Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     extensions = to_list(kwargs.pop('extension', None), [])
     kwargs['extension'] = extensions
     Mapper.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     kwargs['extension'] = MyExt()
     Mapper.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Exemple #3
def mapper(class_, local_table=None, *args, **params):
    """Return a new [sqlalchemy.orm#Mapper] object.

        The class to be mapped.

        The table to which the class is mapped, or None if this
        mapper inherits from another mapper using concrete table

        A name to be associated with the `class`, to allow alternate
        mappings for a single class.

        If True, all query operations for this mapped class will
        overwrite all data within object instances that already
        exist within the session, erasing any in-memory changes with
        whatever information was loaded from the database.  Usage
        of this flag is highly discouraged; as an alternative,
        see the method `populate_existing()` on [sqlalchemy.orm.query#Query].

        If True, allows the usage of a ``relation()`` which has the
        same name as a column in the mapped table.  The table column
        will no longer be mapped.

        Indicates that composite primary keys where one or more (but
        not all) columns contain NULL is a valid primary key.
        Primary keys which contain NULL values usually indicate that
        a result row does not contain an entity and should be

        Indicates that save operations of multiple entities can be
        batched together for efficiency.  setting to False indicates
        that an instance will be fully saved before saving the next
        instance, which includes inserting/updating all table rows
        corresponding to the entity as well as calling all
        ``MapperExtension`` methods corresponding to the save

        A string which will be prepended to the `key` name of all
        Columns when creating column-based properties from the given
        Table.  Does not affect explicitly specified column-based

        If True, indicates this mapper should use concrete table
        inheritance with its parent mapper.

        A [sqlalchemy.orm#MapperExtension] instance or list of
        ``MapperExtension`` instances which will be applied to all
        operations by this ``Mapper``.

        Another ``Mapper`` for which this ``Mapper`` will have an
        inheritance relationship with.

        For joined table inheritance, a SQL expression (constructed
        ``ClauseElement``) which will define how the two tables are
        joined; defaults to a natural join between the two tables.

        when inherit_condition is used and the condition contains no
        ForeignKey columns, specify the "foreign" columns of the join
        condition in this list.  else leave as None.

        A single ``Column`` or list of ``Columns`` for which
        selection operations should use as the default ordering for
        entities.  Defaults to the OID/ROWID of the table if any, or
        the first primary key column of the table.

        Construct a ``Mapper`` that will define only the selection
        of instances, not their persistence.  Any number of non_primary
        mappers may be created for a particular class.

        Used with mappers in an inheritance relationship, a ``Column``
        which will identify the class/mapper combination to be used
        with a particular row.  requires the polymorphic_identity
        value to be set for all mappers in the inheritance

        Used internally to propagate the full map of polymorphic
        identifiers to surrogate mappers.

        A value which will be stored in the Column denoted by
        polymorphic_on, corresponding to the *class identity* of
        this mapper.

        specifies how subclasses mapped through joined-table
        inheritance will be fetched.  options are 'union',
        'select', and 'deferred'.  if the select_table argument
        is present, defaults to 'union', otherwise defaults to

        A dictionary mapping the string names of object attributes
        to ``MapperProperty`` instances, which define the
        persistence behavior of that attribute.  Note that the
        columns in the mapped table are automatically converted into
        ``ColumnProperty`` instances based on the `key` property of
        each ``Column`` (although they can be overridden using this

        An inclusive list of properties to map.  Columns present in the
        mapped table but not present in this list will not be automatically
        converted into properties.

        A list of properties not to map.  Columns present in the
        mapped table and present in this list will not be automatically
        converted into properties.  Note that neither this option nor
        include_properties will allow an end-run around Python inheritance.
        If mapped class ``B`` inherits from mapped class ``A``, no combination
        of includes or excludes will allow ``B`` to have fewer properties
        than its superclass, ``A``.

        A list of ``Column`` objects which define the *primary key*
        to be used against this mapper's selectable unit.  This is
        normally simply the primary key of the `local_table`, but
        can be overridden here.

        A [sqlalchemy.schema#Table] or any [sqlalchemy.sql#Selectable]
        which will be used to select instances of this mapper's class.
        usually used to provide polymorphic loading among several
        classes in an inheritance hierarchy.

        A ``Column`` which must have an integer type that will be
        used to keep a running *version id* of mapped entities in
        the database.  this is used during save operations to ensure
        that no other thread or process has updated the instance
        during the lifetime of the entity, else a
        ``ConcurrentModificationError`` exception is thrown.

    return Mapper(class_, local_table, *args, **params)
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     extensions = to_list(kwargs.pop('extension', None), [])
     kwargs['extension'] = extensions
     Mapper.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def mapper(class_, local_table=None, *args, **params):
    """Return a new :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.Mapper` object.

        The class to be mapped.

        The table to which the class is mapped, or None if this mapper
        inherits from another mapper using concrete table inheritance.

        If True, all query operations for this mapped class will overwrite all
        data within object instances that already exist within the session,
        erasing any in-memory changes with whatever information was loaded
        from the database.  Usage of this flag is highly discouraged; as an
        alternative, see the method `populate_existing()` on

        If True, allows the usage of a ``relation()`` which has the
        same name as a column in the mapped table.  The table column
        will no longer be mapped.

        Indicates that composite primary keys where one or more (but not all)
        columns contain NULL is a valid primary key.  Primary keys which
        contain NULL values usually indicate that a result row does not
        contain an entity and should be skipped.

        Indicates that save operations of multiple entities can be batched
        together for efficiency.  setting to False indicates that an instance
        will be fully saved before saving the next instance, which includes
        inserting/updating all table rows corresponding to the entity as well
        as calling all ``MapperExtension`` methods corresponding to the save

        A string which will be prepended to the `key` name of all Columns when
        creating column-based properties from the given Table.  Does not
        affect explicitly specified column-based properties

        If True, indicates this mapper should use concrete table inheritance
        with its parent mapper.

        A :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.MapperExtension` instance or list of
        ``MapperExtension`` instances which will be applied to all
        operations by this ``Mapper``.

        Another ``Mapper`` for which this ``Mapper`` will have an inheritance
        relationship with.

        For joined table inheritance, a SQL expression (constructed
        ``ClauseElement``) which will define how the two tables are joined;
        defaults to a natural join between the two tables.

        when inherit_condition is used and the condition contains no
        ForeignKey columns, specify the "foreign" columns of the join
        condition in this list.  else leave as None.

        A single ``Column`` or list of ``Columns`` for which
        selection operations should use as the default ordering for entities.
        Defaults to the OID/ROWID of the table if any, or the first primary
        key column of the table.

        Construct a ``Mapper`` that will define only the selection of
        instances, not their persistence.  Any number of non_primary mappers
        may be created for a particular class.

        Used with mappers in an inheritance relationship, a ``Column`` which
        will identify the class/mapper combination to be used with a
        particular row.  Requires the ``polymorphic_identity`` value to be set
        for all mappers in the inheritance hierarchy.  The column specified by
        ``polymorphic_on`` is usually a column that resides directly within
        the base mapper's mapped table; alternatively, it may be a column that
        is only present within the <selectable> portion of the
        ``with_polymorphic`` argument.

        Used internally to propagate the full map of polymorphic identifiers
        to surrogate mappers.

        A value which will be stored in the Column denoted by polymorphic_on,
        corresponding to the *class identity* of this mapper.

        Deprecated. Unloaded columns load as deferred in all cases; loading
        can be controlled using the "with_polymorphic" option.

        A dictionary mapping the string names of object attributes to
        ``MapperProperty`` instances, which define the persistence behavior of
        that attribute.  Note that the columns in the mapped table are
        automatically converted into ``ColumnProperty`` instances based on the
        `key` property of each ``Column`` (although they can be overridden
        using this dictionary).

        An inclusive list of properties to map.  Columns present in the mapped
        table but not present in this list will not be automatically converted
        into properties.

        A list of properties not to map.  Columns present in the mapped table
        and present in this list will not be automatically converted into
        properties.  Note that neither this option nor include_properties will
        allow an end-run around Python inheritance.  If mapped class ``B``
        inherits from mapped class ``A``, no combination of includes or
        excludes will allow ``B`` to have fewer properties than its
        superclass, ``A``.

        A list of ``Column`` objects which define the *primary key* to be used
        against this mapper's selectable unit.  This is normally simply the
        primary key of the `local_table`, but can be overridden here.

        A tuple in the form ``(<classes>, <selectable>)`` indicating the
        default style of "polymorphic" loading, that is, which tables are
        queried at once. <classes> is any single or list of mappers and/or
        classes indicating the inherited classes that should be loaded at
        once. The special value ``'*'`` may be used to indicate all descending
        classes should be loaded immediately. The second tuple argument
        <selectable> indicates a selectable that will be used to query for
        multiple classes. Normally, it is left as None, in which case this
        mapper will form an outer join from the base mapper's table to that of
        all desired sub-mappers.  When specified, it provides the selectable
        to be used for polymorphic loading. When with_polymorphic includes
        mappers which load from a "concrete" inheriting table, the
        <selectable> argument is required, since it usually requires more
        complex UNION queries.

        Deprecated.  Synonymous with
        ``with_polymorphic=('*', <selectable>)``.

        A ``Column`` which must have an integer type that will be used to keep
        a running *version id* of mapped entities in the database.  this is
        used during save operations to ensure that no other thread or process
        has updated the instance during the lifetime of the entity, else a
        ``ConcurrentModificationError`` exception is thrown.

    return Mapper(class_, local_table, *args, **params)
Exemple #6
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     extensions = to_list(kwargs.pop('extension', None), [])
     kwargs['extension'] = extensions
     Mapper.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Exemple #7
def mapper(class_, local_table=None, *args, **params):
    """Return a new :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.Mapper` object.

        :param class\_: The class to be mapped.

        :param local_table: The table to which the class is mapped, or None if this mapper
            inherits from another mapper using concrete table inheritance.

        :param always_refresh: If True, all query operations for this mapped class will overwrite all
            data within object instances that already exist within the session,
            erasing any in-memory changes with whatever information was loaded
            from the database.  Usage of this flag is highly discouraged; as an
            alternative, see the method `populate_existing()` on

        :param allow_null_pks: This flag is deprecated - this is stated as allow_partial_pks
            which defaults to True.

        :param allow_partial_pks: Defaults to True.  Indicates that a composite primary key with
            some NULL values should be considered as possibly existing
            within the database.   This affects whether a mapper will assign
            an incoming row to an existing identity, as well as if 
            session.merge() will check the database first for a particular
            primary key value.  A "partial primary key" can occur if one 
            has mapped to an OUTER JOIN, for example.

        :param batch: Indicates that save operations of multiple entities can be batched
            together for efficiency.  setting to False indicates that an instance
            will be fully saved before saving the next instance, which includes
            inserting/updating all table rows corresponding to the entity as well
            as calling all ``MapperExtension`` methods corresponding to the save

        :param column_prefix: A string which will be prepended to the `key` name of all Columns when
            creating column-based properties from the given Table.  Does not
            affect explicitly specified column-based properties

        :param concrete: If True, indicates this mapper should use concrete table inheritance
            with its parent mapper.

        :param exclude_properties: A list of properties not to map.  Columns present in the mapped table
            and present in this list will not be automatically converted into
            properties.  Note that neither this option nor include_properties will
            allow an end-run around Python inheritance.  If mapped class ``B``
            inherits from mapped class ``A``, no combination of includes or
            excludes will allow ``B`` to have fewer properties than its
            superclass, ``A``.

        :param extension: A :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.MapperExtension` instance or list of
            :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.MapperExtension` instances which will be applied to all
            operations by this :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.mapper.Mapper`.

        :param include_properties: An inclusive list of properties to map.  Columns present in the mapped
            table but not present in this list will not be automatically converted
            into properties.

        :param inherits: Another :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.Mapper` for which 
            this :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.Mapper` will have an inheritance
            relationship with.

        :param inherit_condition: For joined table inheritance, a SQL expression (constructed
            ``ClauseElement``) which will define how the two tables are joined;
            defaults to a natural join between the two tables.

        :param inherit_foreign_keys: When inherit_condition is used and the condition contains no
            ForeignKey columns, specify the "foreign" columns of the join
            condition in this list.  else leave as None.

        :param non_primary: Construct a ``Mapper`` that will define only the selection of
            instances, not their persistence.  Any number of non_primary mappers
            may be created for a particular class.

        :param order_by: A single ``Column`` or list of ``Columns`` for which
            selection operations should use as the default ordering for entities.
            Defaults to the OID/ROWID of the table if any, or the first primary
            key column of the table.

        :param passive_updates: Indicates UPDATE behavior of foreign keys when a primary key changes 
            on a joined-table inheritance or other joined table mapping.

            When True, it is assumed that ON UPDATE CASCADE is configured on
            the foreign key in the database, and that the database will
            handle propagation of an UPDATE from a source column to
            dependent rows.  Note that with databases which enforce
            referential integrity (i.e. PostgreSQL, MySQL with InnoDB tables),
            ON UPDATE CASCADE is required for this operation.  The
            relationship() will update the value of the attribute on related
            items which are locally present in the session during a flush.

            When False, it is assumed that the database does not enforce
            referential integrity and will not be issuing its own CASCADE
            operation for an update.  The relationship() will issue the
            appropriate UPDATE statements to the database in response to the
            change of a referenced key, and items locally present in the
            session during a flush will also be refreshed.

            This flag should probably be set to False if primary key changes
            are expected and the database in use doesn't support CASCADE
            (i.e. SQLite, MySQL MyISAM tables).

            Also see the passive_updates flag on :func:`relationship()`.

            A future SQLAlchemy release will provide a "detect" feature for
            this flag.

        :param polymorphic_on: Used with mappers in an inheritance relationship, a ``Column`` which
            will identify the class/mapper combination to be used with a
            particular row.  Requires the ``polymorphic_identity`` value to be set
            for all mappers in the inheritance hierarchy.  The column specified by
            ``polymorphic_on`` is usually a column that resides directly within
            the base mapper's mapped table; alternatively, it may be a column that
            is only present within the <selectable> portion of the
            ``with_polymorphic`` argument.

        :param polymorphic_identity: A value which will be stored in the Column denoted by polymorphic_on,
            corresponding to the *class identity* of this mapper.

        :param properties: A dictionary mapping the string names of object attributes to
            ``MapperProperty`` instances, which define the persistence behavior of
            that attribute.  Note that the columns in the mapped table are
            automatically converted into ``ColumnProperty`` instances based on the
            `key` property of each ``Column`` (although they can be overridden
            using this dictionary).

        :param primary_key: A list of ``Column`` objects which define the *primary key* to be used
            against this mapper's selectable unit.  This is normally simply the
            primary key of the `local_table`, but can be overridden here.

        :param version_id_col: A ``Column`` which must have an integer type that will be used to keep
            a running *version id* of mapped entities in the database.  this is
            used during save operations to ensure that no other thread or process
            has updated the instance during the lifetime of the entity, else a
            ``ConcurrentModificationError`` exception is thrown.

        :param version_id_generator: A callable which defines the algorithm used to generate new version 
            ids.  Defaults to an integer generator.  Can be replaced with one that
            generates timestamps, uuids, etc.  e.g.::

                import uuid

                mapper(Cls, table, 
                version_id_generator=lambda version:uuid.uuid4().hex

            The callable receives the current version identifier as its 
            single argument.

        :param with_polymorphic: A tuple in the form ``(<classes>, <selectable>)`` indicating the
            default style of "polymorphic" loading, that is, which tables are
            queried at once. <classes> is any single or list of mappers and/or
            classes indicating the inherited classes that should be loaded at
            once. The special value ``'*'`` may be used to indicate all descending
            classes should be loaded immediately. The second tuple argument
            <selectable> indicates a selectable that will be used to query for
            multiple classes. Normally, it is left as None, in which case this
            mapper will form an outer join from the base mapper's table to that of
            all desired sub-mappers.  When specified, it provides the selectable
            to be used for polymorphic loading. When with_polymorphic includes
            mappers which load from a "concrete" inheriting table, the
            <selectable> argument is required, since it usually requires more
            complex UNION queries.

    return Mapper(class_, local_table, *args, **params)
Exemple #8
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     extensions = to_list(kwargs.pop('extension', None), [])
     kwargs['extension'] = extensions
     Mapper.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)