Exemple #1
def cols_between(col1, col2, inclusive=True):
    c1 = _interpret_as_column_or_from(col1)
    c2 = _interpret_as_column_or_from(col2)
    if c1.table.name != c2.table.name:
        raise ValueError(
            "cols_between needs both columns to be from the same table")
    return get_column_list(c1, from_=c1.name, to=c2.name, inclusive=inclusive)
Exemple #2
def all_but(cols):
    dropped_cols = [_interpret_as_column_or_from(col) for col in cols]
    first_col = dropped_cols[0]
    if not all(col.table.name == first_col.table.name for col in dropped_cols):
        raise ValueError('all_but arguments need to all be from the same table')
    dropped_names = [col.name for col in  dropped_cols]
    return [c for c in first_col.table.columns if c.name not in dropped_names]
Exemple #3
def cols_to(col, inclusive=True):
    c = _interpret_as_column_or_from(col)
    return  get_column_list(c, to=c.name, inclusive=inclusive)