Exemple #1
def export_sql(meta, data, output):
    Outputs data as SQL INSERT statements.

        meta (sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData): Metadata for the database structure
        data (dict): Dictionary keyed by table name of dictionaries corresponding to table rows
        output (string): Path for output file


    tables = [table for table in meta.sorted_tables if table.name in data]
    preparer = IdentifierPreparer(meta.bind.dialect)
    prepare_column = lambda column: preparer.format_column(column, name=column.name)
    output_file = open(output, 'w')

    for table in tables:
        columns = ', '.join([ prepare_column(column) for column in table.columns.values() ])
        for row in data[table.name].values():
            values = list(map(_transform, list(row.values())))
            insert = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s);\n" % (
                preparer.format_table(table, name=table.name),
                ', '.join(values)

Exemple #2
 def create(self, encoding, template):
     with sqlalchemy_engine(self.url) as engine:
         preparer = IdentifierPreparer(engine.dialect)
         template = template or 'template1'
         database, template = preparer.quote(self.database), preparer.quote(template)
         stmt = f"CREATE DATABASE {database} ENCODING '{encoding}' TEMPLATE {template}"
         with engine.connect().execution_options(isolation_level='AUTOCOMMIT') as conn:
Exemple #3
 def create(self, encoding, *arg):
     # Ignore any args (template)
     with sqlalchemy_engine(self.url) as engine:
         preparer = IdentifierPreparer(engine.dialect)
         database = preparer.quote(self.database)
         stmt = f"CREATE DATABASE {database} CHARACTER SET = '{encoding}'"
         with engine.connect().execution_options(isolation_level='AUTOCOMMIT') as conn:
Exemple #4
def drop_database(db_url, database):
    """Drop database; connect with db_url.

    Used only for test purposes to cleanup after creating a test database.
    if db_url.startswith('postgresql') or db_url.startswith('mysql'):
        with sqlalchemy_engine(db_url) as engine:
            preparer = IdentifierPreparer(engine.dialect)
            database = preparer.quote(database)
            stmt = f'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS {database}'
            with engine.connect().execution_options(isolation_level='AUTOCOMMIT') as conn:
        url = make_url(db_url)
Exemple #5
    def _build_sample_query(self, physical_data_source: str, table_name: str,
                            columns: List[str]) -> str:
        preparer = IdentifierPreparer(DremioDialect())
         only_table_name] = preparer.unformat_identifiers(table_name)

        source_table = table(preparer.quote_identifier(only_table_name))
        source_table.schema = '.'.join(
            [preparer.quote_identifier(physical_data_source)] + [
                for component in maybe_db_and_schema

        query = select([column(c)
                        for c in columns]).select_from(source_table).limit(

        return compile_query(query, RUNTIME_DIALECTS[HuskyQueryRuntime.dremio])
Exemple #6
class BaseDb:
    """Base functionality common to all types of sqlalchemy databases that we support."""

    # Subclasses should override with a specific IdentifierPreparer, or identifier quoting will not work properly.
    preparer = IdentifierPreparer(DefaultDialect())

    def create_engine(cls, spec):
        """Create an engine for connecting to the database specified."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def quote(cls, identifier):
        """Conditionally quote the given identifier (ie, if it is a keyword or contains reserved characters."""
        # Subclasses should override cls.preparer with a specific IdentifierPreparer.
        return cls.preparer.quote(identifier)

    def quote_table(cls, table_name, db_schema=None):
        return cls.preparer.format_table(sa.table(table_name,

    def list_tables(cls, sess, db_schema=None):
        Find all the user tables (not system tables) in the database (or in a specific db_schema).
        Returns a dict of {table_name: table_title}
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def db_schema_searchpath(cls, sess):
        """Returns a list of the db_schemas that the connection is configured to search in by default."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _pool_class(cls):
        # Ordinarily, sqlalchemy engine's maintain a pool of connections ready to go.
        # When running tests, we run lots of kart commands, and each command creates an engine, and each engine
        # maintains a pool. This can quickly exhaust the database's allowed connection limit.
        # One fix would be to share engines between kart commands run during tests that are connecting to the same DB.
        # But this fix is simpler for now: disable the pool during testing.
        return NullPool if "PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST" in os.environ else None

    def _replace_localhost_with_ip(cls, url_netloc):
        def _get_localhost_ip(*args, **kwargs):
            return socket.gethostbyname("localhost")

        return re.sub(r"\blocalhost\b", _get_localhost_ip, url_netloc)

    def _append_query_to_url(cls, uri, new_query_dict):
        url = urlsplit(uri)
        url_query = cls._append_to_query(url.query, new_query_dict)
        return urlunsplit([url.scheme, url.netloc, url.path, url_query, ""])

    def _append_to_query(cls, existing_query, new_query_dict):
        query_dict = parse_qs(existing_query)
        # ignore new keys if they're already set in the querystring
        return urlencode({**new_query_dict, **query_dict}, doseq=True)

    def drop_all_in_schema(cls, sess, db_schema):
        """Drops all tables, routines, and sequences in schema db_schema."""
        for thing in ("table", "routine", "sequence"):
            cls._drop_things_in_schema(cls, sess, db_schema, thing)

    def _drop_things_in_schema(cls, sess, db_schema, thing):
        r = sess.execute(
                f"SELECT {thing}_name FROM information_schema.{thing}s WHERE {thing}_schema=:db_schema;"
            {"db_schema": db_schema},
        thing_identifiers = ", ".join(
            (cls.quote_table(row[0], db_schema=db_schema) for row in r))
        if thing_identifiers:
            sess.execute(f"DROP {thing} IF EXISTS {thing_identifiers};")