def execute(self, message, alliance=None, race=None, sortby="score"): planet = aliased(Planet) planet_intel = aliased(Intel) Q = session.query(planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, planet.score, planet.value, planet.size, planet.xp, planet.race, planet_intel.nick) Q = Q.outerjoin(, planet_intel) if alliance: Q = Q.filter(planet_intel.alliance == alliance) if race: Q = Q.filter(planet.race == race) Q = Q.group_by(planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, planet.score, planet.value, planet.size, planet.xp, planet.race, planet_intel.nick) if sortby == "xp": Q = Q.order_by(desc(planet.xp)) elif sortby == "size": Q = Q.order_by(desc(planet.size)) elif sortby == "value": Q = Q.order_by(desc(planet.value)) else: Q = Q.order_by(desc(planet.score)) result = Q.all() reply = "Top%s planets" % (" "+race if race is not None else "") if alliance: reply+=" in %s"%(,) reply+=" by %s:\n"%(sortby) prev = [] i=0 for x, y, z, score, value, size, xp, race, nick in result[:10]: i+=1 line = "#%s - %s:%s:%s (%s) - Score: %s Value: %s Size: %s XP: %s"%(i,x,y,z,race,score,value,size,xp) if nick: line = "%s Nick: %s"%(line,nick) prev.append(line) print(prev) message.reply(reply+"\n".join(prev))
def user(request, info, session, userid): try: u = session.query(User).options(joinedload("permissions")).options(joinedload("tokens")).get(int(userid)) except NoResultFound: raise Http404 sales = ( session.query(Transline) .filter(Transline.user == u) .options(joinedload("transaction")) .options(joinedload_all("stockref.stockitem.stocktype.unit")) .order_by(desc(Transline.time))[:50] ) payments = ( session.query(Payment) .filter(Payment.user == u) .options(joinedload("transaction")) .options(joinedload("paytype")) .order_by(desc(Payment.time))[:50] ) annotations = ( session.query(StockAnnotation) .options(joinedload_all("stockitem.stocktype")) .options(joinedload("type")) .filter(StockAnnotation.user == u) .order_by(desc(StockAnnotation.time))[:50] ) return ("user.html", {"tuser": u, "sales": sales, "payments": payments, "annotations": annotations})
def execute(self, message, alliance=None, race=None, sortby="score"): planet = aliased(Planet) planet_intel = aliased(Intel) Q = session.query(planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, planet_intel.nick) Q = Q.outerjoin((, planet_intel)) if alliance: Q = Q.filter(planet_intel.alliance == alliance) if race: Q = Q.filter(planet.race == race) if sortby == "xp": Q = Q.order_by(desc(planet.xp)) elif sortby == "size": Q = Q.order_by(desc(planet.size)) elif sortby == "value": Q = Q.order_by(desc(planet.value)) else: Q = Q.order_by(desc(planet.score)) result = Q.all() reply = "Top%s planets" % (" "+race if race is not None else "") if alliance: reply+=" in %s"%(,) reply+=" by %s:\n"%(sortby) prev = [] i=0 for x, y, z, nick in result[:10]: i+=1 line = "#%2s %12s%s"%(i, "["+nick+"] " if nick else "", Planet.load(x,y,z)) prev.append(line) message.reply(reply+"\n".join(prev))
def execute(self, request, user, sort=None): levels = [] + User.levels if sort is not None: levels = [("All member", levels[-1][1],),] order = {"name" : (asc(,), "sponsor" : (asc(User.sponsor),), "access" : (desc(User.access),desc(User.carebears),asc(,), "carebears" : (desc(User.carebears),), "planet" : (asc(Planet.x),asc(Planet.y),asc(Planet.z),), "defage" : (asc(User.fleetupdated),), } if sort not in order.keys(): sort = "name" order = order.get(sort) members = [] for level in levels: Q = session.query(, User.alias, User.sponsor, User.access, User.carebears, Planet, User.fleetupdated,, User.pubphone, User._smsmode, or_( ==, Q = Q.outerjoin(User.planet) Q = Q.filter( == True) Q = Q.filter(User.access >= level[1]) Q = Q.filter(User.access < levels[levels.index(level)-1][1]) if levels.index(level) > 0 else Q for o in order: Q = Q.order_by(o) members.append((level[0], Q.all(),)) return render("members.tpl", request, accesslist=members)
def organizations_and_counters(): '''Query organizations with their counters''' query = DB.query(Group, func.count(distinct('nb_datasets'), func.count(distinct('nb_members') ) query = query.outerjoin(CertifiedPublicService) query = query.outerjoin(Package, and_( == Package.owner_org, ~Package.private, Package.state == 'active', )) query = query.outerjoin(Member, and_( Member.group_id ==, Member.state == 'active', Member.table_name == 'user' )) query = query.filter(Group.state == 'active') query = query.filter(Group.approval_status == 'approved') query = query.filter(Group.is_organization == True) query = query.group_by(, CertifiedPublicService.organization_id) query = query.order_by( CertifiedPublicService.organization_id == null(), desc('nb_datasets'), desc('nb_members'), Group.title ) query = query.options(orm.joinedload(Group.certified_public_service)) return query
def execute(self, request, user, sort=None): levels = [] + User.levels if "galmate" in Config.options("Access"): levels.append(("Galaxy", Config.getint("Access","galmate"),)) else: levels.append(("Galaxy", 0,)) if sort is not None: levels = [("All", 0,),] order = {"name" : (asc(,), "userlevel" : (desc(Channel.userlevel),), "maxlevel" : (desc(Channel.maxlevel),), } if sort not in order.keys(): sort = "name" order = order.get(sort) channels = [] for level in levels: Q = session.query(, Channel.userlevel, Channel.maxlevel) Q = Q.filter(Channel.userlevel >= level[1]) Q = Q.filter(Channel.userlevel < levels[levels.index(level)-1][1]) if levels.index(level) > 0 else Q for o in order: Q = Q.order_by(o) channels.append((level[0], Q.all(),)) return render("channels.tpl", request, accesslist=channels)
def execute(self, request, user): planet, galaxy = (user.planet, user.planet.galaxy,) if user.planet else (Planet(), Galaxy(),) planets = session.query(Planet).filter( == True) galaxies = session.query(Galaxy).filter( == True) alliances = session.query(Alliance).filter( == True) dup = lambda l,o,c=True: l+[o] if o in session and c and o not in l else l return render("index.tpl", request, topplanets = dup(planets.order_by(asc(Planet.score_rank))[:20], planet), roidingplanets = dup(planets.filter(Planet.size_growth > 0).order_by(desc(Planet.size_growth))[:5], planet, planet.size_growth > 0), roidedplanets = dup(planets.filter(Planet.size_growth < 0).order_by(asc(Planet.size_growth))[:5], planet, planet.size_growth < 0), xpplanets = dup(planets.filter(Planet.xp_growth > 0).order_by(desc(Planet.xp_growth))[:5], planet, planet.xp_growth > 0), bashedplanets = dup(planets.filter(Planet.value_growth < 0).order_by(asc(Planet.value_growth))[:5], planet, planet.value_growth < 0), topgalaxies = dup(galaxies.order_by(asc(Galaxy.score_rank))[:10], galaxy), roidinggalaxies = dup(galaxies.filter(Galaxy.size_growth > 0).order_by(desc(Galaxy.size_growth))[:5], galaxy, galaxy.size_growth > 0), roidedgalaxies = dup(galaxies.filter(Galaxy.size_growth < 0).order_by(asc(Galaxy.size_growth))[:5], galaxy, galaxy.size_growth < 0), xpgalaxies = dup(galaxies.filter(Galaxy.xp_growth > 0).order_by(desc(Galaxy.xp_growth))[:5], galaxy, galaxy.xp_growth > 0), bashedgalaxies = dup(galaxies.filter(Galaxy.value_growth < 0).order_by(asc(Galaxy.value_growth))[:5], galaxy, galaxy.value_growth < 0), topalliances = alliances.order_by(asc(Alliance.score_rank))[:8], )
def newer_submissions(self): class Newer(object): '''You may use me like a list''' user = [] team = [] def __iter__(self): for i in self.user + yield i def __len__(self): return len(self.user) + len( def __getitem__(self, i): return sorted(self.user +, key=lambda s: s.modified, reverse=True)[0] newer = Newer() newer.user = (Submission.by_assignment_and_user(self.assignment, self.user) .filter(Submission.modified > self.modified).order_by(desc(Submission.modified)).all()) = [] if hasattr(self.user, 'teams'): for team in self.teams: for member in team.members: if member != self.user:, member) .filter(Submission.modified > self.modified).order_by(desc(Submission.modified)).all()) return newer
def index(): campaigns = Campaign.query.order_by(desc(Campaign.status_code), desc( calls = (db.session.query(, func.count( .filter(Call.status == 'completed') .join(Call).group_by( return render_template('campaign/list.html', campaigns=campaigns, calls=dict(calls.all()))
def execute(self, request, user, x, y, z, fleets=False): week = Updates.week_tick() planet = Planet.load(x,y,z) if planet is None: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("planet_ranks")) Q = session.query(FleetScan, Planet, Alliance) Q = Q.join( Q = Q.outerjoin( Q = Q.filter(FleetScan.owner == planet) Q = Q.order_by(desc(FleetScan.landing_tick)) if not fleets: Q = Q.filter(FleetScan.landing_tick >= week) outgoing = Q.all() Q = session.query(FleetScan, Planet, Alliance) Q = Q.join(FleetScan.owner) Q = Q.outerjoin( Q = Q.filter( == planet) Q = Q.order_by(desc(FleetScan.landing_tick)) if not fleets: Q = Q.filter(FleetScan.landing_tick >= week) incoming = Q.all() scan = planet.scan("A") or planet.scan("U") return render("iplanet.tpl", request, planet=planet, scan=scan, outgoing=outgoing, incoming=incoming)
def user(request, info, session, userid): u = session\ .query(User)\ .get(int(userid)) if not u: raise Http404 sales = session\ .query(Transline)\ .filter(Transline.user == u)\ .options(joinedload('transaction'), joinedload_all('stockref.stockitem.stocktype.unit'))\ .order_by(desc(Transline.time))[:50] payments = session\ .query(Payment)\ .filter(Payment.user == u)\ .options(joinedload('transaction'), joinedload('paytype'))\ .order_by(desc(Payment.time))[:50] annotations = session\ .query(StockAnnotation)\ .options(joinedload_all('stockitem.stocktype'), joinedload('type'))\ .filter(StockAnnotation.user == u)\ .order_by(desc(StockAnnotation.time))[:50] return ('user.html', {'tillobject': u, 'tuser': u, 'sales': sales, 'payments': payments, 'annotations': annotations, })
def organizations_and_counters(): '''Query organizations with their counters''' memberships = aliased(model.Member) query = DB.query(model.Group, func.count(distinct('nb_datasets'), func.count(distinct('nb_members') ) query = query.outerjoin(CertifiedPublicService) query = query.outerjoin(model.Package, and_( == model.Package.owner_org, ~model.Package.private, model.Package.state == 'active', )) query = query.outerjoin(memberships, and_( memberships.group_id ==, memberships.state == 'active', memberships.table_name == 'user' )) query = query.filter(model.Group.state == 'active') query = query.filter(model.Group.approval_status == 'approved') query = query.filter(model.Group.is_organization == True) query = query.group_by(, CertifiedPublicService.organization_id) query = query.order_by( CertifiedPublicService.organization_id == null(), desc('nb_datasets'), desc('nb_members'), model.Group.title ) return query
def load_plasmids(self, tsession = None, engine = None): engine = engine or self.engine tsession = tsession or self.tsession for p in tsession.query(Plasmid).order_by(desc(, desc(Plasmid.creator_entry_number)): # todo: parameterize sorting k = (p.creator, p.creator_entry_number) self.plasmid_order.append(k) self.plasmids[k] = p
def execute(self, request, user, x, y, z, h=False, hs=False, ticks=None): planet = Planet.load(x,y,z) if planet is None: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("planet_ranks")) ticks = int(ticks or 0) if (h or hs) else 12 if not hs: sizediffvalue = PlanetHistory.rdiff * PA.getint("numbers", "roid_value") valuediffwsizevalue = PlanetHistory.vdiff - sizediffvalue resvalue = valuediffwsizevalue * PA.getint("numbers", "res_value") shipvalue = valuediffwsizevalue * PA.getint("numbers", "ship_value") xpvalue = PlanetHistory.xdiff * PA.getint("numbers", "xp_value") Q = session.query(PlanetHistory, sizediffvalue, valuediffwsizevalue, resvalue, shipvalue, xpvalue, ) Q = Q.filter(PlanetHistory.current == planet) Q = Q.order_by(desc(PlanetHistory.tick)) history = Q[:ticks] if ticks else Q.all() else: history = None if not (h or hs): landings = session.query(PlanetLandings.hour, count()).filter(PlanetLandings.planet==planet).group_by(PlanetLandings.hour).all() landed = session.query(PlanetLandedOn.hour, count()).filter(PlanetLandedOn.planet==planet).group_by(PlanetLandedOn.hour).all() vdrops = session.query(PlanetValueDrops.hour, count()).filter(PlanetValueDrops.planet==planet).group_by(PlanetValueDrops.hour).all() idles = session.query(PlanetIdles.hour, count()).filter(PlanetIdles.planet==planet).group_by(PlanetIdles.hour).all() hourstats = { 'landings' : dict(landings), 'landingsT' : sum([c for hour,c in landings]), 'landed' : dict(landed), 'landedT' : sum([c for hour,c in landed]), 'vdrops' : dict(vdrops), 'vdropsT' : sum([c for hour,c in vdrops]), 'idles' : dict(idles), 'idlesT' : sum([c for hour,c in idles]), } else: hourstats = None if not h: Q = session.query(PlanetHistory) Q = Q.filter(or_(PlanetHistory.hour == 23, PlanetHistory.tick == Updates.current_tick())) Q = Q.filter(PlanetHistory.current == planet) Q = Q.order_by(desc(PlanetHistory.tick)) hsummary = Q.all() if hs else Q[:14] else: hsummary = None return render(["planet.tpl",["hplanet.tpl","hsplanet.tpl"][hs]][h or hs], request, planet = planet, history = history, hour = datetime.utcnow().hour, hourstats = hourstats, hsummary = hsummary, ticks = ticks, )
def list_inactive(self): """Returns a list of bans that are currently inactive.""" return list( self.dbsession.query(Ban) .filter( or_( == False, Ban.active_until <= # noqa: E712 ) .order_by(desc(Ban.active_until), desc(Ban.created_at)) .all() )
def execute(self, request, user, x, y, h=False, hs=False, ticks=None): galaxy = Galaxy.load(x,y) if galaxy is None: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("galaxy_ranks")) ticks = int(ticks or 0) if (h or hs) else 12 if not (h or hs): Q = session.query(Planet, Intel.nick, Q = Q.outerjoin( Q = Q.outerjoin(Intel.alliance) Q = Q.filter( == True) Q = Q.filter(Planet.galaxy == galaxy) Q = Q.order_by(asc(Planet.z)) planets = Q.all() exiles = galaxy.exiles[:10] else: planets, exiles = None, None if not hs: sizediffvalue = GalaxyHistory.rdiff * PA.getint("numbers", "roid_value") valuediffwsizevalue = GalaxyHistory.vdiff - sizediffvalue resvalue = valuediffwsizevalue * PA.getint("numbers", "res_value") shipvalue = valuediffwsizevalue * PA.getint("numbers", "ship_value") xpvalue = GalaxyHistory.xdiff * PA.getint("numbers", "xp_value") Q = session.query(GalaxyHistory, sizediffvalue, valuediffwsizevalue, resvalue, shipvalue, xpvalue, ) Q = Q.filter(GalaxyHistory.current == galaxy) Q = Q.order_by(desc(GalaxyHistory.tick)) history = Q[:ticks] if ticks else Q.all() else: history = None if not h: Q = session.query(GalaxyHistory) Q = Q.filter(or_(GalaxyHistory.hour == 23, GalaxyHistory.tick == Updates.current_tick())) Q = Q.filter(GalaxyHistory.current == galaxy) Q = Q.order_by(desc(GalaxyHistory.tick)) hsummary = Q.all() if hs else Q[:14] else: hsummary = None return render(["galaxy.tpl",["hgalaxy.tpl","hsgalaxy.tpl"][hs]][h or hs], request, galaxy = galaxy, planets = planets, exiles = exiles, history = history, hsummary = hsummary, ticks = ticks, )
def execute(self, request, user, page="1", sort="score"): page = int(page) offset = (page - 1)*50 order = {"score" : (asc(Alliance.score_rank),), "size" : (asc(Alliance.size_rank),), "ratio" : (desc(Alliance.ratio),), "avg_score" : (asc(Alliance.score_avg_rank),), "avg_size" : (asc(Alliance.size_avg_rank),), "members" : (asc(Alliance.members_rank),), "score_growth" : (desc(Alliance.score_growth),), "size_growth" : (desc(Alliance.size_growth),), "avg_score_growth" : (desc(Alliance.score_avg_growth),), "avg_size_growth" : (desc(Alliance.size_avg_growth),), "score_growth_pc" : (desc(Alliance.score_growth_pc),), "size_growth_pc" : (desc(Alliance.size_growth_pc),), "avg_score_growth_pc" : (desc(Alliance.score_avg_growth_pc),), "avg_size_growth_pc" : (desc(Alliance.size_avg_growth_pc),), } if sort not in order.keys(): sort = "score" order = order.get(sort) Q = session.query(Alliance) Q = Q.filter( == True) count = Q.count() pages = count/50 + int(count%50 > 0) pages = range(1, 1+pages) for o in order: Q = Q.order_by(o) Q = Q.limit(50).offset(offset) return render("alliances.tpl", request, alliances=Q.all(), offset=offset, pages=pages, page=page, sort=sort)
def last_observation(self): session = object_session(self) q = session.query(ObservedMac) q = q.filter_by(mac_address=self.mac) # Group the results into 'any port number but zero' and 'port 0'. # This prioritizes any port over the uplink port. # Saying that port 0 is an uplink port isn't very elegant, also # with real port names it's not even true. q = q.order_by(desc(case([(ObservedMac.port == "0", 0)], else_=1))) q = q.order_by(desc(ObservedMac.last_seen)) return q.first()
def get_feed_entries(self): max_count=20 entries = Session.query(BlogEntry)[:max_count] myor = or_() for friend in self.friends: myor.append(Spotlight.uid == if len(myor)>0: entries.extend(Session.query(Spotlight).filter( and_(myor,\ order_by(sql.desc(Spotlight.timestamp))\ [:max_count]) commentor = or_() spotlightor = or_() for friend in self.friends: commentor.append(SpotlightComment.uid == spotlightor.append(Spotlight.uid == if len(commentor)>0 and len(spotlightor)>0: entries.extend(Session.query(SpotlightComment).\ join((Spotlight, SpotlightComment.spotlight)).\ filter(and_( SpotlightComment.uid!=session['userid'], or_(Spotlight.uid==session['userid'], and_(commentor, spotlightor)), == True)).\ order_by(sql.desc(SpotlightComment.timestamp))[:max_count]) entries.extend(Session.query(Recommendation).\ filter(and_( Recommendation.recommendeefbid == self.fbid, == True))[:max_count]) def sort_by_timestamp(x, y): if x.timestamp == None: if y.timestamp == None: return 0 return 1 elif y.timestamp == None: return -1 elif x.timestamp > y.timestamp: return -1 elif x.timestamp == y.timestamp: return 0 else: return 1 entries.sort(sort_by_timestamp) return entries[:max_count]
def statistics(): campaigns = Campaign.query.order_by(desc(Campaign.status_code), desc( today = this_month_start = today.replace(day=1) # first day of the current month last_month = this_month_start - timedelta(days=28) # a day in last month next_month = today.replace(day=28) + timedelta(days=4) # a day in next month (for months with 28,29,30,31) last_month_start = last_month - timedelta(days=( this_month_end = next_month - timedelta( # the last day of the current month return render_template('admin/statistics.html', campaigns=campaigns, timespans=API_TIMESPANS, default_start=last_month_start.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'), default_end=this_month_end.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'))
def execute(self, message, user, params): # Planet if len(params.groups()) > 1: planet = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if planet is None: message.reply("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s found" %,3,5)) return # List of last 10 scans if == "o": scans = planet.scans.filter_by(scantype=self.type).order_by(desc([:10] if len(scans) < 1: message.reply("No %s Scans of %s:%s:%s found"%(PA.get(self.type,"name"),planet.x,planet.y,planet.z)) return prev = [] for scan in scans: prev.append("(pt%s %s)" % (scan.tick, scan.pa_id,)) reply = "Last 10 %s Scans on %s:%s:%s "%(PA.get(self.type,"name"),planet.x,planet.y,planet.z) + " ".join(prev) message.reply(reply) return # Latest scan scan = planet.scan(self.type) if scan is None: message.reply("No %s Scans of %s:%s:%s found"%(PA.get(self.type,"name"),planet.x,planet.y,planet.z)) return # Link to scan if == "l": reply = "%s on %s:%s:%s " % (PA.get(self.type,"name"),planet.x,planet.y,planet.z,) reply+= Config.get("URL","viewscan") % (scan.pa_id,) message.reply(reply) return # Display the scan message.reply(str(scan)) # ID else: Q = session.query(Scan) Q = Q.filter(Scan.pa_id.ilike("%""%")) Q = Q.order_by(desc( scan = Q.first() if scan is None: message.reply("No Scans matching ID '%s'"%(,)) return # Display the scan message.reply(str(scan))
def view(_user): """ Show the logged-in user their own feed. """ from pyaspora.diaspora.models import MessageQueue if MessageQueue.has_pending_items(_user): return redirect(url_for('diaspora.run_queue', _external=True)) limit = int(request.args.get('limit', 99)) friend_ids = [ for f in] clauses = [Post.Queries.shared_with_contact(] if friend_ids: clauses.append( Post.Queries.authored_by_contacts_and_public(friend_ids)) tag_ids = [ for t in] if tag_ids: clauses.append(Tag.Queries.public_posts_for_tags(tag_ids)) feed_query = or_(*clauses) feed = db.session.query(Share).join(Post). \ outerjoin(PostTag).outerjoin(Tag). \ filter(feed_query). \ order_by(desc(Post.thread_modified_at)). \ group_by( \ options(contains_eager( \ limit(limit) data = { 'feed': json_posts([(, s) for s in feed], _user, True) } add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, _user) return render_response('feed.tpl', data)
def get_biggest_donations(cls, limit=None, offset=None): """Getter for biggest donations. Donations from the same person are grouped. Args: limit: Maximum number of donations to be returned. offset: Offset of the result. Returns: Tuple with two items. First is total number if donations. Second is a list of donations sorted by amount with a specified offset. """ query = db.session.query( cls.first_name.label("first_name"), cls.last_name.label("last_name"), cls.editor_name.label("editor_name"), func.max(cls.payment_date).label("payment_date"), func.sum(cls.amount).label("amount"), func.sum(cls.fee).label("fee"), ) query = query.filter(cls.anonymous == False) query = query.group_by(cls.first_name, cls.last_name, cls.editor_name) query = query.order_by(desc("amount")) count = query.count() # Total count should be calculated before limits if limit is not None: query = query.limit(limit) if offset is not None: query = query.offset(offset) return count, query.all()
def json_feed(guid): """ Look up the User identified by GUID and return the User's public feed as Diaspora-style JSON. """ contact = DiasporaContact.get_by_guid(guid) if not(contact and abort(404, 'No such contact', force_status=True) feed_query = Post.Queries.public_wall_for_contact( feed = db.session.query(Post).join(Share).filter(feed_query). \ order_by(desc(Post.thread_modified_at)). \ group_by( ret = [] for post in feed: text = DiasporaPost.get_for_post(post, commit=False).as_text() rep = { "author": { "diaspora_id": contact.username, "name":, "guid": contact.guid, }, "created_at": post.created_at.isoformat(), "text": text, "public": True, "post_type": "StatusMessage", "guid": post.diasp.guid, "interacted_at": post.root().thread_modified_at.isoformat(), "provider_display_name": None, } ret.append(rep) return jsonify(response)
def execute(self, message, user, params): if u = User.load( if u: message.reply("%s has %s amps." % (, return else: if not message.reply("No users matching '%s'" % ( return Q = session.query(User, Intel) Q = Q.join(Intel, User.planet_id == Intel.planet_id) if Q = Q.filter(Intel.amps >= int( else: Q = Q.filter(Intel.amps > 0) Q = Q.order_by(desc(Intel.amps)) Q = Q.limit(10) if Q.count() == 0: message.reply("No scanners found with at least %s amps." % ( if else "1")) return reply = "Scanners%s: " % ((" with at least %s amps" % ( if else "") for scanner in Q: reply += "%s: %s " % (scanner[0].name, scanner[1].amps) message.reply(reply[:-2]) return
def userlist(request): data = None if request.method == 'POST': form = ListSearchForm(request.POST, request.FILES) print request.POST if form.is_valid(): try: keyword = form.cleaned_data['search'].strip() data = session.query(UserSL).filter( and_( > 0 if keyword == "" else or_('%%%s%%'%(keyword)),'%%%s%%'%(keyword)),'%%%s%%'%(keyword)),'%%%s%%'%(keyword)),'%%%s%%'%(keyword)), ), ) ).order_by(desc( print data except Exception,e: error = u"获取用户列表失败.请联系管理员" session.rollback() printError() else: print "not valid"
def planet(self, message, user, params): planet = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if planet is None: message.reply("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s found" %,3,5)) return # List of last 10 scans if == "o": scans = planet.scans.filter_by(scantype=self.type).order_by(desc([:10] if len(scans) < 1: message.reply("No %s Scans of %s:%s:%s found"%(PA.get(self.type,"name"),planet.x,planet.y,planet.z)) return prev = [] for scan in scans: prev.append("(pt%s %s)" % (scan.tick, scan.pa_id,)) reply = "Last 10 %s Scans on %s:%s:%s "%(PA.get(self.type,"name"),planet.x,planet.y,planet.z) + " ".join(prev) message.reply(reply) return # Latest scan scan = planet.scan(self.type) if scan is None: message.reply("No %s Scans of %s:%s:%s found"%(PA.get(self.type,"name"),planet.x,planet.y,planet.z)) return # Link to scan if == "l": reply = "%s on %s:%s:%s " % (scan.type,planet.x,planet.y,planet.z,) reply+= self.url(, user) message.reply(reply) return # Display the scan message.reply(self.url(str(scan), user))
def testSaveDatapoint(self): dbDatapoint = ( self.reactor.session.query(dataProcessing.Datapoint).order_by(desc( ) assert isinstance(dbDatapoint, dataProcessing.Datapoint) assert isinstance(dbDatapoint.value, float) self.assertEqual(1, 2,
def properties(self, name): connection = self._client.connect() rval = {} for interval,config in self._intervals.items(): rval.setdefault(interval, {}) stmt = select([self._table.c.i_time]).where( and_(, self._table.c.interval==interval ) ).order_by( asc(self._table.c.i_time) ).limit(1) rval[interval]['first'] = config['i_calc'].from_bucket( connection.execute(stmt).first()['i_time'] ) stmt = select([self._table.c.i_time]).where( and_(, self._table.c.interval==interval ) ).order_by( desc(self._table.c.i_time) ).limit(1) rval[interval]['last'] = config['i_calc'].from_bucket( connection.execute(stmt).first()['i_time'] ) return rval
def popular_datasets(): '''Get the ``num`` most popular (ie. with the most related) datasets''' query = datasets() query = query.outerjoin(RelatedDataset) query = query.group_by(Package, Group, CertifiedPublicService) query = query.order_by(desc(func.count(RelatedDataset.related_id))) return query
def execute(self, request, user, page="1", sort="score"): page = int(page) offset = (page - 1) * 60 order = { "members": (desc("ialliances_members"), ), "size": (desc("ialliances_size"), ), "value": (desc("ialliances_value"), ), "score": (desc("ialliances_score"), ), "avg_size": (desc("ialliances_avg_size"), ), "avg_value": (desc("ialliances_avg_value"), ), "avg_score": (desc("ialliances_avg_score"), ), "t10s": (desc("ialliances_t10s"), ), "t50s": (desc("ialliances_t50s"), ), "t100s": (desc("ialliances_t100s"), ), "t200s": (desc("ialliances_t200s"), ), "t10v": (desc("ialliances_t10v"), ), "t50v": (desc("ialliances_t50v"), ), "t100v": (desc("ialliances_t100v"), ), "t200v": (desc("ialliances_t200v"), ), } if sort not in order.keys(): sort = "score" order = order.get(sort) members = count().label("members") size = sum(Planet.size).label("size") value = sum(Planet.value).label("value") score = sum(Planet.score).label("score") avg_size = size.op("/")(members).label("avg_size") avg_value = value.op("/")(members).label("avg_value") avg_score = score.op("/")(members).label("avg_score") t10s = count(case(whens=((Planet.score_rank <= 10, 1), ), else_=None)).label("t10s") t50s = count(case(whens=((Planet.score_rank <= 50, 1), ), else_=None)).label("t50s") t100s = count(case(whens=((Planet.score_rank <= 100, 1), ), else_=None)).label("t100s") t200s = count(case(whens=((Planet.score_rank <= 200, 1), ), else_=None)).label("t200s") t10v = count(case(whens=((Planet.value_rank <= 10, 1), ), else_=None)).label("t10v") t50v = count(case(whens=((Planet.value_rank <= 50, 1), ), else_=None)).label("t50v") t100v = count(case(whens=((Planet.value_rank <= 100, 1), ), else_=None)).label("t100v") t200v = count(case(whens=((Planet.value_rank <= 200, 1), ), else_=None)).label("t200v") alliance1 = aliased(Alliance) Q = session.query( size, value, score, avg_size, avg_value, avg_score, t10s, t50s, t100s, t200s, t10v, t50v, t100v, t200v, members,, ) Q = Q.join( Q = Q.join(( alliance1, Intel.alliance, )) Q = Q.filter( == True) Q = Q.group_by( ialliances = alias(Q.subquery(), "ialliances") alliance2 = aliased(Alliance) Q = session.query(, alliance2.members) Q = Q.add_columns(ialliances) Q = Q.filter( == count_ = Q.count() pages = count_ // 60 + int(count_ % 60 > 0) pages = range(1, 1 + pages) for o in order: Q = Q.order_by(o) Q = Q.limit(60).offset(offset) return render("ialliances.tpl", request, alliances=Q.all(), offset=offset, pages=pages, page=page, sort=sort)
def question_view(): #Categories for filters categories = ['Machine Learning','Computer Science','Statistics','Combinatorics','Case Study',\ 'Systems Design','Behavioral'] if request.method == 'POST': print(request.form.getlist('category')) category = request.form.getlist('category') filter_questions_likes = db.session.query(,Evaluation.evaluation_category,\ Evaluation.evaluation_question,cast(coalesce(func.avg(,0),sqlalchemy.Integer).\ label('Likes'),cast(coalesce(func.avg(Evaluation_Difficulty.difficulty),0),sqlalchemy.Integer).label('Difficulty')).\ outerjoin(Evaluation_Likes).outerjoin(Evaluation_Difficulty).group_by(\ filter(Evaluation.evaluation_category.in_(category)).order_by(desc('Likes')).all() return render_template('question_view.html', questions_likes=filter_questions_likes, categories=categories) #Count likes for each question questions_likes = db.session.query(,Evaluation.evaluation_category,\ Evaluation.evaluation_question,cast(coalesce(func.avg(,0),sqlalchemy.Integer).\ label('Likes'),cast(coalesce(func.avg(Evaluation_Difficulty.difficulty),0),sqlalchemy.Integer).label('Difficulty')).\ outerjoin(Evaluation_Likes).outerjoin(Evaluation_Difficulty).group_by('Likes')).all() return render_template('question_view.html', questions_likes=questions_likes, categories=categories)
def casestudies_search(): search_query = get_json_from_request() offset = get_nonnegative_int_or_400(request.args, 'from', 0) result_count = get_positive_int_or_400( request.args, 'size', current_app.config['DM_API_SUPPLIERS_PAGE_SIZE']) sort_dir = search_query.get('sort_dir', 'asc') sort_by = search_query.get('sort_by', None) domains = search_query.get('domains', None) seller_types = search_query.get('seller_types', None) search_term = search_query.get('search_term', None) framework_slug = request.args.get('framework', 'digital-marketplace') q = db.session.query(CaseStudy).join(Supplier).outerjoin(SupplierDomain).outerjoin(Domain) \ .outerjoin(SupplierFramework).outerjoin(Framework) q = q.filter( Supplier.status != 'deleted', or_(Framework.slug == framework_slug, ~Supplier.frameworks.any())) tsquery = None if search_term: if ' ' in search_term: tsquery = func.plainto_tsquery(search_term) else: tsquery = func.to_tsquery(search_term + ":*") q = q.add_column( func.ts_headline( 'english', func.concat(['approach'].astext, ' ',['role'].astext), tsquery, 'MaxWords=150, MinWords=75, ShortWord=3, HighlightAll=FALSE, FragmentDelimiter=" ... " ' )) else: q = q.add_column("''") q = q.add_column( q = q.add_column(postgres.array_agg( q = q.group_by(, if domains: d_agg = postgres.array_agg(cast(, TEXT)) q = q.having(d_agg.contains(array(domains))) if seller_types: selected_seller_types = select( [postgres.array_agg(column('key'))], from_obj=func.json_each_text([('seller_type', )]), whereclause=cast(column('value'), Boolean)).as_scalar() q = q.filter(selected_seller_types.contains(array(seller_types))) if sort_dir in ('desc', 'z-a'): ob = [desc(['title'].astext)] else: ob = [asc(['title'].astext)] if search_term: ob = [ desc( func.ts_rank_cd( func.to_tsvector( func.concat(,['title'].astext,['approach'].astext)), tsquery)) ] + ob condition = func.to_tsvector( func.concat(,['title'].astext,['approach'].astext)).op('@@')(tsquery) q = q.filter(condition) q = q.order_by(*ob) raw_results = list(q) results = [] for x in range(len(raw_results)): result = raw_results[x][0].serialize() if raw_results[x][1] is not None and raw_results[x][1] != '': result['approach'] = raw_results[x][1] if raw_results[x][2] is not None: result['supplierName'] = raw_results[x][2] if raw_results[x][3] is not None and raw_results[x][3][0] is not None: result['seller_type'] = raw_results[x][3][0].get('seller_type') results.append(result) total_results = len(results) sliced_results = results[offset:(offset + result_count)] result = { 'hits': { 'total': total_results, 'hits': [{ '_source': r } for r in sliced_results] } } try: response = jsonify(result), 200 except Exception as e: response = jsonify(message=str(e)), 500 return response
def do_search(search_query, offset, result_count, new_domains, framework_slug): try: sort_dir = list(search_query['sort'][0].values())[0]['order'] except (KeyError, IndexError): sort_dir = 'asc' try: sort_by = list(search_query['sort'][0].values())[0]['sort_by'] except (KeyError, IndexError): sort_by = None try: terms = search_query['query']['filtered']['filter']['terms'] except (KeyError, IndexError): terms = {} roles_list = None seller_types_list = None if terms: new_domains = 'prices.serviceRole.role' not in terms try: if new_domains: roles_list = terms['domains.assessed'] else: roles = terms['prices.serviceRole.role'] roles_list = set(_['role'][7:] for _ in roles) except KeyError: pass try: seller_types_list = terms['seller_types'] except: # noqa pass try: search_term = search_query['query']['match_phrase_prefix']['name'] except KeyError: search_term = '' EXCLUDE_LEGACY_ROLES = not current_app.config['LEGACY_ROLE_MAPPING'] if new_domains: q = db.session.query(Supplier).outerjoin(SupplierDomain).outerjoin(Domain) \ .outerjoin(SupplierFramework).outerjoin(Framework) else: q = db.session.query(Supplier).outerjoin(PriceSchedule).outerjoin(ServiceRole) \ .outerjoin(SupplierFramework).outerjoin(Framework) q = q.filter( Supplier.status != 'deleted', Supplier.abn != Supplier.DUMMY_ABN, or_(Framework.slug == framework_slug, ~Supplier.frameworks.any())) tsquery = None if search_term: if any(c in search_term for c in ['#', '-', '_', '/', '\\']): tsquery = func.phraseto_tsquery(search_term) elif ' ' in search_term: tsquery = func.plainto_tsquery(search_term) else: tsquery = func.to_tsquery(search_term + ":*") q = q.add_column( func.ts_headline( 'english', func.concat(Supplier.summary, ' ',['tools'].astext, ' ',['methodologies'].astext, ' ',['technologies'].astext, ''), tsquery, 'MaxWords=25, MinWords=20, ShortWord=3, HighlightAll=FALSE, MaxFragments=1' )) q = q.group_by( try: code = search_query['query']['term']['code'] q = q.filter(Supplier.code == code) except KeyError: pass if roles_list is not None: if new_domains: if EXCLUDE_LEGACY_ROLES: d_agg = postgres.array_agg(cast(, TEXT)) q = q.filter(SupplierDomain.status == 'assessed') q = q.having(d_agg.contains(array(roles_list))) else: sr_agg = postgres.array_agg( cast(func.substring(, 8), TEXT)) q = q.having(sr_agg.contains(array(roles_list))) if seller_types_list is not None and 'recruiter' in seller_types_list: q = q.filter(Supplier.is_recruiter == 'true') seller_types_list.remove('recruiter') if len(seller_types_list) == 0: seller_types_list = None if seller_types_list is not None: selected_seller_types = select( [postgres.array_agg(column('key'))], from_obj=func.json_each_text([('seller_type', )]), whereclause=cast(column('value'), Boolean)).as_scalar() q = q.filter(selected_seller_types.contains(array(seller_types_list))) if sort_by: if sort_by == 'latest': ob = [desc(Supplier.last_update_time)] else: ob = [asc(] else: if sort_dir == 'desc': ob = [desc(] else: ob = [asc(] if search_term: ob = [desc(func.ts_rank_cd(Supplier.text_vector, tsquery))] + ob q = q.filter(Supplier.text_vector.op('@@')(tsquery)) q = q.order_by(*ob) raw_results = list(q) results = [] for x in range(len(raw_results)): if type(raw_results[x]) is Supplier: result = raw_results[x] else: result = raw_results[x][0] if raw_results[x][1] is not None and raw_results[x][1] != '': result.summary = raw_results[x][1] results.append(result) sliced_results = results[offset:(offset + result_count)] q = db.session.query(Supplier.code,, Supplier.summary, Supplier.is_recruiter,,'domain_name'), SupplierDomain.status.label('domain_status'))\ .outerjoin(SupplierDomain, Domain)\ .filter([ for sr in sliced_results]))\ .order_by( suppliers = [r._asdict() for r in q] sliced_results = [] for key, group in groupby(suppliers, key=itemgetter('code')): supplier = supplier['seller_type'] = supplier.get( 'data') and supplier['data'].get('seller_type') supplier['domains'] = {'assessed': [], 'unassessed': []} for s in chain([supplier], group): domain, status = s['domain_name'], s['domain_status'] if domain: if status == 'assessed': supplier['domains']['assessed'].append(domain) else: supplier['domains']['unassessed'].append(domain) for e in ['domain_name', 'domain_status', 'data']: supplier.pop(e, None) sliced_results.append(supplier) return sliced_results, len(results)
def get_current_app_set(self): """Use this to get the current application settings, without in-thread/memory caching. """ return self.dbsession.query(old_models.ApplicationSettings).order_by( desc(
async def fetch_channels(client: ClientConnection, message: dict): filters = [] from_obj = Channel if message.get('title', None): filters.append( or_(Channel.title.ilike(f'%{message["title"]}%'), Channel.description.ilike('%s' % message['title']), func.lower(['title'].lower()))) from_obj = outerjoin(outerjoin(Channel, ChannelTag), Tag) if "category_id" in message: filters.append(Channel.category_id == message["category_id"]) if "members" in message: filters.append( Channel.members.between(message["members"][0], message["members"][1])) if "cost" in message: filters.append( Channel.cost.between(message["cost"][0], message["cost"][1])) if "likes" in message: filters.append( Channel.likes.between(message["likes"][0], message["likes"][1])) if "mut_promo" in message: filters.append(Channel.mutual_promotion == message['mut_promo']) if "verified" in message: filters.append(Channel.verified == message['verified']) if "partner" in message: # TODO: proper premium functions implementation required filters.append( == message['partner']) if 'language' in message: filters.append(Channel.language == message['language'].lower()) total = await pg.fetchval( select([count( ]).select_from(from_obj).where(and_(*filters))) if total: sel_q = select([Channel ]).select_from(from_obj).where(and_(*filters)) # Apply ordering # TODO: proper premium functions implementation required # TODO: manage sorting sel_q = sel_q.order_by(desc(, desc(Channel.members), desc(Channel.cost)) # Apply Limit/Offset sel_q = sel_q.offset(message['offset']).limit(message['count']) res = await pg.fetch(sel_q) # And finally fetch channel tags tag_q = select([ChannelTag, Tag]).\ select_from(outerjoin(ChannelTag, Tag)).\ where(ChannelTag.channel_id.in_([item['id'] for item in res])) tags_raw = await pg.fetch(tag_q) # Serialize all the stuff tags_dict = {item['id']: [] for item in res} for entry in tags_raw: tags_dict[entry['channel_id']].append(entry['name']) channels = [ dict(list(item.items()) + [('tags', tags_dict[item['id']])]) for item in res ] else: channels = [] stat_q = select( [max(Channel.members), max(Channel.cost), max(Channel.likes)]) stats = await pg.fetchrow(stat_q) message["data"] = { "items": channels, "total": total, "max_members": stats['max_1'], "max_cost": stats['max_2'], "max_likes": stats['max_3'], } await client.send_response(message)
def get_recent_props(self): props = self.base_props_selectable() Q = session.query(, props.c.person, props.c.vote_result, props.c.type) Q = Q.filter( return Q[:10]
if self.assignments: raise ValueError("{0} cannot be enslaved as long as it holds " "addresses.".format(self)) return value @property def last_observation(self): session = object_session(self) q = session.query(ObservedMac) q = q.filter_by(mac_address=self.mac) # Group the results into 'any port number but zero' and 'port 0'. # This prioritizes any port over the uplink port. # Saying that port 0 is an uplink port isn't very elegant, also # with real port names it's not even true. q = q.order_by(desc(case([(ObservedMac.port == "0", 0)], else_=1))) q = q.order_by(desc(ObservedMac.last_seen)) return q.first() def __init__(self, **kw): """ Overload the Base initializer to prevent null MAC addresses where the interface is bootable or is of type 'management' """ super(Interface, self).__init__(**kw) self.validate_mac("mac", self.mac) def __repr__(self): msg = "<{0} {1} of {2}, MAC={3}>".format(self._get_class_label(),, self.hardware_entity, self.mac) return msg
def ionosphere_echo(base_name, mirage_full_duration): logger = logging.getLogger(skyline_app_logger) child_process_pid = os.getpid() context = 'ionosphere_echo' 'ionosphere_echo :: started with child_process_pid - %s for %s' % (str(child_process_pid), base_name)) full_duration_in_hours = int(settings.FULL_DURATION / 60 / 60) try: # Allow for 3 seconds ionosphere_echo_max_fp_create_time = ( settings.IONOSPHERE_ECHO_MAX_FP_CREATE_TIME - 3) except: ionosphere_echo_max_fp_create_time = 52 echo_started_at = int(time()) def echo_get_an_engine(): try: engine, fail_msg, trace = get_engine(skyline_app) return engine, fail_msg, trace except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) fail_msg = 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: get_an_engine :: failed to get MySQL engine' logger.error('%s' % fail_msg) return None, fail_msg, trace def echo_engine_disposal(engine): try: if engine: try: engine.dispose()'ionosphere_echo :: MySQL engine disposed of') return True except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: calling engine.dispose()') else:'ionosphere_echo :: no MySQL engine to dispose of') return True except: return False return False # Determine the metric details from the database metrics_id = None metric_db_object = None engine = None # Get the metric db object data to memcache it is exists metric_db_object = get_memcache_metric_object(skyline_app, base_name) if metric_db_object: metrics_id = metric_db_object['id'] 'ionosphere_echo :: determined metric id %s from memcache for %s' % (str(metrics_id), base_name)) else: # Only if no memcache data # Get a MySQL engine try: engine, log_msg, trace = echo_get_an_engine()'ionosphere_echo :: %s' % log_msg) 'ionosphere_echo :: determining metric id from DB as not found in memcache for %s' % (base_name)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: could not get a MySQL engine to get metric_db_object' ) if not engine: logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: engine not obtained to get metric_db_object' ) 'ionosphere_echo :: exiting this work but not removing work item, as database may be available again before the work expires' ) return try: metrics_id, metric_db_object = echo_get_metric_from_metrics( base_name, engine) echo_engine_disposal(engine) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: failed get the metric details from the database' ) 'ionosphere_echo :: exiting this work but not removing work item, as database may be available again before the work expires' ) if not metrics_id: logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: failed get the metrics_id from the database' ) 'ionosphere_echo :: exiting this work but not removing work item, as database may be available again before the work expires' ) echo_engine_disposal(engine) return if not metric_db_object: logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: failed get the metric_db_object from the database' ) 'ionosphere_echo :: exiting this work but not removing work item, as database may be available again before the work expires' ) echo_engine_disposal(engine) return # Determine the metric fp ids from the database if not engine: 'ionosphere_echo :: getting MySQL engine to determine fp ids for metric id %s - %s' % (str(metrics_id), base_name)) try: engine, log_msg, trace = echo_get_an_engine() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: could not get a MySQL engine to get fp_ids' ) if not engine: logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: engine not obtained to get fp_ids') return try: ionosphere_table, log_msg, trace = ionosphere_table_meta( skyline_app, engine)'ionosphere_echo :: ionosphere_table OK') except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: failed to get ionosphere_table meta for %s' % base_name) # Determine the fp_ids that exist for the metric echo_fp_ids_result = [] try: connection = engine.connect() stmt = select([ ionosphere_table ]).where(ionosphere_table.c.metric_id == metrics_id).order_by( desc( echo_fp_ids = connection.execute(stmt) echo_fp_ids_result = [{ column: value for column, value in rowproxy.items() } for rowproxy in echo_fp_ids] connection.close() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: could not determine fp ids from DB for %s' % base_name) return if engine: echo_engine_disposal(engine) if not echo_fp_ids_result: logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: no echo_fp_ids_result - could not determine fp ids from DB for %s' % base_name) else: 'ionosphere_echo :: echo_fp_ids_result - determined fp ids from DB for %s' % base_name) try: db_fp_count = len(echo_fp_ids_result)'ionosphere_echo :: %s features profile ids found' % str(db_fp_count)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: could not calculate len of echo_fp_ids_result' ) echo_enabled_mirage_fp_ids = [] for row in echo_fp_ids_result: if row['enabled'] != 1: continue if row['deleted'] == 1: continue # Only create features profiles at settings.FULL_DURATION for Mirage # features profiles if the fp has been validated if row['validated'] == 0: continue if row['full_duration'] == int(mirage_full_duration): fp_id = row['id'] echo_enabled_mirage_fp_ids.append(fp_id) echo_enabled_mirage_fp_ids_count = len(echo_enabled_mirage_fp_ids)'ionosphere_echo :: %s Mirage features profile ids found' % str(echo_enabled_mirage_fp_ids_count)) # Check which Mirage features profile do not have has a # settings.FULL_DURATION features profile mirage_fd_fp_count = 0 echo_create_fd_fp_for = [] for validated_mirage_fp_id in echo_enabled_mirage_fp_ids: mirage_fd_fp_exists = False for row in echo_fp_ids_result: if int(row['parent_id']) != int(validated_mirage_fp_id): continue if int(row['full_duration']) == int(settings.FULL_DURATION): mirage_fd_fp_exists = True mirage_fd_fp_count += 1 if not mirage_fd_fp_exists: echo_create_fd_fp_for.append(int(validated_mirage_fp_id)) del echo_enabled_mirage_fp_ids 'ionosphere_echo :: there are %s FULL_DURATION features profiles for %s' % (str(mirage_fd_fp_count), base_name)) echo_create_fd_fp_for_count = len(echo_create_fd_fp_for) 'ionosphere_echo :: %s FULL_DURATION features profiles to be created for %s' % (str(echo_create_fd_fp_for_count), base_name)) echo_created_fp_count = 0 last_created_fp = int(time()) for mirage_fp_id in echo_create_fd_fp_for: fp_timestamp = None for row in echo_fp_ids_result: if int(row['id']) != int(mirage_fp_id): continue else: fp_timestamp = int(row['anomaly_timestamp']) fp_generation = int(row['generation']) if not fp_timestamp: continue if not fp_generation: fp_generation = 0 time_check_now = int(time()) echo_runtime = time_check_now - echo_started_at if echo_runtime >= ionosphere_echo_max_fp_create_time: 'ionosphere_echo :: ionosphere_echo running for %s seconds, exiting before IONOSPHERE_ECHO_MAX_FP_CREATE_TIME of %s seconds is breached' % (str(echo_runtime), str(ionosphere_echo_max_fp_create_time))) break 'ionosphere_echo :: creating FULL_DURATION features profile based on data from fp id %s - %s' % (str(mirage_fp_id), base_name)) context = 'ionosphere_echo' ionosphere_job = 'learn_fp_human' generation = fp_generation + 1 fp_learn = False # What is the path of the features profile files metric_timeseries_dir = base_name.replace('.', '/') metric_fp_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % (settings.IONOSPHERE_PROFILES_FOLDER, metric_timeseries_dir, str(fp_timestamp)) # What is the path of the new training data dir to copy the files to # and create it created_ts = int(time()) # Ensure features profile creation timestamps do not overlap if last_created_fp == created_ts: sleep(1) created_ts = int(time()) last_created_fp = created_ts metric_training_data_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % ( settings.IONOSPHERE_DATA_FOLDER, str(created_ts), metric_timeseries_dir) if not os.path.exists(metric_training_data_dir): try: mkdir_p(metric_training_data_dir) 'ionosphere_echo :: training data dir created - %s' % metric_training_data_dir) except: logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: failed to create training data dir - %s' % metric_training_data_dir) continue if not os.path.isdir(metric_fp_data_dir): logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: features profile data dir does not exist - %s' % metric_fp_data_dir) continue data_files = [] try: glob_path = '%s/*.*' % metric_fp_data_dir data_files = glob.glob(glob_path) except: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: glob could not read - %s' % metric_fp_data_dir) # Make a list of the files to copy copy_files = [] for i_file in data_files: # Exclude all the file resources related to the Mirage # full_duration features profile if 'matched.fp_id' in i_file: continue if 'fp.created.txt' in i_file: continue if 'fp.details.txt' in i_file: continue if 'csv.features.transposed.csv' in i_file: continue # Specifically include the required files if 'graphite_now' in i_file: copy_files.append(i_file) echo_metric_txt = '%s.txt' % base_name if echo_metric_txt in i_file: copy_files.append(i_file) echo_metric_json = '%s.json' % base_name if echo_metric_json in i_file: copy_files.append(i_file) if 'mirage.graphite' in i_file: copy_files.append(i_file) if 'mirage.redis' in i_file: copy_files.append(i_file) # Copy the required files to the new training_data dir for i_file in copy_files: copying_filename = os.path.basename(i_file) dest_file = '%s/%s' % (metric_training_data_dir, copying_filename) if not os.path.isfile(dest_file): try: shutil.copy(i_file, metric_training_data_dir) #'ionosphere_echo :: training data copied - %s' % (i_file)) except shutil.Error as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: shutil error - training data not copied to %s' % metric_training_data_dir) logger.error('error :: ionosphere_echo :: %s' % (e)) # Any error saying that the directory doesn't exist except OSError as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('%s' % trace) logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: OSError error - training data not copied to %s' % metric_training_data_dir) logger.error('error :: %s' % (e)) calculated_feature_file = '%s/%s.tsfresh.input.csv.features.transposed.csv' % ( metric_training_data_dir, base_name) calculated_feature_file_found = False fp_csv = None if os.path.isfile(calculated_feature_file): calculated_feature_file_found = True fp_csv = calculated_feature_file 'ionosphere_echo :: calculated features file is available - %s' % (calculated_feature_file)) echo_json_file = '%s.mirage.redis.%sh.json' % ( base_name, str(full_duration_in_hours)) if not calculated_feature_file_found: 'ionosphere_echo :: calculating features from mirage.redis data ts json - %s' % (echo_json_file)) str_created_ts = str(created_ts) try: fp_csv, successful, fp_exists, fp_id, log_msg, traceback_format_exc, f_calc = calculate_features_profile( skyline_app, str_created_ts, base_name, context) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: failed to calculate features') continue else: 'ionosphere_echo :: using available calculated features file') if os.path.isfile(calculated_feature_file):'ionosphere_echo :: calculated features - %s' % (calculated_feature_file)) else: logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: failed to calculate features no file found - %s' % calculated_feature_file) continue # Create the new settings.FULL_DURATION features profile ionosphere_job = 'learn_fp_human' fp_learn = False try: fp_id, fp_in_successful, fp_exists, fail_msg, traceback_format_exc = create_features_profile( skyline_app, created_ts, base_name, context, ionosphere_job, mirage_fp_id, generation, fp_learn) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: failed to create a settings.FULL_DURATION features profile from fp_id %s for %s' % (str(mirage_fp_id), base_name)) continue if not fp_in_successful: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error( 'error :: ionosphere_echo :: create_features_profile failed') continue else: echo_created_fp_count += 1 'ionosphere_echo :: new generation %s features profile with id %s settings.FULL_DURATION created from parent feature profile with id %s' % (str(generation), str(fp_id), str(mirage_fp_id))) del echo_create_fd_fp_for if engine: echo_engine_disposal(engine) 'ionosphere_echo :: created %s of %s FULL_DURATION features profile that were to be created for %s' % (str(echo_created_fp_count), str(echo_create_fd_fp_for_count), base_name)) return
def list_inactive(self): """Returns a list of banwords that are currently inactive.""" return list( self.dbsession.query(Banword).filter( and_( == False)) # noqa: E712 .order_by(desc(