(v_germlines, j_germlines) # Initial VJ assignment alignments = concurrent.process_data( read_input, process_vdj, aggregate_vdj, nproc, process_args={'aligner': aligner}, generate_args={'path': path}, )'Adding noresults') for result in alignments['noresult']: add_noresults_for_vdj(session, result['vdj'], sample, result['reason']) alignments = alignments['success'] if alignments: avg_len = ( sum([v.v_length for v in alignments]) / float(len(alignments))) avg_mut = ( sum([v.v_mutation_fraction for v in alignments]) / float(len(alignments)) ) sample.v_ties_mutations = avg_mut sample.v_ties_len = avg_len'Re-aligning {} sequences to V-ties: Mutations={}, ' 'Length={}'.format(len(alignments), round(avg_mut, 2), round(avg_len, 2))) session.commit() # Realign to V-ties v_ties = concurrent.process_data( alignments, process_vties, aggregate_vties, nproc, process_args={'aligner': aligner, 'avg_len': avg_len, 'avg_mut': avg_mut, 'props': props}, )'Adding noresults') for result in funcs.periodic_commit(session, v_ties['noresult'], 100): add_noresults_for_vdj(session, result['alignment'].sequence, sample, result['reason'])'Collapsing {} buckets'.format(len(v_ties['success']))) session.commit() # TODO: Change this so we arent copying everything between processes concurrent.process_data( [list(v) for v in v_ties['success']], process_collapse, aggregate_collapse, nproc, aggregate_args={'db_config': db_config, 'sample_id':, 'props': props} ) session.expire_all() session.commit() identified = int(session.query( func.sum(Sequence.copy_number) ).filter( Sequence.sample == sample ).scalar() or 0) noresults = int(session.query( func.count( ).filter( NoResult.sample == sample ).scalar() or 0) if identified + noresults: frac = int(100 * identified / float(identified + noresults)) else: frac = 0 'Completed sample {} in {}m - {}/{} ({}%) identified'.format(, round((time.time() - start) / 60., 1), identified, identified + noresults, frac ) ) session.close()
def num_chats(): try: return SESSION.query(func.count(distinct(Disable.chat_id))).scalar() finally: SESSION.close()
def count_rows(self, dbms): count_q = dbms.statement.with_only_columns([func.count() ]).order_by(None) counted = dbms.session.execute(count_q).scalar() return counted
class Item(db.Model): """ Meant to model a specific item, like an instance of a security group. """ __tablename__ = "item" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) region = Column(String(32), index=True) name = Column( String(303), index=True ) # Max AWS name = 255 chars. Add 48 chars for ' (sg-12345678901234567 in vpc-12345678901234567)' arn = Column(Text(), nullable=True, index=True, unique=True) latest_revision_complete_hash = Column(String(32), index=True) latest_revision_durable_hash = Column(String(32), index=True) tech_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""), nullable=False, index=True) account_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""), nullable=False, index=True) latest_revision_id = Column(Integer, nullable=True) comments = relationship("ItemComment", backref="revision", cascade="all, delete, delete-orphan", order_by="ItemComment.date_created") revisions = relationship("ItemRevision", backref="item", cascade="all, delete, delete-orphan", order_by="desc(ItemRevision.date_created)", lazy="dynamic") issues = relationship("ItemAudit", backref="item", cascade="all, delete, delete-orphan") cloudtrail_entries = relationship("CloudTrailEntry", backref="item", cascade="all, delete, delete-orphan", order_by="CloudTrailEntry.event_time") issues = relationship("ItemAudit", backref="item", cascade="all, delete, delete-orphan", foreign_keys="ItemAudit.item_id") exceptions = relationship("ExceptionLogs", backref="item", cascade="all, delete, delete-orphan") @hybrid_property def score(self): return db.session.query(func.cast(func.sum( ItemAudit.score), Integer)).filter( ItemAudit.item_id ==, ItemAudit.auditor_setting_id ==, AuditorSettings.disabled == False).one()[0] or 0 @score.expression def score(cls): return select([func.sum(ItemAudit.score)]). \ where(ItemAudit.item_id == \ where(ItemAudit.auditor_setting_id == \ where(AuditorSettings.disabled == False). \ label('item_score') @hybrid_property def unjustified_score(self): return db.session.query(func.cast(func.sum( ItemAudit.score), Integer)).filter( ItemAudit.item_id ==, ItemAudit.justified == False, ItemAudit.auditor_setting_id ==, AuditorSettings.disabled == False).one()[0] or 0 @unjustified_score.expression def unjustified_score(cls): return select([func.sum(ItemAudit.score)]). \ where(ItemAudit.item_id == \ where(ItemAudit.justified == False). \ where(ItemAudit.auditor_setting_id == \ where(AuditorSettings.disabled == False). \ label('item_unjustified_score') issue_count = column_property(select([func.count(]).where(ItemAudit.item_id == id).where( ItemAudit.auditor_setting_id == AuditorSettings.disabled == False), deferred=True)
def get_exam_list(self, name_kw=None, page=1, per_page=15): self._query = self._model.query if name_kw: self._query = self._query.filter('%' + name_kw + '%')) if self.user_id: during_exam = self.get_during_exam(self.user_id) during_exam = 7 # TODO Just for test. exam_paper_msg = {exam_paper.exam_id: exam_paper.finished_time for exam_paper in ExaminationPaper.query.filter_by(user_id=self.user_id).all()} if during_exam: exam_pagination = self._query.filter( case(( ( == during_exam, 1), ( != during_exam, 2) )), self._model.create_time.desc()).paginate(page, per_page) else: exam_pagination = self._query.filter('-create_time').paginate(page, per_page) finished_exams = [ep.exam_id for ep in ExaminationPaper.query.filter_by(user_id=self.user_id).filter(ExaminationPaper.performance!='').all()] total, exam_list =, [ { 'id':, 'name':, 'create_time': exam.create_time, 'question_num': exam.question_num, 'finish_time': exam_paper_msg.get(, 'option': self.map_exam_status(, during_exam, finished_exams, exam.begin_time, exam.end_time) } for exam in exam_pagination.items ] else: # Self.user_id is None means the current_user is superadmin. exam_pagination = self._query.order_by('-create_time').paginate(page, per_page) current_page_exam_ids = [ for exam in exam_pagination.items] finished_examinees_nums = dict(db.session.query(ExaminationPaper.exam_id, func.count(ExaminationPaper.user_id)).filter(ExaminationPaper.exam_id.in_(current_page_exam_ids)).filter(ExaminationPaper.performance!='').group_by(ExaminationPaper.exam_id).order_by(func.field(ExaminationPaper.exam_id, *current_page_exam_ids))) total, exam_list =, [ { 'id':, 'name':, 'question_num': exam.question_num, 'create_time': exam.create_time, 'finished_examinees_num': finished_examinees_nums.get(, 0), } for _index, exam in enumerate(exam_pagination.items) ] return total, exam_list
def group_question_set(cls, transaction_type=TransactionType.SHOPPING.value): level_question_dict = {} level_question_group = db.session.query(cls._model.difficulty, func.group_concat(, func.count( for level_question in level_question_group: level_question_dict[QuestionDifficulty(level_question[0]).name] = level_question[2] return level_question_dict
def split_question_set_for_gen_exam(cls): level_question_dict = {} level_question_group = db.session.query(cls._model.difficulty, func.group_concat(, func.count( for level_question in level_question_group: level_question_dict[level_question[0]] = level_question[1].split(',') return level_question_dict
def threads(namespace_id, subject, from_addr, to_addr, cc_addr, bcc_addr, any_email, thread_public_id, started_before, started_after, last_message_before, last_message_after, filename, tag, limit, offset, view, db_session): if view == 'count': query = db_session.query(func.count( elif view == 'ids': query = db_session.query(Thread.public_id) else: query = db_session.query(Thread) thread_criteria = [Thread.namespace_id == namespace_id] if thread_public_id is not None: query = query.filter(Thread.public_id == thread_public_id) # TODO(emfree): at this point there should be at most one object, # so we could just execute the query and check additional filters # in Python-land. if started_before is not None: thread_criteria.append(Thread.subjectdate < started_before) if started_after is not None: thread_criteria.append(Thread.subjectdate > started_after) if last_message_before is not None: thread_criteria.append(Thread.recentdate < last_message_before) if last_message_after is not None: thread_criteria.append(Thread.recentdate > last_message_after) if subject is not None: thread_criteria.append(Thread.subject == subject) thread_predicate = and_(*thread_criteria) query = query.filter(thread_predicate) if tag is not None: tag_query = db_session.query(TagItem).join(Tag). \ filter(or_(Tag.public_id == tag, == tag), Tag.namespace_id == namespace_id).subquery() query = query.join(tag_query) if any((from_addr, to_addr, cc_addr, bcc_addr)): contact_criteria = [] if from_addr is not None: contact_criteria.append( and_(Contact.email_address == from_addr, Contact.namespace_id == namespace_id, MessageContactAssociation.field == 'from_addr')) if to_addr is not None: contact_criteria.append( and_(Contact.email_address == to_addr, Contact.namespace_id == namespace_id, MessageContactAssociation.field == 'to_addr')) if cc_addr is not None: contact_criteria.append( and_(Contact.email_address == cc_addr, Contact.namespace_id == namespace_id, MessageContactAssociation.field == 'cc_addr')) if bcc_addr is not None: contact_criteria.append( and_(Contact.email_address == bcc_addr, Contact.namespace_id == namespace_id, MessageContactAssociation.field == 'bcc_addr')) contact_query = db_session.query(Message). \ join(MessageContactAssociation).join(Contact). \ filter(or_(*contact_criteria)).subquery() query = query.join(contact_query) if any_email is not None: any_contact_query = db_session.query(Message). \ join(MessageContactAssociation).join(Contact). \ filter(Contact.email_address == any_email, Contact.namespace_id == namespace_id).subquery() query = query.join(any_contact_query) if filename is not None: files_query = db_session.query(Message). \ join(Part).join(Block). \ filter(Block.filename == filename). \ subquery() query = query.join(files_query) if view == 'count': return {"count":[0]} # Eager-load some objects in order to make constructing API # representations faster. if view != 'ids': query = query.options( subqueryload(Thread.messages).load_only('public_id', 'is_draft', 'from_addr', 'to_addr', 'cc_addr', 'bcc_addr'), subqueryload('tagitems').joinedload('tag').load_only( 'public_id', 'name')) query = query.order_by(desc(Thread.recentdate)).distinct().limit(limit) if offset: query = query.offset(offset) if view == 'ids': return [x[0] for x in query.all()] return query.all()
def _messages_or_drafts(namespace_id, drafts, subject, from_addr, to_addr, cc_addr, bcc_addr, any_email, thread_public_id, started_before, started_after, last_message_before, last_message_after, filename, tag, limit, offset, view, db_session): if view == 'count': query = db_session.query(func.count( elif view == 'ids': query = db_session.query(Message.public_id) else: query = db_session.query(Message) query = query.filter(Message.namespace_id == namespace_id) if drafts: query = query.filter(Message.is_draft) else: query = query.filter(~Message.is_draft) has_thread_filtering_criteria = any( param is not None for param in (thread_public_id, started_before, started_after, last_message_before, last_message_after, tag)) if has_thread_filtering_criteria: thread_criteria = [Thread.namespace_id == namespace_id] if thread_public_id is not None: # TODO(emfree) this is a common case that we should handle # separately by just fetching the thread's messages and only # filtering more if needed. thread_criteria.append(Thread.public_id == thread_public_id) if started_before is not None: thread_criteria.append(Thread.subjectdate < started_before) if started_after is not None: thread_criteria.append(Thread.subjectdate > started_after) if last_message_before is not None: thread_criteria.append(Thread.recentdate < last_message_before) if last_message_after is not None: thread_criteria.append(Thread.recentdate > last_message_after) thread_predicate = and_(*thread_criteria) thread_query = db_session.query(Thread).filter(thread_predicate) if tag is not None: thread_query = thread_query.join(TagItem).join(Tag). \ filter(or_(Tag.public_id == tag, == tag), Tag.namespace_id == namespace_id) thread_query = thread_query.subquery() query = query.join(thread_query) if subject is not None: query = query.filter(Message.subject == subject) if to_addr is not None: to_query = db_session.query(MessageContactAssociation).join(Contact). \ filter(MessageContactAssociation.field == 'to_addr', Contact.email_address == to_addr).subquery() query = query.join(to_query) if from_addr is not None: from_query = db_session.query(MessageContactAssociation). \ join(Contact).filter( MessageContactAssociation.field == 'from_addr', Contact.email_address == from_addr).subquery() query = query.join(from_query) if cc_addr is not None: cc_query = db_session.query(MessageContactAssociation). \ join(Contact).filter( MessageContactAssociation.field == 'cc_addr', Contact.email_address == cc_addr).subquery() query = query.join(cc_query) if bcc_addr is not None: bcc_query = db_session.query(MessageContactAssociation). \ join(Contact).filter( MessageContactAssociation.field == 'bcc_addr', Contact.email_address == bcc_addr).subquery() query = query.join(bcc_query) if any_email is not None: any_email_query = db_session.query( MessageContactAssociation).join(Contact). \ filter(Contact.email_address == any_email).subquery() query = query.join(any_email_query) if filename is not None: query = query.join(Part).join(Block). \ filter(Block.filename == filename, Block.namespace_id == namespace_id) query = query.order_by(desc(Message.received_date)) if view == 'count': return {"count":[0]} query = query.distinct().limit(limit) if offset: query = query.offset(offset) if view == 'ids': return [x[0] for x in query.all()] # Eager-load related attributes to make constructing API representations # faster. (Thread.discriminator needed to prevent SQLAlchemy from breaking # on resloving inheritance.) query = query.options( subqueryload(, joinedload(Message.thread).load_only('public_id', 'discriminator')) return query.all()
def get_count_query(self): """ Return a the count query for the model type """ return self.session.query(func.count('*')).select_from(self.model)
def get_count(q): """Count the number of rows from an SQL query""" count_q = q.statement.with_only_columns([func.count()]).order_by(None) count = q.session.execute(count_q).scalar() return count
def events(namespace_id, event_public_id, calendar_public_id, title, description, location, starts_before, starts_after, ends_before, ends_after, source, limit, offset, view, db_session): if view == 'count': query = db_session.query(func.count( elif view == 'ids': query = db_session.query(Event.public_id) else: query = db_session.query(Event) query = query.filter(Event.namespace_id == namespace_id) event_criteria = [] if event_public_id: query = query.filter(Event.public_id == event_public_id) if starts_before is not None: event_criteria.append(Event.start < starts_before) if starts_after is not None: event_criteria.append(Event.start > starts_after) if ends_before is not None: event_criteria.append(Event.end < ends_before) if ends_after is not None: event_criteria.append(Event.end > ends_after) event_predicate = and_(*event_criteria) query = query.filter(event_predicate) if calendar_public_id is not None: query = query.join(Calendar). \ filter(Calendar.public_id == calendar_public_id, Calendar.namespace_id == namespace_id) if title is not None: query = query.filter('%{}%'.format(title))) if description is not None: query = query.filter( '%{}%'.format(description))) if location is not None: query = query.filter('%{}%'.format(location))) if source is not None: query = query.filter(Event.source == source) if view == 'count': return {"count":[0]} query = query.order_by(asc(Event.start)).limit(limit) if offset: query = query.offset(offset) if view == 'ids': return [x[0] for x in query.all()] else: # Eager-load some objects in order to make constructing API # representations faster. return query.all()
def num_logchannels(): try: return SESSION.query(func.count(distinct(GroupLogs.chat_id))).scalar() finally: SESSION.close()
def count(cls): return session.query(func.count(
def events(namespace_id, event_public_id, calendar_public_id, title, description, location, busy, starts_before, starts_after, ends_before, ends_after, limit, offset, view, expand_recurring, show_cancelled, db_session): query = db_session.query(Event) if not expand_recurring: if view == 'count': query = db_session.query(func.count( elif view == 'ids': query = db_session.query(Event.public_id) filters = [namespace_id, event_public_id, calendar_public_id, title, description, location, busy] query = filter_event_query(query, Event, *filters) event_criteria = [] if starts_before is not None: event_criteria.append(Event.start < starts_before) if starts_after is not None: event_criteria.append(Event.start > starts_after) if ends_before is not None: event_criteria.append(Event.end < ends_before) if ends_after is not None: event_criteria.append(Event.end > ends_after) if not show_cancelled: if expand_recurring: event_criteria.append(Event.status != 'cancelled') else: # It doesn't make sense to hide cancelled events # when we're not expanding recurring events, # so don't do it. # We still need to show cancelled recurringevents # for those users who want to do event expansion themselves. event_criteria.append( (Event.discriminator == 'recurringeventoverride') | ((Event.status != 'cancelled') & (Event.discriminator != 'recurringeventoverride'))) event_predicate = and_(*event_criteria) query = query.filter(event_predicate) if expand_recurring: expanded = recurring_events(filters, starts_before, starts_after, ends_before, ends_after, db_session, show_cancelled=show_cancelled) # Combine non-recurring events with expanded recurring ones all_events = query.filter(Event.discriminator == 'event').all() + \ expanded if view == 'count': return {"count": len(all_events)} all_events = sorted(all_events, key=lambda e: e.start) if limit: offset = offset or 0 all_events = all_events[offset:offset + limit] else: if view == 'count': return {"count":[0]} query = query.order_by(asc(Event.start)).limit(limit) if offset: query = query.offset(offset) # Eager-load some objects in order to make constructing API # representations faster. all_events = query.all() if view == 'ids': return [x[0] for x in all_events] else: return all_events
def count(self): return self.session.query(func.count(\ .filter(Library.is_deleted == false())
def threads(namespace_id, subject, from_addr, to_addr, cc_addr, bcc_addr, any_email, thread_public_id, started_before, started_after, last_message_before, last_message_after, filename, in_, unread, starred, limit, offset, view, db_session): if view == 'count': query = db_session.query(func.count( elif view == 'ids': query = db_session.query(Thread.public_id) else: query = db_session.query(Thread) filters = [Thread.namespace_id == namespace_id] if thread_public_id is not None: filters.append(Thread.public_id == thread_public_id) if started_before is not None: filters.append(Thread.subjectdate < started_before) if started_after is not None: filters.append(Thread.subjectdate > started_after) if last_message_before is not None: filters.append(Thread.recentdate < last_message_before) if last_message_after is not None: filters.append(Thread.recentdate > last_message_after) if subject is not None: filters.append(Thread.subject == subject) query = query.filter(*filters) if from_addr is not None: from_query = db_session.query(Message.thread_id). \ join(MessageContactAssociation).join(Contact).filter( Contact.email_address == from_addr, Contact.namespace_id == namespace_id, MessageContactAssociation.field == 'from_addr').subquery() query = query.filter( if to_addr is not None: to_query = db_session.query(Message.thread_id). \ join(MessageContactAssociation).join(Contact).filter( Contact.email_address == to_addr, Contact.namespace_id == namespace_id, MessageContactAssociation.field == 'to_addr').subquery() query = query.filter( if cc_addr is not None: cc_query = db_session.query(Message.thread_id). \ join(MessageContactAssociation).join(Contact).filter( Contact.email_address == cc_addr, Contact.namespace_id == namespace_id, MessageContactAssociation.field == 'cc_addr').subquery() query = query.filter( if bcc_addr is not None: bcc_query = db_session.query(Message.thread_id). \ join(MessageContactAssociation).join(Contact).filter( Contact.email_address == bcc_addr, Contact.namespace_id == namespace_id, MessageContactAssociation.field == 'bcc_addr').subquery() query = query.filter( if any_email is not None: any_contact_query = db_session.query(Message.thread_id). \ join(MessageContactAssociation).join(Contact). \ filter(Contact.email_address.in_(any_email), Contact.namespace_id == namespace_id).subquery() query = query.filter( if filename is not None: files_query = db_session.query(Message.thread_id). \ join(Part).join(Block). \ filter(Block.filename == filename, Block.namespace_id == namespace_id). \ subquery() query = query.filter( if in_ is not None: category_filters = [ == in_, Category.display_name == in_] try: valid_public_id(in_) category_filters.append(Category.public_id == in_) except InputError: pass category_query = db_session.query(Message.thread_id). \ prefix_with('STRAIGHT_JOIN'). \ join(Message.messagecategories).join(MessageCategory.category). \ filter(Category.namespace_id == namespace_id, or_(*category_filters)).subquery() query = query.filter( if unread is not None: read = not unread unread_query = db_session.query(Message.thread_id).filter( Message.namespace_id == namespace_id, Message.is_read == read).subquery() query = query.filter( if starred is not None: starred_query = db_session.query(Message.thread_id).filter( Message.namespace_id == namespace_id, Message.is_starred == starred).subquery() query = query.filter( if view == 'count': return {"count":[0]} # Eager-load some objects in order to make constructing API # representations faster. if view != 'ids': expand = (view == 'expanded') query = query.options(*Thread.api_loading_options(expand)) query = query.order_by(desc(Thread.recentdate)).limit(limit) if offset: query = query.offset(offset) if view == 'ids': return [x[0] for x in query.all()] return query.all()
try: _db = production_session() registrar = IdentifierResolutionRegistrar(_db)'Finding unresolved identifiers') data_source = DataSource.lookup(_db, DataSource.INTERNAL_PROCESSING) unresolved_qu = Identifier.missing_coverage_from( _db, [], data_source, operation=CoverageRecord.RESOLVE_IDENTIFIER_OPERATION, count_as_covered=CoverageRecord.SUCCESS ).filter( != None)'Finding unaffiliated identifiers without a collection') unresolved_and_unaffiliated = unresolved_qu.outerjoin(Identifier.collections)\ .group_by(\ .options(lazyload(Identifier.licensed_through)).distinct() if unresolved_and_unaffiliated.count() > 1: # Use a bulk insert to add them all to the unaffiliated_collection.'Giving all unaffiliated identifiers a collection') unaffiliated_collection, ignore = MockResolver.unaffiliated_collection(_db) _db.execute( collections_identifiers.insert(), [ dict(, ) for identifier in unresolved_and_unaffiliated ] )
def num_stickers_filter_chats(): try: return SESSION.query(func.count(distinct(StickersFilters.chat_id))).scalar() finally: SESSION.close()
def messages_or_drafts(namespace_id, drafts, subject, from_addr, to_addr, cc_addr, bcc_addr, any_email, thread_public_id, started_before, started_after, last_message_before, last_message_after, received_before, received_after, filename, in_, unread, starred, limit, offset, view, db_session): # Warning: complexities ahead. This function sets up the query that gets # results for the /messages API. It loads from several tables, supports a # variety of views and filters, and is performance-critical for the API. As # such, it is not super simple. # # We bake the generated query to avoid paying query compilation overhead on # every request. This requires some attention: every parameter that can # vary between calls *must* be inserted via bindparam(), or else the first # value passed will be baked into the query and reused on each request. # Subqueries (on contact tables) can't be properly baked, so we have to # call query.spoil() on those code paths. param_dict = { 'namespace_id': namespace_id, 'drafts': drafts, 'subject': subject, 'from_addr': from_addr, 'to_addr': to_addr, 'cc_addr': cc_addr, 'bcc_addr': bcc_addr, 'any_email': any_email, 'thread_public_id': thread_public_id, 'received_before': received_before, 'received_after': received_after, 'started_before': started_before, 'started_after': started_after, 'last_message_before': last_message_before, 'last_message_after': last_message_after, 'filename': filename, 'in_': in_, 'unread': unread, 'starred': starred, 'limit': limit, 'offset': offset } if view == 'count': query = bakery(lambda s: s.query(func.count( elif view == 'ids': query = bakery(lambda s: s.query(Message.public_id)) else: query = bakery(lambda s: s.query(Message)) # Sometimes MySQL doesn't pick the right index. In the case of a # regular /messages query, ix_message_ns_id_is_draft_received_date # is the best index because we always filter on # the namespace_id, is_draft and then order by received_date. # For other "exotic" queries, we let the MySQL query planner # pick the right index. if all(v is None for v in [subject, from_addr, to_addr, cc_addr, bcc_addr, any_email, thread_public_id, filename, in_, started_before, started_after, last_message_before, last_message_after]): query += lambda q: q.with_hint( Message, 'FORCE INDEX (ix_message_ns_id_is_draft_received_date)', 'mysql') query += lambda q: q.join(Thread, Message.thread_id == query += lambda q: q.filter( Message.namespace_id == bindparam('namespace_id'), Message.is_draft == bindparam('drafts')) if subject is not None: query += lambda q: q.filter(Message.subject == bindparam('subject')) if unread is not None: query += lambda q: q.filter(Message.is_read != bindparam('unread')) if starred is not None: query += lambda q: q.filter(Message.is_starred == bindparam('starred')) if thread_public_id is not None: query += lambda q: q.filter( Thread.public_id == bindparam('thread_public_id')) # TODO: deprecate thread-oriented date filters on message endpoints. if started_before is not None: query += lambda q: q.filter( Thread.subjectdate < bindparam('started_before'), Thread.namespace_id == bindparam('namespace_id')) if started_after is not None: query += lambda q: q.filter( Thread.subjectdate > bindparam('started_after'), Thread.namespace_id == bindparam('namespace_id')) if last_message_before is not None: query += lambda q: q.filter( Thread.recentdate < bindparam('last_message_before'), Thread.namespace_id == bindparam('namespace_id')) if last_message_after is not None: query += lambda q: q.filter( Thread.recentdate > bindparam('last_message_after'), Thread.namespace_id == bindparam('namespace_id')) if received_before is not None: query += lambda q: q.filter( Message.received_date <= bindparam('received_before')) if received_after is not None: query += lambda q: q.filter( Message.received_date > bindparam('received_after')) if to_addr is not None: query.spoil() to_query = db_session.query(MessageContactAssociation.message_id). \ join(Contact).filter( MessageContactAssociation.field == 'to_addr', Contact.email_address == to_addr, Contact.namespace_id == bindparam('namespace_id')).subquery() query += lambda q: q.filter( if from_addr is not None: query.spoil() from_query = db_session.query(MessageContactAssociation.message_id). \ join(Contact).filter( MessageContactAssociation.field == 'from_addr', Contact.email_address == from_addr, Contact.namespace_id == bindparam('namespace_id')).subquery() query += lambda q: q.filter( if cc_addr is not None: query.spoil() cc_query = db_session.query(MessageContactAssociation.message_id). \ join(Contact).filter( MessageContactAssociation.field == 'cc_addr', Contact.email_address == cc_addr, Contact.namespace_id == bindparam('namespace_id')).subquery() query += lambda q: q.filter( if bcc_addr is not None: query.spoil() bcc_query = db_session.query(MessageContactAssociation.message_id). \ join(Contact).filter( MessageContactAssociation.field == 'bcc_addr', Contact.email_address == bcc_addr, Contact.namespace_id == bindparam('namespace_id')).subquery() query += lambda q: q.filter( if any_email is not None: query.spoil() any_email_query = db_session.query( MessageContactAssociation.message_id).join(Contact). \ filter(Contact.email_address.in_(any_email), Contact.namespace_id == bindparam('namespace_id')). \ subquery() query += lambda q: q.filter( if filename is not None: query += lambda q: q.join(Part).join(Block). \ filter(Block.filename == bindparam('filename'), Block.namespace_id == bindparam('namespace_id')) if in_ is not None: query.spoil() category_filters = [ == bindparam('in_'), Category.display_name == bindparam('in_')] try: valid_public_id(in_) category_filters.append(Category.public_id == bindparam('in_id')) # Type conversion and bindparams interact poorly -- you can't do # e.g. # query.filter(or_( == bindparam('in_'), # Category.public_id == bindparam('in_'))) # because the binary conversion defined by Category.public_id will # be applied to the bound value prior to its insertion in the # query. So we define another bindparam for the public_id: param_dict['in_id'] = in_ except InputError: pass query += lambda q: q.prefix_with('STRAIGHT_JOIN'). \ join(Message.messagecategories).join(MessageCategory.category). \ filter(Category.namespace_id == namespace_id, or_(*category_filters)) if view == 'count': res = query(db_session).params(**param_dict).one()[0] return {"count": res} query += lambda q: q.order_by(desc(Message.received_date)) query += lambda q: q.limit(bindparam('limit')) if offset: query += lambda q: q.offset(bindparam('offset')) if view == 'ids': res = query(db_session).params(**param_dict).all() return [x[0] for x in res] # Eager-load related attributes to make constructing API representations # faster. Note that we don't use the options defined by # Message.api_loading_options() here because we already have a join to the # thread table. We should eventually try to simplify this. query += lambda q: q.options( contains_eager(Message.thread), subqueryload(Message.messagecategories).joinedload('category'), subqueryload(, subqueryload( prepared = query(db_session).params(**param_dict) return prepared.all()
@event.listens_for(LikedPost, 'after_insert', propagate=True) def send_post_to_socket(mapper, connection, target): @event.listens_for(LikedPost, 'after_update', propagate=True) def send_post_to_socket_ts(mapper, connection, target): if not inspect(target).unmodified_intersection(('tombstone_date')): target.db.expire(, ['like_count']) _lpt = LikedPost.__table__ _actt = Action.__table__ Content.like_count = column_property( select([func.count(]).where( ( == & (_lpt.c.post_id == & (_actt.c.type == LikedPost.__mapper_args__['polymorphic_identity']) & (_actt.c.tombstone_date == None)).correlate_except(_actt, _lpt)) class ExpandPost(UniqueActionOnPost): """ An expansion action on a post. """ __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'version:ExpandPost_P'} verb = 'expanded'
def _find_duplicates( session: Session, table: type[Statistics | StatisticsShortTerm] ) -> tuple[list[int], list[dict]]: """Find duplicated statistics.""" subquery = ( session.query( table.start, table.metadata_id, literal_column("1").label("is_duplicate"), ) .group_by(table.metadata_id, table.start) .having(func.count() > 1) .subquery() ) query = ( session.query(table) .outerjoin( subquery, (subquery.c.metadata_id == table.metadata_id) & (subquery.c.start == table.start), ) .filter(subquery.c.is_duplicate == 1) .order_by(table.metadata_id, table.start, .limit(1000 * MAX_ROWS_TO_PURGE) ) duplicates = execute(query) original_as_dict = {} start = None metadata_id = None duplicate_ids: list[int] = [] non_identical_duplicates_as_dict: list[dict] = [] if not duplicates: return (duplicate_ids, non_identical_duplicates_as_dict) def columns_to_dict(duplicate: type[Statistics | StatisticsShortTerm]) -> dict: """Convert a SQLAlchemy row to dict.""" dict_ = {} for key in duplicate.__mapper__.c.keys(): dict_[key] = getattr(duplicate, key) return dict_ def compare_statistic_rows(row1: dict, row2: dict) -> bool: """Compare two statistics rows, ignoring id and created.""" ignore_keys = ["id", "created"] keys1 = set(row1).difference(ignore_keys) keys2 = set(row2).difference(ignore_keys) return keys1 == keys2 and all(row1[k] == row2[k] for k in keys1) for duplicate in duplicates: if start != duplicate.start or metadata_id != duplicate.metadata_id: original_as_dict = columns_to_dict(duplicate) start = duplicate.start metadata_id = duplicate.metadata_id continue duplicate_as_dict = columns_to_dict(duplicate) duplicate_ids.append( if not compare_statistic_rows(original_as_dict, duplicate_as_dict): non_identical_duplicates_as_dict.append( {"duplicate": duplicate_as_dict, "original": original_as_dict} ) return (duplicate_ids, non_identical_duplicates_as_dict)
def post(self, task_name): participation = self.current_user try: task = self.contest.get_task(task_name) except KeyError: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) self.fallback_page = ["tasks",, "submissions"] # Alias for easy access contest = self.contest # Enforce maximum number of submissions try: if contest.max_submission_number is not None: submission_c = self.sql_session\ .query(func.count(\ .join(Submission.task)\ .filter(Task.contest == contest)\ .filter(Submission.participation == participation)\ .scalar() if submission_c >= contest.max_submission_number and \ not self.current_user.unrestricted: raise ValueError( self._("You have reached the maximum limit of " "at most %d submissions among all tasks.") % contest.max_submission_number) if task.max_submission_number is not None: submission_t = self.sql_session\ .query(func.count(\ .filter(Submission.task == task)\ .filter(Submission.participation == participation)\ .scalar() if submission_t >= task.max_submission_number and \ not self.current_user.unrestricted: raise ValueError( self._("You have reached the maximum limit of " "at most %d submissions on this task.") % task.max_submission_number) except ValueError as error: self._send_error(self._("Too many submissions!"), error.message) return # Enforce minimum time between submissions try: if contest.min_submission_interval is not None: last_submission_c = self.sql_session.query(Submission)\ .join(Submission.task)\ .filter(Task.contest == contest)\ .filter(Submission.participation == participation)\ .order_by(Submission.timestamp.desc())\ .first() if last_submission_c is not None and \ self.timestamp - last_submission_c.timestamp < \ contest.min_submission_interval and \ not self.current_user.unrestricted: raise ValueError( self._("Among all tasks, you can submit again " "after %d seconds from last submission.") % contest.min_submission_interval.total_seconds()) # We get the last submission even if we may not need it # for min_submission_interval because we may need it later, # in case this is a ALLOW_PARTIAL_SUBMISSION task. last_submission_t = self.sql_session.query(Submission)\ .filter(Submission.task == task)\ .filter(Submission.participation == participation)\ .order_by(Submission.timestamp.desc())\ .first() if task.min_submission_interval is not None: if last_submission_t is not None and \ self.timestamp - last_submission_t.timestamp < \ task.min_submission_interval and \ not self.current_user.unrestricted: raise ValueError( self._("For this task, you can submit again " "after %d seconds from last submission.") % task.min_submission_interval.total_seconds()) except ValueError as error: self._send_error(self._("Submissions too frequent!"), error.message) return # Required files from the user. required = set([sfe.filename for sfe in task.submission_format]) # Ensure that the user did not submit multiple files with the # same name. if any(len(filename) != 1 for filename in self.request.files.values()): self._send_error(self._("Invalid submission format!"), self._("Please select the correct files.")) return # If the user submitted an archive, extract it and use content # as request.files. But only valid for "output only" (i.e., # not for submissions requiring a programming language # identification). if len(self.request.files) == 1 and \ self.request.files.keys()[0] == "submission": if any(filename.endswith(".%l") for filename in required): self._send_error(self._("Invalid submission format!"), self._("Please select the correct files."), task) return archive_data = self.request.files["submission"][0] del self.request.files["submission"] # Create the archive. archive = Archive.from_raw_data(archive_data["body"]) if archive is None: self._send_error( self._("Invalid archive format!"), self._("The submitted archive could not be opened.")) return # Extract the archive. unpacked_dir = archive.unpack() for name in archive.namelist(): filename = os.path.basename(name) if filename not in required: continue body = open(os.path.join(unpacked_dir, name), "r").read() self.request.files[filename] = [{ 'filename': filename, 'body': body }] archive.cleanup() # This ensure that the user sent one file for every name in # submission format and no more. Less is acceptable if task # type says so. task_type = get_task_type(dataset=task.active_dataset) provided = set(self.request.files.keys()) if not (required == provided or (task_type.ALLOW_PARTIAL_SUBMISSION and required.issuperset(provided))): self._send_error(self._("Invalid submission format!"), self._("Please select the correct files.")) return # Add submitted files. After this, files is a dictionary indexed # by *our* filenames (something like "output01.txt" or # "taskname.%l", and whose value is a couple # (user_assigned_filename, content). files = {} for uploaded, data in self.request.files.iteritems(): files[uploaded] = (data[0]["filename"], data[0]["body"]) # Read the submission language provided in the request; we # integrate it with the language fetched from the previous # submission (if we use it) and later make sure it is # recognized and allowed. submission_lang = self.get_argument("language", None) need_lang = any( our_filename.find(".%l") != -1 for our_filename in files) # If we allow partial submissions, we implicitly recover the # non-submitted files from the previous submission (if it has # the same programming language of the current one), and put # them in file_digests (since they are already in FS). file_digests = {} # if task_type.ALLOW_PARTIAL_SUBMISSION and \ # last_submission_t is not None and \ # (submission_lang is None or # submission_lang == last_submission_t.language): # submission_lang = last_submission_t.language # for filename in required.difference(provided): # if filename in last_submission_t.files: # file_digests[filename] = \ # last_submission_t.files[filename].digest # Throw an error if task needs a language, but we don't have # it or it is not allowed / recognized. if need_lang: error = None if submission_lang is None: error = self._("Cannot recognize the submission language.") elif submission_lang not in contest.languages: error = self._("Language %s not allowed in this contest.") \ % submission_lang if error is not None: self._send_error(self._("Invalid submission!"), error) return # Check if submitted files are small enough. if sum([len(f[1]) for f in files.values()]) > config.max_submission_length: self._send_error( self._("Submission too big!"), self._("Size of each submission must be at most %d bytes.") % config.max_submission_length) return # All checks done, submission accepted. # Attempt to store the submission locally to be able to # recover a failure. if config.submit_local_copy: try: path = os.path.join( config.submit_local_copy_path.replace( "%s", config.data_dir), participation.user.username) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) # Pickle in ASCII format produces str, not unicode, # therefore we open the file in binary mode. with os.path.join(path, "%d" % make_timestamp(self.timestamp)), "wb") as file_: pickle.dump((,,, files), file_) except Exception as error: logger.warning("Submission local copy failed.", exc_info=True) # We now have to send all the files to the destination... try: for filename in files: digest = self.application.service.file_cacher.put_file_content( files[filename][1], "Submission file %s sent by %s at %d." % (filename, participation.user.username, make_timestamp(self.timestamp))) file_digests[filename] = digest # In case of error, the server aborts the submission except Exception as error: logger.error("Storage failed! %s", error) self._send_error(self._("Submission storage failed!"), self._("Please try again.")) return # All the files are stored, ready to submit!"All files stored for submission sent by %s", participation.user.username) # Only set the official bit when the user can compete and we are not in # analysis mode. official = self.r_params["actual_phase"] == 0 submission = Submission(self.timestamp, submission_lang, task=task, participation=participation, official=official) for filename, digest in file_digests.items(): self.sql_session.add(File(filename, digest, submission=submission)) self.sql_session.add(submission) self.sql_session.commit() # Store some data out of the session so we can close it before issuing # RPCs. username = participation.user.username submission_id = logger.metric("submission_added",, language=submission.language,,, value=1) self.sql_session.close() try: random_service(self.application.service.evaluation_services)\ .new_submission(submission_id=submission_id) except IndexError: logger.error("No evaluation services found. " "Leaving the submission to be " "discovered by sweep. ") self.application.service.add_notification( username, self.timestamp, self._("Submission received"), self._("Your submission has been received " "and is currently being evaluated."), NOTIFICATION_SUCCESS) # The argument (encripted submission id) is not used by CWS # (nor it discloses information to the user), but it is useful # for automatic testing to obtain the submission id). self.redirect( self.contest_url(*self.fallback_page, submission_id=encrypt_number(
def get_top_likes_albums(session): return (session.query(Album, func.count( Like.user_id)).join(Like).group_by(Album).order_by( desc(func.count(Like.user_id)))[:10])
def comment_count(self): return (select([func.count(]).where(Comment.post_id == Comment.object_type == 'post').label("comments_count"))
def list_boards(): # Query the DB to get the list of boards and also a count of entries per board. boards_queried = ( db.session.query(,, Board.length, Board.volume, Board.shaper, Board.display_name, Board.description, func.count('entry_count'), func.avg(Entry.score).label('avg_score')) .join(Entry, == Entry.board) .group_by(,, Board.length, Board.volume, Board.shaper, Board.display_name, Board.description) ) # This is last-surfed dates for the other table at the bottom of the page. boards_last_used = db.session.query((func.max(Entry.time_out)).label('time_out'), Entry.board).group_by(Entry.board) boards_last_used_dict_list = [] boards_queried_dict_list = [] boards_for_template_list = [] # The results of the SQLAlchemy query above are returned as keyed-tuples. Need to begin by converting each of these to a dictionary. for row in boards_queried.all(): queried_row = row._asdict() boards_queried_dict_list.append(queried_row) for row in boards_last_used.all(): last_used_row = row._asdict() boards_last_used_dict_list.append(last_used_row) # Now that I have a dictionary for each value, strip the HH:MM out of the "time_out" label. for last_used_row in boards_last_used_dict_list: last_used_row['time_out'] = (last_used_row['time_out'].date()) # Merge the boards_last_used and the boards_queried based on whether board_name and name match. for queried_row in boards_queried_dict_list: for last_used_row in boards_last_used_dict_list: if queried_row['name'] == last_used_row['board']: queried_row.update(last_used_row) boards_for_template_list.append(queried_row) # Pass the results into the template return render_template("boards.html",rows = boards_for_template_list)
def view_user_count(self): return (select([func.count(distinct( PageView.user_id))]).where(PageView.object_id == PageView.object_type == 'post').label("view_user_count"))
def get(self, task_name): participation = self.current_user try: task = self.contest.get_task(task_name) except KeyError: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) if len(task.submission_format) == 0: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) submissions = self.sql_session.query(Submission)\ .filter(Submission.participation == participation)\ .filter(Submission.task == task)\ .options(joinedload(Submission.token))\ .options(joinedload(Submission.results)) \ .order_by(Submission.timestamp) \ .all() last_submission_result = None for submission in submissions: if submission.official: sr = submission.get_result(task.active_dataset) if sr is not None and sr.scored(): last_submission_result = sr submissions_left_contest = None if self.contest.max_submission_number is not None: submissions_c = self.sql_session\ .query(func.count(\ .join(Submission.task)\ .filter(Task.contest == self.contest)\ .filter(Submission.participation == participation)\ .scalar() submissions_left_contest = \ self.contest.max_submission_number - submissions_c submissions_left_task = None if task.max_submission_number is not None: submissions_left_task = \ task.max_submission_number - len(submissions) submissions_left = submissions_left_contest if submissions_left_task is not None and \ (submissions_left_contest is None or submissions_left_contest > submissions_left_task): submissions_left = submissions_left_task # Make sure we do not show negative value if admins changed # the maximum if submissions_left is not None: submissions_left = max(0, submissions_left) self.render("task_submissions.html", task=task, submissions=submissions, submissions_left=submissions_left, submissions_download_allowed=self.contest. submissions_download_allowed, last_submission_result=last_submission_result, **self.r_params)
def view_user_count(self): return (db.session.query(func.count(distinct( PageView.user_id))).filter(PageView.object_id == PageView.object_type == 'post').scalar())
def vote_count(self): return (select([func.count( ]).where(Vote.object_id == Vote.object_type == 'post').label("vote_count"))