def receiver_plot(receiver_name): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from io import BytesIO receiver_query = session.query(func.floor(AircraftBeacon.phi), func.max(AircraftBeacon.radius/1000)) \ .filter(AircraftBeacon.receiver_name == receiver_name) \ .filter(AircraftBeacon.radius is not None) \ .group_by(func.floor(AircraftBeacon.phi)) \ .order_by(func.floor(AircraftBeacon.phi)) rows = receiver_query.all() xs, ys = zip(*rows) xs = [x / 180 * 3.141592653 for x in xs] ax = plt.axes(polar=True) ax.set_theta_zero_location('N') ax.set_theta_direction('clockwise') plt.title('Maximum range') plt.plot(xs, ys, 'r') plt.ylim(0, 100) img = BytesIO() plt.savefig(img) plt.close() return send_file(img, mimetype='image/png')
def alchemy_expression(self): dt = self.product grid_spec = self.product.grid_spec doc = _jsonb_doc_expression(dt.metadata_type) projection_offset = _projection_doc_offset(dt.metadata_type) # Calculate tile refs geo_ref_points_offset = projection_offset + ['geo_ref_points'] center_point = func.ST_Centroid( func.ST_Collect( _gis_point(doc, geo_ref_points_offset + ['ll']), _gis_point(doc, geo_ref_points_offset + ['ur']), )) # todo: look at grid_spec crs. Use it for defaults, conversion. size_x, size_y = (grid_spec.tile_size or (1000.0, 1000.0)) origin_x, origin_y = grid_spec.origin return func.concat( func.floor( (func.ST_X(center_point) - origin_x) / size_x).cast(String), '_', func.floor( (func.ST_Y(center_point) - origin_y) / size_y).cast(String), )
def postgres_aggregates(self, resolution): if isinstance(resolution, basestring): try: resolution = float(resolution) except ValueError: resolution = self.resolution return [ label('cell_x', func.floor(ST_X(Column('cell')) / resolution) * resolution), label('cell_y', func.floor(ST_Y(Column('cell')) / resolution) * resolution)]
def get_ten_minute_core_fv_series_in_period(db, start_time, end_time): """ Get the ten-minute open-price series in this period from our core fv datums. Like most of our periods, this one is inclusive on the left but not the right. So getting this series for a full day [Nov 1st, Nov 2nd) will give you 24*6 == 144 datapoints, but getting this series for a day and one minute will likely give you 25. """ fundamental_value_series = [] fv_series = db.query( Datum.time_created, Datum.numeric_value, )\ .filter(Datum.time_created >= start_time)\ .filter(Datum.time_created < end_time)\ .filter('%_CORE_FUNDAMENTAL_VALUE'))\ .group_by(, func.hour(Datum.time_created), func.floor((func.minute(Datum.time_created) / 10))*10 )\ .all() # Do a teeny bit of sanity checking. delta = end_time - start_time ten_minutes = math.floor((delta.days * 86400 + delta.seconds) / 600) assert (len(fv_series) == ten_minutes) fundamental_value_series = convert_datum_series_to_time_series(fv_series) return fundamental_value_series
def stalenessRating(self): """ Return the Queryable staleness rating of the mastery """ return func.coalesce( cast( func.floor( func.extract('epoch', - self.lastCorrectAnswer) / 86400), db.Integer) / StalenessPeriod.days, 0)
def device_plot2(address): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from matplotlib.mlab import griddata from io import BytesIO sq = session.query(func.floor(case([(AircraftBeacon.theta-AircraftBeacon.track+180 > 0, AircraftBeacon.theta-AircraftBeacon.track+180), (AircraftBeacon.theta-AircraftBeacon.track+180 < 0, AircraftBeacon.theta-AircraftBeacon.track+180+360)])).label('direction'), AircraftBeacon.radius, AircraftBeacon.signal_strength) \ .filter(AircraftBeacon.receiver_name == 'Koenigsdf') \ .filter(AircraftBeacon.address == address) \ .filter(AircraftBeacon.radius is not None).subquery() device_query = session.query(func.floor(sq.c.direction/15)*15, func.floor(sq.c.radius/1000)*1000, func.avg(sq.c.signal_strength)) \ .group_by(func.floor(sq.c.direction/15)*15, func.floor(sq.c.radius/1000)*1000) rows = device_query.all() xs, ys, zs = zip(*rows) xs = [x / 180 * 3.141592653 for x in xs] xi = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 360) yi = np.linspace(0, 10000, 5) zi = griddata(xs, ys, zs, xi, yi, interp='linear') ax = plt.axes(polar=True) ax.set_theta_zero_location('N') ax.set_theta_direction('clockwise') plt.title('Maximum range') c = plt.contourf(xi, yi, zi, 5) cb = plt.colorbar(c) cb.set_label("Signal strength [db]") img = BytesIO() plt.savefig(img) plt.close() return send_file(img, mimetype='image/png')
def get(self): '''방문시 연령대(10세 단위)별 방문 수''' Json = dict() q = db.session.query( func.floor( extract('year', func.age(v.visit_start_datetime, p.birth_datetime)) / 10) * 10, func.count() ).join(p, p.person_id == v.person_id).group_by( func.floor( extract('year', func.age(v.visit_start_datetime, p.birth_datetime)) / 10) * 10).order_by( func.floor( extract('year', func.age(v.visit_start_datetime, p.birth_datetime)) / 10) * 10) for name, num in q: Json[str(int(name)) + "대"] = num return Json
def count_visit_by_age_group(): # select age_group, person_id ages = db.session.query( (func.floor(extract('year', (func.age(Person.birth_datetime))) / 10) * 10).label('age_group'), Person.person_id.label('person_id') ).subquery() # group by age_group result = db.session \ .query(ages.c.age_group, func.count(ages.c.age_group)) \ .filter(VisitOccurrence.person_id == ages.c.person_id) \ .group_by(ages.c.age_group) \ .all() return dict(result)
def coindays_destroyed(self, since=None, interval=None): if interval is not None: query = self.session.query( sqlfunc.min(CoinDaysDestroyed.timestamp), sqlfunc.max(CoinDaysDestroyed.timestamp), sqlfunc.sum(CoinDaysDestroyed.coindays)) if since is not None: query = query.filter(CoinDaysDestroyed.timestamp >= since) query = query.group_by( sqlfunc.floor( sqlfunc.to_seconds(CoinDaysDestroyed.timestamp) / interval)).order_by(CoinDaysDestroyed.timestamp.asc()) return [ dict(zip(('start', 'end', 'coindaysdestroyed'), period)) for period in query.all() ] query = self.session.query(sqlfunc.sum(CoinDaysDestroyed.coindays)) if since is not None: query = query.filter(CoinDaysDestroyed.timestamp >= since) destroyed = query.first()[0] return round(float(destroyed), 5) if destroyed != None else 0.0
def get_custom_channel_stats(db: Connection, channel_id: int, period_start: datetime, period_end: datetime, average_interval: int = 60) -> List: """ Get channel's stats for specified period. """ query = select([ENTRIES.c.timestamp, func.avg(ENTRIES.c.value)]) \ .select_from(ENTRIES) \ .where(and_(ENTRIES.c.channel_id == channel_id, between(ENTRIES.c.timestamp, period_start, period_end))) \ .group_by(, func.hour(ENTRIES.c.timestamp), func.floor(func.minute(ENTRIES.c.timestamp) / average_interval)) \ .order_by(ENTRIES.c.timestamp.asc()) result = db.execute(query) datetimes = datetimes_between(period_start, period_end, average_interval * 60) average_by_datetime = OrderedDict.fromkeys(datetimes) for time, value in result: dt = time.replace(minute=0, second=0) average_by_datetime[dt] = value return average_by_datetime.items()
async def rand(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, args: PlaybackArgumentConverter() = _DEFAULT_PLAYBACK_ARGUMENTS): """ Play a random sound. :param args: The volume/speed of playback, in format v[XX%] s[SS%]. e.g. v50 s100 for 50% sound, 100% speed. """ sound = await select([sound_names.c.sound_id,]) .where( and_( sound_names.c.guild_id ==, ~sound_names.c.is_alias )) .offset( func.floor( func.random() * select([func.count()]) .select_from(sound_names) .where(sound_names.c.guild_id == .limit(1) ) log.debug(f'Playing random sound {sound[]}.') await ctx.invoke(, sound, args=args)
def get_peaks_query_group_by_time_step(target_type, target_id, step, metric_type, time_from, time_until): time_until = round_time(time_from, time_until, step=step) shift = get_shift(time_from, step) group_time = (func.floor( (func.extract("epoch", BatchStoryPeaks.time) - shift) / step)) * step query_creator = MetricPeakGroupFilter(session=db.session) (query_creator.filter_by_metric_type(metric_type).filter_by_time_period( time_from=time_from, time_until=time_until).set_query_entities( func.max(MetricPeak.value).label("peaks"), group_time.label("step"), func.min(func.extract("epoch", BatchStoryPeaks.time)).label("time"), MetricPeak.type.label("type"), ).group_by("step", "type").order_by("time")) if target_type == "cluster": query_creator.filter_by_cluster_id(target_id) elif target_type == "server": query_creator.filter_by_server_id(target_id) elif target_type == "services_group": query_creator.filter_by_service_group_id(target_id) elif target_type == "service": query_creator.filter_by_service_id(target_id) return query_creator
def device_plot(address): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from io import BytesIO receiver_name = 'Koenigsdf' device_query = session.query(func.floor(AircraftBeacon.radius/1000), func.avg(AircraftBeacon.signal_strength)) \ .filter(AircraftBeacon.address == address) \ .filter(AircraftBeacon.receiver_name == receiver_name) \ .group_by(func.floor(AircraftBeacon.radius/1000)) \ .order_by(func.floor(AircraftBeacon.radius/1000)) rows = device_query.all() xs, ys = zip(*rows) plt.plot(xs, ys, 'b', marker='o', label=address) receiver_query = session.query(func.floor(AircraftBeacon.radius/1000), func.avg(AircraftBeacon.signal_strength)) \ .filter(AircraftBeacon.receiver_name == receiver_name) \ .group_by(func.floor(AircraftBeacon.radius/1000)) \ .order_by(func.floor(AircraftBeacon.radius/1000)) rows = receiver_query.all() xs, ys = zip(*rows) plt.plot(xs, ys, 'g--', label=receiver_name) plt.title('Signal strength over distance') plt.xlim(0, 40) plt.xlabel('Distance [km]') plt.ylabel('Signal strength [db]') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.grid(True, color='0.75') img = BytesIO() plt.savefig(img) return send_file(img, mimetype='image/png')
def execute(self, message, user, params): alliance=Alliance() race=None size_mod=None size=None value_mod=None value=None bash=False attacker=user.planet cluster=None for p in params: m=self.bashre.match(p) if m and not bash: bash=True continue m=self.clusterre.match(p) if m and not cluster: cluster=int( m=self.racere.match(p) if m and not race: continue m=self.rangere.match(p) if m and not size and int( < 32768: or '>' continue m=self.rangere.match(p) if m and not value: or '<' continue m=self.alliancere.match(p) if m and not and not self.clusterre.match(p): alliance = Alliance(name="Unknown") if == "unknown" else Alliance.load( if alliance is None: message.reply("No alliance matching '%s' found" % (,)) return continue maxcap = PA.getfloat("roids","maxcap") mincap = PA.getfloat("roids","mincap") modifier = (cast(Planet.value,Float).op("/")(float(attacker.value))).op("^")(0.5) caprate = func.float8larger(mincap,func.float8smaller(modifier.op("*")(maxcap),maxcap)) maxcap = cast(func.floor(cast(Planet.size,Float).op("*")(caprate)),Integer) bravery = (func.float8larger(0.0,( func.float8smaller(2.0, cast(Planet.value,Float).op("/")(float(attacker.value)))-0.1) * (func.float8smaller(2.0, cast(Planet.score,Float).op("/")(float(attacker.score)))-0.2))).op("*")(10.0) xp_gain = cast(func.floor(maxcap.op("*")(bravery)),Integer) Q = session.query(Planet, Intel, xp_gain.label("xp_gain")) if Q = Q.join( Q = Q.filter(Intel.alliance == alliance) else: Q = Q.outerjoin( if Q = Q.filter(Intel.alliance == None) Q = Q.filter( == True) if race: Q = Q.filter(Planet.race.ilike(race)) if size: Q = Q.filter(Planet.size.op(size_mod)(size)) if value: Q = Q.filter(Planet.value.op(value_mod)(value)) if bash: Q = Q.filter(or_(Planet.value.op(">")(attacker.value*PA.getfloat("bash","value")), Planet.score.op(">")(attacker.score*PA.getfloat("bash","score")))) if cluster: Q = Q.filter(Planet.x == cluster) Q = Q.order_by(desc("xp_gain")) Q = Q.order_by(desc(Planet.idle)) Q = Q.order_by(desc(Planet.value)) result = Q[:6] if len(result) < 1: reply="No" if race: reply+=" %s"%(race,) reply+=" planets" if reply+=" in intel matching Alliance: %s"%(,) else: reply+=" matching" if size: reply+=" Size %s %s" % (size_mod,size) if value: reply+=" Value %s %s" % (value_mod,value) message.reply(reply) return replies = [] for planet, intel, xp_gain in result[:5]: reply="%s:%s:%s (%s)" % (planet.x,planet.y,planet.z,planet.race) reply+=" Value: %s Size: %s Scoregain: %d" % (planet.value,planet.size, xp_gain*60) if intel: if intel.nick: reply+=" Nick: %s" % (intel.nick,) if not and intel.alliance: reply+=" Alliance: %s" % (,) replies.append(reply) if len(result) > 5: replies[-1]+=" (Too many results to list, please refine your search)" message.reply("\n".join(replies))
def execute(self, message, user, params): alliance = Alliance() race = None size_mod = None size = None value_mod = None value = None bash = False attacker = user.planet cluster = None params = for p in params: m = self.bashre.match(p) if m and not bash: bash = True continue m = self.clusterre.match(p) if m and not cluster: cluster = int( m = self.racere.match(p) if m and not race: race = continue m = self.rangere.match(p) if m and not size and int( < 32768: size_mod = or '>' size = continue m = self.rangere.match(p) if m and not value: value_mod = or '<' value = continue m = self.alliancere.match(p) if m and not and not self.clusterre.match(p): alliance = Alliance(name="Unknown") if 1).lower() == "unknown" else Alliance.load( if alliance is None: message.reply("No alliance matching '%s' found" % (, )) return continue maxcap = PA.getfloat("roids", "maxcap") mincap = PA.getfloat("roids", "mincap") modifier = (cast(Planet.value, Float).op("/")(float(attacker.value))).op("^")(0.5) caprate = func.float8larger( mincap, func.float8smaller(modifier.op("*")(maxcap), maxcap)) maxcap = cast(func.floor(cast(Planet.size, Float).op("*")(caprate)), Integer) bravery = (func.float8larger( 0.0, (func.float8smaller( 2.0, cast(Planet.value, Float).op("/")(float(attacker.value))) - 0.1) * (func.float8smaller( 2.0, cast(Planet.score, Float).op("/")(float(attacker.score))) - 0.2))).op("*")(10.0) xp_gain = cast(func.floor(maxcap.op("*")(bravery)), Integer) Q = session.query(Planet, Intel, xp_gain.label("xp_gain")) if Q = Q.join( Q = Q.filter(Intel.alliance == alliance) else: Q = Q.outerjoin( if Q = Q.filter(Intel.alliance == None) Q = Q.filter( == True) if race: Q = Q.filter(Planet.race.ilike(race)) if size: Q = Q.filter(Planet.size.op(size_mod)(size)) if value: Q = Q.filter(Planet.value.op(value_mod)(value)) if bash: Q = Q.filter( or_( Planet.value.op(">")(attacker.value * PA.getfloat("bash", "value")), Planet.score.op(">")(attacker.score * PA.getfloat("bash", "score")))) if cluster: Q = Q.filter(Planet.x == cluster) Q = Q.order_by(desc("xp_gain")) Q = Q.order_by(desc(Planet.idle)) Q = Q.order_by(desc(Planet.value)) result = Q[:6] if len(result) < 1: reply = "No" if race: reply += " %s" % (race, ) reply += " planets" if reply += " in intel matching Alliance: %s" % (, ) else: reply += " matching" if size: reply += " Size %s %s" % (size_mod, size) if value: reply += " Value %s %s" % (value_mod, value) message.reply(reply) return replies = [] for planet, intel, xp_gain in result[:5]: reply = "%s:%s:%s (%s)" % (planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, planet.race) reply += " Value: %s Size: %s Scoregain: %d" % ( planet.value, planet.size, xp_gain * PA.getint("numbers", "xp_value")) if intel: if intel.nick: reply += " Nick: %s" % (intel.nick, ) if not and intel.alliance: reply += " Alliance: %s" % (, ) replies.append(reply) if len(result) > 5: replies[ -1] += " (Too many results to list, please refine your search)" message.reply("\n".join(replies))
def get(self, variable, group_by, start_date=None, end_date=None, only_loc=None, use_ids=None, date_variable=None, additional_variables=None, group_by_variables=None): variable = str(variable) if not only_loc: if "only_loc" in request.args: only_loc = request.args["only_loc"] else: only_loc = g.allowed_location if not is_allowed_location(only_loc, g.allowed_location): return {} start_date, end_date = fix_dates(start_date, end_date) if "use_ids" in request.args.keys() or use_ids: use_ids = True else: use_ids = False if date_variable: date_conditions = [ func.to_date(Data.variables[date_variable].astext, "YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MI-SS") >= start_date, func.to_date(Data.variables[date_variable].astext, "YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MI-SS") < end_date ] else: date_conditions = [ >= start_date, < end_date] if "location" in variable: location_id = variable.split(":")[1] conditions = date_conditions + [ or_(loc == location_id for loc in (,, Data.region, Data.district, ] else: conditions = [Data.variables.has_key(variable)] + date_conditions if additional_variables: # add additional variable filters if there are and for i in additional_variables: conditions.append(Data.variables.has_key(i)) if only_loc: conditions += [ or_(loc == only_loc for loc in (,, Data.region, Data.district, ] epi_year_start = meerkat_abacus.util.epi_week.epi_year_start_date( start_date) # Determine which columns we want to extract from the Data table columns_to_extract = [func.count('value')] if date_variable: columns_to_extract.append( func.floor( extract( 'days', func.to_date(Data.variables[date_variable].astext, "YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MI-SS") - epi_year_start) / 7 + 1).label("week")) else: columns_to_extract.append( func.floor( extract('days', - epi_year_start) / 7 + 1).label("week")) # We want to add the columns to extract based on the group_by value # in addition we create a names dict that translates ids to names if "locations" in group_by: # If we have locations in group_by we also specify the level at # which we want to group the locations, clinic, district or region if ":" in group_by: level = group_by.split(":")[1] else: level = "clinic" locations = abacus_util.get_locations(db.session) ids = locations.keys() names = get_locations_by_level(level, only_loc) columns_to_extract += [getattr(Data, level, None)] group_by_query = level else: if not group_by_variables: names = get_variables(group_by) else: names = group_by_variables if len(names) == 0: return {} ids = names.keys() for i in ids: columns_to_extract.append( Data.variables.has_key(str(i)).label("id" + str(i))) group_by_query = ",".join(["id" + str(i) for i in ids]) if use_ids: names = {vid: vid for vid in names.keys()} start_epi_week = abacus_util.epi_week.epi_week_for_date(start_date)[1] end_epi_week = abacus_util.epi_week.epi_week_for_date(end_date)[1] # How we deal with start and end dates in different years if start_date.year != end_date.year: end_epi_week += 53 * (end_date.year - start_date.year) # DB Query results = db.session.query(*tuple(columns_to_extract)).filter( *conditions).group_by("week," + group_by_query) # Assemble return dict ret = {} for n in names.values(): ret[n] = { "total": 0, "weeks": {i: 0 for i in range(start_epi_week, end_epi_week + 1)} } for r in results: # r = (number, week, other_columns_to_extract if "locations" in group_by: # r[2] = location if r[2]: ret[names[r[2]]]["total"] += r[0] ret[names[r[2]]]["weeks"][int(r[1])] = int(r[0]) else: # r[2:] are the ids that the record has for i, i_d in enumerate(ids): if r[i + 2]: ret[names[i_d]]["total"] += r[0] ret[names[i_d]]["weeks"][int(r[1])] = int(r[0]) return ret
def stalenessRating(self): """ Return the Queryable staleness rating of the mastery """ return func.coalesce(cast(func.floor(func.extract('epoch',, db.Integer)/StalenessPeriod.days, 0)
def stat_hourly(page, rows, offset, sidx, sord, date_filter, queues_filter): # Hourly distribution (30 min sections) if db_engine=='oracle': xh = func.floor((sql.cast(func.to_char(Queue_log.timestamp, 'HH24'), types.INT) *60 + \ sql.cast(func.to_char(Queue_log.timestamp, 'MI'), types.INT) ) / 30) else: # PostgreSql xh = func.floor((extract('hour', Queue_log.timestamp) * 60 + \ extract('min', Queue_log.timestamp) ) / 30) xh = xh.label('xhour') # h_incoming = DBSession.query(xh, func.count('*').label('incoming')).\ # filter(Queue_log.queue_event_id==Queue_event.qe_id).\ # filter(Queue_event.event=='ENTERQUEUE').filter(queues_filter) # if date_filter is not None: # h_incoming = h_incoming.filter(date_filter) # h_incoming = h_incoming.group_by(xh).order_by(xh).subquery() h_connect = DBSession.query( xh, func.count('*').label('count')).\ filter(queues_filter). \ filter(Queue_log.queue_event_id==Queue_event.qe_id).\ filter(Queue_event.event=='CONNECT').filter(queues_filter) if date_filter is not None: h_connect = h_connect.filter(date_filter) h_connect = h_connect.group_by(xh).subquery() h_abandon = DBSession.query( xh, func.count('*').label('count')).\ filter(queues_filter). \ filter(Queue_log.queue_event_id==Queue_event.qe_id).\ filter(Queue_event.event=='ABANDON').filter(queues_filter) if date_filter is not None: h_abandon = h_abandon.filter(date_filter) h_abandon = h_abandon.group_by(xh).subquery() h_closed = DBSession.query( xh, func.count('*').label('count')).\ filter(queues_filter). \ filter(Queue_log.queue_event_id==Queue_event.qe_id).\ filter(Queue_event.event=='CLOSED').filter(queues_filter) if date_filter is not None: h_closed = h_closed.filter(date_filter) h_closed = h_closed.group_by(xh).subquery() h_dissuasion = DBSession.query( xh, func.count('*').label('count')).\ filter(queues_filter). \ filter(Queue_log.queue_event_id==Queue_event.qe_id).\ filter(Queue_event.event=='DISSUASION').filter(queues_filter) if date_filter is not None: h_dissuasion = h_dissuasion.filter(date_filter) h_dissuasion = h_dissuasion.group_by(xh).subquery() q = DBSession.query(xh, func.count('*').label('incoming'), h_abandon.c.count.label('abandon'), h_connect.c.count.label('connect'), h_dissuasion.c.count.label('dissuasion'), h_closed.c.count.label('closed')).\ filter(Queue_log.queue_event_id==Queue_event.qe_id). \ filter(Queue_event.event=='ENTERQUEUE').filter(queues_filter). \ filter(queues_filter). \ outerjoin((h_connect, xh==h_connect.c.xhour)). \ outerjoin((h_abandon, xh==h_abandon.c.xhour)). \ outerjoin((h_closed, xh==h_closed.c.xhour)). \ outerjoin((h_dissuasion, xh==h_dissuasion.c.xhour)). \ group_by(xh,h_abandon.c.count, h_connect.c.count, h_dissuasion.c.count, h_closed.c.count) if date_filter is not None: q = q.filter(date_filter) if sidx=='incoming': q = q.order_by(desc(func.count('*'))) if sord=='desc' \ else q.order_by(func.count('*')) elif sidx=='connect': q = q.order_by(desc(h_connect.c.count)) if sord=='desc' \ else q.order_by(h_connect.c.count) elif sidx=='abandon': q = q.order_by(desc(h_abandon.c.count)) if sord=='desc' \ else q.order_by(h_abandon.c.count) elif sidx=='dissuasion': q = q.order_by(desc(h_dissuasion.c.count)) if sord=='desc' \ else q.order_by(h_dissuasion.c.count) elif sidx=='closed': q = q.order_by(desc(h_closed.c.count)) if sord=='desc' \ else q.order_by(h_closed.c.count) else: q = q.order_by(desc(xh)) if sord=='desc' \ else q.order_by(xh) q = q.offset(offset).limit(rows) total = q.count()/rows + 1 data = [] total_in = 0 for i, r in enumerate(q.all()): total_in += r.incoming data.append({ 'id' : i, 'cell': [ u'%dh30' % (r.xhour/2) if i%2 \ else u'%dh' % (r.xhour/2), r.incoming, 0, r.closed, 0, r.dissuasion, 0, r.abandon, 0, r.connect, 0] }) for x in data: x['cell'][2] = '%.1f %%' % (100.0 * x['cell'][1] / total_in) \ if x['cell'][1] else '' x['cell'][4] = '%.1f %%' % (100.0 * x['cell'][3] / total_in) \ if x['cell'][3] else '' x['cell'][6] = '%.1f %%' % (100.0 * x['cell'][5] / total_in) \ if x['cell'][5] else '' x['cell'][8] = '%.1f %%' % (100.0 * x['cell'][7] / total_in) \ if x['cell'][7] else '' x['cell'][10] = '%.1f %%' % (100.0 * x['cell'][9] / total_in) \ if x['cell'][9] else '' log.debug(data) return dict(page=page, total=total, rows=data)
def optimized_random(self, limit): return self.query.offset( func.floor( func.random() * db.session.query(func.count(
def latest_query(db, var_id, identifier_id, start_date, end_date, location, allowed_location=1, level=None, weeks=False, date_variable=None, week_offset=0): """ To query register like data where we want to get the latest value. I.e If the value of the number of beds is updated each week and we want the latest number. We take the latest value per clinic. Args: var_id: Variable id to get last of identifier_id: Id to identify which records we should use start_date: Start date end_date: End date location: Location to restrict to date_variable: if None we use date from data otherwise we use the variable indicated weeks: True if we want a breakdwon by weeks. Returns: result(dict): Dictionary with results. Always has total key, and if level was given there is a level key with the data breakdown """ if allowed_location == 1: if g: allowed_location = g.allowed_location if not is_allowed_location(location, allowed_location): return {} location_condtion = [ or_(loc == location for loc in (,, Data.region, Data.district, ] if date_variable: date_conditions = [ func.to_date(Data.variables[date_variable].astext, "YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MI-SS") >= start_date, func.to_date(Data.variables[date_variable].astext, "YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MI-SS") < end_date ] else: date_conditions = [ >= start_date, < end_date] conditions = location_condtion + date_conditions + [ Data.variables.has_key(identifier_id) ] if weeks: epi_year_start = meerkat_abacus.util.epi_week.epi_year_start_date( start_date) if date_variable: c = func.floor( extract( 'days', func.to_date(Data.variables[date_variable].astext, "YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MI-SS") - epi_year_start) / 7 + 1).label("week") else: c = func.floor( extract('days', - epi_year_start) / 7 + 1).label("week") # This query selects that latest record for each clinic for each week # that has the variable identifier_id query = db.session.query(, c,, Data.region, Data.district, Data.variables).distinct(, c).filter(*conditions).order_by( ret = { "total": 0, "weeks": {}, "district": {}, "clinic": {}, "region": {} } for r in query: val = r.variables.get(var_id, 0) ret["total"] += val week = int(r.week) - week_offset ret["weeks"].setdefault(week, 0) ret["weeks"][week] += val ret["clinic"].setdefault(, {"total": 0, "weeks": {}}) ret["clinic"][]["total"] += val ret["clinic"][]["weeks"][week] = val ret["district"].setdefault(r.district, {"total": 0, "weeks": {}}) ret["district"][r.district]["total"] += val ret["district"][r.district]["weeks"][week] = +val ret["region"].setdefault(r.region, {"total": 0, "weeks": {}}) ret["region"][r.region]["total"] += val ret["region"][r.region]["weeks"][week] = +val return ret else: # This query selects that latest record for each clinic # that has the variable identifier_id query = db.session.query(,, Data.region, Data.district, Data.variables).distinct(*conditions).order_by( ret = {"total": 0, "clinic": {}, "district": {}, "region": {}} for r in query: val = r.variables.get(var_id, 0) ret["total"] += val ret["clinic"][] = val ret["district"].setdefault(r.district, 0) ret["district"][r.district] += val ret["region"].setdefault(r.region, 0) ret["region"][r.region] += val return ret
def get_progression_stats(self, session, id_, time_unit: 'TimeUnit' = TimeUnit.MONTH, start_date: datetime.datetime = None, end_date: datetime.datetime = None, playlist: int = 13): if time_unit == TimeUnit.MONTH: date = func.to_char(Game.match_date, 'YY-MM') time_format = "%y-%m" elif time_unit == TimeUnit.DAY: date = func.to_char(Game.match_date, 'YY-MM-DD') time_format = "%y-%m-%d" elif time_unit == TimeUnit.YEAR: date = func.to_char(Game.match_date, 'YY') time_format = "%y" elif time_unit == TimeUnit.QUARTER: date = func.concat( func.to_char(Game.match_date, 'YY'), '-', func.floor( cast(func.extract('quarter', Game.match_date), sqlalchemy.Numeric))) time_format = '%y-%m' else: # Mainly to help the linter know that time_unit is assigned. logger.error( f'Unknown time unit: {time_unit}. Falling back onto month.') date = func.to_char(Game.match_date, 'YY-MM') time_format = "%y-%m" date = date.label('date') mean_query = session.query(date, func.count( Game.hash), *self.get_player_stat_query()).join(PlayerGame).filter( PlayerGame.time_in_game > 0).filter( PlayerGame.player == id_).group_by('date').order_by('date') std_query = session.query( date, func.count(Game.hash), *self.get_player_stat_std_query()).join(PlayerGame).filter( PlayerGame.time_in_game > 0).filter( PlayerGame.player == id_).group_by('date').order_by('date') if start_date is not None: mean_query = mean_query.filter(Game.match_date > start_date) std_query = std_query.filter(Game.match_date > start_date) if end_date is not None: mean_query = mean_query.filter(Game.match_date < end_date) std_query = std_query.filter(Game.match_date < end_date) if playlist is not None: mean_query = mean_query.filter(Game.playlist == playlist) std_query = std_query.filter(Game.playlist == playlist) mean_query = mean_query.all() std_query = std_query.all() mean_query = [list(q) for q in mean_query] std_query = [list(q) for q in std_query] results = [] for q, s in zip(mean_query, std_query): result = { 'name': datetime.datetime.strptime(q[0], time_format), 'average': self.get_wrapped_stats([self.float_maybe(qn) for qn in q[2:]], self.player_stats), 'std_dev': self.get_wrapped_stats([self.float_maybe(qn) for qn in s[2:]], self.player_stats), 'count': q[1] } if time_unit == 'quarter': date = result['name'] result['name'] = datetime.datetime(date.year, (date.month - 1) * 3 + 1, 1) result['name'] = result['name'].isoformat() results.append(result) return results
def execute(self, message, user, params): alliance = Alliance() race = None size_mod = None size = None value_mod = None value = None bash = False attacker = user.planet cluster = None limit = 5 params = for p in params: m = self.bashre.match(p) if m and not bash: bash = True continue m = self.clusterre.match(p) if m and not cluster: cluster = int( m = self.racere.match(p) if m and not race: race = continue m = self.rangere.match(p) if m and not size and int( < 32768: size_mod = or '>' size = continue m = self.rangere.match(p) if m and not value: value_mod = or '<' value = continue m = self.alliancere.match(p) if m and not and not self.clusterre.match(p): alliance = Alliance(name="Unknown") if 1).lower() == "unknown" else Alliance.load( if alliance is None: message.reply("No alliance matching '%s' found" % (, )) return continue if p[:4] == "lots" and user.is_admin(): limit = int(p[4:]) maxcap = PA.getfloat("roids", "maxcap") mincap = PA.getfloat("roids", "mincap") modifier = (cast(Planet.value, Float).op("/")(float(attacker.value))).op("^")(0.5) caprate = func.greatest(mincap, func.least(modifier.op("*")(maxcap), maxcap)) maxcap = cast(func.floor(cast(Planet.size, Float).op("*")(caprate)), Integer) Q = session.query(Planet, Intel, maxcap.label("maxcap")) if Q = Q.join( Q = Q.filter(Intel.alliance == alliance) else: Q = Q.outerjoin( if Q = Q.filter(Intel.alliance == None) Q = Q.filter( == True) if race: Q = Q.filter(Planet.race.ilike(race)) if size: Q = Q.filter(Planet.size.op(size_mod)(size)) if value: Q = Q.filter(Planet.value.op(value_mod)(value)) if bash: Q = Q.filter( or_( Planet.value.op(">")(attacker.value * PA.getfloat("bash", "value")), Planet.score.op(">")(attacker.score * PA.getfloat("bash", "score")))) if cluster: Q = Q.filter(Planet.x == cluster) Q = Q.order_by(desc("maxcap")) Q = Q.order_by(desc(Planet.size)) Q = Q.order_by(desc(Planet.value)) result = Q[:(limit + 1)] if len(result) < 1: reply = "No" if race: reply += " %s" % (race, ) reply += " planets" if reply += " in intel matching Alliance: %s" % (, ) else: reply += " matching" if size: reply += " Size %s %s" % (size_mod, size) if value: reply += " Value %s %s" % (value_mod, value) message.reply(reply) return replies = [] for planet, intel, maxcap in result[:limit]: reply = "%s:%s:%s (%s)" % (planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, planet.race) reply += " Value: %s Size: %s MaxCap: %s" % (planet.value, planet.size, maxcap) if intel: if intel.nick: reply += " Nick: %s" % (intel.nick, ) if not and intel.alliance: reply += " Alliance: %s" % (, ) replies.append(reply) print(len(replies)) if len(replies) == 5: message.reply("\n".join(replies)) replies = [] sleep(3) if len(result) > limit: replies.append( "(Too many results to list, please refine your search)") message.reply("\n".join(replies))
def usage_data(hall_no, year, month, day): # turn date info into a date object # find start range by subtracting 30 days now =, month, day) start = now - datetime.timedelta(days=30) # get the current day of the week for today and tomorrow # python dow is monday = 0, while sql dow is sunday = 0 dow = (now.weekday() + 1) % 7 tmw = (dow + 1) % 7 # some commands are different between mysql and sqlite is_mysql = == "mysql" # get the laundry information for today based on the day # of week (if today is tuesday, get all the tuesdays # in the past 30 days), group them by time, and include # the first 2 hours of the next day data = sqldb.session.query(, (func.floor(LaundrySnapshot.time / 60).label("time") if is_mysql else cast(LaundrySnapshot.time / 60, Integer).label("time")), func.avg(LaundrySnapshot.washers).label("all_washers"), func.avg(LaundrySnapshot.dryers).label("all_dryers"), func.avg(LaundrySnapshot.total_washers).label("all_total_washers"), func.avg(LaundrySnapshot.total_dryers).label("all_total_dryers"), ).filter((( == hall_no) & ((func.dayofweek( == dow + 1 if is_mysql else func.strftime("%w", == str(dow)) | ((LaundrySnapshot.time <= 180 - 1) & (func.dayofweek( == tmw + 1 if is_mysql else func.strftime("%w", == str(tmw)))) & ( >= start))) \ .group_by(, "time") \ .order_by(, "time").all() data = [x._asdict() for x in data] all_dryers = [int(x["all_total_dryers"]) for x in data] all_washers = [int(x["all_total_washers"]) for x in data] washer_points = {k: 0 for k in range(27)} dryer_points = {k: 0 for k in range(27)} washer_total = {k: 0 for k in range(27)} dryer_total = {k: 0 for k in range(27)} for x in data: hour = int(x["time"]) # if the value is for tomorrow, add 24 hours if x["date"].weekday() != now.weekday(): hour += 24 washer_points[hour] += int(x["all_washers"]) dryer_points[hour] += int(x["all_dryers"]) washer_total[hour] += 1 dryer_total[hour] += 1 dates = [x["date"] for x in data] if not dates: dates = [now] return { "hall_name": laundry.id_to_hall[hall_no], "location": laundry.id_to_location[hall_no], "day_of_week": calendar.day_name[now.weekday()], "start_date": min(dates).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "end_date": max(dates).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "total_number_of_dryers": safe_division(sum(all_dryers), len(all_dryers)), "total_number_of_washers": safe_division(sum(all_washers), len(all_washers)), "washer_data": { x: safe_division(washer_points[x], washer_total[x]) for x in washer_points }, "dryer_data": { x: safe_division(dryer_points[x], dryer_total[x]) for x in dryer_points } }